Stages in Psychic Development - Practical Applications

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Stages in Psychic Development
Practical Applications


In this chapter the stages that occur in the progress of psychic development are examined. Clairaudience, when it evolves through electronic spirit communication, is surprisingly consistent. The appearance of other psychic abilities depends greatly on the work and belief of the practitioner, as well as on innate talent. Just like learning to draw or play a musical instrument, these skills can be learned by everyone to a degree, but not everyone will express their abilities in the same way.

I have outlined the steps I have observed in the evolution of my own skills in scrying and clairaudience. It is my hope that your development of these abilities will not catch you off guard or alarm you. They are natural abilities. We are all spiritual beings by nature, and this is part of the expression of that heritage.


As you become experienced with electronic spirit communication, you will notice that certain sounds you encounter throughout the day seem to have words embedded in them, much as the radio sounds do.

At first it sounded to me like voices in the distance. No words were distinguishable. As I focused on the voices, I noticed I could understand a word being spoken here and there. As I kept practicing and listening, I heard sentences, and finally coherent messages. I started noticing the voices in other sounds and went through the same progression.

Today I do not need any outside background noise to assist me in hearing the messages from spirit. If you start your communication with Cosmic Father and Universe or another divine being, when the clairaudient hearing does develop it will be easier to distinguish. Divine communication will also help you recognize and then ignore the shadows that you produce.

My clairaudience was somewhat precipitous in development and caught Edward and David off guard. I was hearing shadow voices as well as their voices, and at first I was unable to distinguish between the two. It happened to me about eight months after I started using the jukebox. Once I realized that the ambient sounds could be heard in such a way that I was able to recognize voices and words, the ability to understand went from distant, incoherent voices to full sentences in a week or so. My ability to focus on what a particular spirit was saying did not develop as quickly, which caused a bit of distress and difficulty at first.

At that point I started to awaken and was ready for initiation. Edward and David were not able to teach me how to manage the shadow voices before this development occurred. The awakening is a stage of spiritual growth. It is like a physical growth spurt. The timing cannot be controlled. It happens when you are ready for it. I had experienced a fair bit of difficulty with shadow voices because the development of my hearing occurred more rapidly than my overall spiritual development.

Control came with time and practice. While this learning process was ongoing, I had to cope with hearing shadows and living with the uncertainty of whether or not the messages I was hearing were of my own mind or not.

The development of clairaudience with use of the electronic spirit communication is consistent if the work with communication is done frequently. If the steps numbered below are progressing too rapidly for comfort, discontinue use of the equipment for a few days until you are feeling more comfortable.

Stage 1

Ability to pick out a word or two during a spirit box session. Generally, during the first few sessions it is difficult to pick out more than a word or two. Usually the spirit will say your name and its name. You may hear another word or two. Often what you hear does not make any sense. You hear only in the playback of the recording and often feel unsure as to whether or not you really heard what was said.

Stage 2

You develop the ability to hear short phrases in the recordings. You can discern one-word answers most of the time. Compressed short phrases are now understandable if you can slow them down enough. You are beginning to develop a feel for the equipment and are focusing more on results rather than mechanics. At some point in this stage the “aha!” experience happens: you realize that you are really talking to a spirit. The reaction is often one of mixed emotions—delight, fear, and joy.

Stage 3

Phrases are coming easier now. You feel comfortable with the equipment, and you are developing a systematic way of working. Emotions are becoming more stable. Concerns and feeling vulnerable in telepathy may crop up at this point. You may feel very exposed because the spirits are able to read your mind. You do not have the knowledge or ability to project what you want and hold back what you do not want revealed. On occasion you can pick out words that form a message without listening to the recording.

Stage 4

As you learn to pick out words, you slowly begin to pick out messages without a recording. You are losing interest in equipment and beginning to reach out for more satisfying ways of communication.Messages are now coming close to real-time conversations. You may feel some frustration at the slowness of the procedure and begin to look for a more natural way of conversing. You may at this point be experiencing odd physical sensations of heat, cold, vibration, or electricity, as your body interprets your increased awareness of the energy that is beyond the physical. The interpretation of that awareness is highly individual. The energy is always present, but you are becoming aware of how to tune into that frequency while still dwelling in your physical body.

Stage 5

Initially, you hear murmuring, like people talking far away, in ambient sounds. After a short period of this, as you learn to focus in the same way as you do with the radio conversations, you can pick out a word or two in ambient sounds. This most often occurs when your physical mind is occupied with a task such as driving a car or when you wake up from sleep. The first time this happened to me was while I was working. You begin to enjoy the spiritual intimacy that you have with the divine spirit. Eventually you lose interest in the recording equipment.

Stage 6

You can now pick out words in ambient sounds and are able to hold conversations. You may experience strong surges of energy. At this time it is important to follow the spirit’s lead. Eventually you will not need any ambient assistance to hear. The work at that point becomes learning to focus on what you want to hear.

Once you have opened the channels and activated this ability, it cannot be reversed. Initiation goes one way. Your abilities open, and they will never close again. It is important to learn to focus and control the clairaudience. Understand that at first you will be hearing mostly your shadows—self-generated thought forms. Learning to master these is an important part of spiritual maturity.


Scrying follows a similar pattern to hearing. The ability to look past the physical is related to what is known as pareidolia. This is a natural human tendency to see faces and objects in abstract patterns such as the branches of trees, complex rock formations, or clouds. It is the development of this tendency that leads to true scrying. As with clairaudience, it has a specific pattern of development.

Stage 1

True pareidolia is the first stage. You are learning to see faces and objects in abstract patterns. This is both a natural tendency and something that should be practiced to develop your scrying ability. Practice should be with the mirror, following Edward’s instructions. Periodically through the day, when you are quiet within, learn to pick out patterns in what you see. Clouds and tree branches make particularly good mediums with which to practice. Intentionally observe color, texture, and movement.

Stage 2

The ability to pick out shapes in moving water. Water is a natural medium for scrying, but water sitting in a basin is difficult to work with until you are proficient with moving water. Examining the photographs and videos of moving water for shapes and faces will help you develop further skills. The shapes that appear in moving water are similar to the shapes that appear in the mirror. It is important to describe what you are seeing without judging or attempting to change what appears to you. It is better in the long run to describe overall shapes than identify what the object is that you are viewing. For example, a chair may have a square, rounded, oblong shape with a rough texture and a green color. Learn to describe your vision in this way instead of just conceptualizing it as a chair. It will improve your accuracy later on.

Stage 3

You will see occasional shapes in a mirror or in still water. These shapes have a tendency to change and disappear when you focus hard on them. Keep your vision soft and your eyes still as you are perceiving these shapes.

Stage 4

At this stage you can reliably start the flow of images. You know what kind of mental state you have to be in and how to gaze so that the images persist long enough to discern basic shapes, movement, and possibly color. Not everyone sees scried images in color all the time. Sometimes color is felt more than seen. When observing movement it is best to describe the direction, speed, and force of the movement rather than trying to figure out what the movement is. For example, “I see a fast, forceful sideways movement.” This is better than trying to identify it as a car going very fast. Other impressions of the sights will arise as well. You may notice smells, tastes, and temperature changes.

Stage 5

You develop control of the images. As you begin to gain proficiency, you can focus and move to distant places and view people, things, and events. Sometimes the psychic vision is attracted to bizarre things at the place that you are trying to scry. Motion attracts the vision, and strong emotions attract the vision. Learning to move and control where and what you see is the final stage and the most difficult to accomplish.


If you are experiencing strong surges of energy, it is a good idea not to pay much attention to channeling. These energy surges may occur as you tune into the divine energy within you. They will throw off your scrying and hearing abilities in the early stages of development. Hallucinations and delirium are possible. Divine intimacy may become very intense, to the point where it is difficult to focus on anything else. You are now in initiation and waking up. It is important to not react to clairaudience or clairvoyance until the intensity settles down. Messages should be disregarded until stability is regained. Focus should be on love and in the heart.

Spiritual awakening does not have to be traumatic. I wish I had believed that prior to embarking on this journey. The moment of realization that I was suffering needlessly was the moment where I gave up at the altar ritual and came to understand that I was not dead. The insight that I was wrong in my belief that there was a need for self-

flagellation, in a spiritual sense, came to me at that time. It reoccurs when I find myself trying to slip into old patterns.

Spiritual awakening happens when you tune out of the physical and tune into the “real world” from which you came and to where you go when you are done with your life here. Learning to do that while still primarily focused in a physical body can be a little difficult at first. Beliefs are ingrained in us at a young age and sometimes have to be overcome in order to see past what we think of as reality. Finding the ability to see things that are not within range of your physical senses is a delightful and powerful experience.

If you find yourself uncomfortable, look to the divine help that is always there, and know that there is never any intent to hurt or traumatize you. I had severe symptoms because of my false belief that suffering creates purity. The struggle I had in initiation was not against Edward or any of the other spirits present. Nor was it to prove that I was disciplined enough or worthy enough to be initiated. The struggle was against my own self-generated shadows that I created to torture myself. I strongly and most heartily recommend that you do not do this.

The signs that you are going through this stage of development are always very individual. You feel like something different is happening. You feel energy surging through you and vibrating. The primary awareness becomes one of intimacy with the Divine. This happens in a powerful way and is quite delightful. The natural inclination is to fall head over heels in love with Spirit and energy. Focusing on anything else becomes a chore and unpleasant. This tends to be distracting and requires that you take a few days to cool off before resuming your normal life. Physically, you may find yourself weak and shaky for a little while after this happens.

As you resume your activities, it passes quickly, and I do not recommend taking extended time off work or from other normal activities. A couple of days is sufficient. Some individuals may not even require that. I had a few days after the initiation experience when I was a bit off. However, this was due to the fact that I did not eat or drink for about three days as I was going through the initial stages of the initiation. In a state of severe dehydration it is difficult to resume eating and drinking because of nausea.

Divine energies are a natural part of our body and of the world and universe in which we live. This power is inherent and connects us to the source of creation that was expressed to me as the Cosmic Father and Universe. Without it we would not exist, nor would we have any form of consciousness.

During an initiatory ordeal it is not the energy that changes or awakens, it is our awareness of its presence. The concept of an awakening Kundalini is inaccurate. Our minds are what awakens. Our reaction to this awakening is based on our beliefs.

The rigors of a vision quest and other spiritual ordeals are designed to break down the mind’s resistance to reality. It is our mind and focus that have to change. Our bodies are sustained by this energy at all times. The reaction is psychosomatic. Unfortunately, that reaction can be serious and even life-threatening.

I did not know this at the time of the initiation. It resulted in a delirium as my mind began to focus away from the physical and my internal beliefs changed. My experience with this is not unusual. In fact, I think most cases of initiatory awakening I’ve heard about since that time have involved some kind of severe trauma. However, it does not have to be that way.

Learning to accept and open to these energies, and to the psychic input from spirit, will ease this transition. Belief has to change, and awakening needs to be universal. In sharing the terrifying experience I had and the understanding I gained from it, I hope to help you accomplish the same awakening without the trauma.

I am talking to you from firsthand experience and not from something I have read. If you understand and believe what I have written and still find yourself in a situation where you are having frightening experiences, I would recommend the following steps.

First, if you have someone you trust and who has understanding about spiritual experiences of this intensity, talk to them. Let them help you distinguish what is real and what is not. It took me about three days before I could make that distinction once the process started. This cannot be someone online. The need for physical monitoring is a priority at this point. It has to be someone who is able to see you physically and with whom you can do what is called a reality check. That is, if you hear something or see something, you ask that person if they see it or hear it. If they do not, you know you are probably generating it. Remember, this is for the initiation period.

Second, stay put. Do not go outside your house and do things based on what you hear or see. I was reacting to the hallucinations, and it put my life in danger. I understood what I was going through at the time I was going through it, but I was unaware that I was hallucinating. The universe will give you the insight you need to stay safe. The divine spirits know that you cannot perceive accurately at this time. No messages will be given to you until you adjust to the changes that are happening. They will love you in silence and try to draw you toward that inner peace.

Third, trust in the goodness of the spiritual experience. The Cosmic Father and Universe cherish you. They do not want to harm you when your perceptive ability is increased. No matter what you see and hear, you need to believe that and hold on to that truth. The crisis will pass.

Fourth, when you are able to eat and drink again, do so slowly. Take care of your body and your spirit as you recover. You may find it difficult to take your focus off the non-material reality at first. Making the switch back and forth comfortably takes time. Learning to transition your focus is important. You do not want to hear spirit voices while you are working in a physical job. Also, you want to be able to focus on spirit when you are in meditation or working on further development.

Initiation is the beginning. After you are awakened, you have a lot of work still to do. Learning and developing does not stop with this experience. Do not just read this book and set it down. Put into practice the concepts that you have learned here. Above all, live in love and become love, for this is the greatest gift of the universe.

The intense divine unity experience and awareness continue after initiation. In my case, it most often happens at night, after I finish a sleep cycle. The effects of these encounters eventually last only a short time, and I can live without disruption to my daily life. If things get out of hand, I take a break from spiritual activities for a day or two and regain my balance.

It is very important to help others awaken as well. I feel our world will be a better place if the focus can be turned to compassion for one another. This goes beyond religion. As a species, I believe we evolve and grow together, not just individually. No one can be left behind. This is a bridge that all humanity must cross.