Spells for Safety and Protection - Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells - Skye Alexander 2015

Spells for Safety and Protection
Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

Spells to provide protection were among the earliest and most sought-after forms of magick. Hunters, warriors, travelers—and just about everyone else—hoped spells would safeguard them against injuries, illness, robbers, bad luck, natural calamities, and evil in all its many forms. Even in modern times, if you travel to Greece or Turkey you’ll likely see “evil eye” amulets everywhere—usually depicted as blue eye-like symbols made of glass or ceramic—hanging in homes, businesses, and cars to ward off dangerous forces. And who among us hasn’t thrown salt over his shoulder to protect against bad luck, or crossed herself in the face of adversity, or carried a special object along when starting a journey?

Today, danger lurks all around us, just as it did millennia ago. Even though we may no longer believe that someone will curse us with the “evil eye,” we still seek protection from automobile accidents, criminal elements, physical ailments, and other types of harm. The spells in this chapter are designed to protect you (or someone you care about) from adversity. What if you can’t find an item that’s called for in a spell? The tables included here show which ingredients to substitute if necessary, or if you just want to make a spell more personal.

Steps for Successful Spellcasting

Whenever you cast a spell, remember to use a few tried-and-true measures, as described in Chapter 1. These precautions can help you avoid complications, mix-ups, delays, or disappointments:

1. Remove all distractions.

2. Collect the ingredients and tools you’ll use in your spell and cleanse them.

3. Purify and sanctify your space.

4. Quiet your mind.

5. Cast a circle around the area where you’ll do your spellworking.

6. Perform the spell.

7. If you’ve called upon deities or spirits to assist you, thank and release them.

8. Open the circle.

9. Store your tools in a safe place until you need them again.


To enhance the spells you do for safety and protection, incorporate the colors white or black—although if your aim is to improve your psychic ability for protection, use indigo. The most popular ways to bring in these colors are to burn candles or craft amulet pouches in these colors. You may also want to carry black or white gemstones as amulets, wear black or white clothing while performing protection spells, or add white flower petals to mojo bags, ritual baths, sachets, or potions. Many of the spells in this chapter use these color associations.



Amber: Though not really a stone—it’s fossilized sap—amber offers protection from physical or nonphysical threats

Bloodstone: Provides physical protection and bolsters courage; the ancients believed it stanched the flow of blood

Onyx: Gives you strength to stand up to your adversaries

Peridot: Repels negative energies and neutralizes toxins

Snowflake obsidian: Provides overall protection

Tourmaline: Shields you from unwanted energies in the environment, such as EMFs


Carnation (white): Brings protection and strength

Geranium (white): Helps protect you and your home

Lilac (white): Offers general protection and banishes negative energy

Lily (white): Repels and removes hexes; guards the soul as it journeys into the afterlife

Snapdragon (white): Protects you from illusion or deception; safeguards your home

Essential Oils/Incense

Anise (star): Protects against negative energy

Fennel: Provides physical and psychic protection

Pine: Guards against negativity and evil spirits

Herbs and Spices

Angelica: Use it magickally for protection and purification

Basil: One of the most popular, all-round protection herbs

Caraway (seeds): Protects you and your home from thieves

Comfrey: Provides protection while traveling

Rosemary: Provides safety and clears negative vibes


Although statistics show that most accidents happen near home, it’s natural to feel a little anxious about your safety when you’re going on a long trip. This gemstone amulet is more than a pretty necklace; it also provides protection while you’re traveling.


✵ Amber beads

✵ Jade beads

✵ Turquoise beads

✵ Bloodstone beads

✵ Agate beads

✵ Silver or gold charms in the shape of angels, stars, pentagrams, and so on (optional)

✵ Jeweler’s elastic


✵ At least 3 days before your trip

Cut a length of jeweler’s elastic long enough to wear as a necklace (if you prefer, you can make a bracelet instead). Begin stringing the beads on the jeweler’s elastic. You can alternate the beads on a single string or, if you prefer, make three separate strands and twist them together. Add charms that symbolize protection, if you like.

As you work, visualize yourself safe and sound, traveling with ease wherever you go. Imagine a ball of pure white light surrounding you and shielding you from harm. When you’ve finished, tie a knot in the elastic. As you tie it, say this affirmation aloud: “This necklace keeps me safe and sound at all times and in all situations, now and always.” Wear the amulet to protect you when you travel.


Are closet monsters and bad dreams preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep? Do you keep hearing things go bump in the night? This fragrant protection pillow calms your nerves and helps you relax, so you can stop worrying about unwanted nightly visitors.


✵ 2 squares of dark blue cloth, 3" × 3" or larger

✵ White thread

✵ 1 needle

✵ Dried basil leaves

✵ Fennel seeds

✵ Rosemary

✵ Dried parsley

✵ Lavender flowers

✵ Lemongrass

✵ Sage


✵ On the new moon

Collect the ingredients listed. Sew the squares of blue cloth together on three sides—it’s best if you do it by hand, rather than with a sewing machine. After you’ve finished, fill the casing with the herbs. Sew the fourth side closed to make a tiny pillow. Place the herbal protection pillow under your regular bed pillow. If you prefer, lay the protection pillow beside you so you can smell its soothing scent during the night.


Do you have a totem animal? Totems serve as spirit guardians and helpers—you can call upon them to aid you in times of need. Your totem is an animal, bird, reptile, or insect with which you feel a strong sense of kinship and which, to you, represents protective power. (For more information about totem animals, see Chapter 7 and my book The Secret Power of Spirit Animals).


✵ 1 image of an animal totem

✵ Basil leaves

✵ Bowl (optional)


✵ 3 days before the new moon, or whenever you feel the need

Select an image of your totem animal—a figurine, drawing, photograph, or image downloaded from the Internet—and place it near your front door. Say aloud, to your animal guardian:

“Protect this home,

High to low,

Fence to fence,

Door to door,

Light to dense,

Roof to floor.”

Next, scatter the basil leaves all around the outside of your home. If you live in an apartment, either scatter them around the entire building or, instead, place the leaves in a bowl and set the bowl and your animal image just inside the door to your apartment.


Here’s another way to protect your home. You can also do this spell to safeguard your business, car, or other possessions—simply substitute a picture of whatever you intend to protect.


✵ 1 white candle

✵ 1 picture of your house

✵ 1 silver pentagram

✵ Dried petals from a white carnation

✵ 1 ash leaf

✵ 1 quartz crystal

✵ 1 piece of white coral

✵ 1 moonstone

✵ 1 piece of amber

✵ 1 white pouch, preferably made of silk

✵ 1 black ribbon

✵ Saltwater


✵ On a Saturday or when the sun or moon is in Capricorn; however, if you feel at risk, do the spell as soon as possible

Set the candle on your altar and light it. Lay the picture of your house on the altar in front of the candle and put the pentagram on it (or draw a pentagram on the back of the picture). Gaze at the picture and, at the same time, envision a sphere of white light completely surrounding your home. Say aloud,

“My home is now protected

At all times,

In all situations,

Always and all ways.”

Place the flower petals, ash leaf, crystal, coral, moonstone, and amber in the white silk pouch. Add the picture of your home and the pentagram. Tie the pouch closed with the ribbon, making 8 knots. With each knot, repeat your affirmation while you hold the vision of your home, surrounded by white light, in your mind’s eye. After you’ve finished, sprinkle the amulet with saltwater to charge it. Extinguish the candle. Hang the amulet inside the front door to safeguard your home and your possessions.


Are unidentified spirits or bad vibes invading your home? Do you sense tension or animosity from neighbors, previous residents, or maybe even ghosts? This spell banishes unwanted energies and prevents “psychic intruders” from coming back.


✵ 1 stick of sage incense or a sage wand

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 large pot

✵ 2 or more quarts of water

✵ 1 large bunch of fresh basil

✵ 1 pitcher


✵ On a Saturday at dusk, preferably when the sun or moon is in Cancer or Capricorn

Light the sage incense or wand and allow the smoke to waft through your home. Walk through each room, letting the smoke clear the air. Call out to the unwanted energies and order them: “Be gone.” After you’ve finished, pour the water in the pot and heat it. Add the basil and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Allow the brew to cool. Strain the basil out and pour the water into a pitcher. Set the basil aside to dry; save it to use in other spells. Take the pitcher of basil-infused water outside and pour it on the ground near your front door, drawing a pentagram with the liquid. As you mark the ground with the pentagram, say this incantation aloud:

“Harmful spirits stay away.

Ill intentions keep at bay.

My home is safe all night and day.”

Repeat the process at your back door (and any other doors that lead into your home).

Spicy Sachet for Protection

A sachet of rosemary, angelica, sage, 3 cloves, and a pinch of salt tied shut with white ribbon is a good all-purpose amulet to hang above a door or to keep in your car for protection.


Use this oil to protect any items you choose: your purse, jewelry, car, home, etc. You can even put it on your pet’s collar to keep Fluffy or Fido safe.


✵ 1 glass jar or bottle

✵ 3 tablespoons olive oil

✵ 3 pinches salt

✵ 1 whole clove

✵ 1 basil leaf


✵ As needed

Wash the jar or bottle. Combine all the ingredients in it. Place it in a sunny spot and allow the ingredients to infuse for 3 days. When the magick oil is ready, dip your finger in it and draw a line across or along whatever you are sealing (around a door or window frame, inside the opening of your purse, etc.).


Are rising expenses, bad investments, loss of work, or debts threatening your financial security? This amulet helps to protect your assets and your serenity.


✵ 1 black marker

✵ 1 circle of soft, flexible leather (deerskin is perfect) 8" in diameter

✵ 1 single-hole paper punch

✵ 1 leather cord

✵ Alfalfa

✵ Small pieces or wood chips of cedar, ash, or pine

✵ 1 cauldron

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 small piece of aventurine

✵ 1 small piece of onyx


✵ On a Saturday, or when the sun or moon is in Capricorn

Choose a place where you can burn a small fire safely. With the marker, draw a pentagram on the inside center of the leather circle. With the paper punch, make small holes around the outside of the leather circle, large enough that you can slide the cord through them. Thread the cord through the holes. Pull up the outer edges of the circle, tightening the cord to form a pouch (with the pentagram inside on the bottom).

Put the alfalfa and wood chips in the cauldron. Light them and let them burn completely. Allow the ashes to cool. Pour the ashes into the pouch, then add the gemstones. Close the pouch and tie 3 knots in the cord.

Place the amulet in the wealth sector of your home or business. To locate this, stand at the entrance to your home (the one you use most often, not necessarily the front door) with your back to the door, so you’re looking inside. The farthest left-hand corner is the wealth sector. If you prefer, put the amulet in your safe, cash register, or purse to safeguard your finances.


This relaxing spell is good to do at night, before you go to bed, to remove any bad vibes you may have picked up during the day. It cleanses your body, mind, and spirit of unwanted energies and safeguards you while your spirit travels during sleep.


✵ 4 white candles in unbreakable holders

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 4 clear quartz crystals

✵ A bathtub full of comfortably hot water

· 12 cup Epsom salts

✵ A few drops of lavender essential oil

✵ A few drops of fennel, basil, or cedar oil—or a combination


✵ Every night, or as often as possible

Set the candles in their holders at the corners of your bathtub and light them. Place one quartz crystal beside each candle. Fill the tub with water while you pour in the Epsom salts. Add the essential oils. Soak in the fragrant, soothing water for as long as you wish, while you envision yourself cleansed and cleared of all negative, harmful, and/or unbalanced energies. See yourself surrounded by a bubble of white light that will continue to protect you even after you leave the bath.

Extinguish the candles and get out of the water; empty the tub. You can carry the crystals with you throughout the day, or leave them on the corners of the tub—your choice.


If you suffer from stage fright or feel uncomfortable speaking in front of a group of people, whip up a batch of this magick lotion and use it to boost your confidence. You can also use it if you feel nervous about a job interview, important meeting, or big game.


✵ 1 small carnelian, garnet, or ruby

✵ 1 glass jar or bottle, preferably amber-colored, with a lid or stopper

✵ 4 ounces of almond oil

✵ 3 drops of fennel essential oil

✵ 3 drops of cedar essential oil

· 14 teaspoon dried basil leaves


✵ Several days before your public appearance, preferably on a Tuesday or Sunday; if you don’t have that much time, do the spell as needed

Wash the gemstone and the bottle/jar with mild soap and water. Pour the almond oil into the bottle/jar. Add the essential oils and inhale the fragrance, allowing it to invigorate your mind. Crumble the basil leaves very fine and add them to the oil. Add the gemstone. Cap the bottle/jar and shake it three times to blend and charge the ingredients.

Each morning, pour a little of the magick oil into your palm and dip your index finger in it. Then rub the oil on your skin at your heart center. Feel it strengthening your confidence. Take several slow, deep breaths, inhaling the warm, spicy scent, letting it strengthen and vitalize you. Repeat each morning until your fear diminishes. Rub a little extra on your chest immediately before you must face your audience. On with the show!


You may not realize that someone is working against your best interests, so consider making and using this protection oil regularly. If you do suspect someone is out to get you, this magick oil heightens your strength and helps increase your insight so you can protect yourself before the enemy can strike.


✵ 1 glass jar or bottle with a tight-sealing lid

✵ 3 cloves

✵ 1 small piece of hematite

✵ A pinch of salt

✵ 3 ounces of olive oil


✵ Whenever you need it, but preferably on a Tuesday or Saturday

Wash the bottle, then place the cloves in the bottle one by one as you visualize the bottle filling with white light. Add the hematite, visualizing the silvery color of the stone weaving and swirling through the white light. Add the salt, and visualize the silver and white light growing brighter. Carefully pour the olive oil into the jar or bottle over the contents, then cap the bottle tightly. Shake it three times to blend and charge the ingredients.

Open the jar or bottle and dip your finger in the oil. Draw a pentagram with the oil on your third eye (the brow chakra) and on the center of your chest (your heart chakra). If you wish, draw additional pentagrams on your other chakras for added protection.


Approximately 2 million people are injured in vehicular accidents each year in the United States (and nearly a quarter of all accidents involve cell phone use). That’s a good reason to create this magick safety shield to protect you and your car from harm.


✵ 1 nail, nail file, small knife, or other sharp tool

✵ 1 black candle

✵ 1 candleholder

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 piece of white paper

✵ 1 pen that writes black ink


✵ As needed, but preferably on a Thursday or Saturday

Use the nail or other tool to engrave a pentagram into the candle’s wax. Fit the candle in its holder, set it on your altar or another surface, and light the candle. On the piece of paper, draw a circle and write, “I am safe” inside the circle. If you like, add symbols, words, or other images that represent safety to you. You could even draw a picture of your car or write your license plate number on the paper. Drip a bit of melted candle wax on each corner of the paper. Use the nail or other tool to inscribe a pentagram in the warm wax. Extinguish the candle and place the safety shield in your car’s glove compartment or affix it to your dashboard. (And don’t use your cell phone to text or talk while driving!)


Are you worried about a friend or loved one’s safety? This magick potion protects someone else from harm. However, before you do this spell, ask the other person—either directly or psychically—if it’s okay for you to use magick to help him or her, so you don’t interfere with another’s free will.


✵ 1 clear glass bottle with a lid or stopper

✵ 1 small clear quartz crystal

✵ Black paint or nail polish

✵ Water

✵ 1 kettle or pot

✵ Dried comfrey or comfrey tea bags


✵ On a Monday, or when the sun or moon is in Cancer

Wash the bottle and the crystal with mild soap and water, then let them dry. Paint a pentagram on the side of the bottle. Heat the water in a kettle or pot and add the comfrey to it to make a tea (you can purchase comfrey tea bags in health food stores and many supermarkets). Allow it to steep for several minutes, then let it cool. Pour the tea into the bottle. Add the quartz crystal. Put the lid or stopper on the bottle and shake it three times to charge it. Let the potion sit overnight, preferably where the moon can shine on it.

Remove the crystal and give the protection potion to your friend or loved one. If you’re afraid this person will think you’re weird, you can transfer the tea into another container sans pentagram—the tea will retain the imprint of the symbol. Instruct the person to drink a little each day. Additional suggestion: While you’re at it, brew some for yourself, too.


This spell requires no tools—just your imagination—and you can do it in a minute or so, right before your plane taxis into position for takeoff. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Envision a cocoon of pure white light surrounding the entire plane from nose to tail and out to the tips of the wings. See the light swirling around the plane in a clockwise direction, forming a protective barrier against the elements. Mentally repeat the following affirmation three times: “I now enjoy a comfortable trip and arrive safely at [name of destination airport].” Visualize the plane traveling through the sky and landing safely on the runway at your final destination.


Make this delicious recipe during those times when you feel you need a little extra protection or think you may be coming down with a cold. Garlic and onions are the key ingredients. Romans used garlic for strength, and many people valued it for its protective properties (not just against vampires). Egyptians used onions to keep away harmful spirits and fed onions to their slaves to ensure vitality. This recipe also relies on the number four for its stabilizing, earthy influence.


✵ 1 large Spanish onion

✵ 1 large red onion

✵ 1 bundle green onions

✵ 1 white onion

✵ Frying pan

✵ 1 tablespoon butter

✵ 4 small cloves garlic, peeled and crushed

✵ 4 sticks celery, diced (optional)

✵ Large saucepan

✵ 2 cups beef stock

✵ 2 cups chicken stock

✵ 2 cups water

✵ 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (or to taste)

✵ Croutons and grated cheese (for garnish, optional)

Slice the onions and sauté them in a frying pan with the butter and garlic, until golden brown. For a heartier broth, add the celery and fry it with the onions. Magickally, celery enhances your psychic sight and sense of inner peace. Stir the vegetables counterclockwise as they cook to banish negative energies. Say aloud:

“Onions for health,

And to keep harm at bay,

Garlic for safety

All through the day!”

Keep repeating the incantation until the onions are done. Transfer the onion mixture into a large saucepan, then add the stock, water, and Worcestershire sauce. Cook this mixture down over medium-low heat until it is reduced by 2 cups. Serve the soup with croutons and fresh grated cheese, if desired. Visualize your body being filled with white light as you eat it. You may want to share your magick soup with friends or loved ones.


Numerous polls conducted by Associated Press, AOL, Gallup, and others have found that nearly 80 percent of Americans believe in angels. Here’s a way to request angelic assistance and protection. With this ritual you call upon Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. Perform this ritual by itself to petition their aid, or do it in conjunction with other spells. You can also do it with other people, if you choose—just make sure you and your companions are in agreement about your beliefs and intentions.


✵ 1 yellow votive candle

✵ 1 red votive candle

✵ 1 blue votive candle

✵ 1 green votive candle

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ Anytime

Stand facing east and set the yellow candle on the ground (or floor) in front of you, where it can burn safely. Light the candle and say aloud:

“Archangel Raphael, Guardian of the East,

Come and be with me in this sacred space.

I request your protection and guidance

In all I do, now and always.”

Move clockwise until you are facing south, and set the red candle on the ground (or floor) in front of you. Light the candle and say aloud:

“Archangel Michael, Guardian of the South,

Come and be with me in this sacred space.

I request your protection and guidance

In all I do, now and always.”

Move clockwise until you are facing west, and set the blue candle on the ground (or floor) in front of you. Light the candle and say aloud:

“Archangel Gabriel, Guardian of the West,

Come and be with me in this sacred space.

I request your protection and guidance

In all I do, now and always.”

Move clockwise until you are facing north, and set the green candle on the ground (or floor) in front of you. Light the candle and say aloud:

“Archangel Uriel, Guardian of the North,

Come and be with me in this sacred space.

I request your protection and guidance

In all I do, now and always.”

Move to the center of the circle you’ve cast. Close your eyes and envision the four archangels standing around you, like sentries protecting you from harm. Feel their power flowing into you, filling you with strength and confidence. Remain in the center of the circle for as long as you wish. If you like, you can perform another spell or ritual now, under the watchful guard of the archangels. When you are ready, release the archangels and open the circle in the following manner.

Go to the east and stand facing outward. Say aloud:

“Archangel Raphael, Guardian of the East,

I thank you for your presence here this night (or day).

Please continue to guide and protect me always and all ways,

Even after you return to your home in the heavens.

Hail, farewell, and blessed be.”

Extinguish the yellow candle. Move counterclockwise to the north and stand facing outward. Say aloud:

“Archangel Uriel, Guardian of the North,

I thank you for your presence here this night (or day).

Please continue to guide and protect me always and all ways,

Even after you return to your home in the heavens.

Hail, farewell, and blessed be.”

Extinguish the green candle. Go to the west and stand facing outward. Say aloud:

“Archangel Gabriel, Guardian of the West,

I thank you for your presence here this night (or day).

Please continue to guide and protect me always and all ways,

Even after you return to your home in the heavens.

Hail, farewell, and blessed be.”

Extinguish the blue candle. Go to the south and stand facing outward. Say aloud:

“Archangel Michael, Guardian of the South,

I thank you for your presence here this night (or day).

Please continue to guide and protect me always and all ways,

Even after you return to your home in the heavens.

Hail, farewell, and blessed be.”

Extinguish the red candle. Additional suggestion: You can substitute this longer and more intricate circle-casting ritual for the basic one described in Chapter 3, if you choose.