Returning to Earth - My Training and Initiation

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Returning to Earth
My Training and Initiation


Ascend from earth to heaven, and descend again to earth, to unite the power of higher and lower things; thus you will obtain the glory of the whole world, and the shadows will leave you.


In this chapter I would like to describe the descent back to earth. This is the recovery period of the initiation. Some of my thoughts during the recovery period and various things I learned after the initiation are presented here. I want you to understand that what happens after awakening is just as important as the initiation itself. Initiation is just the beginning.

After I completed the initiation I had to return to a state of mental, physical, and spiritual equilibrium. This recovery took a couple of weeks. When I regained stability I was able to continue my training. That training is ongoing to this day. The focus of my work after recovery was on deepening my unity with the Cosmic Father and Universe and developing the mediumistic skills of hearing and seeing in spirit.

Clairaudience I define as being able to hear a spirit speaking or to hear sounds from the world of the spirit. It is distinct from intuition, which is a sense of knowing what a spirit is communicating. Clairaudient sounds subjectively seem to be physical sounds but are of a different character. Covering my physical ears increases the loudness of the clairaudience instead of decreasing it.

Clairvoyance is the skill and ability to see spirits, scenes, and objects presented by spirits. The spiritual sight is similar to physical sight with differences in color, texture, and depth. Spirits and objects seen clairvoyantly can be seen also with the eyes closed. Closing the eyes may intensify the appearance. In my case, I prefer to have my eyes closed, as physical vision tends to interfere with and overpower the spiritual sight. The experience is that of seeing something that has a similar appearance to a physical object. The exact nature of the appearance of spiritual objects and beings is subjective and varies from seer to seer. The appearances will vary according to the mental and spiritual state of the medium.

The method of channeling that I learned after initiation was clairaudience. I was able to channel Edward in the course of writing this book. There are sections where Edward makes comments throughout the book. Edward would dictate to me what to write, and I would transcribe what he said. I would check back with him during the editing process to ensure that my transcription was accurate. I took care to ensure that what Edward had said was written correctly and the content not modified during the editing process. If modification was needed due to grammatical problems, Edward would clarify by dictating to me what corrections needed to be done.

According to Allen Kardec (the pseudonym for Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail) in his 1861 work The Mediums’ Book, I had developed into a hearing medium. He defines this as “an inner voice that speaks to the interior consciousness; sometimes it is an exterior voice clear and distinct as that of a person in the flesh” (Kardec 178). In my case these conversations can come as both audible and non-audible communications. By non-audible I mean a hearing that is not a voice but something sensed in my heart. More often they are audible—that is, when I channel I hear a voice. It is distinct from a physical voice, but the perception is identical to hearing a sound.

After initiation, the building blocks for hearing mediumship were in place. I had to start fine-tuning the skills and abilities that I had gained through my year of training and through the initiation that led to my uniting as a new soul with the Cosmic Father and Universe. This was the connection that would open wide the doors to the spiritual world. The first challenge I faced after the completion of the initiation ritual was distinguishing the shadow voices and visions from the spirits who were trying to communicate with me. As Edward said in the previous chapter, this is the greatest challenge facing a medium.

The post-initiation recovery proved to be difficult. After the ritual I found that I had to learn about the world of the spirit in a new way. That world had been partially opened before initiation. As the year progressed I was able to perceive more, but after initiation I was overwhelmed by it. My body, mind, and spirit had been drastically changed. I had to learn about these changes and how to adapt to them. I also had to continue to maintain my day-to-day life. Learning to cope and adjust was difficult. I found that my husband was a source of help and encouragement during this time. Donald’s stability and strength anchored me. We shared in this experience together and drew strength from each other as our lives were reshaped and remade.

The first lesson taught to me was to learn to control my clairaudient ability. After the initiation I was still able to hear the voices and music from the world of the spirit. I did not understand that the ability could be turned on and off. I thought once I was tuned in to the spirit world, the hearing would stay permanently “on,” just as physical hearing is always “on.” I thought I was going to have to cope with constant noise from the spiritual world.

I had to learn to focus away from the spiritual world and toward the physical world. This skill is the key to controlling psychic perceptions. The music I heard at times was very beautiful, and I wanted to listen to it. I did not really want to be cut off from that beautiful world that was now opened to me. It was difficult to let go of the spirits who had helped me find it.

Unfortunately, the noise from the spirit world was loud enough to interfere with my physical perceptions and distracted me from conversations, reading, and activities of day-to-day living. I was also weakened physically by the ordeal. I was not able to eat normally afterward. These challenges slowed my recovery.

About a day after the ritual, Edward came to me. He said, “You cannot live like this. You must move away from the music and the voices.” This was the first lesson I was to learn after initiation—how to open and close the channel.

I asked him how to do this. He said, “You must focus your mind on the physical world. Focus on Donald and let him help you back.” I spent a day struggling with this. I found that distractions, such as playing music or physical activity, diminished the volume of the spirit sounds but did not silence them. By the end of that day I was thoroughly frustrated. Nothing I did seemed to move me away from the sound of the voices or the music.

Universe spoke to me the next day. She said I had to let go of David Blackburne. She said the attachment I had to him was holding me back. Again I was encouraged to focus on Donald and use him for an anchor. I was reluctant to release David Blackburne. David had been a huge help to me, and I found him easy to trust and work with. I was attached to him. Letting go was hard, but in my heart I knew I had to do it. It was not without a few tears that I surrendered that attachment. The sounds of the spirit world then started to diminish.

Letting go of my teacher was necessary. The relationship had to be reforged and put into proper perspective. The clinging attachment I had to him was not healthy, and in time it could have hurt my relationship with my husband. It interfered with my connection to the Cosmic Father and Universe. This could not go on. I had to continue to grow, and I had to outgrow my dependence on him. At the time I had to take it on faith that the best thing for my development was to eliminate my dependence on David. I wasn’t losing anything. I was exchanging the lesser for the greater. When David was allowed to return, I found the friendship still strong but the dependence was gone.

Universe said, “Donald can help heal you. Open for him.” I was surprised at this. Donald was upstairs writing in his study. How could he help heal me? She said, “He can still do it even if he’s not consciously aware of what is happening.” I opened. I felt his touch on my heart, and my whole being merged with his, bringing some relief from the frustration and fear I was dealing with. I saw a side of my husband I scarcely knew existed. It’s something that is a part of each one of us. It is an amazing and beautiful thing.

Edward: The human soul is a very beautiful thing when it is ministering healing to another human soul. Angels were also ministering healing to you at that time.

Jenny: I was not able to feel them.

Edward: No, you were not able to feel them. You were in jeopardy of being lost between the worlds. You were slow to come back to earth. You did not want to leave heaven.

Over the next couple of days Donald was able to help me focus away from the spiritual world a bit more. It was literally a moment-by-moment struggle. I began to understand the part of the Emerald Tablet that says, “Ascend from earth to heaven and descend again to earth, to unite the power of higher and lower things; thus you will obtain the glory of the whole world, and the shadows will leave you.” I had to fully come back to my physical life. I could not stay trapped between the worlds, and I could not yet live in heaven. In order to realize the full benefit of my initiation, I had to return to earth with the gift I had received there and live my life on earth. The gift was not to be used just for my own benefit but to help others awaken as well.

During the first few days after the initiation ritual I was not hungry and did not eat much other than a bit of vegetable soup. I found out quickly that the wrong food provoked a highly unpleasant reaction both in my ethereal body and my physical body. Fruits and vegetables seemed to be the only things that agreed with me. I had stopped drinking coffee at the beginning of the training, but prior to my initiation I continued to drink tea. I found that after initiation I was no longer able to tolerate caffeine and had to give up tea as well.

Edward: The body after initiation is very fragile. Kundalini does not hurt the human body, but the human body must purify itself after contacting her. The human body becomes different after contact with Kundalini in this way.

After the successful completion of the alchemical initiation I was healed of my sinus problems. Part of my training after initiation involved learning how to use the energy that was raised during the ritual to reduce or eliminate pain. It is possible to eliminate pain without the use of any medications. Opening the area that is painful, in the same way that you open your heart, and allowing the energy to be directed to the painful area provides relief. The greater your focus, the greater the relief. The procedure takes a few minutes, and the effect can last for several hours. Sometimes it eliminates the pain entirely and does not have to be repeated. I was allowed a small dose of painkiller if I could not eliminate the pain after the energy work was done. I went from taking six to ten pills a day to taking one or two a week.

I tried out the energy healing that I learned on my headaches. I no longer had migraine headaches—those seemed to be related to my former sinus problems—but I would still sometimes have headaches related to hormonal changes. I also experienced headaches after the initiation ritual due to medication withdrawal. My hip and back pain also continued to decrease and now only cause occasional discomfort if I exercise or do significantly greater activity at work than normal.

The alterations in my diet had to be done. I noticed immediately post-initiation that my food tolerances had changed radically. Certain foods, such as meat and corn, caused a flu-like reaction. My stomach was not bothered; the reaction was systemic and very uncomfortable. I found I could only tolerate fish. The systemic reaction to food lasted about a month. By the time I had fully returned my focus to my physical life, the unpleasantness diminished and finally stopped.

I started to experiment with different foods. The primary reason for doing this was to try to control the hip and back pain. I was no longer taking medications but was still a bit uncomfortable. Under Edward’s guidance I modified my diet to help decrease the inflammation.

The effect of living between the worlds was a mental fogginess. As I started to surrender my attachment to my guides and increased my closeness to the divine spirits Cosmic Father and Universe, spirit communications became clearer and more meaningful. The constant noise diminished. My awareness of the physical became sharp and focused again. I came back to earth gradually over the next month or so. The mental fog dissipated.

I was told that all I needed and loved was inside me. My final instructions were to leave the voices and direct my attention deep within. I turned my spiritual focus even more inward. Meditation and trance became far deeper than before initiation. Edward said he would return to teach me when I was balanced and grounded again. I learned that I was bigger on the inside than on the outside. Focusing within and away from the physical opened up this bigger world that was inside of me.

With this new inward focus I was able now to reach any spirit I needed to communicate with. Edward also was accessible by this new method of focusing and communication and would speak to me from his place in eternity and through the Cosmic Father. A good analogy is that we are branches of a tree. In order to communicate through spirit to another branch, we have to go through the Cosmic Father, who is like the trunk of the tree. Reliable spirit communication is accomplished this way. Edward didn’t leave me and come back; he was in eternity with the Cosmic Father. After initiation I too was aware of and connected with the Cosmic Father, so my method of communication had to change to allow me the best and most accurate exchange possible.

I understood more of the meaning of the “one source” and the “one” referred to in the Emerald Tablet, which says, “As all things were formed from one by the thought of one, so all things are born from this one thing, by choice.” I should be able to access anyone or find anything by going through the Cosmic Father and Universe. They were the teachers I now needed. I was a branch from their tree trunk. I only had to go within deep enough to reach them. I had access to anything within Universe I needed. Her body is literally and spiritually the universe. She and the Cosmic Father could guide me to anything or anywhere I needed to go.

Edward was and is a good teacher and close friend. I now learned how Edward had found peace and learned so much: it was through the Cosmic Father and Universe. He had brought me back home. There was much more to learn. I had to renew the relationship and bond with the Cosmic Father and Universe. I needed to learn to trust them again. Edward had led me to them for this purpose. He was fulfilling the Cosmic Father’s direction. This direction was for my greatest benefit. I had to let Edward go as well. In releasing hope of communicating with him again, the descent back to earth became easier and the voices faded into the background noises of the wind, electric fans, and the creaking of the trees.

I went back to work a week after the initiation. In that time my strength and stamina had returned, and I was ready to focus on caring for the sick and elderly patients who needed help. I was back to my new normal self.

One night shortly after the initiation I had an astral projection experience. I was asleep and woke in spirit. I found myself flying about the bedroom. I heard Universe say to me, “Go to your Father.” I felt energy like a great gust of wind buoy me up, and I heard his voice say “gotcha,” and I was placed back into my body.

It was quite fun and exhilarating. I was game for more. He said to me, “If you want to share this with others, that is how you do it.” I said, “I do want to help others.” He said, “I know you do, but first let’s do this again. Come up.”

I felt the wind again buoy me up. This time I really enjoyed it and was laughing. He caught me again, placed me down, and said, “Now try to do it.” He didn’t call this time, and I could not do it by myself.

I woke up.

It took a while to understand what this meant. I had been trying to control everything. I had to let go and return to earth in order to gain strength. The key lies in trusting Universe and trusting the Cosmic Father. I had been trying to do, and I needed instead to let go and allow. This is something that was extremely difficult for me. This vision was about total trust. More than anything, the Father wanted and needed my trust in him and in Universe so that they could help me.

I know of few things more frustrating as a nurse than trying to help someone who either won’t accept the help they need or actively works against what you are trying to do to help them. I had been doing this with the Cosmic Father most of my life. I had been trying to run things instead of remaining open to the guidance of a being who can see better than me and who is far more capable of assisting me in my life on earth. At best I had only been trusting him part of the way, then taking back my trust and going it alone again.

In order to help others, I had to learn to trust in Universe and the Cosmic Father because I don’t know the best way to do the things I want to do. In truth, I cannot see inside other people unless it is revealed to me, and I don’t always know what is the best way to help them. In seeking fulfillment of that desire to help, I have to totally trust the Cosmic Father and Universe and become a channel for them. That open channel, the clear glass, is the best help I can give.