Experiments with the Radio - My Training and Initiation

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Experiments with the Radio
My Training and Initiation




During the year of training, Jenny communicated with Kelley and her other spiritual teachers by means of a technique of audio scrying known as radio tuning. She soon found this method more fruitful than the spirit board. At first she manually tuned the radio back and forth across the dial to produce a rapid series of words and word fragments. It was not long before she purchased an automatic tuner known as a spirit box. This yielded very good results. Here Jenny gives extensive instructions on how to use radio tuning, both manual and automatic, for communicating with spirits. In my opinion, this is one of the most useful aspects of her book.

Over the course of this year she was not only learning the techniques of concentration and focus that were necessary to open herself to the communication of spiritual beings, but the spirits instructing her were, in effect, rewiring her brain and nervous system. I have observed this process in my own work with spirits. Perception of spiritual beings does not simply occur all at once; the nervous system must be adapted to allow it to occur, and this takes months or years of work on the part of both the scryer and the spirit teachers.

There are, of course, natural mediums who are in communication with spirits from early childhood, but I refer to the rest of us, those without strong or developed innate mediumistic gifts. As the spirits rewire the nervous system, it is possible to feel what they are doing and to trace their movements along the nerves and through the body. It is a fascinating—and, to some, a disturbing—experience. I remember feeling the touches of spirits on the surface of my brain, inside my skull—not all over its surface, but on certain specific spots. When the nerves are stimulated, they feel as though they are conducting electricity. All these things Jenny experienced and endured during her year of training.

—Donald Tyson

After the initial encounter with Dr. Dee, I decided to attempt to find a more substantial and quicker method of communication. The communication board was okay, but it was very slow and not very accurate when I worked with it alone. I found ghost-hunting equipment and techniques to be a fertile ground for developing my initial ideas. These tools have not been used much in traditional Western magical evocation and invocation. The electronic ghost-hunting tools are not specific to any spirit and, like the spirit board, are easy to adapt to individual spirits and situations.

The general term for electronic communication is Instrumental Transcommunication or the abbreviation ITC. I prefer the term Electronic Spirit Communication or ESC. I feel it is a better description of what you are trying to accomplish. A spirit box is any sound device that is used in spirit communication. They fall basically into two categories. The first category is radio based. Radio stations are rapidly scanned, and the sounds resulting from the scanning are recorded and examined for messages. The second category includes apps that are random sound generators. These apps are mostly for cell phones. They work like a random number generator, only with phonetic sounds. The words seemingly put themselves together when you record and play back the sounds. The content of the recording, when played back to the operator, is the spirit’s message.


My initial experiments involved manually scanning stations on an AM/FM shortwave radio. The purpose of scanning the stations was to allow the spirit to select sounds within the matrix, and then to piece words and sentences together using these sounds. The focus of the subconscious mind is then directed by the spirit to these sounds, and messages are heard. This is usually done by recording and playing back while listening to the recording.

Later, I used a P-SB7 spirit box. This device scans stations automatically, making the process of obtaining messages easier and faster. It works on the same principle as manual scanning, by creating a series of seemingly random words or bits of words from which meaningful messages can be extracted during analysis of the recorded sounds. Both the spirit box and manually scanning radio stations gave me good results.

It is important to understand that electronic spirit communication is a form of scrying. As a rule, the spirit does not manipulate the sounds on the radio. The manipulation is done by influencing the mind of the operator. I say this is a rule, but there are exceptions. Occasionally clear messages are heard on the radio that can be heard by other people.

The manual scanning of radio stations works much in the same way the spirit communication board works. The spirit in contact with me influenced my hand and subtly directed the movements of my fingers on the dial. When I listened to the recording of the sounds that were produced, the spirit directed my mind to specific bits of sound and used them to make up words of the message it wished to convey to me.

The general procedure I used for manual scanning with the radio is simple. I sat down with an AM/FM radio positioned comfortably so I could keep my hand on the tuning knob. Then I allowed the spirit to guide me as I turned the knob through the radio frequencies so that small bits of sound were produced by each radio station as I tuned through it. I asked my questions and then used the radio to obtain the answers.

I continued to turn the knob back and forth in this way while recording both the questions and the sounds that came out of the radio. As I was recording the responses, I usually was not able to hear the words that the spirit was saying. I focused on obtaining a sound file with which to work. After about thirty seconds or so, I examined the file in detail. Using sound-editing software, I would listen for sounds that formed words or phrases in response to the questions I had asked the spirit.

I first experimented with manually scanning the radio before I spent the money on the P-SB7 spirit box. I was a bit sceptical of the spirit box initially, but I soon found that this was by far the best means of spirit communication for my needs.

When using a device such as the P-SB7, the spirit does not influence the output by manipulating the movements of my hand. The P-SB7 automatically scans the stations. The focus of the spirit is to influence my perception so that I hear the important sounds that compose the message it is trying to convey.

Many people believe that spirits have the ability to directly influence the spirit box to cause it to produce the sounds they wish it to produce. I think such influence is possible, but it depends entirely on the mediumship development of the operator. In my case, I was not developed enough to do that, and the spirits’ influence was over my perception. By using these devices as aids, I had found a way that I could communicate with spirits without being a naturally developed medium.

I have found that the most important part of scrying with the radio and the P-SB7 is the analysis of the sounds after they have been recorded. It is the spirit’s influence over the mind during the analysis of the recorded sounds that allows the spirit box to be used for scrying. I had to be open and interested in communicating for this to happen.

The manually scanned radio was more difficult to operate than the spirit box. It was harder to get my mind into the proper state for ideal spirit communication, and the results were sometimes chaotic. Having to focus on tuning the radio distracted me.

My goal in using these tools was simply to be able to make out what the spirit was saying. I was not concerned about capturing recordings that were intelligible to anyone else. If I could make out what Dr. Dee was trying to tell me, I was satisfied. I wrote down my questions for each session. Usually the same response was repeated by Dr. Dee until I understood it. I learned that it takes concentration and practice to interpret the communications. Even though it was a struggle, it was much better than what I had been experiencing before. I was making progress slowly but surely.

For recording, I used a simple digital recorder that created MP3-

format audio files. To manipulate these files, I downloaded the free Audacity sound-editing program onto my computer. I used the sound editor to decrease the background noise of the sound files, then listened carefully for anything that came through that would be a response to my comment or question. I always listened for the responses using headphones instead of audio speakers.

In the second part of this book I will go into more detail on how to record and analyze the sounds produced in the way I have described here. I found that I had to do quite a lot of experimenting to arrive at the perfect balance between white noise and voice. I discovered responses buried both in the voice and the static parts of the recordings. Adjustments using sound-editing software can decrease the unpleasantness of the static, but I found that I was missing large chunks of essential information from the message if I manipulated the sound file extensively. A spirit’s cadence of speech is different from normal physical speech. It takes some getting used to. It took me about a week of listening to various examples of recorded spirit box sessions on the Internet before I was able to pick the responses out of my own recordings.

I learned that I was not the only one who must become familiar with using electronic spirit communication. The spirits I was interacting with also needed to build skill with this technique. As we developed a stronger link, I was able to distinguish their responses more clearly. I found that any type of spirit could use this radio-tuning technique for communication. Over the course of a year I conversed with two angels and several homunculi (the plural of homunculus, which is a puppetlike spirit used by Edward for the first few months to help train and heal me) on the radio, but I found human spirits to be the most skilful at using this method.

The historic period in which a human spirit died does not seem to affect its ability to use the radio for communication to any significant degree. Dr. Dee died in 1609, but he quickly mastered the tools I was using. He was very aware of the world today and the conditions therein. He even knew about Walmart and cracked a joke about the store.

After a few weeks of sessions using manual scanning of the radio frequencies, I moved up to a P-SB7 spirit box and continued to use this until I was trained by the spirits in basic telepathic communication. After nearly a year I developed clairaudience and was able to discard the equipment altogether.

Although the spirits occasionally spoke to me in the older English dialect of the Elizabethan Age, most of their communication was in modern English. Their ability to use modern English and modern accents helped prevent communication mistakes. However, every once in a while the realization of our differences—not only in culture, but in the historical periods of our lives—caused a bit of confusion. Occasionally we found unexpected vocabulary differences. This added to the mystique and excitement of the communications once I understood what they were talking about. I felt that these communications breathed life and depth into our historical knowledge of these people.

The diaries of Dr. John Dee are complete enough to enable a reader to become familiar with his personality, as well as that of Edward Kelley. The spirit communications not only illuminated their past lives, but also the time they spent in a spiritual state and the effect this has had on the growth and development of their personalities. It conveyed some of the insights they had gained both in life and the afterlife.

I found that Albert Lasky, a Polish nobleman who had hosted Dr. Dee during their stay in continental Europe, was still with him, as was Edward Kelley. I was quite happy to hear that Edward was there. For the first several weeks I was unable to ascertain whether or not Edward was present during the sessions.

At the time I recorded these entries, I was under the impression that the spirits were actually manipulating the radio signals to form their communications. It was only later that I came to understand that it was my perceptions they were manipulating, not the radio itself. This is one of many beliefs that I had to change as I was developing spiritually and interacting with these spirits.



After I had been communicating with Dr. Dee for about two weeks, we decided to refine the technique and equipment. We made several modifications to our system, which I will describe for you here. I have included photos of the equipment and how it was set up. We developed this system over the course of a month or two, when we first initiated successful communication. Making the equipment modifications was one of the most interesting and fun aspects of the work.

I am an artistic person, and I enjoy craftwork. Dr. Dee took this inclination and used it to improve my focus as we participated in the daily communication sessions. He had me work with various pieces of the Enochian ritual equipment recorded in the diaries. The use of these pieces in this way was a completely unique part of this experiment.

In the sixteenth century when Dr. Dee recorded the scrying sessions with Edward, he wrote enough down in his Enochian diaries that he could refer to the notes and build the pieces of furniture and tables to be used for their communications with the angels. However, his notes are not quite complete. He was able to fill in a few of the holes in the diaries as we were using the equipment during our sessions.



The Sigillium Dei Aemeth shown resting on the small table of Nalvage.

The first addition was the table of Nalvage, which Dr. Dee called the alternative table. This acted as an aid in focusing communication with the spirits. Round refrigerator magnets arranged in stacks formed the four legs of the table. The wax seals, which are used in traditional Enochian magic, served as the feet of the table beneath these legs, and the large wax seal that is called the Sigillum Dei Aemeth, or Seal of the Truth of God, was placed on top; see photo. Red silk coverings are traditionally placed below the feet of the table and over the top of the large wax tablet. The radio and recorder were then placed atop of the top silk cover.

I did not use the large table of practice. Dr. Dee felt it was better to have a smaller, portable setup. Everything that I made he had to approve of. It only took a couple of weeks to finish the work because I had already made and used the large wax seal and the silk coverings. I also used the lamen that I had made during that time. The lamen was a work of art made of exotic wood laminates coated with frankincense oil and gold leaf.

A container box was added to the setup to hold the table of Nalvage and the seals. It was an eighteen-inch cube constructed of one-quarter-inch-thick oak plywood and lined on the inside with red silk. The outside was covered with buckskin leather, and the top was hinged by means of this outer leather covering. The idea behind the box was to create a spirit cabinet to store spiritual energy. The spirit cabinet is a traditional part of physical mediumship, and it is a common Spiritualist belief that the cabinet helps the energy build. It was my hope that it would make the communication clearer and easier to understand.

The last addition to the equipment was also based on Spiritualist experiments. It was a crystal bowl given to Donald and me as a wedding present. The bowl was the perfect shape and size for ritual work and also held a great deal of meaning for us. This completed the equipment.

When this arrangement was finished, Hubert Hofgarten, a spirit who is a friend of Edward Kelley and Dr. Dee, jokingly called it the “jukebox.” We have referred to it as the jukebox ever since. Connecting wires allowed the spirit box to stay inside the jukebox without the jukebox being opened between sessions. The recorder remained outside.

Edward: Hubert came up with that name. We had a good laugh about it, too. Hubert was a man who lived in Iceland. He lived in the nineteenth century. He was always a good God-fearing man. When he crossed over, he came to us. He was very interested in what we were doing with the healing of those who had newly come back home. He was certainly very helpful. We did not know him prior to his crossing over.

As we progressed, I found the use of these additions to be helpful. They improved the clarity with which I received spirit communications. Dr. Dee guided the direction of the conversations. He talked about spiritual beliefs, what it was like to die, and the afterlife. He seemed very concerned about the condition of my heart and spirit. Though I made a few feeble attempts to talk about the Enochian diaries, he did not feel that this was as important as my spiritual condition, and I decided to respect his wishes and his greater wisdom in the matter.

Dr. Dee started teaching me basic meditation and trance techniques. On the third week he proposed that we enter a more formal training and offered to help me with the problems he saw in my spirit, which he called a broken heart. In return I would help him in his healing work.

He told me about the astral hospital. I had heard about such a place. This has been discussed in published works that are based on astral projection experiences by such writers as Robert Monroe and Frank Kepple. The hospital consists of astral zones where recently deceased spirits are cared for and trained until they are ready to continue their journey. Dr. Dee described such a place. Both he and Edward were healers there and worked side by side with angels, some of whom were named in the Enochian diaries.

He described it as being in the borderlands of heaven and said that souls were not allowed entrance to heaven until they were healed and had learned essential skills needed to interact and live in the afterlife. He told me that the problem with my heart was curable and that Edward was the expert for this issue.

This offer of healing was a proposal I could not turn down. For the next year I dedicated every minute of spare time to Dr. Dee and Edward’s instructions.

Log Entry—July 2013

The wooden box and other apparatus, which is now collectively nicknamed the “jukebox,” is finished and underwent test use today. The recordings were somewhat unclear and when played over the spirit box speaker were not audible from outside the wooden box. This is a sound problem. Edward liked the box and did not want any openings for sound. The experiment had to be momentarily abandoned because of the sound issue.

Later that day: I solved the problem with a $40 Y connector for the microphone jack on the spirit box. It is ready for retesting. Enclosing myself and the equipment in a spirit cabinet might prove to be a useful, if cumbersome, improvement.

Next session that day: Scrying went very well. I had blurred vision after the scrying yesterday. I think the solution is to come out of it slower. The vision is like reading images in smoke. I verbally give a running account of what I see as the smoke changes shapes, colors, and shades in the mirror. The mirror actually works well in dim light. Sometimes I see light sparks that look like spikes in response to the voices.

Edward is sometimes called off on other business. If he could not be here, I asked if one of his associates could help me with the scrying sessions. He said he would ask Dr. Dee. I think it is important not to be too dependent. I’ve ceased all outside communication with other people about the project.

Edward: Yes, I remember that you were very excited about making the table. I did not think we would ever get past making all the equipment. That’s why we had you make the table of practice. It is good to know that you are capable of invoking angels without the paraphernalia.

Log Entry—July 2013

Note: Log entries are out of order to allow the material to be presented in an orderly fashion by topic.

This is the third week or so of spirit box sessions with Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley, and a summary of the experiences thus far.

I asked both what they preferred to be called. Dr. Dee was unconcerned and gave me permission to use either his first or last name. Edward Kelley prefers his first name, so Dr. Dee and Edward are how I will refer to them. I noticed that they both use Christian names with each other and that Edward is also called Ed or Eddie by his friends. I felt it better to maintain some formality as they are both my elders by many years, and it seemed appropriate to show proper respect.

I kept the spirit box on the slowest scan. We don’t have many radio stations here, and the slower setting seemed to be easier to analyze. I found that changing the equipment around caused difficulty for the spirits, so after the first week I kept the scanning settings consistent and had sessions at the same time each day. I used a small digital recorder next to the spirit box for purposes of analysis. The digital recorder has a USB port that I plugged into a laptop installed with the Audacity application.

This setup seemed to work pretty well as long as Dr. Dee, Edward, or any other spirits that are working with them were aware of my desire to communicate. In the process of learning this procedure, I found that there is interference from other spirits if they reach the equipment first. At times this was frustrating. We also had minor poltergeist phenomena going on in the house that disturbed Aries, our American bulldog, and Hermes, our Siamese cat.

I asked Dr. Dee about using the table of practice to help eliminate issues. He said to me, “I want you to use the alternative table instead of the large table. The large table is too big for what we are doing, and I think you will find the alternative much easier to deal with.”

I asked him, “What do you mean by the alternative table?”

He replied, “Get the large book—the Casaubon containing the diaries.”

I retrieved the book.

He said, “You are familiar with the table of Nalvage?”

I was confused for a few minutes and had to have him repeat the phrase several times. Then I realized that “Nalvage” was being pronounced with a hard G instead of a soft one. The way Dr. Dee says it, Nalvage has three syllables: Nal-vag-e.

I answered yes to his question and showed him the table. I was not able to see him and asked him to tell me where he was so I could speak in his general direction; I often made this request when communicating with the spirits.

He said, “I want you to take a piece of oak plywood and make a circle the same size as the great seal.”

“We need both sets of seals, sir? The foot seals?”

“Yes, you will need to make a set of small seals as well.”

“Sir, I need to use beeswax for these? Is this essential?”

Dee said, “Yes, it represents wisdom, and it is required.” He continued, “The table of Nalvage must be set in angelic lettering. For the feet, there must be magnets. I will help you when you go to the store to purchase the supplies.”

I realized how the setup was to be arranged. The silk rug would sit on my wooden table. On top of that, the foot seals and the table of Nalvage, and on top of that would be the great seal. I already had the red silk cover and the base.

My great seal met with his approval. All seals were done in angelic lettering. The numbering system in the Enochian script would have been too cumbersome to use for the size of the seals, so I used regular Arabic numerals. The use of numbers is not mentioned in the diaries. Edward once told me there was no official Enochian numbering system, but that he would have used Roman numerals represented by Enochian letters if he needed numbers.

Log Entry—July 2013

First session with Dr. Dee and the jukebox, the setup placed inside the silk-lined box. The clarity of the communication has improved to near conversational levels at times. The files are more difficult to process, but not greatly so. Dee reported that the equipment was easier for him to use as well. The spirit box is kept enclosed, and the silk-lined box not open between sessions. A wire with audio jacks at both ends now connects the radio to the recorder, and the recorder is outside of the box.

Dr. Dee’s voice is even and fairly consistent. I do not know if it is Dr. Dee’s voice as he was in the sixteenth century or not. The important thing is that communication is improved. He asked me for help with his ministry and it was my joy to say yes. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up. The prospect of having my hands untied and doing what I am meant to do instead of what the “institution” tells me to believe and do means more than I can adequately describe in words. The blistering heat of summer and my head reeling from lack of caffeine cannot dampen my enthusiasm.

I have no idea how we’re going to do this. But this is Dr. John Dee, and I don’t think much can get in his way when he sets out to do something. This was true during his life, and we can now add four centuries on to that. I look forward to seeing what he can do. We talked for nearly two and a half hours, which is the longest session yet.

I’m looking forward to my own healing, which will come soon, I hope.