Two Years Post-Initiation - My Training and Initiation

Spiritual Alchemy: Scrying, Spirit Communication, and Alchemical Wisdom - Jenny Tyson 2016

Two Years Post-Initiation
My Training and Initiation


Long-term changes after a life-changing event will continue for years after the event has happened. It has now been two years. Looking back, I have a much better perspective on the changes that occurred during that time.

I still visit and work with David and Edward, though my perspective as to how that happens has completely changed since initiation. One of the primary changes is the realization that time is not linear and what happens in the afterlife is even more complex than life’s choices during physical incarnation. I do not contact the same aspect of their personalities all the time. The nonphysical aspects of all personalities are not subject to time and space limitation. Various aspects of their personalities have been in contact with me through the entire process of my spiritual development. Understanding the interaction between physical life and spirit has been a primary focus of the past couple years.

The other topic that I have been studying is psychic perception techniques and their application to traditional skills such as scrying and dowsing.


One of the first major struggles after initiation involved changing my beliefs about the afterlife. Prior to initiation I was not a big fan of reincarnation. I thought the concept was too narrow-minded and earth-centric, placing too much importance on earthly existence. In addition, the concept contradicted the beliefs I grew up with and had accepted for most of my life. Even when exploring Paganism as a faith, I did not find reincarnation to be an acceptable explanation of the afterlife.

This changed after initiation. Edward was the key to this change. He taught me about another life he had lived on earth. It was a life in which he had worked as a psychic and used his abilities to help others instead of for personal gain. Some of the writings from that life survived. I have two sets of writings to compare: one book from the sixteenth century on alchemy and letters from the late nineteenth century that detail his psychic perceptions and philosophies. His name and other personal information about this other life have to remain confidential because Edward does not want it revealed. However, in comparing the two documents I had access to, I realized that it was Edward who had written both. My disbelief shattered, and I began to work on understanding where I had come from and what I had been through prior to my current life. I learned to focus on and recall different periods of time. The memories from past lives are basically the same as the memories of my current life. Some are more vivid than others. Some are good, and some are unpleasant.


The polarity of the Cosmic Father and Universe faded after initiation, and the unity of this source of all-that-is became more apparent. Within this being there is both diversity and unity. Each conscious awareness within the whole is cherished much in the same way a mother cherishes a child within her womb or a newborn baby. Accepting this intimacy and unity is not always easy for me. It was not an instant process; instead, I went through stages of growth and development as my understanding and insight grew.

I no longer have major bouts of fear and depression. My emotional state has improved greatly since the first contact with Dr. Dee in June 2013.

I observed that my own being is far more complex than a simple earthly incarnation. My growth affects the growth of the whole. The decisions and development of other people affect my being as well. Humanity develops both as individual personalities and as a species. Not only do we develop as a species, but other species, including non-terrestrial species, develop with us. Our development affects them and vice versa. Every decision made generates and creates new probabilities and new aspects of these probabilities.

This creative force is infinite and exponential in nature. As all this happens to the one source of life, it becomes increasingly more complex and evolves with us as we grow through our life’s decisions and interactions. Life and consciousness grow and evolve as a unit through personalities that can interact and make choices. The complexity of our personalities creates new possibilities that have dynamic implications for spirit interaction and spur the evolution of the whole.


The infinite creativity and evolution of the personality defines the parameters of spirit communication. Any personality can be reached as long as that personality is open to communication. This is true regardless of that entity’s state of incarnation, and it includes your own personality. Future and past aspects of your personality are potentially available to you for communication. Previously held notions of limited access to individuals in spirit are invalid. An individual’s potential and actual personalities are infinite. Future and past aspects of your life can also be influenced. This ability to influence events is the basis of magic. The only limiting factors are your beliefs.

The nature of that communication involves thought forms. The line between what a thought form is and what the spirit is becomes less definite when working with these concepts. The personality aspects are part of a whole. These aspects are flexible and can be combined to form new personalities. A spirit’s personality is not fixed; multiple aspects and probabilities exist within each personality. Physical incarnation generates the illusion of being a fixed individual for a time, for the purpose of learning and growing. The belief in this illusion often carries over to spirit. We tend to believe that spirits have the same sort of existence that we do, just in a different context physically. In reality, the complexity of spiritual life is far greater than physical life.

This is demonstrated in the Enochian diaries. Angels combine and separate names, using letters from their names to form letters in the names of other angels. When this is done, the primary aspects become separated and recombined into a different personality that has the same abilities, life, and consciousness as the contributing personalities. This possibility is also available to human beings. In spirit this is something that is done naturally. The various aspects of these personalities are available for communication.

The thought forms are generated as communication vessels to interact with the source as well as other personalities and entities. They translate the highly abstract spiritual into a perception that can be relayed to and understood by the conscious mind of an individual.


In some cases, the conscious mind can be set aside and the thought form can then influence the physical environment. All psychic and physical phenomena are generated in this fashion. It is possible there are generation points where physical manifestation tends to occur more easily. As of this writing, I have only been able to produce this kind of physical phenomena more or less by accident.

Physical healing from spirit is possible in this fashion. The incidents of miraculous healing, such as what I experienced in my initiation, are functions of this mechanism, according to Edward. Inward mental behaviors, beliefs, and thought patterns play a role, but consistent transitioning is an elusive skill to obtain. The healing that I experienced during initiation has continued to this day. I do not take medications for migraines or sinus problems and have not since that healing took place. I do not experience congestion unless I am sick with a cold. If I have a headache, it is usually treatable with a half dose of Tylenol or ibuprofen, which is a fraction of the medication I used to take for the condition.


The Cosmic Father and Universe represent the unity and diversity of the source. Time does not exist within this unity and diversity. All probabilities—past, present, and future—exist within this unity.

One of the primary concepts that I learned is time displacement communication. Edward demonstrated this concept to me. It was March 2015. I was driving home from choir practice on a Wednesday night. When the conscious mind is occupied with a task that is not too demanding, it becomes an open window for spirit communication. Driving the car is sometimes the optimal state of mind for a short conversation, such as the one I have recorded below.

Edward: Jenny, I have to come down there.

Jenny: What? I thought you said you were staying there so we could continue the work we are doing.

Edward: The situation has changed. I have to live down there for a while. I think we have some time, though, maybe a month or so before I go, I hope. David will continue to work with you from here.

The conversation ended there. He gave me some space to come to terms with the shock of this news. I found it ironic. We usually grieve when people die, not when they are born. Yet Edward’s reincarnation was for me a disaster. It turned out that we didn’t have a month. In fact, we didn’t even have twenty-four hours. I was awakened at 1:00 a.m. that same night.

Edward: Jen, the angel has come for me. I have to go. Trust the Universe to help you. Don’t be afraid.

What was happening at that point was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Powerful energies were surging between us as Edward started the transition. Our link lasted long enough that I could feel what was happening as he transitioned to the physical world focus. An angel finally broke the link. There was no doubt in my mind what had just happened. In a few hours Edward Kelley would be a newborn baby. That baby would be born with the psychic abilities of Edward plus all the other personalities who had developed and used those abilities in his previous incarnations.

I cried most of the night. It was the lowest point of my life since the initiation. I did not know what I was going to do. There had been a massive shift, some psychic change that I could not explain, nor do I yet understand exactly what happened. Dr. Dee and Edward were both back on earth. Dr. Dee had left about a year earlier, just after my spiritual heart surgery. I was not made aware of it till after the initiation. I felt very alone.

The transition forced further deepening with the Universe. There were times when I was able to connect well and other times when this unity felt too abstract and unreachable. The angels were with me, and I often spoke to Gabriel. I grew quite close to him, in fact. He was my greatest comforter when I was experiencing that left-behind feeling.


I also started training in controlled remote viewing with Teresa Marshall Frisch, an RN from the United States and a student of Lyn Buchanan. Buchanan was one of the original Project Stargate remote viewers and trainers. Several of his students have taken up the task of teaching the declassified skill to civilians.

Edward had spoken favorably about the program being an effective tool for learning psychic perception, and before he left had recommended that I take the course. It was April 2015 when I started, and in December 2015 I finished Teresa’s course and began my studies with the advanced teaching of Lori Williams of Intuitive Specialists. This is ongoing at the time of writing this book.

Time means nothing to a viewer. All times and all things are readily available. The transition between now and 5,000 years ago is available faster than the pen can set the words down on paper. Space is just as insignificant as an obstacle. Edward had given me the tools, and now I was learning to use them to go beyond into greater depth of understanding.

Jenny: What is time? Time means nothing...therefore...Edward at some point in time will be back in spirit. All I have to do is move in time to talk to him. No way! It can’t be that easy...

I went into the library and dug out the old radio and connections. Sometimes you just need to use your physical ears and equipment.

Edward: Hi Jenny. I am so happy that you figured this out.

The spirit’s touch was familiar; it was Edward.

All that upset and grief had been for nothing. In this way I learned that we cannot lose anyone for any reason, and that the only limits to spirit communication are the illusions in our head and the shadows that we surround ourselves with.


After I was shown this demonstration of time displacement communication, I decided to complete an experiment I had attempted the year before I met Edward. I attempted an evocation with the Yidam ritual to try to connect with Njord, the Norse god of the sea. I decided now would be a good time to attempt to make contact with this ancient Norse god. I reached him easily, and we held a short but interesting conversation about divine unity.

Njord was completely connected with the Universe. The Universe is beyond religion and personal beliefs. It is far bigger than this deity. He was happy to show me this connection. I learned that he had responded to me during my first attempt at the ritual but that I had been unable to perceive his presence at that time.

The polarity of the Cosmic Father and Universe became less over time until I was only able to perceive them as one entity. We usually call this primal being “the Universe.” Edward felt it was the best description he could come up with. The concept of God, or even deity, was far too limited to convey the vast, all-encompassing personality in which we exist, live, and grow. Images or symbols have to be used to understand aspects of this unity that are important to us.

The Universe used symbology, such as the god Njord, to help me learn about it. Once an aspect was understood, the Universe would lead me to another until I could grasp the meaning and concepts the symbols contained. The means of this learning were the same sort of shadows that I used for my spiritual interaction, as well as psychic perception, only on a grander scale.

The primary characteristic of this Universe is love. This love is expressed in a thousand upon a thousand ways. It continuously reaches through our shadows that we build around us to help us learn about its nature. In spite of the all-encompassing nature of the Universe, it appears to have personality and interacts with me.


I do not worry too much about the future. I find that the path tends to open up in unexpected ways for me. The central theme of this path is learning about love and becoming more loving. Everything else is secondary. I enjoy exploring and using the skills I have gained through Edward’s training and CRV (controlled remote viewing). The areas I feel are important to develop are related to developing focus. Scrying, for example, helps develop the ability to focus in spirit. Autographia helps the ability to connect to the subconscious. Symbolic psychometry increases spiritual sensitivity to touch, which is probably the most important spiritual sense.

All these skills develop the connection between the subtle mind and the apparent conscious mind. My primary interest is to empower other people to be able to do these skills for themselves. This enabling helps others awaken to the reality and presence of the Universe.