Communication Board - Practical Applications

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Communication Board
Practical Applications


In the first half of the book I told you how I initially contacted Dr. Dee and Edward. The recommendations I will give here for establishing your initial contact with spirits differ from what I did. This recommended procedure results in a much shorter and easier pathway to the initiation experience.

I went through a great deal of pain emotionally because of shadows that I generated. It took me a year to heal and open to the point where I could handle initiation and awakening. If I had known and believed I could go to the Cosmic Father and talk to him or Universe on the jukebox, I would have been spared from most of that pain.

The Cosmic Father and Universe have said to me that if people would use the spirit communication board, the jukebox, or any other device to attempt to reach them, they would respond. I want to reassure you that they are willing to use these tools should you choose to employ them.

The Cosmic Father also wants you to understand that you are not obligated to use any tools to communicate with him and Universe. They are able to help you open your heart and understand what you need to do without communication equipment. The use of these communication tools is entirely at the discretion of the operator.

Regardless of the method you choose to use, when you make contact with them you will be healed and changed. You will know the pleasure of being one with them while you are still alive. Believe me, being held in that way is not something you want to delay. It’s the best possible thing you can experience while living on this earth!

The other advantage to contacting the source first, before you contact lesser spirits, is that shadows tend to dissipate in its presence. This happens over time as you grow closer to the Cosmic Father and Universe. You lose interest in shadows, and eventually they have no power or life.

Contacting the Cosmic Father and Universe first is the safest possible way to use the equipment shown in this book. You know for sure that any message coming from them will be conveyed in a loving way and will encourage you to be more loving toward others.

If you feel more comfortable with another divine spirit, contact a spirit who has a known benevolent and helpful nature. All such entities are connected to Universe and will lead you to that divine unity. The content of their communication will always be helpful and kindly in nature. This will help the beginner to distinguish between self-generated shadows and true communication as you are learning this skill.

In this section I will discuss the alphanumeric board that is used for spirit communication. I find this board easy to work with and also easy to make. This device can be crafted at little or no cost using household materials. It is a simple yet effective tool for establishing initial contact with the Cosmic Father and Universe.


To make the communication board, use a piece of foam board or a similar material that has a smooth and slightly glossy surface that will allow the planchette to move freely. You can design your own board or copy the design I used, which is shown on page 22. If you copy my board, use the names of Cosmic Father and Universe instead of John Dee. The symbols associated with Dr. Dee on my board will need to be changed on your board to symbols associated with the Cosmic Father and Universe. The symbol for Universe is the seal of the sixth gate in the initiation ritual; see page 133. The symbol for the Cosmic Father is the seal of the seventh gate; see page 135.

The material for the spirit communication board we used with Dr. Dee was foam board. This is the material that is used in matting pictures and paintings. It’s available at craft stores and comes in sheets that are about 30 inches square.

I used the thickest available foam board. I cut the large piece in half and glued it so that it was a double thickness. I then fastened the foam board to a piece of plywood for additional strength.

Of all the spirit communication boards we have made, this was by far the best as far as ease of use. The shot glass we used as a planchette glides easily and freely across the surface. It is lightweight, durable, and portable.

The image shown on the following page is a board that Donald made of wood, which was painted and finished. That board is more difficult to use. The humidity here tends to soften the varnish on wood furniture. With the spirit communication board, it makes the planchette stick to the board, increasing the effort needed to move it. It is the arrangement of the letters and the use of different sigils for that board that I would like you to notice. Either the board should be specific to each spirit you contact or a generic board can be used with sigils that are designed to aid the focus of a beginner-level practitioner.

In the board on page 22, the image of Dr. Dee was printed with the computer, and a larger image was placed next to the table. A copy of the spirit diaries he wrote were put under the table. The central esoteric symbol of John Dee’s 1564 book The Hieroglyphic Monad occupies the right-hand corner of the board. We used this as Dee’s personal sigil.



Homemade spirit communication board with the seals of the Cosmic Father (right) and Universe (left).

The symbol known as the hieroglyphic monad (in Latin monas hieroglyphica) was designed by Dr. Dee to serve as the symbolic key to the teachings of all branches of the Western mysteries, such as astrology, numerology, ritual magic, and alchemy. Dr. Dee employed it to demonstrate the convergence of planetary powers and to represent the prima materia of the metals in alchemy. His book The Hieroglyphic Monad describes the correct construction of the monad and how its various parts relate to different aspects of these occult studies. Throughout his life, Dr. Dee used the hieroglyphic monad as his own personal emblem. It appears on the title pages of many of his published books. This affinity Dr. Dee had for the monad made it ideal for his spirit sigil.

We did not concentrate on a specific location or a direction in space during our séance with Dr. Dee. In contacting spirits, a direction in which to focus mental energies is sometimes helpful. Indeed, in some of the traditional grimoires it is prescribed as part of the ritual. We could not travel to Mortlake—in England, where Dr. Dee’s body is buried—but neither Donald nor I believed this would be necessary in order to contact his spirit.

Our spirit board was operated by the two of us using an ordinary shot glass as the planchette. We found that the wooden planchette did not operate smoothly on this particular board. The foam board has the perfect texture for gliding a small glass around with almost no resistance. Another advantage of the shot glass is that it is possible to see through its sides when it is centered over a letter, making the selection of letters very precise.

I should add here that materials used in spiritual work should be made by the person who wishes to do the communication. Donald and I very rarely use anything that we have not made from scratch. The image of John Dee on the upper-left corner of the foam board is an exception to this rule. I find it very difficult to draw a portrait from an existing portrait, and the size had to be extremely small to fit in the corner of the board. It was a little beyond my artistic skill to do the portrait by hand, so I printed it out on a computer printer.

My board used the same lettering layout as the Parker Brothers’ Ouija board—the alphabet was arranged in two arcs, one above the other, with the numerals from 1 to 0 in a line below. The words “yes” and “no” were placed in the upper left and right corners. The words “good bye” appeared centered at the lower edge of the board, below the numerals.

A circular lettering layout is the second most popular layout for spirit communication boards. It is important to space the letters far enough apart that the planchette can point to one letter without overlapping another. One old method of laying out the letters used tiles of paper or cardboard arranged in a large circle on a table. The letters were taped securely to the table so that the inverted glass that was used as a pointer could touch the letters without knocking them from their places. An inverted whisky shot glass or a wine glass were most often employed as pointers. This old method of making a spirit board costs nothing and can be used anywhere.

If the letters are painted directly onto the board, it is easier to use because it allows the operator to start to move the planchette or shot glass directly over the letters without disturbing them. The words “yes,” “no,” and “good bye” can be added to speed up communication, but they are not essential. If you wish, you may use just the single letters Y to represent “yes” and N to represent “no.”

Meditate and focus on the spirits you intend to contact. Plan a time for the operation.


A video or voice recorder is an important tool for working with the spirit communication board. Messages can be confusing, and a video or voice recording of the communication can help you unscramble the content. A partner working with you when you are communicating is helpful. Two or more operating the board tend to have more interesting results. A third person can listen and write the results down. Regardless of how many people are involved in the operation, the results should be written and analyzed as soon as possible after the communication is completed. Spiritual experiences tend to fade from memory rather quickly after returning to full physical focus.

Do not forget to test the voice recorder or video camera prior to the session to insure they are in working condition. Analysis should be done immediately after the operation. The exception to this is if the spirit is not sent from the Cosmic Father or it is obviously a shadow; remember, negative responses indicate a shadow. In this case the recording should be discarded without listening to it or viewing it.


The board should be positioned between the operators if there are more than one, either balanced on the knees or on a small table. Each operator should place one finger on the planchette or glass. If only one operator is working, then I would recommend using the non-dominant hand for the board work. I had a great deal of difficulty relaxing and allowing that influence on my body at first, but I found that the hand I have less control over was easier for the spirits to influence.

A gentle circular motion should be started with the planchette or glass. When a rhythm of movement is established, you can start to ask questions. Trust your intuition. Everyone is different. It’s a good idea to experiment with both hands to see which one works best for you.

Edward: Either hand will work. It should be left to the preference of the operator as to which hand is used for this kind of work.


Ask questions that can be answered with single words or short phrases. Initially, yes or no questions should be used. The questions should have personal meaning to the operator. Interrogation to try to prove the existence of spirits is usually not a productive path.

Allow time during the session for the Cosmic Father or Universe to speak to you freely. I suggest that you discuss with them obstacles that are preventing you from having the initiatory awakening. They can help you discover who you are and why you came to live in this world. They can heal you from emotional wounds and sometimes physical ones as well. These are just a few discussion ideas to help you get started.


Open with prayer and meditation. Touch the planchette lightly with a finger or two. Gently circle it on the board as you relax and focus on the Cosmic Father or Universe. Open your mind and heart to what they are going to say. You should feel calm, open, and receptive before starting to ask questions. Be patient with this. Continue the circling motion until you have reached the proper receptive state.

When the spirit moves the pointer to a letter, remember that it doesn’t move the pointer directly but influences the muscles of your body. It is your hand that moves the pointer, but the movement is directed by the spirit. The influence is subtle and gentle. Don’t be afraid to double check your answers.

Have the list of questions you want to ask already written down or printed out. Display near the board the symbols that aid focus and are visual reminders of the qualities of the spirit—in the case of the board on page 216, either symbols of the Cosmic Father or Universe or both.

The first question you ask should identify and confirm that you are in contact with the spirit you want to speak with, who in this case is either the Cosmic Father or Universe. It should be something like, “Am I in contact with Universe (or the Cosmic Father)?” The identifying question should be formatted as a yes or no question. If you are using letters to represent yes or no, then say, “Am I in contact with the Cosmic Father (or Universe)? Please indicate Y for yes or N for no.”

If the first answer is no, then ask the spirit present if it was sent as an emissary from the Cosmic Father. It should answer yes or no to that question. If the answer is yes, identify the spirit present by asking for its name. Once you identify the spirit, ask why it was sent. You can then continue the conversation with the questions you have.

If a spirit answers no, that it was not sent as an emissary from the Cosmic Father (or Universe), then terminate the session without further conversation.

Consider your thoughts and mood during the operation, and if necessary make the appropriate corrections to them. Success in contacting the Cosmic Father or Universe depends on having a positive, hopeful, and loving state of mind. It also depends on calm, unwavering focus. In the beginning there may be some excitement or nervousness that will interfere with communication. It is important to only communicate with the Cosmic Father and Universe or the spirit emissary they have delegated for the task.

If the operation is not successful, then nervous excitement or lack of focus has to be eliminated. A calm, steady focus with a positive mental and emotional state must be established before and during the operation. Once you have made the corrections to your emotional state and focus, try again at a later time, perhaps the next day. Remember that negative emotions such as fear and anger will interfere with your ability to communicate with the Cosmic Father and Universe.

The spirit communication board is a good tool to aid in learning the sense of spiritual touch similar to what is used in dowsing. Learning this touch is one of the first and most basic psychic tools. Learning to use this basic tool will aid in learning other skills such as dowsing, automatic writing, psychometry, and remote viewing, which are beyond the scope of this book.