Miscellaneous Spells - Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells - Skye Alexander 2015

Miscellaneous Spells
Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

Whatever your problem, concern, or desire, a spell probably exists to address it. If you can’t find one that’s exactly what you’re looking for—or can’t get your hands on the recommended ingredients—then create your own spell. In previous chapters you’ll find tables of information about colors, gemstones, botanicals, and other ingredients that can add to the power of your spells. Use these suggestions, if you wish, to customize your spell.

Steps for Successful Spellcasting

Whenever you cast a spell, remember to use a few tried-and-true measures, as described in Chapter 1. These precautions can help you avoid complications, mix-ups, delays, or disappointments:

1. Remove all distractions.

2. Collect the ingredients and tools you’ll use in your spell and cleanse them.

3. Purify and sanctify your space.

4. Quiet your mind.

5. Cast a circle around the area where you’ll do your spellworking.

6. Perform the spell.

7. If you’ve called upon deities or spirits to assist you, thank and release them.

8. Open the circle.

9. Store your tools in a safe place until you need them again.


Virtually any place can benefit from this uplifting spell. Do it when you move into a new home or after an argument or party, in your workplace, in your car—wherever you choose. It can even help boost your mood if you’re feeling down in the dumps. Not only does it clear away unwanted vibrations, it fills your space with the fresh scent of oranges.


✵ 1 spray bottle (preferably made of clear glass)

✵ Saltwater

✵ A few drops of orange essential oil


✵ Anytime

Fill the spray bottle with saltwater (if you don’t live near the ocean, just add a pinch of sea salt to spring water). Add the essential oil and shake the bottle three times to charge the water. Start in the east and mist each room with this potion to clear away negative energy and fill the air with good vibrations.


Remember the fable about the boy Aladdin who found a magick lamp with a genie inside? Like the genie in the story, this spell grants you 3 wishes.


✵ Metal oil lamp or a covered incense burner

✵ Incense

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ Depends on your wishes (see Chapter 8)

Use an old-fashioned oil lamp made of brass, tin, copper, or silver if you can find one; otherwise, substitute an incense burner with a lid that has perforations in it to allow the smoke to float out. Fit the incense into the lamp or incense burner and light it. Put the lid on so the smoke rises from the spout or perforations. Hold your hands on either side of the lamp or incense burner (don’t actually touch it if the sides are hot) and pretend to rub it. Envision the smoke as a powerful genie who has come to do your bidding. You might even see a figure form in the smoke.

State your 3 wishes aloud as affirmations. In your mind’s eye, see them already coming true. Spend a few minutes focusing on your requests as you inhale the scent of the incense. When you’re ready, thank the “genie” for its assistance.


Does the idea of soaring eight miles above the earth in a metal cylinder make you feel weak in your knees? And what about all those terrorist stories you keep hearing? What can you do to calm your fears of flying? One way is to enlist the aid of the air spirits, known as sylphs. Here’s how.


✵ White carnation petals

✵ 1 container in which to carry the carnation petals

✵ Clove incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 fan made of feathers (or a single large feather)


✵ On a Wednesday or Thursday, at least a day before your trip

If possible, perform this spell outside. Pluck the petals from several white carnations and place them in a bowl or other container. Fit the incense into its burner and light it. Waft the smoke toward you with the fan (or use the feather and your hand to guide the smoke toward you). Turn around, allowing the smoke to touch all sides of your body. Tap both shoulders with the fan, then tap your body at the places where the seven main chakras or energy centers are located, starting at the crown chakra and ending at the root chakra.

Invite the sylphs to join you. Sylphs are nature elementals who serve as ambassadors of the element of air. You may see faint flickering lights or feel a shift in the air around you as they come to answer your call. They might even appear to you as tiny winged beings. Request their assistance on your trip. Express your concerns and explain what you would like them to do for you. Speak to them with courtesy and respect, as you would to a human being from whom you sought aid. Tell them you’ve brought a gift to thank them in advance for helping you. Open the container and scatter the carnation petals in the wind. You may notice that the wind picks up or changes direction as the sylphs accept your offering.

If you wish, take the fan or feather with you when you fly, to remind you that you are protected by the spirits of the air. Additional suggestion: Wear the Gemstone Necklace for a Safe Trip (see Chapter 11) on your trip.


If you live with other people, you may want to invite them to do this easy spell with you (if you think they’d be open to it). If you think they might object if they knew you were doing magick, you don’t have to tell them—they’ll just think you’re decorating your home.


✵ Lavender-scented incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ Several houseplants with round leaves

✵ 1 wreath


✵ Anytime

Fit the incense into the incense burner and place it near the front door of your home. Fragrant lavender dissolves stress and promotes serenity. Position the plants throughout your home. Put at least one in each room, and set one on your altar (if you have one). The round leaves represent harmony and unity. Jade plants are excellent choices because they also attract wealth, prosperity, and good health. Hang the wreath on your door to welcome positive forces into your home. Continue caring for your plants, watering and feeding them to keep them healthy. Periodically, light incense to keep positive energy wafting through your home.

Wreaths for All Seasons

Consider hanging a festive, seasonal wreath on your door and changing it at least four times a year. This practice keeps you in touch with the Earth’s natural cycles. Changing the wreath periodically also prevents stagnation and draws new opportunities to you and the occupants of your home.


It’s the day after Thanksgiving, an icy rain is falling, and the mall parking lot is jammed with cars. You’d hoped to find a parking spot close to the entrance, but it looks like the nearest spaces are half a mile away. Don’t worry; ask the parking goddess Barbara to come to your aid.


✵ None


✵ Anytime

Stop driving around in circles, close your eyes, and take a few slow, deep breaths. In your mind’s eye, see an empty space waiting for you exactly where you want to park. Recite this incantation aloud:

“Goddess Barbara, fair of face

Guide me to my parking place.”

Open your eyes and drive to the spot the goddess has provided for you.


Anytime a daunting challenge faces you and you fear you don’t have the strength to deal with it, call in some extra muscle to help you handle the task—magickally, that is. Since ancient times, the people of India have drawn upon the power of the elephant god Ganesh to help them overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. So can you.


✵ 1 image of an elephant or of Ganesh (for example, a small figurine or an image downloaded from the Internet)

✵ 1 athame (or table knife)


✵ On a Saturday, preferably during the waning moon, or when the sun or moon is in Capricorn

Close your eyes and imagine you’re in a dark, dense jungle. The faintest light shines down through the branches high overhead and the vegetation is so thick you can see only a foot or two ahead of you. All sorts of dangers lurk unseen. Your situation seems impossible. You feel trapped and helpless.

Suddenly you hear the trumpeting call of an elephant—it’s Ganesh coming to your rescue. Pick up your athame or table knife. Without hesitation he rushes toward you and easily lifts you with his trunk onto his back. Explain to him the nature of your problem. The tangled vines and thick overgrowth represent the obstacles facing you. Now visualize yourself riding on Ganesh’s back as he marches into the jungle, trampling everything in his path.

Reach out with your athame and begin slashing away at the vines and branches in your way. Envision yourself hacking through the obstacles that blocked you before. See space opening up before you. Feel Ganesh’s strength, lifting you high above your problems. Together you are unstoppable. Keep chopping away at the thick vegetation, eliminating obstacles one by one. You don’t have to see all the way to the end, just tackle each conundrum as it presents itself. When you feel ready, climb down from Ganesh’s back and thank him for his assistance. You now realize you have the ability to handle whatever challenges arise.


Is there someplace you’ve always wanted to go? Don’t worry about how you’ll get the money or time for the trip—just do your magick and let the universe handle the arrangements.


✵ Magazine photos or other images of places you want to go

✵ Maps, travel brochures, etc.

✵ Other symbols that represent travel to you

✵ Colored markers or pens

✵ 1 large sheet of heavy paper or cardboard

✵ Glue or tape

✵ Sandalwood incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Sagittarius, or on a Thursday

Collect pictures from magazines and travel catalogs of a place you’d like to visit. Gather maps, brochures, and other information about this place. Find symbols and images that represent travel to you—a toy airplane, a tiny boat, a hotel from a Monopoly game, seashells, and anything that relates to the trip you’re planning.

After you’ve gathered as many things as you feel you need, use the markers to draw a circle on the piece of paper or cardboard—it should be large enough that you can stand within it. Glue or tape all the symbols you’ve collected inside the circle. Also inside the circle you can draw additional pictures and/or write words that describe your intentions, such as the names of the places you plan to visit or affirmations stating your desires.

When your “wish board” is finished, light the incense. Stand in the middle of the board and envision yourself journeying to the place(s) you’ve chosen. Make your visualization as clear and vivid as possible. Try to intuit the mood of the place, the sights, sounds, and smells. Enjoy yourself. Remain in the circle, imagining your journey, until the incense finishes burning.


To ensure that your trip goes smoothly, and that you enjoy yourself, make this magick travel potion before you leave home.


✵ 1 clear glass bottle

✵ Water

✵ The knight of wands from a tarot deck

✵ 1 red ribbon


✵ On a Thursday, before your trip

Fill the bottle with water. Lay the knight of wands (the tarot card of travel and adventure) face up on your altar and set the bottle of water on the card. Leave it there overnight. In the morning, tie the red ribbon around the neck of the bottle, making 3 knots. As you tie each knot, repeat an affirmation such as “I enjoy a lovely, relaxing vacation” and visualize the end result in your mind’s eye.

If you’re driving, carry the bottle of magickally imprinted water with you on your trip. Sip the water periodically throughout the journey. If you’re flying, drink the water before you go to the airport. As you drink, feel yourself having the perfect trip and a wonderful time away.


This spell gives energy back to the earth—our home that gives so much to us. Do this balancing spell once a month, to keep positive energy flowing between you and the planet. It’s also good to do whenever a wish has been granted or an important spell has succeeded, to show your gratitude.


✵ 1 small pot

✵ 1 cup milk

✵ 1 teaspoon honey

✵ A pinch of dried lavender flowers

✵ 1 clean glass jar

✵ 1 small moonstone


✵ At dawn or dusk, preferably when the sun or moon is in Taurus

In a small pot, warm the milk, the honey, and the lavender over low heat until the honey has dissolved—don’t let it boil. Remove from the heat and it cool to room temperature. Pour the liquid into the jar. Touch the moonstone to your forehead, to your lips, then to your heart, and then add the stone gently to the liquid. Dip your finger into the milk, touch your heart with it, then dip your finger back into the liquid. Visualize the peace and gratitude in your heart being transferred to the milk.

Cap the jar and carry it outside to a tree near your home, or a tree that is special to you. Bow to the tree, uncap the jar, and pour the milk and the stone out at the base of the tree on the roots, as you say aloud:

“I give to the earth

As the earth gives to me.

Bless all who live here

For eternity.”

Bow again to the tree, and feel loving energy flowing between you. If you wish, sit and meditate beneath the tree, or even climb up into its branches.


Does it seem that no matter how hard you work, you never seem to get caught up? If stress and frustration are getting you down, this spell offers a welcome respite from the demands the world makes on you.


✵ Lavender incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ 1 light blue candle

✵ 1 candleholder

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ A bathtub full of comfortably hot water

✵ A few drops of vanilla essential oil

✵ 4 good-sized chunks of citrine


✵ Anytime

Fit the incense and candle in their respective holders, set them on your bathroom vanity, then light both. Fill the bathtub with water. Add several drops of vanilla essential oil to the bathwater. After washing the citrines with mild soap and water, set one at each corner of the bathtub. Climb into the tub and make yourself comfy. Feel the citrines—known for their clarifying ability—drawing off your stress and neutralizing it.

Feel your frustrations and anxieties dissolving into the bathwater. The trick is not to think about anything outside the walls of the bathroom. When you worry about the past or future, you block receptivity to new ideas and guidance that could help you resolve problems. If a troublesome thought pops into your mind, send it into the water or let the citrines dissolve it. Soak for as long as you like until you feel calm, rested, and confident that all is well.

When your peace of mind is restored, get out of the tub. As the water drains away, visualize your cares flowing away with it. Pick up the citrines and thank them. Then wash them with clean water (not the bathwater) and mild soap, and pat them dry. Allow the candle and incense to burn down safely.


Are you faced with a challenging situation, and can’t figure out how to handle it? Whatever your problem is, there’s a deity who can help. This spell requests divine assistance through burning incense, which in some spiritual traditions is considered an offering to the deities. As the smoke rises, it carries your request into the heavens.


✵ A picture, figurine, or other image of your chosen deity

✵ Incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 slip of paper

✵ 1 pen or pencil


✵ Depends on your intention (see Chapter 8)

Determine which deity is best suited to help you with your problem. (You’ll find lots of information online and in books.) Then acquire an image/figurine of that god or goddess and display it on your altar. Select an incense that corresponds to your intentions—cinnamon or clove for career success, rose or jasmine for love, and so on. (See tables at the beginnings of Chapters 914.) Fit the incense into its burner and light it. Write your request on the slip of paper, fold it three times, and lay it at the feet of the deity.

Envision your request floating up to the heavens, carried on the incense smoke to your chosen god or goddess. Quiet your mind and listen for an answer or guidance. (Note: The answer may not come immediately—it could take a few days—so don’t grow impatient.) Allow the incense to burn down completely. Thank the deity for helping you and trust that aid will come at the appropriate time.


Have you ever wondered why witches use brooms? No, not for flying. Brooms sweep away disruptive energy from a space. Perform this cleansing ritual after an argument, a party, or anytime you feel a need to clear the air.


✵ 1 broom

✵ 1 bowl

✵ Saltwater

✵ Sage (bundled, loose, or incense)

✵ 1 fireproof holder that you can carry easily

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ As needed

If possible, open the windows and doors. Start sweeping your home (or other space) with a broom—not just the floor, but the air as well. Wave the broom through the entire area, side to side, up and down, until you feel you’ve whisked away the psychic “dirt.” Next, fill a small bowl with saltwater. Sprinkle a little in each corner of your home, then flick some water in the center of each room. Finally, put the sage into the holder and light it. Blow out the flames and let it smoke. Carry the burning sage from room to room, allowing its cleansing smoke to clear the air and restore peace to your home.


We all hit rough spots in life, when it’s hard to stay optimistic. If you’re in one of those low periods, let this spell give you a boost. After you’ve done it once, you can cast the spell in an abbreviated form anytime, simply through the power of fragrance.


✵ Music that lifts your mood

✵ A few drops of bay essential oil

✵ A few drops of frankincense essential oil

✵ A few drops of jasmine essential oil

✵ A few drops of eucalyptus essential oil

✵ 1 yellow candle in a holder

✵ 1 red candle in a holder

✵ 1 blue candle in a holder

✵ 1 green candle in a holder

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ On the new moon

The new moon is best for this spell because as the moon’s light increases, so will your energy and optimism. But you can do this spell on any night, whenever you need a boost of positive energy. With your intent firmly in mind, put on your favorite uplifting music. Rub the essential oils on the candles (not on the wicks) in the order shown in the Ingredients/Tools list (bay oil on the yellow candle, frankincense on the red one, and so on).

Position the candles in the four cardinal points: yellow in the east, red in the south, blue in the west, green in the north. Light the candles in this order, casting a circle of light around you. Say aloud:

“I enter the flow of All That Is.

I am filled with loving kindness.

I release all negative and unbalanced energies

And I draw the best to me.

So mote it be.”

While you’re doing this spell, “fold” your wish or desire into your thoughts and feelings. Enjoy the scents of the essential oils and notice them lifting your emotions. Gaze at the soft, glowing candlelight and imagine it brightening your life. Envision positive, joyful vibrations flowing toward you and into you. Remain in the circle for as long as you like. When you’re ready, extinguish the candles in the reverse order of how you lit them, to open the circle. Dab a little of your preferred oil on a cloth hanky and carry it with you during the day to sniff whenever you need a lift.


Long ago, Celtic prognosticators known as frithirs read signs of the times according to the first thing that caught their attention when they stepped outside. Try this ancient divination technique when you need guidance.


✵ None


✵ The first Monday after a solstice or equinox

Immediately after arising in the morning—before you do anything else—sit quietly for a few minutes and contemplate whatever you want advice about. Then go to your door and close your eyes. Take three slow, deep breaths then open the door and step outside (if you can do this safely with your eyes closed). Otherwise just stand in the open doorway facing out. Open your eyes. What’s the first thing you see? What significance does it hold for you? A squirrel could suggest that you get busy gathering money, information, or other resources so you’ll be prepared in difficult times ahead. A butterfly might mean a change for the better is coming or that you must transform the way you’ve been doing things in order to succeed.

Notice any impressions or feelings that arise into your awareness—they may be significant. If you don’t sense an immediate answer, simply tuck away the memory of what you’ve seen and allow it to percolate in your subconscious. You might want to do some research into classic symbolism associated with the object that caught your attention. (My book The Secret Power of Spirit Animals gives lots of information about the meanings of animals and other creatures.) Pretty soon, perhaps in a dream, you’ll receive the guidance you’ve been seeking.


We all get discouraged at times. Instead of giving up, do this spell—it helps you hang in there until the situation improves.


✵ Oak flower essence (available in health food stores or online)

✵ 1 piece of yellow paper

✵ 1 pen or marker that writes red ink

✵ 1 black candle

✵ 1 candleholder

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 tarot card that represents you

✵ The tarot card Strength (which signifies inner and outer strength)

✵ The seven of wands tarot card (which represents the ability to hold firm when you’re challenged or attacked)

✵ The Star tarot card (which symbolizes hope)

✵ The World tarot card (which indicates everything working out successfully)


✵ As needed

Put a few drops of oak flower essence under your tongue; if you prefer, you can put the flower essence in a glass of water and drink it. On the paper, draw a red pentagram at least 1' in diameter. Lay it face up on your altar, a table, or another flat surface where it can remain for a time. Fit the candle in its holder, set it in the center of the pentagram, and light the candle.

Place the tarot card that represents you on the top point of the pentagram. Position the cards Strength and the seven of wands on the two side points of the pentagram. Put the Star and the World cards on the pentagram’s bottom two points. Gaze at the cards and allow their symbolism to imprint your subconscious with positive imagery. Feel them stimulating the courage and confidence you need to face the challenges before you. Don’t focus on your problems, just let your mind relax for a time. When you feel ready or start to lose your focus, extinguish the candle. Repeat as necessary, to reinforce your determination.