Analysis of Recordings - Practical Applications

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Analysis of Recordings
Practical Applications


In this chapter I will go over the basic procedures for recording and analyzing the communications. The procedure is the same regardless of what type of spirit box or method you are using.


I will present a couple options for recording devices. Basically, we have two categories to work with: recording using a laptop, cell phone, or tablet and using a stand-alone digital recorder.

The first option involves programs and apps that are available for computer, phone, and tablet devices. These apps can work from the built-in microphones on these devices. In the past, older laptops and computers had microphone input 3mm jacks where you could plug in a separate stand-alone microphone. However, most computers now have a combination jack or only a headset 3mm jack. Directly hooking up the spirit box to the computer becomes complicated, if not impossible.

It is not essential to make the direct connection as long as the spirit box has adequate volume to be picked up by the microphone of the recording device. If a separate microphone is required because of volume issues or if the operator wants to put the spirit box at the point of focus in a ritual, then a stand-alone digital recorder should be used. Otherwise, use the built-in microphone of the laptop, tablet, or phone.

Understand these important points:

✵ • Microphone jack is input. This is on the recording device.

✵ • Headphone jack is output. This is on the spirit box.

✵ • Use built-in microphones on laptops, phones, and tablets if they can be used to record the responses.

The machine used for recording needs to be different from the device being used as the spirit box. Remember, the spirit box produces the sound, and the recording device receives it. If you are doing EVP recordings, you are not working with a produced sound. There is no spirit box, only the microphone and recording device.

The second category is the stand-alone digital recorder. Digital recorders generally record in a format that can be used by any software that processes sound. MP3 is the most common and is adequate for a beginner.

All digital recorders have a microphone input and a headphone output. In this case, the headphone jack of the device being used as the spirit box can be connected directly to the microphone input of the digital recorder. If you need to record or play with more than one microphone or headset, there is a Y-connector with two ports that can be used. This is a 3mm connector that you can find at an electronics store. One side of the Y-connector has one male port and the other side has two female ports. This will save you from having to use a multitrack digital recorder with multiple input and output channels, which costs about $400.


Once you have the recording stored, you need to examine it for messages. This process can be kept fairly simple. Low-cost or free apps and programs are available. Audacity and Wavepad are two examples of free apps that can be used to examine sound files.



When you are analyzing the recordings, remember that you are scrying using sound instead of sight. This works in the same way the spirit helps you move the pointer on the spirit communication board. The spirit cannot directly influence the sounds coming out of the electronic communication devices. The scrying aspect is in the selection of significant sounds and their combinations as they appear in the recordings. During this process, the spirit influences the mind of the medium so that the medium hears words and phrases in the background sounds produced by the electronic devices. The medium can then thread the words into sentences and reveal the content of the spirit’s message.

The spirit, channeling through the medium, can sometimes affect the natural world indirectly. This ability is the basis for physical mediumship. This is a type of mediumship that produces physical manifestations such as ectoplasm, apportations, direct voice, and telekinesis.

In rare instances, a spirit can manipulate the psychic ability of the medium to physically affect the sounds coming from a radio or spirit box. In these occurrences it will be the medium who unconsciously affects the device, as directed to do so by the spirit. In such cases the messages are often very clear and understandable by anyone listening to the recording. As you develop spiritually, you will have this happen from time to time.

Even with a powerful medium, the recordings will not always be perfectly clear to others. These kinds of recordings are very rare and require a powerful natural medium or someone who has had intensive spiritual training to produce consistently. The quality of the recordings will depend on the psychic development of the operator. It took me a week or two before I was able to understand more than one or two words per recording.

You must trust your intuition and heart to be able to understand what is being said. The spirit will speak to your heart and influence your hearing in such a way that you understand the message. If the message does not come clearly, you should ask for it to be repeated until you understand what is being said. The message should be checked with a yes/no response for accuracy by doing a follow-up recording, dowsing, or spirit communication board session. Regardless of the method of spirit communication, double checking for correctness should be done at least once and preferably a couple times for each session.


I would recommend using a laptop or computer to process the sound files in the beginning. There are a few programs out there that are easy to use and low cost or even free. Two examples of these programs are Wavepad and Audacity. Regardless of what program you use, there are common adjustments and effects that are present in all multitrack sound processers.

Step 1

Locate the essential functions in the program used to process the file. Processing a sound file is not complicated, but it does require locating the following in the application:

1. Locate the control for playback speed.

2. You need to be able to highlight segments of the sound file.

3. Find the control for amplification, if available.

4. Locate the noise-reduction control or gain control. Reducing gain will eliminate some of the static.

5. Locate reverse play.

6. Find pitch or speed control. Speed and pitch are the same thing. Lower pitch to slow down the playing speed of the file segment.

Once you have located these functions in the application, you are ready to work with your sound file. If the application or program does not have all of these features, do not worry about it. Work with what you have. Once you learn the basics you can always find something that will suit your particular needs.

Step 2

Upload the sound file and open it in the program or application.

Step 3

Starting at the beginning, highlight a small segment of the file and listen to just that segment. Make volume adjustments. If you have the volume all the way up and you still hear only faint voices, you will need to amplify the file. If the static noise is too loud for your comfort, you can do a noise reduction.

Caution: Noise reduction can obliterate imbedded messages or message fragments. Use with discretion.

Step 4

If you hear a voice in the file segment, reduce the speed of playback or lower the pitch until you can hear what is being said. The messages, especially when received by beginners, will be faster than normal speech rate and difficult to understand. Accenting and tone variations may also cause speech-comprehension difficulties. With practice, you will adjust to the sounds, speed, and accenting and be able to make out what the spirit is saying.

Step 5

Some people find that adding reverb to the sound file will improve the intelligibility. If you wish to add this effect, do it slowly and listen frequently until you are satisfied with the result. This is optional; I do not use this feature.

Other Hints

✵ • The first week in working with electronic spirit communication is spent establishing contact and determining the time of day for working. Ideal times vary with individuals, and various times should be experimented with until the most productive time of day is established. The times when communication is not clear should be eliminated.

✵ • Keep strict focus during the sessions. This is critical to success.

✵ • You may need to listen to each segment several times before you can make out what is being said. This is a process that requires patience. I will address troubleshooting in the final chapter.



1. Start with very short sessions: one question, one answer. Do not go into your first sessions and record long sound tracks. Increase your time slowly and only when you are receiving appropriate and relevant responses to your inquiries. The communication should resemble an intelligent and focused two-way conversation. In addition, your verifying of communication sessions indicates consistent accuracy.

2. Sessions are focused. You have your questions written down. Save only relevant and appropriate answers, and discard everything else.

3. Break between questions. A substantial mental break should occur after a completed question. A change of focus must occur during this break. This means that you are not thinking about the sessions or the spirit you are communicating with.

4. Include verifiable information sessions early in the work. Asking simple, verifiable questions such as the date, season, your name, the spirit’s name, etc., increases your confidence in channeling and will help you determine if you are connecting properly.

5. Persist with the question until you hear a relevant and appropriate response. Consistent effort will help you make the connections necessary to hear the spirit’s communication. If the response is not relevent or it is inappropriate, discard it. Assume it is a shadow recording. This will happen frequently in the beginning.