The Stone People Speak - Introduction

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

The Stone People Speak

The Stone People spoke to me. It was cool in the cave, and the dark silence was complete except for the occasional dripping of water from the invisible ceiling. I felt its fine mist on my head and shoulders. The cool walls, sometimes covered with slowly seeping water, felt solid and strong as I ran my fingers along them. Occasional deep pools were embraced by floors of massive rock, the absolute silence in the cave also upon their still surface. Though the air felt chilly, there was also warmth inside, an aliveness that the rough, dry, cool stones might not at first seem to suggest. I sat on the rugged rock surface of the floor, enfolded in walls of ancient stone, and I relaxed and let the feeling of the rocks envelop me. I let my awareness extend into the darkness until the cavern’s silence filled with the “voices” of the stones. Expanded past my limited sense of self, connected with the spirit of the stones, I heard them sharing with me in a language beyond words or ordinary understanding. Soon, the soft whispers that initially caressed my mind turned to thunder as the voices from all of earth’s stones began to speak. In communion with the stones, I felt as if I was in the presence of something that was infinitely ancient and wise.

Since I have worked with crystals and gems for more than forty years, I was moved to ask, “What else needs to be communicated about stones and crystals that we stone workers need to know now?” The stones responded in words that echoed within:

“The powers and ways to work with crystals and gems, whether it be spiritual, with angels or other light beings, embedded messages, healing or personal growth, have all been well explored, yet there is no doubt more depth to explore. However, you have forgotten something important. In your focus on crystals, gems, and other special stones, you have forgotten about ordinary rock. By ignoring the rest of the rocks around you while only paying attention to crystals and gems, you are out of balance, and so is your work. It is the same as trying to grow a tall tree without growing its roots. By doing so, it will weaken and eventually topple. Crystals and stones are rocks, so to know them you need to experience the entire world of rock. You must now sink your awareness deeply into the stone mass of the earth to strengthen and broaden your work. So grounded, you can reach higher into the skies.”

The voices of the Stone People continued to elaborate within me: “Intricately connected with every crystal and gem is a matrix of other rock. This matrix has much more importance than just existing to surround the crystal or gem. Since the gem or crystal emerged from the matrix as a result of differing minerals and geologic forces, the energetic influence of the matrix always remains within the crystal. The matrix also connects the crystal or gemstone to all the other rock on the planet. In other words, the crystal’s rock matrix is connected to the rock surrounding it, which is connected to an even larger rock mass, perhaps a cliff, which is part of a larger land mass, the mountain and land it’s on, and so on, until you include the entire planet.”

As I listened to these words resounding within, I soon felt as if I was dissolving into the surrounding rock, connecting even more deeply to feel embraced in their silent communication and held in their ageless strength, no difference between us. I felt like rock itself—solid, massive, ancient, and knowing. Centered in the stone, I felt my mass grow huge until I expanded to become all the rock composing our planet, infinitely alive, peacefully and harmoniously still. Even though solid, I was also pulsating with life force and beingness.

Then my focus shifted outward, and I perceived an infinite vastness of space through which my planet-like self hurtled in a cosmic choreography and perfect balance with all of the other forms surrounding me, all whirling in such similarity that it was as if we all were still. As this vision unfolded before my inner eye, the Stone People continued to speak to me.

“Even as crystals, gems, and all other rocks are of the earth, they are also of the stars, all floating within infinite space in perfect choreography with each other. Rock, humans, the earth, stars, and planets form one whole system … Which is part of another larger system … Which is part of another larger system … And so on into infinity. As such, you are both solid and infinite space, joined as one being, while balanced in perfect harmony with all other forms. It is because of this essential harmony, in which stones, humans, and all other life forms have their grounding, that you are able to communicate if you know the language.



More than ever before, I understood how important it is to pay attention to all stones, not just the gems and crystals, but even regular rocks. We may think that working with ordinary stones will keep us earthbound, having little to offer other than grounding. Yet, if we pay attention, we will find that they are pulsing with life and to work with them doesn’t mean that we aren’t working in the higher planes. Just as the earth is part of an infinitely larger universe, a gem or crystal is also part of a larger matrix of surrounding stone, so to pay attention to the matrix as much as the crystal or gem is to understand the entire stone, thereby expanding our awareness.

This understanding sinking deeply into my consciousness, I gradually became aware of my body against the cave’s rocky surface. The chill in the vast cavern overcoming me, I rose and began to walk, my footsteps echoing ahead as my hands skimmed the slick surfaces of the stone walls. Soon I began to see light beams distantly spilling down from a sunlit opening centered in the cavern’s vast ceiling. I couldn’t resist traveling forward as shimmering red-gold colors and sparkling crystals called to me. Drawn forward, I could hear the voices still whispering within me. Carefully bracing myself on the jagged edges of the increasingly visible rocks, I climbed forward to stand in the light and let it pour over my head and pool around my body.


The voices of the Stone People call to me from within beams of light to a new beginning.

Balanced upon the solid stone, my body bathed in light, feeling the total connection between the light, myself, and the stone, I understood even more: the rocks, plants, our body, and essentially all other forms in the universe form a macro-universe that extends infinitely outward, sharing the same elements. But, just as the earth is part of and one with a larger macro-universe, the reverse is also true. By sharing the same elements, the earth also shares in the micro-universe of our bodies, each particle held within an infinite vastness just like a planet in space. Like the roots and branches of a tree, our connection exists both as part of the macro-universe of space and the micro-universe within, our bodies being the bridge. The macro- and micro-universes, separate in nothing but their appearance, form an infinite pattern persisting beyond time and space, a reality contained within all forms.

Understanding the depth of our connection, crystals and all stones can assist us to become a conscious bridge between the macro and microworlds, help us to discern the patterns that create “reality,” and, in so doing, facilitate healing, balance, and self-awareness.

I soon knew it was time to leave. After carefully treading my way through the rocks to find my way downhill, I retraced the path that I had used to enter the cave, searching for the opening that led outside. My mind was absolutely silent, and though I moved, I also felt very still as I proceeded out into the world.