Introduction - Practical Applications

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Practical Applications



I believe that communication with spirits of higher development is important to personal spiritual growth. It fulfills an innate human need. Almost every religion in the world is based on communication with spirits. The communication becomes regulated and controlled by the religious body that develops based on the philosophy that is perceived. For the most part, the regulation in spirit communication has led to the belief that individuals cannot communicate with spirits who have higher consciousness unless certain rules are followed. In some cases communication is prohibited altogether.

One of the main purposes I have in writing this is to break through those barriers. It is not only possible to communicate directly—that is, to a have a two-way conversation with divine spirits—it is also very desirable to do so. Spirits such as Cosmic Father and Universe have a strong interest in our spiritual growth and development. When you hear such a spirit say “I love you; you are my child” or even just hear a spirit say your name, it creates a strong connection.

That connection to the Divine is further strengthened as your belief in this communication grows stronger. This is the awakening experience. It is nothing more than coming to terms with being a spirit in a body. Anything becomes possible. Delving into that source, the “one thing” of the Emerald Tablet, will change anyone who overcomes the fears and other inhibitions and prohibitions against any kind of contact.


Electronic spirit communication (ESC) is a new form of scrying that does not require visual perceptive ability. I found that audio scrying was much easier for me to learn than visual scrying. My observations over the past couple of years indicate that I am not alone in this tendency. Vision was difficult for me to work with, and it wasn’t until two years after the initiation that I was able to make progress with spirit vision.

The potential for exploration with this method is limitless. I have tried it only with a select number of spirits. I have been told that it can reach any spirit who is willing to communicate from any time or any place—and by “place” I mean dimensions of space as well as the physical universe. That is a vast territory. There are no limits to what you can learn with this. It is a tool for your tool belt as a spiritual explorer, magician, Pagan, or whatever label you might choose to put yourself under. You are only limited by your beliefs and ability to focus.

ESC also can be used in a group setting or even in a ritual setting. This will be helpful when there are members of a group who seek a divine connection and are unsuccessful with traditional methods.

There are two keys to this method that I need to go over before explaining the nuts and bolts of how to use the equipment. They are intent and focus.

Intent in a practical sense translates into persistence and consistency of practice. Intent is not the same thing as being goal oriented. Intent over a prolonged period becomes a lifestyle. Being goal oriented is short term in nature, whereas intent is something that causes long-term change.

Any preliminary meditation or ritual that you might choose to do prior to engaging in electronic spirit communication is done to improve your focus. Making your own equipment also improves your focus. Focus heightens the accuracy of spirit communication. Without focus, you are apt to only hear what is in your own mind.

There are a growing number of electronic products in the market. In the advertising for these products you will see some pretty spectacular communication. However, I think it’s important for the practitioner to develop as a medium and develop spiritually. Fancy setups and expensive equipment will not make your communication meaningful. If you follow the content of some of the advertising sessions, you will see a lot of junk communication that has no relevance or meaning to the operator.

The method of ESC that I teach here relies on intuition augmented by electronic communication. Don’t put the cart before the horse. Development as a medium is key to successful communication. It can be done with simple and inexpensive equipment.

In this half of the book I will cover the following topics:

✵ • The construction and use of the spirit communication board

✵ • Electronic spirit communication, which includes EVP processing, direct radio voice, scanning radio, and randomized sound file apps

✵ • Scrying, which is a traditional skill; it was part of my training for initiation to teach me focus and is a good tool for development

✵ • Interpretation of the information; there are some effective methods that I have learned to help improve accuracy of the information