Introduction: So You want to be A Spellcaster

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells - Skye Alexander 2015

Introduction: So You want to be A Spellcaster

Many of us were introduced to magick spells at an early age, through fairy tales, books, and movies. We saw Cinderella’s fairy godmother transform a pumpkin into a jeweled coach drawn by a team of prancing horses. We witnessed a princess kiss a frog and turn him into a handsome prince. We watched Hermione Granger move trees with her magick wand. And we wanted to be able to wield that awe-inspiring power, too.

The good news is, you do have that power. Everyone has magickal ability—it’s your birthright. And you know what else? You’ve probably already done lots of spells, but you just didn’t realize it at the time. Blowing out candles on a birthday cake, for instance, is a popular good luck spell. Hanging an evergreen wreath on your front door is an ancient protection spell. Cursing a driver who steals your parking space, well, that’s also a spell.

Simply put, a magick spell uses thoughts, words, and actions to cause certain changes to occur—and to generate outcomes through means that logic and conventional science can’t explain. Have you ever made a wish that came true? That’s magick at work. Would you like to be able to do that more often? You can. By training your mind and developing some natural skills that you already possess—and by aligning yourself with nature and the universe—you can create the reality you desire.


Hollywood tends to focus on the sensational aspects of magick, witchcraft, and spellcasting, which can make the whole idea seem scary or weird or even ridiculous to many people. In reality, most witches and wizards don’t put hexes on people; they don’t turn frogs into princes or fly through the air on broomsticks; they don’t brew eye of newt and tongue of dog in cauldrons for enchanted potions (although cauldrons still serve as handy tools in spellwork). Instead, modern-day magickal workers cast spells to help them get better jobs, attract love and friendship, safeguard their homes and families, and improve their health. You can even do a spell to find a parking space in a crowded shopping mall on the day after Thanksgiving.

According to Aleister Crowley, often recognized as the most powerful magician of the twentieth century, “Every intentional act is a magickal act.” The purpose of a spell is to manifest something that you need or desire. That need or desire (or both) comprises your intent. When you cast a spell, your intent is vital to your success. Your intention, coupled with your attention, are the most important components in any spell—they’re what make your wishes come true. That’s why you’ll often hear it said that magick is all in the mind. Beyond that, a spell might involve carefully orchestrated steps and procedures, exotic ingredients, cool clothes, and specialized equipment—all designed to increase the potency of the spell. It may also draw upon the forces of nature and/or supernatural powers.


Few of us get the opportunity to attend Hogwarts for a magickal education. However, if you follow the guidelines in this book, you’ll soon learn to cast spells for all sorts of purposes. You’ll develop techniques for honing your mental and psychic powers. You’ll find out how to tap the natural energies in plants and gemstones, and use them to augment your spells. You’ll discover how to call upon spirits, deities, and other invisible beings to enhance your spellworking ability. Finally, you’ll learn the best times to perform spells and rituals in order to produce the results you seek, safely and effectively.

Maybe you’re not sure about all this stuff yet, but you’re curious. Maybe you’ve dabbled with magick a bit and want to become more familiar with it. Maybe you’re ready to take charge of your own destiny and start consciously creating the circumstances you desire in your life. If so, this book is for you.