Using this book - Elements of Magic Spells

The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells - Judika Illes 2009

Using this book
Elements of Magic Spells

Measurements, or the lack Thereof

Magic is a personal intuitive art. It is crucial that you do not approach it the way you would a chemistry experiment.

What does this mean? It means that a spell cannot be done by rote—not if you expect to see successful results. Magic cannot be reproduced by mechanical means and thus many if not most of the spells do not have precise measurements. Beware of spells that tell you exactly how much to add of one ingredient, in proportion to exactly how much of another. It is very important that you participate in these decisions, that you determine quantities and proportions. Why? Because this is your magical voice speaking, your magical participation in the spell. Magic is a sensual, intuitive art. It is vital that fragrances please you, that textures tempt you, that a salt scrub is as wet or dry as you envision.

Don’t be afraid to play with your ingredients, to add a little more of one substance or less of another to achieve a result that pleases your senses, not someone else’s. (Although if it’s a love spell…)

If in doubt, start with equal proportions of all ingredients

Should specific ingredients dominate the spell, this will be indicated in that spell’s instructions

In the few instances where precise quantities or proportions are suggested, it is because this is a significant factor in that particular spell

Formulas used for one specific spell are given in the instructions for that spell. Some magical formulas however are extremely popular; many spells depend upon them. Those formulas are included in the Formulary, beginning on page 1037. These formulas for magic oils, inks, powders and charged waters are identified in the text by bold type