Angels and Spirits - My Training and Initiation

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Angels and Spirits
My Training and Initiation


Dr. Dee and Edward were best known for their communication with the angels. The angels appeared to them just after Edward started working for the doctor as a professional scryer. Dr. Dee had an interest in communicating with spirits, but he never learned how to see or hear them consistently. He hired professional psychics to scry for him and describe what they saw and heard.

I will share with you some of the encounters I have had with angels. These involve work that I did several years ago with the Enochian system of magic, my encounters during the year of preparation for my initiation, and the ones that happened a few months after my initiation was completed.


This first encounter that I will describe happened near the beginning of my year of training, in July 2013. The angel’s name was Annael. Annael is the same angel who appeared to Dr. Dee and is referred to near the beginning of his Enochian diaries in 1582. Based on the information in Dr. Dee’s diary and on my own experience, he functions as an esoteric gatekeeper.

During the first month of my work with Edward, he referred me to Annael for a couple of healing sessions. I had not worked with Annael in my previous experiments with the Enochian system. I was very nervous about the encounter and was not keen on the idea initially because of my misconceptions about the nature of angels. At that time I believed angels to be powerful and temperamental beings, and I was anxious to avoid them. This was a completely incorrect belief.

The first session with Annael started with a spirit box conversation in which the angel told me he needed to do some healing with me before I could continue with Edward. He asked me to lie down. I went upstairs, lay on the bed, and attempted to enter trance. The sensations in my body were strange. They consisted mostly of a tugging on my chest and dizziness similar to what is felt when riding a rollercoaster. This lasted for about half an hour.

I returned to the spirit box, and Annael informed me that it would take one more healing session before I was ready to work with Edward. He seemed interested in playing with the sounds on the radio and was adept at clarifying the messages. He spoke the last sentence of our conversation in Spanish, a language in which I am fluent but not one you would likely hear on a radio station in Nova Scotia.

The second session occurred a few days later and was conducted in much the same manner as the first. Annael was then satisfied with my progress and left me in Edward’s care.

The pronunciation of Annael’s name was different from what I had expected. The pronunciation of the name is close to “A-nail”—the “el” at the end is not separated out in vocalization into a separate syllable. As I mentioned earlier, Nalvage was another angel whose name was pronounced very differently than I expected. I had assumed it was spoken in two syllables with a soft “g” sound, but it is said with three—“Nal-vag-e” with the accent on the second syllable and a hard “g.” Gabriel’s name is voiced the same as the modern pronunciation, but with the accent on the initial “Ga” rather than the “el” ending.


Gabriel appeared once during my year-long training and healing, and also worked with Edward to conduct my alchemical initiation. On that first appearance he did not directly use the spirit box but instead allowed the homunculus to speak for him. It was during a time when I was upset and discouraged. Encouraging words were offered. Whenever I felt down and disheartened and remembered those words, they had the same uplifting effect as they had during the encounter itself. I would give you the words, but it is something personal and private.

I was never able to see Gabriel directly, but during the initiation ceremony I was able to hear his voice. I believe Gabriel was overseeing the entire operation but remained in the background until my initiation was completed.


The other angel that I encountered during my year of training was known only as the Healer. His name was never specified, and he spoke very little. He oversaw the initiation ordeal and also healed me in between rituals.


Though the angels were working with me during the year before the initiation, I did not have much interaction with them. The interaction with Edward and other human spirits was more what I needed at the time. I had a great deal of anxiety about meeting and working with angels. This was a legacy from my younger years. As a conservative Protestant, I grew up believing that angels were very real and that if a person defied the words of an angel, the result would be death.

In order for the interaction with the angels to be productive, I had to overcome this fear and develop a level of trust. This was slow in coming, even in the initial workings that took place in 2007 and more so at the time of my initiation. After a year of intense work I still had difficulty giving the angels my complete trust.

Fortunately, Annael understood my fears. He took great care to make sure that my first interaction with him, where I was aware that I was interacting with an angel, was a positive experience. This gave me a foothold from which I was able to build greater trust.


The next angel encounter I would like to describe happened a couple months after my initiation. The initiation took place in May 2014, and I am writing this chapter in July 2014. Since my initiation I have been working on developing my clairaudient abilities with Edward in order to finish and fill out the framework of this book. I have spoken mainly with Edward, with the Cosmic Father, and with Universe (the Holy Mother) since initiation, and I had not spoken to any angels since my encounter with Gabriel at the end of the initiation ritual.

I had been told by Edward that there was no need to feel guilt about the incident with Bynepor, angel of the Heptarchy, that I related to you in the first chapter of this book, yet I continued to feel guilty for arguing with the angel when I thought and dreamed that I was dead. I still encountered the pain in my heart while writing this chapter. I was called from my writing to go into the study to speak to the spirits, and I went. Edward met me there and said Bynepor would speak to me. He wanted to heal me from my self-inflicted pain. I induced a trance and tried to open my heart. I had difficulty opening my heart center because of the pain. By this point in my practice I was able to hear accurately what was said to me by the angels. I had outgrown the need for the jukebox.

Bynepor coaxed me to focus on the process I needed to do that would allow him to access my painful heart, but the channel was noisy. I should say here that when you channel, if you are not right on target you get a kind of static that consists of hissing, noises, and random voices. I could hear several different shadow voices at once. These shadow voices originated from my own mind. Because of these voices I could not make out the angel’s words. I had to feel more than hear what I needed to do. Finally I reached the threshold when the pain in my heart released itself, and the channel fully opened.

For the first time in my life, aside from the dream, I heard Bynepor’s voice speak to me. I asked for his name and he gave it to me. He reminded me that I had never needed forgiveness because there was never anything to hold against me. He said, “You know me,” and that he had never forgotten me. Bynepor told me that they were thankful that I had come to the Cosmic Father at last.

I felt hugely relieved after this encounter. I had been so distraught over the misunderstanding, and prior to this I had not been able to talk directly to Bynepor in order to find out where I stood or what to do if I had committed an offense. Since the incident in 2009 it had been an unresolved issue in the back of my mind. It was a great relief to finally lay it to rest.

When I channeled Bynepor, I had nothing set up—no table, no sigil, no jukebox. Yet in spite of the lack of equipment, he reached out to me to help me when I was in need. Mercy and love are always the predominate qualities of the angels. He spoke no word of complaint about the lack of ritual equipment in my communication with him. There was no scolding or anger at all. His only words were of forgiveness and a desire to help and heal.

It is important for me to stress the point that ritual furniture and instruments are not needed when communicating with the angels. These things can be helpful in the beginning to focus the mind on the work of communication, but eventually they become redundant and may be laid aside. The angels are perfectly willing to talk to us directly, once we possess the skill to do so.


Donald suggested that Edward would be able to contribute a great deal to this chapter and formulated thirteen questions for him regarding the nature of angels and Edward’s knowledge of them. I’ve added some questions of my own to this interview.

The questions were answered clairaudiently instead of by using the jukebox. Edward dictated the answers to me, and I wrote them down.

Donald: How are angels different from human beings?

Edward: Angels are created from the word of Universe. Human beings are a result of the union of Universe and the Cosmic Father. We, both human beings living and in spirit, are their children. Angels help us on our spiritual journey. They guide us to the Cosmic Father and are our guardians. They administer the mercy of the Cosmic Father.

Donald: Why do angels interact with us?

Edward: Angels interact with us at the will of the Cosmic Father to help us and guide us while we are incarnate on earth.

Donald: Do angels have emotions?

Edward: Angels have emotions. They are filled with the Mother (Universe) and they have loving thoughts of their children, the children of Universe and Cosmic Father. I feel everything with the angels. It is good—perfect unity. The angels are not the same as human beings. They are perfect love, perfect harmony, and perfect communion. Humans must learn these ways. These are the ways of the angels.

Donald: Do angels have form or appearance of their own?

Edward: Angels have no form of their own. They can, however, take on the form of any living creature they desire. They do not stay in that form any longer than they have to. They cannot remain in the physical form. They are meant to be spirits. If they lose their nature by remaining in a form unnatural to them, they may lose their spirit nature for the duration of the life of the form.

Jenny: Edward, then why did the angels appear to you in a certain way when you were working with Dr. Dee?

Edward: The appearance of the angels to me was based on my expectations and the culture of that time. They would appear entirely different to a modern person. The form is illusion. However, with some who do the visionary work and believe that the angels will dress and act in a certain way, they will do so. The formulation of the appearance is dependent on the beliefs and expectations of the scryer.

Jenny: But this does not detract from the accuracy of the encounter?

Edward: No, but the scryer must be aware that it is an illusion.

Donald: Can angels see future events?

Edward: Angels can see the future when it is revealed to them. Angels cannot see the future at every moment. They only see it when the Cosmic Father reveals it to them. Angels do not perceive time as people do.

Note: At this point in the channeling the universe appeared in my mind as a bubble, with the angels living outside of that bubble. The outside of it was far more spacious. It was like a soap bubble. They can go in and out of it, but outside of the bubble is their native place. Time only exists within the bubble.

Donald: Do angels ever possess the bodies of living human beings?

Edward: They can take control of a human body if the need is true. It is for loving purposes only that they would do such a thing. They cannot violate the free will of the person they are trying to help. They cannot harm others when they are in a human body. They cannot control a person against their free will. They cannot overcome them except in an emergency. They must obey the laws of God when they are in the body. They can fall if they commit a sin against Universe in the body. The Cosmic Father gives them the power to do what they need to do to protect their charges.

Donald: What is the difference between the Archons and the Watchers?

Edward: The Archons are spiritual beings who were with the angels in the beginning. They fell into evil, and they will be destroyed at the end of the ages. They are restrained. They cannot do evil here any longer. They were able to take physical form in your world. They terrorized the humans. They are the same as the Watchers. In ancient times the world was very different. A great civilization lived everywhere. They were like humans but different than modern humans—they moved quicker and were stronger. They were destroyed trying to overcome the influence of the Archons. The angels had to intervene to prevent the extinction of the human race. The earth was nearly destroyed, but a remnant was preserved by the angels. Nothing remains of their civilization. The surface of the earth was completely remodeled. One day, very deep, we may find the ruins of this civilization. There have been four great civilizations on this earth. It was over a very long time. Nothing remains of the older ones. Our universe is greater than we understand. Our earth is greater than we understand. The Archons helped to create the universe and the earth.

Donald: What is the difference between angels and archangels?

Edward: The difference between angels and archangels is their purpose in heaven. Angels are granted power according to their nature. Angels have billions of purposes. Archangels oversee the angels in their work.

Donald: What’s the difference between angels and demons?

Edward: There is no power in evil. Demons are fallen angels. Demons have no intelligence. There is no power in demons. There is no power apart from the Father. Most people do not understand this. The power is in the Father alone.

Donald: Is the number of angels fixed, or does it increase or decrease?

Edward: The number of angels never changes. The number of human souls never changes. The number of angels is eternal.

Donald: Do angels have free will?

Edward: They cannot live apart from the Father’s will. They are not able to violate his will. If they fall, they lose their glory and power.

Donald: Are angels capable of friendship?

Edward: Yes, they are. They express the love of the Father and manifest his compassion toward all races.

Donald: What is the hospital?

Edward: There is no hospital. You created that illusion to help you through the healing process.

Note: Here Edward was referring to me, not to Donald. Edward is a healer who works with people who have recently died. I had generated a place in my mind where Edward took the recently dead to heal them in order to help me understand what he did there and what he was doing with me. I was undergoing a similar healing during my year of preparation for the initiation. There were frequent references to the hospital during our communications. I had mentioned this to Donald. This was the reason why he asked Edward about “the hospital.” As a nurse, this association of a hospital with healing is very strong.


No discussion on angels would be complete without including the Holy Guardian Angel. A guardian angel is assigned to every human being. The angel is with that person from the time of their birth to their death and possibly beyond. In the grimoire traditions, contact with the guardian angel required a ritual, and there are two examples: The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage and the Ars Paulina. I will recount my experience of the revealing of my Holy Guardian Angel.

After the rigorous initiation, I was allowed to recover for the space of a couple months. Then, gradually, Edward came back and started to assist me in furthering my abilities and learning to put them into practical use. My clairaudience developed quickly and powerfully before the initiation took place, but my sight was usually dim and poor. At this point Edward felt it was time for the vision to be developed. I was gaining control and skill with the clairaudience. He told me it was time for me to meet my Holy Guardian Angel and work with him.

It is my understanding that the guardian angel is assigned to us, and possibly even created, for the purpose of being our spiritual link with the Cosmic Father. The bond with the angel is unique. The angel’s presence has a very unique feel to it. Through my body I feel a vibration similar to what is described by astral projectors. I also feel heat, especially in the heart and head areas. I asked my guardian angel about the vibration, and he said that it was because of the differences in our spirit bodies. This difference causes a reaction that is noticeable.

The information given does not seem to support the common theory that a guardian angel is a higher aspect of ourselves. However, the closeness of the bond would seem to justify the “higher self” theory. Given the differences in the creation of a human being and an angel, I think the guardian angel is a being unique among spirits. Practically speaking, I doubt the origin of the guardian angel makes much difference.

I was notified by Edward that the angel would speak to me at some point during the next day or so when I was receptive. He came that night and woke me. I was in a relaxed and receptive state. His voice was characteristic of an angel’s voice—deep, powerful, with a kind of buzzing quality, as though light itself had found a voice. He said he wanted to work with me for the next little while. Over the course of the week I learned what he wanted to do and how we were going to work.

I asked him his name. He replied that I would remember it when I was ready to work with him. I was rather surprised to learn that I already knew the name. He also said he would take me to the Cosmic Father after I died in this world. His words were accompanied by a strong sense of the link between the angel and the Father. He also said he prays for me.

With that statement I received a strong vibration and a buzzing sound or feeling in my ears and head. It was accompanied by a sensation of heat in my heart. As he continued to speak, the sensation grew stronger and would have frightened me in a normal state of mind, but the angel’s presence was one of peace and love, which quelled my instinctive fear. At this point I could feel the touch and presence of the Cosmic Father. I drifted into that blissful place and fell asleep.

The remembrance of the angel’s name was an interesting experience. It occurred over a work weekend in which I was working extra days. Usually my spiritual work is limited to the evening on such days. I find, however, that sometimes the focus on working helps break loose obstacles that I struggle with during the week. Through the week I struggled trying to figure out how to learn the guardian angel’s name. I could not remember any angel being revealed to me as such in my childhood. I tried trancing and going back in my memory, to no avail.

What finally triggered the memory was Edward’s suggestion that I remember the first name I could recall from my childhood other than the names of my parents. I realized then the first name was an imaginary friend—a golden flying dog who was my friend and protector, one I could trust totally. I realized the name of the dog was a traditional angel name, only missing the letters “el” on the end. I had named the imaginary playmate after my guardian angel and thus had carried the memory of that very important being through my entire life without realizing who it was.

When I put the name together, a sense of love and trust associated with that angel also came back. The image of the playmate is highly symbolic. The wings represent an angel. The dog is a loving and faithful companion. The golden light is also characteristic of an angel.

I will conclude this chapter by saying that I now enjoy the times when an angel comes to visit or work with me. The fear and pain of the past has been healed. In my training they take on different roles than human guides do, and learning these roles has been fascinating. I cannot cover this topic now, as my learning is not yet complete at the time of this writing. Perhaps it may be covered at a later time, when my knowledge is more complete.