
Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016





I could not possibly record all the conversations I have had with Edward Kelley and the other spirits I work with. I would like to close the book with a couple conversations with Edward.

I suspect that questions regarding the Enochian system of magic are going to arise. I know that some are interested in this subject and desire deeply to communicate with the Enochian angels. The Enochian system is one of the most popular systems of angel magic and invocation in use today. However, the purpose of our work together is not to correct the tables and the invocations of the Enochian system. Instead, we offer a straightforward way of communication with the Cosmic Father. Angels will always point you toward the Cosmic Father and Universe. The heavenly parents can teach you what you need to know for your best spiritual progress. They can also help you in your area of esoteric interest, including the Enochian angels.

Learning to open the heart and completing an initiation in some form are the first steps that have to be accomplished in your spiritual journey. When these two things are accomplished, the world of spirit will open to you in a far greater and deeper way than it would otherwise. Edward led me through this and gave instructions for others who share a similar interest. It is how he found the peace and love he so desperately needed, as well as a meaning to his existence.

Edward: I cannot answer questions regarding the Enochian magical system. It is the will of my Cosmic Father to not reveal this information publicly. It is not necessary to use the tables and other equipment to communicate with the Cosmic Father and with Universe. It is critical for you to learn focus before you attempt to use any of the equipment that was revealed to us (John Dee and Edward Kelley) in our earthly life.

Though he cannot discuss information about the angel tables and equipment from the diaries, Edward was able to offer some insights into his personal growth during his time with Dr. Dee on earth.

In the sixteenth century Edward was hired by Dr. Dee as a scryer. He had the gift and training to gaze into a crystal or mirror and see into spirit. His vision was exceptional, and the diaries record extraordinary communications. The complex tables and language that were received at this time are still studied with interest to this day.

Edward and Dr. Dee had differences of opinion regarding the beings they had contacted. The diaries record the struggles they had in trying to understand what Edward was seeing and hearing. Edward kindly agreed to offer a few comments about that time in his earthly life. He discusses his tension regarding the angels that he and Dr. Dee were in contact with. There were arguments between himself and Dr. Dee regarding the nature of the beings they were speaking to.

Edward: I did not trust the beings we were speaking to. However, I reported what I heard and saw exactly as I had heard and seen. This is how I worked as a scryer. I thought that the entities were evil. I did not think they were angels.

Jenny: Why did you come to that conclusion?

Edward: I was speaking to them during my free hours. I was confused by their doctrine of the universe. Angels came to teach alchemy. They were not using terminology I was accustomed to. They used a filter so that what they said would not be abused.

Angels are the mouth of the Father. I don’t know that I felt afraid of them, as you did. They came to me when I was younger and prayed for my forgiveness. They helped me in troubled times when I was just a young boy. As you know, I was very unlovable and aggressive with other children. The angels came and helped me to change. It was by the power of the Father that I lived to manhood.

Jenny: I wasn’t sure if the Father would accept me. I had suffered unpleasant experiences in religious groups, both Christian and Pagan, and these experiences colored my perception of the Divine. I was attracted to him but also very afraid. These perceptions then took life as shadow forms during the alchemical initiation ritual. As the veil was pulled back, my thoughts took on a visible shape and animation. I could clearly see and hear what I had believed in my heart. For a time this terrified me, but as the initiation progressed, cracks began to appear in these false beliefs, and finally their forms were broken and made powerless.

Edward: As you were coming through, several things were happening right then. You were being exposed to the depths of your suffering spirit. Second, we were raising Kundalini within you to bring the changes necessary for your healing. Thirdly, we were awakening your third eye. The power of awakening your third eye belongs to the holiest and purest angel, Gabriel. He loved you greatly before you even knew him. The Father revealed him to you when you were able to perceive him. The result is that you became confused and frightened. Knowing this, we had to protect you. We had to keep you still so you would not damage your body. During the confusion, you might have maimed yourself or Donald.

The Father, however we may perceive him, sees each one of us as his perfect baby, his perfect child, and so does Universe. As divine parents they want desperately for us, their children, to trust them and let them help us during our sojourn through this challenging world. As I am able to hear Edward, I am also able to hear the angels, the Cosmic Father, and Universe. It is important to them that we know they love us.

Cosmic Father and Universe: We love you. You are our children. We do not nor would we ever hurt you.

Angels come from the Father and are in essence his thought forms. They are benevolent beings of love. We hear of them deriding people and individuals in a tone that is harsh and unforgiving, but this is an error of perception. It was very prevalent in the diaries of Dr. Dee, and the misunderstanding of angels by Dr. Dee and Edward led to some very serious situations. It does not appear that they realized what was happening at the time, and both men suffered greatly at the hands of their shadows.

Edward: I was raised to believe in a judgemental God, as you were. When we were in school, they would spank you with a stick if you made mistakes. We believed that the Cosmic Father was greater and would destroy you if you made too many bad mistakes, so it was natural to expect his messengers to behave the way they did. But God is loving and Universe is caring, and they would never hurt their children. Everything in the diaries came from the angels. They did not harm us nor did they harm you. They did help us. They are loving—they could not hurt us or lead us to harm—yet you know that harm came to us. They were not involved with the harm that came.

Jenny: Edward, how did the harm happen?

Edward: I was not in harmony with the Father or Universe. I used my gift for my own gain, and it led to very serious consequences.

I believe that Edward and Dr. Dee saw my struggles with the shadows as similar to their own past struggles and were able to help me avoid some of the suffering that they experienced because of shadows. I was able to learn about them because I had teachers who had gone through the same ordeal.

I think the one thing the Father would ask all of us is simply this: “Child, will you let me love you?”

Trusting the Cosmic Father and Universe enough to let them love me as their child, and allowing them to help me make necessary changes to aspects of my life that were doing me harm, is what the initiation was all about. I went through a lot of pain before I realized that this was the whole point of the experience. I had searched long and hard to understand who the Cosmic Father and Universe are and what my relationship was to them.

I realize not everyone sees the heavenly parents in the same way that I do. I think they understand, and regardless of how you perceive them, they have a love for us that is blind to faults. They will go to whatever lengths it takes for the slightest chance that we will open our hearts to them. They sing to us and call to us, always hoping that in the midst of our distractions we will hear and respond.

In conclusion, I would like to give the reader the links to the sites that I use for demonstrations of the techniques described in this book. I will also have additional information regarding the Enochian tables that I used in the early part of the communications I had with Dr. Dee and Edward.

My YouTube channel is:


The link for my blog is:


I can be reached by email at Bluefirephoenixx@gmail.com. It is my hope and prayer that this information will be used to help others seeking greater enlightenment and knowledge of the universe through firsthand communication and experience.