Spells for Love and Friendship - Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells - Skye Alexander 2015

Spells for Love and Friendship
Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

As you may suspect, love spells are the ones magicians cast most frequently. We even use magickal terms to describe being in love—we feel enchanted, under a spell, bewitched, charmed, and so on. Often when we think of love spells, our minds conjure images of magickal incantations and mysterious potions meant to kindle passion in a person the spellcrafter desires, especially if that person doesn’t return the feeling. Fairy tales, poetry, popular songs, and Hollywood perpetuate this idea.

Keep in mind, however, that love spells aren’t meant to enchant or bewitch someone into falling in love with you—especially if that certain someone is already involved in a romantic relationship with another person. Although it may be tempting, and more than a few magicians have used magick to manipulate another person, doing so can backfire, sometimes with disastrous results. We all have free will and nothing can violate that will—not even magick or spells. The true purpose of a love spell is to increase your own power and attractiveness, so you draw the individual who’s best for you.

If your spell involves someone else, ask his or her permission before casting it. This may not be possible if you’re trying to make peace with another person from whom you’re separated or if you need to break an unwanted bond between you and someone else. Even then, explain your intentions to that person’s higher self and make it clear that you seek only the best for everyone concerned. If it’s appropriate, you might invite the other person to participate in your spell. This can be beneficial if your spell is intended to enhance some aspect of an existing relationship, such as heightening the passion or joy between you.

Spells for love are numerous and varied, and before you do any, it’s important to define what you want. Are you trying to attract someone? Looking for your soul mate? Hoping to improve your current relationship? The clearer you are in your own mind, and the more specific you can be, the greater your chances of success. The tables in this chapter show which ingredients can lend more power to your love spells.

Steps for Successful Spellcasting

Whenever you cast a spell, remember to use a few tried-and-true measures, as described in Chapter 1. These precautions can help you avoid complications, mix-ups, delays, or disappointments:

1. Remove all distractions.

2. Collect the ingredients and tools you’ll use in your spell and cleanse them.

3. Purify and sanctify your space.

4. Quiet your mind.

5. Cast a circle around the area where you’ll do your spellworking.

6. Perform the spell.

7. If you’ve called upon deities or spirits to assist you, thank and release them.

8. Open the circle.

9. Store your tools in a safe place until you need them again.


Try to incorporate the colors red (for passion), pink (for affection), and/or purple (for romance) into your love spells. The most popular ways to do this are to burn candles or craft talisman pouches in these colors. You may also want to wear red and/or pink gemstones as talismans, or add red, pink, or purple flower petals to mojo bags, ritual baths, sachets, or potions. Many of the spells in this chapter draw upon these color associations.



Carnelian: Stimulates sexual desire

Diamond: Deepens commitment and trust in a love relationship

Garnet: Increases love and passion

Opal: Aids love and seduction

Pearl: Encourages love, happiness, and emotional balance

Quartz (rose): Attracts romance, affection, and friendship


Daisy: Inspires playfulness in love and friendship

Geranium (rose-colored): Boosts fertility and love

Jasmine: Encourages love, harmony, seduction, and sensuality

Myrtle: Brings luck in love

Rose: Attracts love and friendship; pink for affection, red for passion

Essential Oils/Incense

Jasmine: Encourages love, harmony, seduction, and sensuality

Musk: Heightens sensuality and sexuality

Patchouli: Boosts passion and sensuality

Rose: Attracts love and friendship

Ylang ylang: Increases sensuality and attractiveness

Herbs and Spices

Cayenne: Sparks sexuality and desire

Ginger: Stimulates romance, excitement, and sexuality

Marjoram: Blesses a new union and brings happiness

Vanilla: Encourages a more joyful and lighthearted approach to love


This quick-and-easy love spell requires only a handful of rose petals (preferably given to you by a friend or loved one, so they’re already imbued with good energy). Take them outside your house or apartment and scatter them on the walkway leading to your home, while you say aloud:

“Love find your way.

Love come to stay!”

Continue repeating the incantation until you reach your door. Save one rose petal to carry with you as a talisman to encourage love to follow you into your home.


You’re looking for that special person, the one and only, your ideal mate who is right for you in every way. But where do you begin? By casting a spell, of course. This one sends out the message that you are open to receiving love—and your perfect partner will pick up your vibes.


✵ 1 red rose

✵ 1 vase of cold water

✵ 1 ballpoint pen

✵ 1 pink votive candle

✵ 1 red votive candle

✵ A few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil

✵ 1 copper bowl

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ On the new moon, preferably on a Friday, or when the sun or moon is in Libra

Place the rose, which symbolizes the love you’re looking for, in a vase of water and set it on your altar. Use the ballpoint pen to inscribe the letter X—the Norse rune for love—on the candles. Anoint the candles, which represent you and your soul mate, with the essential oil. (Pink is the color of love and affection, red the color of passion.) Put the candles together in the bowl and place it on your altar. Light the candles and say aloud:

“Winds of love, come to me,

Bring my soul mate, I decree.

As I wish, so mote it be.”

Imagine yourself with your soul mate. Make your visualization as detailed and vivid as possible. Feel this person’s presence forming in the air around you. Let the candles burn all the way down, so the pink and red wax flow together in the bowl. While the wax is still warm, shape it with your fingers to form a heart, mingling the pink and red. Empty the vase of cold water into the bowl so the wax doesn’t stick, and then remove the wax heart. If you know feng shui, put the wax heart in your relationship sector; otherwise place it in your bedroom. Allow the rose petals to dry. Save them for other spells.


You’ve got to have friends in this world. For many people, friends are just as important as a primary partner. Friends bring out your best side, share your interests, pitch in when times are tough, and create a community in which you can thrive.


✵ Several ribbons


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Gemini or Aquarius

This is a good spell to perform when you move into a new neighborhood or enter a new school and don’t know anybody. Collect several ribbons in various colors that you like. Each ribbon represents a friend. Tie the ribbons to the branches of a tree. As you tie each ribbon, focus on attracting a new friend into your life and say aloud: “I now have a friend whom I love, respect, trust, and enjoy.” Repeat until you’ve tied all the ribbons on the tree, then thank the tree for adding its positive energy to your spell.


Is something lacking in your relationship? Do you seek more romance, harmony, joy, passion? Choose the ingredients that will increase what you desire. Pink candles, for example, represent love and affection, whereas red ones represent passion. Select the aromatic oil you like best—see the table at the beginning of this chapter for suggestions.


✵ 2 pink or red candles in candleholders

✵ A few drops of rose, ylang-ylang, jasmine, gardenia, vanilla, or patchouli essential oil

✵ Deck of tarot cards

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday, or when the sun or moon is in Taurus or Libra

During the waxing moon, anoint the candles with the essential oil. Put a dot of oil on your heart to open it. From your deck of tarot cards, select the king and the queen of cups (which stand for you and your partner) and the nine of cups (the wish card). Place the candles on your altar, and lay the three cards face up between the candles.

Light the candles and state your wish. Be specific. Imagine it coming true. After a few minutes, extinguish the candles and place them in the area where you and your beloved will be spending time together. Whenever you’re together in that room, make sure these candles are burning.

Variations on Tarot Spells

You can also choose tarot cards according to your astrological sun sign to represent you and the person you love. Wands correlate with fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Pentacles are associated with earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). Swords relate to air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Cups are linked with water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). If you’re at least twenty-one years old, select a king or queen from the suit that corresponds to your sign to symbolize you and the other person. If you’re under twenty-one or doing a spell for younger people, use the pages of the appropriate suits.


Even a really great relationship hits some slumps once in a while. Whenever your relationship is in need of a pick-me-up, whip up an apple pie to bring more sweetness into your union. Apples represent health and love. Cinnamon is a sweet-and-spicy love herb, vanilla inspires love and peace, and ginger stimulates whatever it touches. Make sure to hold loving thoughts in your mind while you bake this delicious treat.



✵ 6 medium tart apples, peeled and sliced thin

· 12 teaspoon ginger

· 12 teaspoon cinnamon

· 12 teaspoon nutmeg (or to taste)

· 12 teaspoon vanilla

· 14 cup flour

✵ 2 prepared piecrusts for a 9" pie, or make crusts from scratch

✵ 2 tablespoons butter


✵ On a Friday night, during the waxing moon, or when the moon is in Libra or Taurus

1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.

2. Toss the apple slices with the spices, vanilla, and flour, then put them into the bottom of the piecrust. Dot the top of the apples evenly with bits of butter.

3. Put the other half of the piecrust over the top of the pie, securing it at the edges while saying:

“Secured within,

My magick begins.

Sweeten our love,

With blessings from above.”

4. Gently draw a heart in the top of the pie using a fork so that energy bakes into the crust.

5. Bake the pie in the preheated oven for about 45 minutes, or until the crust is brown and apple juice is bubbling through the heart pattern. Enjoy eating the pie with your beloved.


Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto discovered that water picks up the vibrations of pictures, words, thoughts, and emotions that come into contact with it. The water holds on to those impressions—and when you drink the imprinted water, your body absorbs the energies. This spell uses the lovely imagery from The Lovers card in your favorite tarot deck to fill you with loving feelings.


✵ The Lovers card from a tarot deck

✵ 1 glass of spring water

✵ 1 silver (or silver plate) spoon

✵ 1 drop of melted honey or a pinch of sugar


✵ On a Friday night, during the waxing moon, or when the sun or moon is in Libra

Place the tarot card face up on a windowsill where the moon will shine on it. Set the glass of water on top of the card and leave it overnight. The image of the card will be imprinted into the water. In the morning, use a silver spoon to stir the honey or sugar into the glass to sweeten the water and, symbolically, your relationship. Drink the water with your partner to strengthen the love between you.


A luxurious bath can soothe mind, body, and spirit, and help you let go of the stress of the day. This spell cleanses you of tension or unpleasantness in a love relationship, so you can enjoy the positive things and open yourself to more happiness.


✵ A tub filled with comfortably hot water

✵ 1 cup of bath salts

✵ A few drops of jasmine, ylang-ylang, patchouli, or rose essential oil

✵ The rest of the rose petals left from the Spell to Attract Your Soul Mate

✵ 1 red or pink candle in a candleholder

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ Romantic music


✵ On a Friday night, during the waxing moon

As you fill your bathtub with water, sprinkle the bath salts into it. Bath salts act as a purifying agent, dispersing any unwanted vibrations. It’s also a symbol of the earth element, which is associated with stability, security, and sensuality. Add the essential oil to the bath water, then scatter the rose petals on top. Light the candle and turn on the music.

Get into the tub and soak pleasantly, as you think loving thoughts about your partner. If you don’t yet have a romantic partner, think positive thoughts about the person you intend to attract. If you have a lover, invite him or her to join you in the love bath.


A lovers’ quarrel has left you and your partner at odds. Maybe you’ve said or done things you wish you could take back. Pride, hurt feelings, anger, and other destructive emotions may be preventing you from making up. How can you mend the rift between you? By casting a magick spell, of course. The key to this spell’s success is focusing your mind on positive images only.


✵ 1 clear quartz crystal

✵ 1 ballpoint pen

✵ 1 piece of paper

✵ A few drops of jasmine essential oil

✵ 2 pink candles

✵ Candleholders

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ As soon as possible

Wash the quartz crystal with mild soap and water, then pat it dry. On the piece of paper write down everything you like, admire, and enjoy about your partner. Include his or her positive qualities, things about the relationship that you’re grateful for, good times you’ve shared, and so on. When you’ve finished, put a drop of oil on each corner of the paper and fold it three times.

Use the ballpoint pen to inscribe your name on one of the candles and your beloved’s name on the other. Dress the candles by rubbing a little oil on them (not on the wicks). Put the candles in their holders and position them on your altar, a table, or other flat surface, so they are about a foot apart. Lay the folded piece of paper between the candles and set the crystal on top of the paper. Light the candles.

Close your eyes and bring to mind an image of your partner. Say to that image: “I honor the divine within you. I forgive you and I forgive myself. I am grateful for all the good times we’ve known together. I bless you and love you.” Let go of all anger, resentment, recrimination, criticism, and so forth that you have held toward your partner. Don’t mentally rehash the problems that led to the rift; entertain only positive thoughts and feelings. When you’re ready, open your eyes and snuff out the candles. If necessary, repeat the spell the next day, only this time move the two candles a little closer together. Do this spell daily, moving the candles closer each time, until you’ve mended the rift between you.


This spell encourages fidelity, but before casting it consider your reasons for doing so. Do you just want to strengthen the bond of trust between you and a partner? Or do you suspect that your significant other is being unfaithful? If so, do you really want to remain with this person?


✵ 4 votive candles (1 yellow, 1 red, 1 blue, and 1 green) in glass containers

✵ 1 object that represents your lover

✵ 1 object that represents you

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ On the full moon

Be sure to position your candles in a safe spot, where they can’t ignite anything flammable. Place the yellow candle in the east within the space where you’ll do your spell. Set the red one in the south, the blue one in the west, and the green one in the north. This defines the perimeter of your circle, and as you light each candle—moving clockwise from the east—you cast the circle. But before you do this, make sure that you and the objects you’ve chosen to represent you and your partner are within the circle.

Face east and light the yellow candle. Breathe deeply and imagine your intellect as lucid, crystalline, capable of making good decisions. Face south and light the red candle. Envision yourself and your lover passionately embracing. Face west and light the blue candle, as you sense loving feelings flowing between you and your partner. Face north, light the green candle, and imagine a strong bond of devotion, respect, and caring uniting you. When you have finished lighting the candles, stand facing the east and say:

“Winds of the east and the mind, keep [name of person]’s thoughts with me. So mote it be.”

Turn to face south and say:

“Fires of the south and passion, keep [name] close to me. So mote it be.”

Face west and say:

“Waters of our hearts, never do us part. So mote it be.”

Face north and say:

“Forces of the earth, keep our bodies together now and evermore. So mote it be.”

Move to the center of the circle and say:

“This spell is done in harmony with Divine Will, our own true wills, and with good to all.”

To open the circle, snuff out the candles in the reverse order, moving counterclockwise, then bury the remains together in your backyard. If you live in an apartment, put the candles in a wooden box and place it under your bed.


Do you seem to be losing interest in your partner? Perhaps you long for the day when your love affair was passionate and fun. Still, you’re not ready to give up on the relationship. This talisman draws upon the energies of gemstones to help rekindle your enthusiasm. It’s also a pretty piece of jewelry.


✵ Carnelian or garnet beads (as many as you want to use)

✵ Opal beads (as many as you want to use)

✵ Pink pearls (as many as you want to use)

✵ Jeweler’s wire, enough to make a necklace

✵ A few drops of ylang-ylang or jasmine essential oil


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Tuesday or Friday, or when the sun or moon is in Aries, Taurus, or Scorpio

Wash all the gemstones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry. Begin stringing the beads on the jeweler’s wire. String the stones in any combination, as many of each as you feel you need. Carnelians and garnets spark passion. Opals encourage romance. Pearls promote emotional balance, harmony, and joy.

As you work, remember the good times you’ve enjoyed with your beloved. Concentrate especially on the passionate, romantic, and exciting moments between you. Think about all the things you admire and like about your partner. Don’t let your mind stray to negative thoughts. Make the necklace as long as you like. When you’ve strung all the beads, dot each bead with a little essential oil. Allow the scent to imprint itself on your subconscious. Wear your magick necklace to reawaken passion in your partnership. Whenever you feel your enthusiasm waning, finger the beads to remind you of your intention.


Is the one you love commitment phobic? Are you having trouble moving your relationship to the next level? This talisman helps deepen and stabilize the feelings between you. However, in order to make this spell succeed you’ll have to act in a way that seems contrary to your intentions: Stop pushing for a commitment and give your beloved the space he or she needs.


✵ 1 small piece of rose quartz

✵ 1 small piece of smoky quartz

✵ 1 small piece of carnelian

✵ 1 small piece of hematite

✵ 1 gold, silver, or copper ring

✵ Rose or jasmine incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 pink or rose silk pouch

✵ 1 of your hairs

✵ 1 of your beloved’s hairs

✵ Rose, jasmine, and gardenia petals

✵ 1 red ribbon

✵ Saltwater


✵ On a Friday during the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Taurus or Libra

Wash the stones and the ring with mild soap and water, then pat them dry. Fit the incense into its burner and light it. Put the 4 stones into the silk pouch. Tie the hairs around the ring if they’re long enough; if not, simply put the hairs and the ring into the pouch. Add the flower petals.

Close the pouch with the red ribbon, tying 8 knots. As you tie each knot, repeat this incantation:

“I love you and you love me

Together we shall always be

And live in perfect harmony.”

When you’ve finished, sprinkle the talisman with saltwater then hold it in the incense smoke for a few moments to charge your charm. Say aloud: “This is done in harmony with Divine Will, our own true wills, and for the good of all.”

If you know feng shui, place the talisman in the relationship sector of your home; otherwise put it in your bedroom. Now that you’ve completed the spell, let go and let the universe take over.


No matter how hard you try to get along, you and your partner always seem to end up fighting about something. It’s uncanny how you manage to push each other’s buttons. This spell helps to sweeten the energy between you to promote peace and harmony in your relationship.


✵ 1 shell

✵ 1 oblong stone

✵ 1 cauldron, large ashtray, incense burner, or other fireproof container

✵ 1 cone of gardenia incense

✵ Dried pink rose petals

✵ A dab of honey

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 pink cloth pouch, preferably silk or velvet


✵ On a Friday, preferably when the sun or moon is in Libra

Wash the shell and stone with mild soap and water, then pat them dry. Set the fireproof container on your altar or in another safe place. Put the incense in the center of the container, then sprinkle the rose petals around the incense. Rub a little honey on the shell and the stone, then lay both in the container—the shell represents the feminine force, the oblong stone symbolizes the male force.

Call to mind your lover’s face. Light the incense. As it burns, chant this incantation aloud three times as if you were speaking to your partner:

“Between me and thee

May there always be

Love, peace, and harmony.”

Allow the incense to burn down completely. When everything has cooled, put the shell, stone, rose petals, and ashes into the pink pouch. Place the pouch under your pillow or between the mattress and box spring of your bed to encourage positive feelings.


You can use this spell to attract a romantic partner, or to get the attention of people you’d like to have as friends. It enhances your physical beauty, your communication skills, or other qualities that others find attractive.


✵ 1 ripe strawberry

✵ 1 small bowl or saucer

✵ 1 fork


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday or Friday, or when the moon is in Libra

Hold the strawberry as you visualize people looking twice at you, complimenting you on your appearance, approaching you to chat, and so on. Put the strawberry in the bowl or saucer and mash it gently with the fork. Then anoint your lips with the strawberry juice. Eat the crushed strawberry sensually, enjoying the feeling of the pulp on your tongue, the seeds between your teeth, and the sweetness of the juice.

Say aloud:

“The words I speak,

The smiles I smile,

Be made sweet.

As bee to flower,

As honey to fly,

I draw you nigh.”


This spell increases your “sparkle” in an intimate situation. It can help you draw a new love to you or add zest to an existing relationship.


✵ Champagne (or sparkling apple cider)

✵ 1 chalice (or pretty wineglass)

✵ 3 drops rosewater


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday or when the moon is in Libra

Pour the champagne into your chalice or glass. Add the first drop of rosewater to the glass and say aloud: “I dazzle.”

Add the second drop of rosewater to your chalice or glass as you say: “I sparkle.”

Add the third and final drop of rosewater and say: “Romance me!”

Swirl the champagne in the glass gently to blend the rosewater. Drink the champagne, visualizing exactly how you wish to be attractive and what sort of experience you’d like to enjoy with a partner. See yourself and your partner as happy and fulfilled. Make the visualization as vivid as possible.


✵ Float a fresh red rose petal on the surface of the champagne.

✵ Double the ingredients to serve two people, and drink it with your partner.

✵ Serve chocolate-covered strawberries to further enhance the atmosphere for love.


This spell uses three spellcasting techniques—verbal, written, and physical—to renew, strengthen, preserve, and energize your love.


✵ Red or purple construction paper (red and purple are colors of passion and romance respectively)

✵ Rose oil

✵ Scissors

✵ Glue or tape

✵ 1 picture of you and your mate

✵ 1 pen that writes red ink


✵ Anytime

Dab the paper with the rose oil, while saying:

“Rose of love, this spell is begun

I and [name of your partner] will always be one!”

Cut the paper in the shape of a heart. In the middle of the paper heart affix the picture(s) of yourself and your beloved. Write your names underneath. Put the heart in the relationship sector of your home (if you know feng shui) or in your bedroom to keep love alive.