Money and Abundance Spells - Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells - Skye Alexander 2015

Money and Abundance Spells
Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

Who couldn’t use a little more money—or maybe a whole lot more? We all know that money can’t buy love, health, friendship, happiness, or respect—but prosperity sure beats poverty. In our material world money may not be everything, but it’s essential to our day-to-day existence. Of course, abundance consists of much more than money. You may possess abundant vitality or intellect or creativity—riches that don’t depend on and can’t be bought with money. However, financial prosperity can provide the space, security, and opportunity for you to express your other gifts, without having to spend the bulk of your time and energy just earning a living.

Are you tired of worrying about bills? Would you like a better living and/or working environment? Do you need more time to devote to your creative pursuits, but don’t feel you can afford it? Do you want more financial freedom to travel, further your education, break out of an unhappy domestic situation, or start your own business? The spells in this chapter are designed to help you overcome obstacles to prosperity and to attract abundance of all kinds into your life. The tables that follow show which ingredients can lend more power to your spells—feel free to customize if you choose to make a spell more personal.

Steps for Successful Spellcasting

Whenever you cast a spell, remember to use a few tried-and-true measures, as described in Chapter 1. These precautions can help you avoid complications, mix-ups, delays, or disappointments:

1. Remove all distractions.

2. Collect the ingredients and tools you’ll use in your spell and cleanse them.

3. Purify and sanctify your space.

4. Quiet your mind.

5. Cast a circle around the area where you’ll do your spellworking.

6. Perform the spell.

7. If you’ve called upon deities or spirits to assist you, thank and release them.

8. Open the circle.

9. Store your tools in a safe place until you need them again.


To enhance the spells you do for money and prosperity, incorporate the colors gold and silver (to symbolize precious metals and coins) and green (the color of paper money in some cultures and the indicator of healthy plant growth). The most popular ways to bring in these colors are to burn candles or craft talisman pouches in these colors. You may also want to wear golden, silvery, or green gemstones as talismans or add golden flower petals to mojo bags, ritual baths, sachets, or potions. Many of the spells in this chapter draw upon these color associations.



Agate (green): Helps stabilize your finances

Aventurine: Attracts wealth and abundance

Quartz abundance crystal: Aids financial growth and attracts abundance of all kinds

Tiger’s eye: Increases good fortune and prosperity


Daffodil: Attracts good luck

Marigold: Encourages financial gain

Sunflower: Its numerous seeds represent abundance and its sunny yellow petals suggest gold

Tulip: The cuplike shape represents a vessel to hold money and treasures

Essential Oils/Incense

Cedar: Protects and enhances your assets

Cinnamon: Encourages financial gain from a successful career or business endeavor

Clove: Stimulates financial growth

Vervain: Helps your financial goals materialize

Herbs and Spices

Cinnamon: Revs up the spell’s power

Dill (seed or weed): Attracts good fortune

Parsley: Encourages prosperity and success

Spearmint: One of the most popular, all-purpose money herbs


Before you can attract wealth, you have to feel you are worthy of it. Many of us have been taught to believe we don’t deserve prosperity, but those ideas can hinder your ability to achieve financial security. This spell helps you rewrite and revise old, outworn beliefs—see Chapter 5 for information about writing affirmations correctly.


✵ 14 green candles

✵ 1 empty glass container

✵ An affirmation


✵ On the new moon

Purchase 14 green candles scented with pine or cedar essential oils. Votives and tea light candles are good to use for this spell. On the night of the new moon, light one of the candles at your altar or special place. While it’s burning, say your affirmation aloud and feel its truth. After 5 minutes, extinguish the candle and rub your hands in the smoke. Waft the smoke toward your face, your body, your clothes. Hold your palms to your nose and inhale the scent. Remember the fragrance, and associate it with abundance, prosperity, and your new belief. Set the candle aside.

Repeat this ritual each day for the next 13 days, using a new candle each time. Set each spent candle next to its predecessor at the back of your altar. On the night of the full moon, after you have burned the fourteenth candle, light all fourteen again and let them finish burning down completely. Then pour the melted wax left over from all the candles into a glass container, forming a new candle. This new candle symbolizes your new belief about prosperity. Once the wax has solidified, bury it, symbolically planting it in the ground to make your wealth grow. If you prefer, mold the wax from these other candles around a new wick and burn it to attract abundance.


This spell can be used for any kind of prosperity, but it works best for the fullness of inner peace, the source of all true prosperity. When you truly believe you deserve prosperity, it comes to you effortlessly. Sage is a good herb for getting rid of negativity and cinnamon is excellent for boosting your creativity. Green, as you know, represents money and growth.


✵ 1 green candle

✵ 1 cauldron, or a fireproof ceramic or copper bowl

✵ 1 sprig of sage

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ A pinch of cinnamon


✵ On the new moon

On the night of the new moon, put the green candle in your cauldron or bowl, along with the sage. Light them both. Sprinkle cinnamon into the flame, as you say: “I embrace prosperity and inner peace.” Repeat these words and keep sprinkling cinnamon into the flame, until the cinnamon is gone. Let the candle and the sage burn down, then bury the remains in your yard or another place that holds meaning for you.

The Color of Money

In some countries, green is the color of paper money; therefore, your mind automatically makes a connection between green and wealth. If you live in a country where a different color appears on your currency, use that color to symbolize money instead. Gold and silver, the colors of precious metals, are good choices, too.


In the ancient Chinese magickal system known as feng shui, red and purple are considered lucky colors. Plants symbolize growth. This spell combines the two symbols to attract wealth.


✵ 1 plant with red or purple flowers


✵ During the waxing moon

Stand at the door you use most often when going in and out of your home, facing inside. Locate the farthest left-hand corner of your home, from your vantage point. That’s what’s known as your wealth sector. Put the plant in that area to make your wealth grow. Water, feed, and care for the plant with loving kindness. Talk to it. Send it good thoughts. Play classical music for it to enjoy (it may dance even if you can’t see it). As you tend the plant and watch it grow, you’ll notice your fortune improves, too.


Wishes don’t always materialize overnight—some take a while to develop. Try not to get discouraged and remember that everything happens in its own good time. While you’re waiting, cast this spell to nurture your wish and bring it to fruition.


✵ 1 sheet of paper

✵ Scissors

✵ 1 pen or pencil

✵ 1 cauldron (or other bowl-shaped container)

✵ A pinch of powdered ginger

✵ 1 capsule or tablet blessed thistle

✵ 1 green cloth


✵ The day after the new moon

Cut the sheet of paper into 12 strips. On one strip write your wish in the form of an affirmation (see Chapter 5). Fold the paper strip three times and put it in the cauldron. Sprinkle a little powdered ginger in the cauldron (to speed up results) and a little blessed thistle (to help your goal manifest). You can purchase blessed thistle herbal supplements online, in health food stores, and in some supermarkets. Open a capsule or grind a tablet into powder, then add it to the cauldron. Cover the cauldron with the green cloth.

Allow the spell to “simmer” overnight, then in the morning remove the cloth and repeat the spell. Continue in this manner for a total of 12 days. If your wish hasn’t materialized by the time of the full moon, take a break during the waning moon period and begin again on the first day of the waxing moon. Don’t give up—trust that your wish will indeed manifest when the time is right.


Traditionally, mint is associated with prosperity and lemon with cleansing. Combine them with pepper to create a powerful spell to replenish your finances. If you’ve been in a creative slump, your finances are stagnant, or you’ve hit a dry period, this spell can stimulate prosperity.


✵ 1 paring knife

✵ 1 lemon

✵ 1 handful fresh mint leaves

✵ 1 glass bowl

✵ 3 bay leaves

✵ 3 peppercorns

✵ 1 small piece of aventurine

✵ 1 small piece of tiger’s eye


✵ During the waxing moon, especially on a Thursday or Friday, or when the sun or moon is in Taurus

Slice the lemon and dry the slices in the oven at a low temperature. Sprinkle the mint leaves over the bottom of a glass bowl, then lay the dry lemon slices over the mint. Place the bay leaves on top of the lemons. In the center, position the 3 peppercorns and then set the aventurine and the tiger’s eye atop the peppercorns. Hold your hands, palms down, over the bowl and close your eyes. The bowl represents nourishment and fullness. Envision the bowl filled with money—an endless supply that replenishes itself whenever you dip into it. Imagine yourself plucking whatever you need from the bowl—the money actually rises into your hands, as if your palms were magnets. No matter how much you remove, more money flows in to fill the bowl again.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you could mint your own money? Then you’d never have to worry about having enough. Well now you can. No, we’re not talking about counterfeiting. Instead, use magick to make your wealth grow.


✵ 1 likeness of a million-dollar bill

✵ 1 green ceramic flowerpot

✵ Potting soil

✵ Spearmint or peppermint seeds, or a small mint plant

✵ Water


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Taurus

Make a likeness of a million-dollar bill—you can draw one or download one from the Internet (even though there aren’t any real million-dollar bills, that big number gets your attention). Fold the bill three times and place it in the bottom of the ceramic flowerpot. Fill the pot with soil. Plant the seeds or seedling in the soil and water it.

As you work, repeat this incantation:

“Every day

In every way


Now comes to me.”

Set the flowerpot in a spot in what feng shui calls your wealth sector (unless the conditions there aren’t favorable for the plant). Continue caring for your mint plant and remember to recite the incantation daily. When you trim the plant, save the leaves and dry them to use in talismans. As the plant grows, so will your finances.


This spell uses herbal magick plus the symbolism of growing plants, along with a little help from feng shui to attract prosperity. You can also drink this brew hot or cold, to increase your prosperity consciousness.


✵ 1 cup of water

✵ 1 saucepan

✵ Fresh, chopped parsley

✵ Fresh, chopped mint leaves

✵ 1 wooden spoon

✵ 1 strainer


✵ On the new moon

On the night of the new moon, pour a cup of water into a pot and begin heating it on the stove. Put the parsley and mint in the water and say, “I embrace prosperity and open myself to receive abundance of all kinds.” Stir the brew with a wooden spoon, making three clockwise circles to charge the mixture. Bring the water to a boil, then turn off the stove and allow the brew to cool. Strain, then pour the water on the plant you placed in your wealth sector (see the Feng Shui Wealth Spell) or use it to water other plants in your home or yard.

No Limits on Wealth

Does performing a prosperity spell take away someone else’s prosperity? Not at all! Prosperity and abundance don’t have limits—the universe’s riches are infinite and available to everyone. These spells might not work, however, if you’re attempting to swindle someone out of money or to profit from someone else’s loss.


Do you need cash in a hurry? This magick potion starts working as soon as you ingest it. You can either brew this potion as a hot tea or enjoy it as a cool drink. If you like, share it with someone else whose intention is linked with your own.


✵ 1 paring knife

✵ Fresh ginger root

✵ Fresh mint leaves

✵ Spring water

✵ Cinnamon

✵ 1 clear glass or cup (no designs)

✵ The ace of pentacles from a tarot deck or the ace of diamonds from a regular deck of playing cards


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday, but in an emergency do the spell as necessary

Chop the ginger and mint leaves very fine—the amount you use is up to you. Sprinkle them in the spring water, then add a dash of cinnamon. If you wish, heat the water to make a tea (but don’t let it boil). Pour the herb water in a clear glass or cup. Lay the card face up on your altar, table, or countertop and set the glass of water on top of it. Leave it for 5 minutes to allow the image on the card to imprint the water with its vibrations, then drink the tea.


Is money going out faster than it’s coming in? This spell taps the magick of feng shui to slow your cash outflow and help you get a handle on spending.


✵ All your credit cards

✵ 1 black envelope

✵ A few drops pine essential oil

✵ 1 piece of tumbled hematite

✵ 1 small piece of tumbled onyx

✵ Your wallet or purse

✵ 1 large stone (one that weighs at least a pound or two)


✵ During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday, or when the sun or moon is in Capricorn

Sort through your credit cards and place the ones you don’t need or don’t use regularly—as many as possible—in the black envelope. (You might consider canceling some of them while you’re at it.) Next, dab a little essential oil on each of the stones. After the oil dries, slip the hematite in your wallet or purse—each time you reach for your cash, touch the stone to remind you of your intention.

Stash the envelope containing your credit cards in a safe spot and set the piece of onyx on it to symbolically hold down spending. Finally, place the large stone in the wealth sector of your home. To locate this, stand at the entrance to your home (the one you use most often, not necessarily the front door) with your back to the door, so you’re looking inside. The farthest left-hand corner is the wealth sector.

Additional suggestion: If you want to cut back on business expenditures, you could put another piece of hematite or onyx in your cash register or safe, and another large stone in the wealth sector at your place of business.


Are annoying phone calls and angry demand letters from creditors driving you nuts? Although you may be doing the best you can, collection agencies can be as persistent as pit bulls. This amulet helps to ward off creditors the way ancient amulets repelled evil spirits.


✵ 1 image of a bear

✵ The rune Eihwaz

✵ 1 small piece of turquoise

✵ Dried basil leaves

✵ Dried fennel

✵ Dried parsley

✵ 1 black drawstring pouch, made of cloth or leather


✵ During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday, or when the sun or moon is in Capricorn

Gather all the ingredients listed. The image of a bear could be a magazine picture, a small figurine, a jewelry charm, or a drawing you sketch yourself. The rune Eihwaz, which means “defense,” could be a piece of stone, ceramic, wood, or metal with the symbol carved or painted on it. (It looks a bit like a reversed Z tilted slightly.) Wash the turquoise with mild soap and water, then pat it dry.

Place the herbs, rune, and piece of turquoise in the pouch. Then hold the image of the bear in your hand and gaze at it. The bear represents protection and fortitude. Ask the spirit bear, symbolized by this image, to defend you against harassment and to give you the strength to “bear up” under the challenge you are facing. Add the bear to your pouch and close the pouch. Wear the amulet or carry it with you while you continue resolving your financial issues.


We’ve all run into streaks of bad luck. Fashion a few of these fetishes, and use them to help disperse negative energy that can wreak havoc with your finances.


✵ 3 pennies (or other coins of small denomination)

✵ 3 pieces of green, gold, or silver cloth

✵ 3 pieces of white string or ribbon


✵ Anytime

Place the pennies into the pieces of cloth, then tie them with the string or ribbon. As you tie the knots, recite this incantation:

“In luck I trust,

In luck I believe,

Within this bundle,

Abundance weave!”

To activate the fetish, take it to a remote location away from water or trees, and bury it in the ground. Say aloud:

“Bad fortune’s come,

But not to stay.

I command it now

To turn away.”

Turn away from the place where you’ve buried the bundle and don’t look back. Visualize leaving behind all negative energy that hindered you in the past.


Even if your present financial situation is sound, you can’t predict what the future may bring. This spell ensures that prosperity will continue flowing toward you and that you’ll always have more than enough money to cover your expenses.


✵ 9 small jars (baby food jars are perfect)

✵ 1 piece of paper

✵ 1 pen that writes green, gold, or silver ink

✵ Coins (any denomination)


✵ Daily, beginning during the waxing moon

Choose a spot in your home or workplace where you can leave the jars in position permanently, where they won’t be disturbed. Arrange the empty jars in a circle. On the piece of paper write the following affirmation: “I now have plenty of money for everything I need and desire and plenty to share with others.” Lay the paper in the center of the circle of jars and put a coin on top to secure it. Then beginning at the east, work in a clockwise direction and drop one coin in each jar. Repeat the affirmation aloud each time you place a coin in a jar.

The next day add another coin to each jar, again starting at the east and working in a clockwise direction. Continue in this manner, adding one coin per day to each jar. When all the jars are full, remove the coins and donate the money to your favorite charity. As you give the money away, repeat the following affirmation three times: “I offer this money with love and gratitude. I now receive my tenfold return, with good to all concerned.”

Start filling the jars again, in the same manner as before. Continue performing this spell and sharing your wealth indefinitely, in order to keep prosperity coming your way forever.


Does it seem that you never have enough money left over after paying the bills to buy anything extra? You’re just scraping by. Will you ever manage to get ahead so you can treat yourself to a few luxuries? This spell helps you attract good fortune and acquire the objects you desire.


✵ Pictures of things you’d like to have

✵ Scissors

✵ 1 sheet of heavy paper or poster board

✵ Glue, paste, or tape

✵ The Wheel of Fortune card from a tarot deck you don’t use for readings


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday

Cut out pictures from magazines or catalogs, or download images from the Internet that depict the goodies you covet: a new car, a designer wardrobe, jewelry, the latest computer—whatever strikes your fancy. Cut the paper into the shape of a circle or wheel. Glue or tape the Wheel of Fortune card in the center of the paper circle. Arrange the pictures you’ve selected around the tarot card and fasten them to the paper. As you work, imagine all these wonderful things belonging to you. See yourself driving that new car or donning those diamonds. Make your visions as real as possible.

Display your “wheel of fortune” in a place where you will see it often. You might want to put it in what feng shui calls the wealth sector of your home or workplace. To locate this, stand at the entrance to your home or workplace—the one you use most often, not necessarily the front door—with your back to the door, so you’re looking inside. The farthest left-hand corner is the wealth sector. Each time you look at your collage, you’ll reinforce your intention to draw abundance into your life.


Money may not grow on trees, but you can tap the growth symbolism inherent in trees to increase your income. Whether you need cash to cover an unexpected expense, seek extra money for something special, or just want to improve your financial status, this spell helps you attract abundance of all kinds.


✵ Gold and/or silver ribbons

✵ Small charms, earrings, beads, crystals, and/or other ornaments

✵ Bells or wind chimes


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday or Friday, or when the sun or moon is in Taurus

Tie the ribbons loosely on the branches of a favorite tree. The tree can be one on your own property or in a place that’s special to you. Hang the other adornments on the branches as well. These objects represent gifts or offerings to the nature spirits, in return for their assistance in bringing you wealth. The earth elementals called gnomes really like bling and will appreciate these trinkets. As you attach each item, state your intention aloud and ask the nature spirits to help you acquire what you desire. When you’ve finished, thank the tree and the nature spirits.


This seasonal breakfast or dessert combines fruits associated with prosperity and abundance. When you eat them, you take their energy into your body, which symbolizes your willingness to accept prosperity into your life. Blend the fruits according to your own taste preferences and your personal associations with them.


✵ Fresh pineapple chunks

✵ Blueberries

✵ Cherries, pitted and sliced in half

✵ Grapes, sliced in half, seeds removed

✵ Apples, diced

✵ Pears, diced

✵ 1 glass bowl

✵ 1 teaspoon lemon juice

· 14 cup sugar


✵ During the waxing moon

Wash, dry, and cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces. Combine the fruit in a bowl. Sprinkle the lemon juice over the fruit. Sprinkle the sugar over the fruit and let sit for 1 hour. Enjoy, while you envision prosperity flowing toward you.