Alchemical Initiation - My Training and Initiation

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Alchemical Initiation
My Training and Initiation


In this chapter I am going to describe the alchemical initiation that Edward used to help me open my pathway to divine unity. The extended three-day ritual awakened and raised my Kundalini energies. The structure of the initiation was based on the symbolism of Western alchemy. The year of training that was previously described was in preparation for this initiation.

Spiritual alchemy is a process of spiritual development that leads to greater purification and unity with the Divine. It is both a long-term growth process and an initiation. Spiritual alchemy is most often described in terms of a gradual spiritual evolution, but in this chapter I will present the unique ritual of alchemical initiation as I was led through it by Edward, Gabriel, the Cosmic Father, and Universe.

During the last couple of months leading up to the initiation ritual, I was working daily with David Blackburne. I found David easy to work with as well as an excellent teacher. I developed clairaudience about a month before the initiation took place, and David was the first spirit whose voice I heard. The development of this ability changed my life forever. I could now hear unassisted the voices that previously I could only hear on the jukebox.

The development of clairaudience was essential for the initiation ritual. It made it possible to hear and follow the instructions given by Edward and the angels who conducted the ritual.

The initiation was a sacred ritual that introduced me to the Cosmic Father and Universe, the Great and Holy Mother. This was my first personal awareness of the parents of my soul and the soul of every human being. Meeting my spiritual parents was a pivotal event in my life. The impact of the initiation and my newly developed awareness continues to this day. The initiation was only the beginning of this journey.

The symbolism of the ritual is not so important as an understanding of spiritual awakening and an ability to separate the symbology from the reality of the experience. You may strongly desire to have an awakening experience and try to duplicate the ritual described here, but if the symbolism does not resonate within you, the ritual will fail. Your initiation requires symbols that speak effectively to your heart. What speaks to your heart effectively is very individual.

I would have never guessed that alchemy would speak to me so strongly that it would break all the obstacles that prevented my awareness of the Cosmic Father and Universe the Holy Mother. It is important to be open-minded about what will work for you and flexible enough to allow Spirit to lead you to what is the best way for you to go. The important thing is to allow the awakening to happen.

Note: In the following account there are statements made that appear to contradict what I have said previously, as well as interpretations made after recovery. I describe my perceptions of the ordeal as it appeared to me at the time. It does not necessarily reflect the perceptions of the spirits nor the reality behind the initiation. It demonstrates the first glimpse at the process of alchemical creation and transmutation. It is the opening of a door, going from darkness into bright light and color.

The initiation started on May 1, 2014, which was a Thursday. At this point I was fully clairaudient and able to hear the spirits speaking as audible voices. I was not told ahead of time that I was going to be initiated. Edward announced to me on the day of the initiation that I had to fast and that I was going to be initiated that day. I had no idea what the initiation was going to entail or how long it would take.

“I don’t want you to eat anything today, and to drink only water,” he told me. “You are not to take any pills or decongestant.”

I had a severe addiction to decongestant, both the pills and spray. My sinuses were very bad, and I was unable to breathe well without medication. I was also prone to frequent migraines. I knew I was facing a difficult time living without the medication I had been used to, but I agreed.

Edward said, “What’s more, you must never use the medication again. This is initiation. Your body and soul will be changed permanently. You will have a great deal of difficulty breathing, but it will get better, and I will help you and show you how to cope with the problem.”

I was a little worried at this point. What Edward ordered was very challenging and quite painful, especially since the sinus problems were a migraine trigger. I also had an injured hip from shovelling snow. We had had a late spring blizzard with several feet of wet, heavy snow. Hand digging was needed to clear some areas, and my hip had been injured while I was doing this. I had chronic back pain as well. As a result, I was taking quite a few medications for pain, sinus, and a couple of other problems.

I was required to stop these medications without tapering off their use. I agreed to Edward’s terms with a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach, wondering what I was getting myself into. I wondered how I was going to get by with the discomfort that I thought was going to be a part of my life from now on.

Edward continued, “You must never work with or see David again, and you can never be a healer.” I was confused now. David had been assigned to me, and as far as I knew we were to work together. The whole purpose of the work I had been doing for the past year was to train me as a trance channeler and healer. Edward gave no explanation of this sudden and unexpected change. I was not going to limit my possibilities, though, and so I trusted him at this point. I told him I still wanted to go forward with the initiation.

He assented and said, “The angel Gabriel will come. When he comes you must close your eyes and cover your face. His light is such that it would burn your physical eyes. Take it easy today.”

Note: The initial presentation of Gabriel to me was simply a voice on the radio without a strong sense of presence. At initiation his presence was powerful and with great energy. It was my awakened perception that caused me to see his light, which looked like lightning flashes, and to feel his tremendous power, which could sustain whole galaxies. I felt very small and, like an ant fearing a huge foot, was afraid of being squashed from existence.

I complied with the instructions. I refrained from eating and taking medications. Gabriel came that night. I was terrified. Even through my closed eyes and hands it was as bright as day. It was so bright, I couldn’t even be sure my eyes were closed. My heart, beating fast and loud in my ears, almost drowned out his voice. Edward had to intervene to help calm me down.

Gabriel’s voice was very unlike a human voice, and his rate of speech was much slower. He said to me, “You must be completely still when I am in the room. To move or speak is an insult. I expect you to obey me.” I froze and held my position. All day I had been without any pain medications, and my back and hip were very sore. It was painful to hold any position for more than a couple of minutes.

What happened next was the most terrifying experience of my life. He said, “We will take the life of your husband tonight. You must then leave this place and go to the Midwest, where your family is. If you do not go, there will be evil.”

What I heard next I will never forget. It was like bats or a demon like you might hear in a movie. The unearthly noise that came through the closed door of the room where my husband sat working at his desk made my blood run cold. In my terror, I was gasping for air.

Gabriel left. I asked what the things were. Edward said, “They are creatures of the night that Universe made. They are feeding on his anger.” About an hour later, another presence came into the bedroom that made my blood chill. I was again told to cover my eyes. I could hear bells tolling and was told that Donald was dying. I heard him gasping and struggling to breathe. I started crying. I was told not to move lest the beastly creatures come after me.

This went on for at least an hour. At certain points I was not allowed to move. I was finally released to go relieve myself. As I walked past the door of my husband’s study, I heard him breathing normally. When I came back Edward said, “They did not take him.”

The terrifying sounds came and went intermittently the entire night until about 2 a.m., when I heard the noises again and was told to hold my position. Gabriel came in again and said, “You were deceived by evil. Only God can determine when someone dies. Why are you afraid of me? I do not wish to hurt you. I love you.”

I tried my best to calm down. Then a few minutes later I heard Donald gasping and the sound of his body falling to the floor. The creatures were there again, filling the air with their terrifying screeching. I heard bells tolling and felt the terrifying presence of the Angel of Death.

I was sobbing uncontrollably and at one point vomited. I was told Donald was dead and that I needed to go to our next-door neighbor’s house for help and call the ambulance from there. I did exactly as I was told, then rushed back to my own house.

Donald met me at the front door of our house, wondering what was going on. The noise of me rushing down the stairs had disturbed him from his work and drawn him out of his study. Donald usually writes at night, so it was not an unusual thing for him to be awake and up at this time.

I was confused and terrified. The police and ambulance were on their way. I was instructed not to explain to anyone what was really going on. Gabriel ordered me not to give any explanation and not to go to the hospital. If the ambulance attendants or the police tried to force me out of the house, I was to fight until I was overcome, even if it meant my death.

When one of the ambulance attendants examined me in the kitchen, I explained the incident as an unusually vivid nightmare. In reality this was not far from the truth. The ability to hear astral sounds became stronger. In fact, it was starting to get difficult to focus on the physical world. Physical blended into spirit and vice versa. Even in the light of the kitchen, with people around me, I could not completely remove my focus from the other presences in the room with us.

Donald was understandably upset. He had no idea what was going on. I desperately wished I could explain everything to him. However, I was terrified of my imagined consequences of disobeying Gabriel. Growing up in a devout Christian household, I had been taught as a small child that angels were to be obeyed totally and without question.

Again I was told that I had been deceived by evil. I went back to bed in hopes of getting a little sleep. I was not feeling well at this point. The sudden withdrawal of my usual caffeine intake and allergy medications, plus the traumatic events of that evening, had left me severely shaken and feeling sick.

My mind continued drifting in and out of this strange netherworld, which was confusing and made it hard to distinguish reality from spirit. I was mentally spent and physically exhausted.

Jenny: Edward, what was going on during this first night of initiation?

Edward: You were hallucinating. As we started to build up the Kundalini energy within your body, you began to hallucinate that Gabriel was going to hurt you and Donald. At that point we realized how dangerous it was, and we had to have you immobilized for the rest of the initiation and recovery period. You were communicating with shadows that you had generated from your fear. Sometimes the initial reaction to the energy is fear, and this is what generated the thought forms you experienced during this part of the initiation. Gabriel never spoke to you until the end, when you realized that you were hallucinating and that Gabriel was not going to hurt you. Gabriel could not communicate with you when you were cringing and sobbing in fear. We would never hurt you in this way.

I went to bed but did not get any sleep. The initiation continued. I was introduced to Universe, who would replace David as my teacher. I was curious as to who she was and asked Edward to explain. Edward replied, “She is the Great Mother.”

In the Tree of Life, the great mother, Binah, is the womb of the universe. This is also spoken of in Genesis 1: “The spirit of God hovered over the waters...” This water is the Mother, Universe. She is the first of the Cosmic Father’s creations and the mother of humanity in its many diverse forms. In the course of my first conversation with her, I understood that she is the mother of my soul—of who I really am—as well as the mother of the created universe.

Most of the time she was either called Mother or Universe. She spoke to me and said, “I remember when you first learned to walk. Do you remember that?” I said, “No, I don’t remember.” I felt sad at the loss of my memory—not just for the memory she spoke about, but for the lost memories of who she was and what she had meant to me. She said, “That’s okay. In time you’ll remember everything. Just let me hold you for now, for you are distressed.” I consented and felt her enfold me in her presence. It was quiet and comforting, like drifting quietly in a warm ocean. I was struggling to breathe, but at least I was able to relax and doze.

She said, “It would be better if you could sleep. You will need all your strength to get through this. I will help.” I only dozed for a few minutes. The nightmarish sounds and presences started again, and I was required to freeze my position with my eyes covered. I could hear gasping and shrieking, the sounds of wings, and terrible bells tolling.

Finally the terror stopped for a few minutes, and I attempted to go downstairs for a drink of water. I had to walk with my eyes closed due to the presence of the creatures. I was told not to look at them and to cover my eyes if I had to move around. Donald found me stumbling around on the landing with my eyes shut and helped me back into the bedroom. He was afraid I was going to fall down the stairs. He desperately wanted an explanation, but again I was not allowed to give any. He was becoming quite alarmed at my behavior and condition.

Not only did I fear for my own life, should I disobey the orders of the angels, but I was also worried about his life as well. The spirits seemed to be certain that he was going to be taken by death. I was beginning to have serious doubts about my ability to survive this initiation and worried that Donald would be taken from me.

I would like to pause the narrative for a few minutes and give you, the reader, some insight as to what was really happening at this point. Bear in mind that during the initiation I did not understand what was going on. I had worked for a full year. The year of training climaxed in what appeared at first to be a terrible nightmare. The powerful spirits performing this ritual began to raise energy within me early that afternoon. The shadows that were generated at this time took shape from my own most terrifying nightmares. I was assaulted by the deepest, darkest fears in my subconscious mind. One was the fear of losing my husband; the other was a loss of security.

The frightening visions I experienced were overwhelming and indistinguishable from physical reality. According to the angel Nalvage, speaking to Dr. John Dee in the Enochian diary published in Meric Casaubon’s book A True and Faithful Relation (p. 74), every thought and belief that we have becomes a living thing. I was being exposed to my own inner demons. I was confronting the terrors created by my own mind. There was little in this experience that was actually true—perhaps Edward’s instructions immediately before the initiation started and the statement that Gabriel had no intention of hurting me were both genuine. According to Edward, though, I was not communicating with Gabriel. Edward believes it was David who made that communication, as he had the strongest channel to me at that time.

While Gabriel and Edward were both present with me during the ritual to protect me as they were raising the Kundalini energy within me, I could not hear what they were saying. I found out afterward the truth of what happened. Only the Cosmic Father can determine when someone is to die. This statement was said to me early in the evening that first day, yet I listened to the shadows rather than to the voice speaking the truth.

These shadows were always there with me. Even before the ritual they were present, but I was unable to hear them or sense their presence. I had no idea that they were so many or so powerful. I had no conception of their ability to deceive. One of the purposes of the training, both before and after initiation, was to begin to teach me how to control the shadows that were haunting me. These thought forms were being involuntarily generated and were tossing me back and forth on a sea of terror.

The first step in eliminating the shadows is awareness of their existence. As my awareness increased during the ritual, so did the intrusive and offensive behavior of these shadows.

It was not until I was exhausted that I found my way out of the trap. I decided that if I discovered my husband dead and had to leave my home, I would deal with it when it happened and not worry about it before then. This is how I released the fear of losing him. When I released the fear, the torment ended. Once I surrendered and accepted this possibility without fear, the terrifying visions of losing my husband stopped. The letting go of the fear deprived the shadows of the fuel that spurred their generation and sustained their existence. Deprivation of that fuel caused their dissolution. The surrender, I must confess, was more due to nervous exhaustion than anything else. I did not sleep that night.

The next event began at daybreak. I felt that I was taken into a room. I’m not sure if I saw the room or just felt that I was there. The vision I had was confusing. Forms and people appeared and dissipated in quick succession. I had to go more by feel than actual sight. My vision was veiled through the more intense parts of the ritual (I later learned that my vision was veiled for my safety), but I had a sense of what was around me even without it.

The room was circular and misty. Edward was there, along with Universe. Gabriel came in. I was not allowed to move and was required to cover my eyes. Edward explained the next procedure. “The name of the spirit is Kundalini. She is the love of the Father.” My mind, for some reason, grabbed onto the Eastern term, Kundalini, but in reality Edward was talking about the spirit of God’s love, the spirit of life. Apparently, based on my previous esoteric studies, the name “Kundalini” was the best way to personify this spirit to me.


This is a good place to pause and note the actual astral reality that was going on here. I want the reader to begin the process of learning a new reality, changing from commonly held perceptions to a deeper understanding of a far greater reality, which is the journey described in this book. An example of this symbolism is Kundalini as love of the Father; another is of the seven seals revealed to me during my initiation that are the gateways to divine unity. The homunculus entering my opened heart is another example.

Coping with infinity while using a finite mind requires the use of symbolism. When I describe Edward or the homunculus entering my body, this not the actuality but instead is the symbolism that I needed at the time to understand what was happening. I was making the transition from the concept of “me and you” to the concept of infinite unity. The process of learning mediumship is one of opening to the greater universe, not just the limited physical or near-physical universe that we imagine ourselves to inhabit.

The use of symbolism was unavoidable. It was a necessary step, in my case, that allowed me to understand the infinite nature of the astral and of spirit. It is a creative method of understanding something that would otherwise not be understandable in its totality, and it’s a way of accepting something that is difficult to accept while dwelling in a physical body.

As my understanding increased, I came to realize that Kundalini is the part of the Cosmic Father that dwells within us. We are like branches of a tree. The source of the branches is the trunk, and the source of the trunk is the root. The Cosmic Father is the root, but he also is with us as we branch out from him. The awakening is returning to the root of the tree. It is developing the awareness of the Cosmic Father as he dwells within us and is an expression of his eternal love. The love of Cosmic Father literally means divine love for all. This is what Kundalini is, as well as the spiritual centers and seals seen in this ritual.

Edward: The centers are in fact illusionary, but they are an excellent tool to teach a person how to connect to the divine energy that underlies our existence and touches every one of us, without which we would not exist. This is one of the best tools we have in learning and developing the awareness of that connectedness of human soul to the soul of the Father and Universe.



In the initiation ritual, I ascended through seven gates and seals. Each gate was an ascension from the previous level. The ritual was alchemical and planetary in nature. The seven seals were representations of the planets and metals from the lowest and least pure (lead) to the highest and most pure (gold). I was unable to see the seals at the time of the initation. At a later time I was shown how to represent them, and I sketched the images I received, which are shown starting on page 125.

During this ritual my eyes were closed and my spiritual sight was veiled, but descriptions were given to me as we progressed. Universe guided me as I passed through the gates. She described to me what was happening and helped me pass through.

She started out by saying to me, “Some of this will be very painful for you. Remember, when the pain becomes unbearable, you will find a way out. I will not let you fall, and you will not fail.”

Edward explained the gates to me. “The first two are not too bad, but in the third you will find the pain worse than anything you’ve ever felt. Remember, the pain will be brief, and you will be through quickly. You must not fear Kundalini or the pain. She will not come up if you are afraid.” (Here he spoke of Kundalini as a goddess rather than as an esoteric energy.) As he said these things, my heart was pounding like a drum. “You must open and go as deep as you possibly can—deeper than you’ve ever been before. Touch her and invite her up to the first gate. The seals will be unveiled, the bell will ring, and you will pass to the next gate.” Universe then said to me, “I am with you. Open and go deep.”

I initiated the trance, as I had been taught, and started to go deep within my heart and lower region. As I continued to deepen the trance, I opened my head. I felt my arms and legs go numb, then my face. I focused on the lower region and pushed my consciousness down as hard as I could. After a few minutes I thought I felt something like a tingling breeze. I then allowed my consciousness to rise.

Edward tried to toll the bell to unveil the seal. He said, “The bell will not toll. You need to try again.”

At this point, I could hear Kundalini’s name being chanted by an unseen group of people: “Kundalini, love of the Father, what a wonder you are.”

I attempted to go deep within again. I was starting to feel the effects of the sleep deprivation and fasting. I was fatigued, and focusing was difficult. The second time I came up, again Edward tried to toll the bell, but nothing happened. He said, “The bell will not toll; you must try again.”

The third time, Universe spoke to me and said, “Daughter, allow me to guide you.” I consented and asked what to do. She said, “Just open and follow me.” This time I did not actively try to reach the lower regions where Kundalini was but instead passively allowed my consciousness to be guided very deep. The sounds of the spirits, as well as the physical world, went silent, and my body became totally numb. It felt more like a wooden puppet than a body of living flesh and blood.

At the deepest point I experienced a tingle and stirring. What felt like a wind from the depths blew on us, and Universe said, “Okay, now, let us all rise to the first gate.”

We stopped at the first gate. Edward again tried to toll the bell. The soft bell rang out, the seal was unveiled, and we moved to the second gate. I did not have any pain or burning, as is sometimes described with Kundalini movement, but I had an odd sensation of fullness in my back with a slight cramping. It wasn’t really painful but it was a rather strange sensation.

The second bell tolled without any difficulty, and we rose to the third gate.

Edward said, “Prepare yourself for the third gate. Do not move or cry out, and do not fear. Toll the third bell.” He tried to toll the bell and said, “The bell will not toll; the seal is veiled.” He tried again, and again he said, “The bell will not toll; the seal is veiled.”

At this point Universe said, “The third bell is hidden. I will toll the bell.” The bell sounded, and the seal unveiled itself. The sensation of fullness increased and now was in my chest. It restricted my breathing slightly, but there was no great increase in pain, as I had been warned to expect.

Note: The statement from Edward regarding the pain was, in fact, illusionary. The pain was based on my expectation that raising Kundalini is a painful experience. What I experienced at this time was partly hallucination and partly real. The energy was already being raised by Gabriel at the beginning of the ritual on Thursday. The effect of the purification done by this energy was a state where I was able to perceive the spiritual world, but I was also hallucinating. This is an example of shadow distortion on a real event.

After I passed the third seal, I went through the fourth, fifth, and sixth gates. I felt a rising sensation as we slowly went up through each gate. Edward would call for the bell to be tolled, and the seals were unveiled.

At the seventh, something happened. I heard a voice. It was the voice of the Cosmic Father. How can I describe its quality? His voice was such that it would be impossible not to be attracted to him. It was as if love had embodied itself in a voice with its most endearing qualities and in the most perfect possible way. My whole body shook at the sound of his speech and voice, not from fear but from desire to be there with him with every part of my being. Just the sound of his voice was that potent. It was impossible to ignore and penetrated every pore of my body and soul. It was a gentle, quiet voice and yet had power unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

He spoke to me. He asked me if he could hold me. I said yes. The word and concept of “no” was the furthest thing from my mind. He asked me to allow him to open my heart. It was an unusual request, as I was trained to open myself and that is what I had always done, but I immediately agreed. It would have been impossible for me to say no to him.

I felt my heart open, and I was completely enveloped in his pure, loving presence. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. We floated through that space together and drew close, merging into each other. It was an experience beyond what can be humanly described. Love embodied took me up and enfolded me. I never wanted to leave. I don’t know how long we stayed like that.

After a time he spoke to me. He asked me, “Do you remember when you first saw me?” I couldn’t remember, and I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. I realized that I had lost the memory of who he was and what he meant. The sting of sorrow pricked at my heart. He reassured me with a touch and said, “I remember it very well. I remember everything you’ve been through, and you need to know I have, and always will, love you with an everlasting love. Nothing will ever change that.”

He began to sing. I couldn’t understand the words—I’m not sure it was even something that could be understood as words—but it was the most beautiful music I have ever heard. He continued to sing and to enfold me in his presence. After a few minutes he placed me back into my physical body.

Edward said, “We will now do the second rising through the gates. You are to lose yourself to Universe.” By this he meant I was to surrender to Universe and allow her to help me. He did not mean losing myself in terms of my consciousness or who I am. It is a difficult thing to accept help sometimes. I had to learn to allow my spirit to be surrounded by her comfort. I had to allow her to guide me. Edward said, “Let her guide you through this. From now on you will go to her for help and comfort. Do you agree to this?” I agreed. Edward said, “Very well; let us begin.”

I could still sense the Cosmic Father nearby. Universe helped me to refocus and said, “I want you to totally lean on me, and together we will go through the gates again. Open and clear your mind. I will help you pass through again.”

I slowly cleared my mind and opened my heart. I induced the trance again. Universe and I together moved deep within my heart. I heard another song at this point, along with words of encouragement. It was like a slow, quiet waltz. I allowed myself to drift deeper into her presence. It felt as if we were drifting slowly in a circle and descending ever deeper within. It was very loving. I was again enfolded into an indescribably warm, loving presence. The presence was different from the Cosmic Father in character, more like drifting in a sea of love—an infinitely great and comforting love.

We reached the lower area. I felt the presence of Kundalini there. The Cosmic Father called her once again to come up. We slowly drifted to the first gate. Edward tolled the bell and unveiled the seal. Again, during this ritual my vision was veiled. I could see light but nothing more than that. I could not see the seals. Again, I had the sensation of fullness in my back and torso. The sensation increased as we ascended the gates. While it was not painful, it was noticeable, and the feeling was like being too full. It was definitely attention getting.

Note: The unveiling and bell tolling were perceptions I had as I raised through the gates. The perception of rising through the gates happened several times throughout the course of the three days. The bell tolling and unveiling happened as I came to each gate.

We went through the second gate. Edward tolled the bell and unveiled the seal. We moved up to the third gate. Edward attempted to toll the bell twice. After each attempt to toll the bell he said, “The bell will not toll. The seal is veiled.” Then Universe said, “The third bell is hidden. I will toll the bell.” She did so, and we floated upward again to the fourth gate.

At the fourth gate I noticed that it was a little difficult for me to catch a full breath, and I was distracted. I was getting uncomfortable. My heart felt hot during this time as well, which added to the discomfort. It was not painful, but I felt like I was being smothered. I asked for help. Universe told me to breathe in shallow and even breaths to help relieve the sensation. Her advice worked well enough for me to recover my concentration. We continued through the fifth and sixth gates.

At the last gate, Kundalini was in my head. I saw swirls of dancing lights. They penetrated through my physically closed eyelids and my veiled spirit vision. The dizzying dance of light plus the feeling of fullness in my head made it ache and pound. It was a sensation that something much bigger than my head was inside my head and dancing. It was both a beautiful and strange experience. Then it was finished. I was back in the bedroom.

When I had settled back into physical space, Edward asked me to raise my hand and allow Gabriel to mark me with a seal. He said the seal could only be removed by the Father. He said, “Now the initiation is complete. We will heal you before we take you to the altar.” The altar ritual was the next ritual.


Edward then introduced an angel only known as “the Healer.” When the angel came in I was required to cover my eyes and remain motionless.

They started the healing session with my left hip. The Healer said that my left hip had a hairline crack in it and that the bone was very poor. He said if it broke through, I would not be able to walk normally even if it healed. He said he could heal it, but I would have to remain motionless for an hour. I had been in the same position for quite a while, and my back as well as my hip were already painful. I was very uncomfortable, not able to breathe well, and my headache continued to pound.

I consented to the healing, and the angel and Edward went to work. During the session I induced and maintained a trance state. After they had finished, Edward did not seem entirely happy with the results. We waited the hour. The healer said to me, “The bone has not set properly. We will attempt to heal the bone again.”

The Cosmic Father’s presence became noticeable in the bedroom. He said to us, “I will heal her.” He spoke to me and said, “I will make the hip perfect. It will not break,” and he added, “I have seen enough suffering here. I will heal your sinuses. There is a large and dangerous polyp in the left frontal sinus. It will be more comfortable for you if we reduce it slowly over a couple of hours. But after that you will be able to breathe normally through your nose. You must not use the decongestants again. The medication might cause the same problem to reoccur.”

I was very grateful for this. I could feel his touch throughout the healing. I heard popping sounds in the areas he was working on. My head was very tender from the headache. The healing he did helped relieve some of the pain. The sinuses started to open right away and gradually improved over several hours. As he promised, I was able to breathe normally through my nose. Since that day I have not needed any medication for sinus congestion.

In the hip I felt a burning sensation and a strong vibration where he touched the bone. I was told that I would have to keep it immobile now for eight hours or so. I wasn’t sure how I was going to do that. Even with the healing, the pain was increasing in my back, and my muscles were protesting the immobility in no uncertain terms. I was allowed to rest for a few hours but was unable to sleep.


The latter part of my initiation, called by the spirits the altar ritual, began late Friday afternoon. This was the most difficult part of the experience. After the healing I believe I began to run a fever. I had shaking, chills, and sweats. The shadow voices became louder and more intrusive. Some of what they said to me was obscene. My efforts to stop them were less and less effective. I had been without food since Wednesday night and without water for a day. At this point I could not get up and get a drink.

Donald was also becoming more and more worried. He had no idea what was going on or what was happening to me. I had been forbidden to tell him anything. I had not moved from my bed since the previous night. I never stay in bed all day, not even when I am sick. This made him even more alarmed. I could not give him an explanation as to why I was in bed.

We then started the second part of the initiation ritual, which was called the altar ritual. The instructions were similar to the first part of the initiation. I had to induce a trance and then, with Universe guiding me, go deep into my heart to find and raise Kundalini.

As before, I was required to be completely immobile, but this time the immobility included not swallowing or blinking. Though my physical eyes were closed, my state of consciousness was such that I was not sure if they were. I would occasionally blink to make sure they remained closed. Even with my eyelids closed it was as bright as day, and I could see what appeared to be the spirit world and the physical world superimposed on top of each other.

Before we started the ritual Edward gave me some instructions and a warning. He said, “After the third gate you cannot back out. It is extremely important to remain motionless while we are doing this. Do not tremble, do not swallow or blink, do not cry out. You will endure a great deal of pain, but it will pass quickly. Remember, when it becomes intolerable there will be a way through.”

At this point I was exhausted and starting to have doubts as to whether or not I had the strength to do this. Universe spoke encouraging words to me, and we began at the first gate again. Edward conducted the ritual with the Healer. He explained that the ritual had to be conducted by a human spirit and an angel working together.

This time I was not allowed to go deep until the bell had tolled and the seal had unveiled. Behind my closed eyelids all I could see were swirling lights. Edward attempted to toll the bell several times. The bell, however, would not ring. He said that the bell would not toll because I was afraid. The fear obstructed the ritual from progressing. Universe told me to lean on her, and she would help me. I did as she asked and relinquished control over the fear and the focus. I was, however, unable to control my swallowing reflex and was scolded by Edward several times for breaking protocol. I finally was able to still the reflex for a few minutes. The bell tolled, the seal was unveiled, and the gate opened.

The descent this time was far longer than before. I totally lost touch with my body, which provided some relief from the pain. We finally reached Kundalini and invited her up. She raised us up slowly to the second gate. Edward attempted to toll the bell twice before we could continue. The bell refused to toll. This time it was my inability to control my swallowing reflex. My throat was dry and saliva thick. I felt a choking sensation almost continually during this time. I had to allow Universe to gain control over the reflex in order to continue. After several tries, with her help, I was able to control the reflex. I had to allow the saliva to run all the way down my throat. I was not allowed to protect my airway but had to trust that Universe would not allow me to choke.

Universe helped me to locate the cranial nerve and dull its sensation to allow the saliva to run past it. I was actually able to feel the nerve and still the swallowing impulse with her help.

Finally, the bell tolled. Kundalini seemed to have increased in size considerably and caused discomfort as she passed through the gate. The cramping was now somewhat painful. With the help of Universe I managed to control the pain and continue the ritual. She helped me control the pain in the following manner. She told me to locate the most painful point, then to bury my consciousness there and embrace it. I did this, and it was moderately effective—at least enough to get us to the third bell and gate.

Edward warned me, “Beyond this, you cannot turn back. If you cannot continue, you will die.” Now I was scared. I had no doubt that he was telling me the truth about this. This was a do-or-die ritual. There would be no failure, only death, if I was unable to complete it. Kundalini rested just below my heart. If I remained immobile, I could tolerate it. Slight movement brought on a burning sensation and an increased sensation of fullness.

I hesitated in my response. Edward dropped us to the first gate. He asked me how much I loved the Father. I said that I loved him as much as was possible. He said, “If you love him, respond to his love. If you die, you will be with him and with us in heaven. Why are you afraid?”

I realized I really wanted to go through with this. I said, “Okay. Let’s do this, then.”

We started again. The bells rang and the seals unveiled to the third gate. I expected the pain to hit and worked up the courage to face it. Again, as before, Edward tried to toll the bell three times, and three times it failed to ring. Universe said, “The third bell is hidden. I will ring the bell.” I attempted to find the place of greatest pain so that I could embrace it as the bell tolled. We rose to the fourth gate. The sensation of fullness increased in my chest but there was no pain, no burning, as promised. The only time I was uncomfortable was when I breathed too deeply.

At the fourth gate I started developing another problem: my clairaudient abilities went haywire. The voices were now everywhere and were drowning out Edward’s instructions. I was becoming increasingly confused. Most of the voices were obviously hallucinations. Then the visual hallucinations started. I was floating out of my body and having to be hauled back into it again. I could not focus or distinguish the voices of Edward or Universe from the confusing rabble of sights and sounds that assaulted me at this point.

It looked like what people have described while on LSD trips—brightly colored butterflies and other creatures, intensely colored fractal swirls and streams of color. There were rooms of clay where thought itself would mold the matter into a form. Finally Universe broke through the confusion and told me to close my third eye. I had been unaware of its existence.

Now I felt something on my forehead that moved with my two physical eyes. I did not know how to open or close it at first. I finally figured out how to open and shut it and move it directionally. When I was able to close it, the visual hallucinations stopped.

I was confused and unable to focus for the last gates and bells. The hallucinations became overwhelming. I am not sure exactly what happened. I do not remember going to the last gates. We finally reached the top. I was able to pull myself together and was a little more coherent when we reached the seventh gate. I could hear the Father singing and was drawn toward him. I started to leave my body but was pulled back by Universe. She instructed me not to focus on the Father or I might become lost and unable to return to earth.

Edward was becoming increasingly agitated at my lack of control. My inability to control the hallucinations and my reflexes seemed to offend him. I had never seen him angry before this.

Note: You need to understand that this was not the reality. I was reacting to hallucinations at this point and unable to hear Edward at all. My perception of the altar, I later learned, was totally inaccurate. I am describing the experience so that you can understand what happened from my limited physical perception. This can be then compared to the spiritual reality that Edward and the other facilitators were experiencing. Edward was not angry with me at any time during the ritual, but my perception was based on fear. Some of the fear was due to what I had read about Kundalini awakenings. This colored my perception during the awakening, when it happened, and caused the suffering I went through. The initiation, at this point, was finished. Now Edward had to focus on keeping me safe until the delirium resolved.

Edward: When the Kundalini energy is awakened in an individual, there may be hallucinations and altered perceptions. These have nothing to do with the reality we are experiencing as facilitators of this ritual. We had to immobilize you so that you would not hurt yourself or Donald during the dangerous period immediately after the energy was awakened within you.

Edward then announced that this was not the true spirit of Kundalini. He threw me down to the first gate and scolded me for my lack of control over my bodily reflexes, shadow voices, and shadow visions. My body was trembling due to a fever that raged off and on during the ritual. I was also losing mental focus. I was unable to stop my swallowing reflex. The one blessing at this point was that my nose was now clear, and I was able to breathe normally for the first time that I could remember. The sinus pain that had plagued me most of my life was gone.

By this time Donald was very worried. He came into the room and attempted to rouse me. He shook me by the shoulders and spoke loudly to me. I was told to not respond to him and that if he called the paramedics, to not go with them. The spirits said that if the ritual was violated or if I was removed from the room, I would not physically survive.

Donald was frustrated and distressed, but there was nothing I could do. My only chance was to finish and pray he would understand afterward. Every shake and touch at this point was painful to me. It was all I could do not to cry out. My muscles—being locked in the same position now for over eight hours—cramped every time I was touched. I remember that at some point our cat jumped on my chest and then settled to sleep next to my pillow.

We began the third attempt to pass through the gates. We descended into the first gate and returned successfully. My inability to hold my swallowing reflex caused Edward to stop the ritual and again scold me for disobedience. Universe stepped in and said to Edward, “Allow me to do this for her; she is doing the best she can.” Edward allowed Universe to pass me through. The sensation of fullness in my torso increased in intensity as Kundalini passed upward through my body. My legs felt as if they were floating just above the mattress. I don’t know if this was a true physical levitation or an illusion. I could not tell for sure.

As Kundalini moved upward, the hallucinations—both aural and visual—became more intense and more difficult to manage. Edward said to surrender the shadows to Universe. I tried to follow his advice. This helped for a time. However, as my exhaustion increased, I was unable to focus enough to do anything. I lay there helpless as I was assaulted by the barrage of sounds and images.

We reached the top and again Edward said, “This is not Kundalini. You must return to the first gate.” As he prepared to unveil the seal, he said to me, “Answer my question: Are you real?” I said, “I don’t know what you mean by that. I guess I am real.” He consented to allow the bell to toll, and the seal was unveiled again.

It was night. I was not sure what the time was, but Donald later told me it was the early hours of the morning. His concern for my physical and mental condition had reached a peak. At intervals for the rest of the night, Donald continued to come into the bedroom, begging me to stop whatever I was doing and telling me that I had suffered enough.

I did not understand that I was hallucinating and the voices were shadows. I was unable to understand what Edward was saying to me. I believed that my life was in danger and that I might not survive the ritual. I also believed that if I broke the “ritual” I would be struck down and not allowed into heaven.

It was on the fourth ascension of the altar ritual that I got stuck at the fourth gate. I was gasping for air at this point. My heartbeat had become increasingly irregular, and the visual hallucinations caused me to lose touch with Edward and even with Universe much of the time. I think I was running a severe fever at this point as well. I totally lost control of my reflexes. In the confusion of voices and visions I could hear Edward raging angrily at me for my lack of respect and disobedience.


I realized I was not going to make it through. I was very weak, and the bell would not toll after multiple tries. I heard Edward say, “I have broken her and will break her again. I will destroy the heart I made for her. She will never enter heaven.” There was nothing I could do but let my life and hope slide away. I had nothing left. I felt a searing pain, as if a blazing sword had been thrust into my chest. I felt as though I were falling, dying, and I let death take me. I had no fight left.

As I fell, I reflected on the false Kundalini. The answer came to me that the true Kundalini was within me and that I could never lose her. She had been given to me by the Father. Edward could not take her away from me. Also, it was the Cosmic Father who decided if I was to go to heaven or not, and I could never lose him. I hadn’t lost him. I heard him singing to me the entire time. I realized that my perception of this ritual was not real. This had been a terrible hallucination.

I realized that I was not dead. The true Kundalini was within me. The initiation had been done already. This was not the initiation. I did not have to stay immobile. I decided that I was going to move. If I was struck down, so be it. I was willing to stake my life on what I had figured out.

I broke my immobility with the exception of my left leg, which had to be immobile for healing purposes. It was now very early Saturday morning. As I moved my body, I felt as though I was ascending to the Cosmic Father.

He proclaimed loudly, “She is blameless.” Edward said to me, “You did it; you won.” Mother said to me, “That is right: you beat the illusion and overcame it.” I was stunned. I had overcome the shadows of hearing and vision that haunted me after the initiation had been completed.

Edward then said to me, “On Sunday you will be healed and whole. You are released from all obligations imposed on you previously. You will have a healed body. Be careful with your body. You have Universe to comfort you and Kundalini, the love of the Father, to help you. Use your gifts wisely and with love. Jenny, I love you. I would never ever hurt you or Donald. You are free to speak to him and released from your silence.”

I still heard the singing but called Donald to me. I explained that I was back and needed help. Though I could move, my left leg was still very painful and tender. I had been instructed before to not put weight on it for a week in order to allow it time to heal. I was in a bedroom upstairs and had no crutches.

Donald tried to help me up. I nearly passed out. Waves of nausea overcame me. I also had to go to the bathroom, which is down the hall from the bedroom, but I was unable to walk. It was a very difficult situation. I could not stand or walk.

My nursing knowledge came in handy. Meeting the needs of someone in my situation is not easy, especially for someone who does not have the proper training. The roles were reversed, and now I had to teach Donald how to help me with my physical needs.

It was Saturday, and I was missing one of my regular work shifts. Realizing that I was not going to be able to get up for a while, I called one of the nurses at work and asked her to bring Donald some supplies. Later that day he went out and bought a pair of crutches for me. I found that the pain was too great—when I tried to move, I could not use them. The pain was throughout my body, not just in my hip. I started to black out every time I stood up.

An injured hip and a patient who is unable to get out of bed is physically challenging to care for under the best of circumstances, and all the more so without proper supplies and knowledge. I learned at that time just how much my husband loves me. My bowels ran, and I vomited repeatedly as well. This went on all Saturday and into Saturday night. I was still unable to hold water down in my stomach if it was more than just a sip. I was not hungry, though I hadn’t eaten since Wednesday.

I continued to hear the annoying shadow voices but was able to get a few hours of sleep in spite of them. I slept off and on during the day and following night. I experienced spells of ecstasy that were like waves washing over me. At times I felt like I could glow in the dark. My body seemed to be lighter than air and floated upwards. I couldn’t explain to Donald what was happening in the midst of the experience. I could find no words to describe it.


Sunday afternoon was the final vision of initiation. The Father was with me in the room. I hid my eyes. He said to me, “Child, I would never ever hurt you. Look up. I want to see your face; don’t be afraid.” I opened my eyes. I was lying on my back. He said, “I want you to come to heaven with me. Give me your hand. I will take you.” I raised my hand. I then saw a bright light. It was brighter than anything I had ever seen before, but I was still in the bedroom. He said, “Focus and come.” I focused. The light grew even brighter, but I was still there in the room.

At that point a door opened in my mind. I both understood and felt the One Source, and I realized that everything there was in the universe was inside of me. I didn’t have to go anywhere because I was already there. What’s more, I saw that there was nothing in existence that was outside the Father. Even the image he projected to me was merely an image to enable me to understand. The only reality was the One.

Of course I had heard of this moment of supreme clarity in other stories of spiritual journeys, but the experience was very different than what I had anticipated. I did not expect this. I was stunned and in shock. Mother came to me and said, “I will tell you a secret. Everything but this is called illusion. Love is the first illusion. The Father is Love, and he is the One.” It took some time for me to understand what I had seen and what it meant.

After a few hours she came back to me and said to me, “Pain is an illusion. Your broken hip is also an illusion.” I understood. Father had made a perfect union, and I told her so. She said, “You are correct. You do not have to lie in bed for seven days. Stand up and walk.”

I had not been able to stand since the first healing, partly due to the pain of my hip but also because I was so extremely sick and dizzy. I came close to fainting every time I tried to stand. We had crutches, but I could not stand long enough to use them.

Now, as Universe bid me to stand, I did so. As I stood, I felt a tremendous power surge through me like a hurricane. It practically lifted me to my feet, and to be honest I’m not sure if I stood of my own physical ability or if that power lifted me. The dizziness was completely gone. The pain was gone. I was healed.

I walked into my husband’s study and told Donald, “Hon, something just happened. Can we talk?” He was astonished at my standing there after being so sick over the past twenty-four hours. I told him about the vision and the final healing. I was still very weak, but I felt good. The crutches were not needed. There was no trace of pain or nausea. The initiation was complete, and I was whole again.

This experience was the death and rebirth of my spirit. It followed the same pattern of the passion of Christ, starting Thursday night and ending on Sunday. On Thursday night was the Last Supper; on Thursday I fasted. On Friday Christ was crucified; for me, Friday was the initiation ritual, the death of my old self. Saturday Christ lay in the tomb; I lay in my bed on Saturday, unable to get up. On Sunday Christ rose; on Sunday I was healed.



I was struck by the similarities in theme between Jenny’s ritual ordeal and the ordeal of Tibetan monks that is known as the chöd, or “cutting-off” ritual. This ritual, which descends from the ancient shamanism of Tibet, is described in David-Neel’s book Magic and Mystery in Tibet (pp. 148—63). The author witnessed this ritual firsthand. Briefly, a monk who has prepared himself for the ordeal goes at night to a burial place and summons demons to him. One demon cuts him into small pieces with a sword while the monk observes his own grisly death, and the others consume his flesh. The monk is able to feel with absolute clarity the agony of being ripped apart and eaten by these demons, whose forms are horrible and terrifying beyond the power of words to describe.

At the end of the cutting-off ritual, the monk comes to the realization that the demons, no matter how real they look and sound and feel to him, are illusions. His body is reassembled, and he arises whole—or he goes mad, stark-raving mad. David-Neel observed a monk who was not successful in completing the cutting-off ritual. She described him as wandering around, talking to himself, screaming in terror at imaginary demons, his body filthy, his clothes and hair in disarray. The cutting-off ritual was so potent an experience that it drove some of those who undertook it completely and permanently insane. The corpse-sitting ritual of India is very similar to the cutting-off ritual of Tibet.

I realized that the warnings the spirits had given to Jenny had not been exaggerations. Had she not been successful in completing the ritual, it is very possible that she would have lost her reason, either temporarily or permanently. Such ritual ordeals are not to be entered into lightly.

—Donald Tyson


It was not possible during the actual ritual to see and comprehend the seals that Edward and the angel revealed. My vision was veiled most of the time to prevent my being overwhelmed and possibly hurt from the confusion and fear that fully functioning astral vision would bring at that time. However, a few months after this was completed and I had recovered, Edward had me sketch the representations of the seals, and he explained the meaning of each seal.


The first seal of initiation is the seal of Saturn; the metal represented is lead. Here is the symbolic depiction of the first seal of the initiation.

It is a fitting closure to this chapter to add the channeled information regarding the seals. Edward’s comments are included for each one.

Edward: The first gate is the lowest gate. It is the gate that initiates the sequence that brings forth the energy from Universe from the innermost core of being. This gate requires the presence of Universe to open or the energy will not come forth.

Jenny: I noticed that when I tried to open this seal alone, nothing would happen. It was not until I allowed Universe to guide me down that the energy deep within responded.

Edward: It’s important to understand that you cannot do this alone. It is very important for you to understand that Universe and the Cosmic Father have to open the gate to allow the energy to come forth. You have to recognize Universe and Cosmic Father in order to complete the initiation and accept their help within you, and the love that they have for you, and their desire to help you reach heaven. You must open your heart and your physical body to their presence. They will send an angel to help you remember your place with them. This angel will call forth the Kundalini energy and allow it to come forth from the depth of your being and heal your body and spirit of the poisons that have accumulated from your journey in this work. Universe must help you to open the first and most difficult seal. Without Universe the seal cannot be opened. You joined with her in the most innermost part of your being. The stronger the bond is, the easier the seal will open. Universe will help you bring it forth.

Universe created these seals to aid in the awakening of the human spirit during the process of concluding the human spirit’s work in the physical realm and its return to heaven after its long, long journey. I believe there is no better conclusion to the spirit’s journey than to awaken to heaven while you are walking on the earth in flesh. The pleasure of feeling heaven, Universe, and the Cosmic Father coming to get you and take you back home is the greatest I’ve ever known.



The second seal is the seal of Mars. This is the symbolic representation of the seal.

Jenny: I would concur with that opinion.

Edward: Saturn represents the weight placed on the soul when it begins the journey there. The weight of Saturn must be overcome by strength for the soul to progress on its journey back to heaven.

Edward: The seal of Mars is the beginning of unity. Surrendering yourself to another is the first step to perfect unity. Allowing the penetration of another into your being, as with physical love, is the first step in understanding the perfect unity with the Cosmic Father. The symbolism of Mars depicts physical unity and earthly pleasure. This was given as a reminder of the greater and more perfect unity of the human soul with the Cosmic Father and with Universe. But this is only the beginning. It is not the end in itself. This is a common mistake that I have observed in modern spiritual practice. The ultimate unity is with the Cosmic Father and with Holy Mother. Opening this seal and passing through is the very beginning of the unity which is the ultimate unity and perfect love in the spiritual and physical world. Mars is only the beginning of the great and wonderful journey to the Father. Do not mistaken physical love for true and perfect spiritual unity. Perfect love is at the end of the journey. Do not hold up physical love as the ideal love.

The next seal is Mercury. In the ritual, the third seal is veiled. Edward is unable to toll the bell to reveal the seal. Universe must step in and unveil the third seal. The third seal has no form. Mercury is present throughout the purification process and is a symbol of the human soul going through the process of purification and initiation.

Edward: No matter how hard I try, I cannot unveil the human soul. Only the Great Mother can reveal the human soul. The metal mercury is transformed into the philosopher’s stone by the process of alchemical purification through the action of its sulphur. The transformation of the metal mercury is the point of no return. When the human soul is transformed, it cannot be reversed. It is forever changed. When you passed the third gate, Jenny, you passed the point of no return and were transformed into a new creature. The differences are not observed at first, but through the ages as a new creature you will remember the point when at the third gate you passed through and were made into something even greater than you were before. You became new, like a newborn. The great mystery of the human spirit is the ability to make this transformation and become like a new creature. Anything is possible for the Father and Universe. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as the transformation that happens at the third gate.



The fourth seal represents the gate of Venus. This sketch is the symbolic representation of that seal.

The fourth gate is the gate of Venus. It represents a mother’s love for her children. It is the gate of human charity. It is the gate of kindness and fellowship of humankind. It is the beginning of the divine love of the Cosmic Father and the Universe, but its purity is not as great as their infinite love. When you came to this gate, you were passing from death into a new life. You were being formed as a new creation. You were being born into a new world, and like a newborn you were not able to take it in. You do not remember passing through the next three gates. You were not able to pass; you had to be carried through. The impurities are starting to clear at this point. It is the light at the end of the tunnel that now appears, and hope begins to firm up into faith. With each gate the impurities become clearer. The gates emit greater and greater light. With this gate the light takes on a new quality. The light is emitting from the Cosmic Father. The light from below is diminishing. You have seen the light from the Father.

Jenny: Yes, it does have a different quality. I remember it was exceedingly bright but did not burn my eyes.

Edward: At the fourth gate the light is taking on the quality of the light above but is still mixed with the light below. It is still infinitely greater than the three gates below it. You dwell at the fourth gate right now. The gates above you are what you need to be heading towards.

Jenny: I thought during the initiation I went through all the gates.

Edward: You go through the gates but return down to your dwelling at the fourth gate. This is a normal part of your development. You can no longer dwell below the third gate. You must travel frequently beyond the fourth gate so you will begin to dwell in the higher gates. The initiation completes the opening of the gates, but the growth that follows carries you higher. The goal is to dwell at the highest gate in perfect union and harmony with the Cosmic Father. If this is not accomplished while you walk the earth, it will be completed when you come back home with us. Crossing the threshold of the third gate is the beginning of your completion of the journey on the earth. This is cause for great joy at the reunion and the fellowship with those here at home who love you.



The fifth gate’s seal is of the planet Jupiter. This is a representation of the fifth gate.

The fifth seal is Jupiter. As Edward said earlier, the events and meanings of this seal during the initiation ritual were fuzzy. I was not coherent at the time that this seal was opened. I was aware of its passing but only barely so. Edward’s words here have great significance to me, as they help me understand the meaning of the seal and the gate.

Edward: Jupiter is the fifth gate. It is symbolic of divine royalty. It is at the foot of heaven. The soul is being overtaken by the power and love of the Father. It is the most beautiful gate. The purity is starting to shine through. The gate is one of power and love. If you consider the alchemical progression of the metals to full purification, then you will understand this gate, for the journey of the spirit to divine perfection follows this path.

Jenny: How did this gate affect me when I passed through it? I do not remember what happened.

Edward: You showed greater light in your heart and greater peace in your spirit. You had been tormented by your shadows, but at the gate you were exhibiting greater comfort. You were leaving the oblivion you had been in for years, even for a couple of centuries. The power of the fifth gate raised you above that oblivion and allowed your true self to come forth a little more. The fifth gate is coming into the light of the Cosmic Father.



The sixth gate is the gate of Universe or the moon. This is a symbolic representation.

The gate of the moon is the first gate of heaven. Remember that heaven is within and without you. It is the domain of the Holy Mother, or Universe, as we often call her. She is the beloved of the Cosmic Father. They are our parents, the parents of all humankind. In this gate there is only light from the Father, which is reflected by the Mother. They are together in perfect unity, the difference being only the quality of heavenly brilliance. Both are perfect; both are in perfect love and in perfect unity. The Mother’s gate is life in perfection in the love of the Father. The Father’s gate is one of singularity and singular unity. The Mother is the bearer of all life, along with the Cosmic Father, and all that is living is within their body. The gate represents the source of our living. The Father’s gate represents the single unity, the one source and the one thing. None of the other gates reflect this perfection. In reaching this gate, the soul drops his/her impurities—they are burned away like chaff from the wheat. Coming into unity with the Holy Mother, the soul finds its comfort and joy of being. With her there is only comfort, gentleness, and love of the Mother. Both the love of Universe and the Father are perfect but are different in their quality, just as one flower is beautiful but different in quality from another.



The final seal is the seal of the sun. This is the symbolic representation of the seal of the Cosmic Father and the seventh gate.

The seal of the sun is the final seal. It is of the Cosmic Father. In this simple representation we see the singular point in the center of the circle. In alchemy this represents the crowning achievement of turning base metal into gold. Of all the achievements in its many branches and practices, this was considered the highest and greatest of all. It represented transcendence from the drudgery of the physical world and freedom to pursue the higher and holier things. In the initiation, this is the highest point that can be reached while living in this world. It is the heart of the Cosmic Father and the source of all that is, both in the physical world and greater universe of the spirit and beyond to things that cannot be even defined by what man now knows.

I’ve seen some of these wonders and am amazed to discover that this singular point is still the source of it all. You cannot comprehend in your current place and form what this is the source of, and how great he is, nor how beautiful. It is indescribable. I cannot say anything greater that would enhance your understanding, but know that at some point all will experience this and wonder at its beauty and depth of greatness. In reaching this point the initiation is completed. It is but the beginning of a great and wonderful journey. I hope we may fill the earth with people who have awakened so. Such a beautiful sight that would be.