Weather Spells - The Spells

The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells - Judika Illes 2009

Weather Spells
The Spells

Weather spells are an ambiguous topic. It is extremely personal magic. My desire for a beautiful sunny day may correspond to your need for rain. Will our spells cancel each other’s out? Does the most powerful magician win?

Despite these inherent difficulties, Weather Spells are among the most ancient magical genres. The most successful weather spells are cast by a community in response to a consensus regarding a weather emergency, typically either too much or too little rain. It was believed that one could summon or banish storms by invoking ancient spirits. In essence the storms and winds are spirits. This belief remains personified in the orisha Oya, who embodies the hurricanes that travel from West Africa to the Caribbean annually. Vestiges of these beliefs linger in the tradition of naming hurricanes; by naming the spirit, a measure of control is maintained.

Magical and spiritual aspects of weather have always been controversial:

Ancient Mesopotamian wind spirits could be destructive, as can the modern Central American “Aires”

Jews perceived winds as messengers of the Creator, although not all are inherently benevolent

In the Odyssey, Odysseus is given a bag of winds as a divine gift, sealed up with knot magic. When his curious men release the knots too soon, the gift turns to disaster

According to Saint Thomas, wind and rain could be produced by demons. Hence magicians who offered to sell storms to those who need them

The earliest ecclesiastic law in England, the Liber Penitentiales of Saint Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury from 668 through 690, was directed against those who caused storms by invoking “fiends”

Altars for Weather Spells

An open umbrella serves as a fitting altar for rain rituals. A closed umbrella serves as a magic wand. (In Berber magic, snow shovels are used similarly.)

Broom Spells

Brooms are used to communicate with Elemental Spirits of the Air. Create single use ritual brooms for these spells. (See Elements of Magic Spells for instructions.)

Broom Spell to Raise Winds

Throw a broom up into the air, preferably from mountaintop or a height. Summon the Air Spirits.

Broom Spell to Calm Winds

Burn the broom once the winds are no longer required. Bury the ashes; don’t let any float in the air.

Drought Spells

Drought Spell (1) Dragon Spell (1)

Dragons are believed to impact weather through their control of precipitation. Iron is believed to evoke strong reactions from dragons and is the basis for this spell. The glib reasoning is that dragons fear iron; my interpretation is that iron is the supreme protective metal, to be used as a protective amulet for people when approaching (and disturbing!) such a spiritually powerful creature.

In times of drought, should you have access to a “dragon pool,” toss pieces of iron into the pool to disturb the dragons, which then take to the sky in form of rain clouds.

If you do not have actual, physical access to a dragon pool, visualization may be successful, too.

Drought Spell (2) Dragon Spell (2)

In East Asia, dragons are traditionally considered responsible for rain. In times of drought, pull a dragon’s image off your walls where it was comfortable indoors. Place it in the hot sun to fry so that Lung Wang, the Chinese Dragon King, can appreciate the affects of this drought and send some rain.

Drought Spell (3) Mr. Pitiful

Find a picture image (drawing or photograph) of the most pathetic person you can.

This spell works best if this is a person you do not actually know: the only feeling you should have toward this person is pity.

Burn the image. The goal is not to harm the person. The magical theory is that the very Heavens will pity this poor miserable person and pour water down to relieve any further misery.

Drought Spell (4) Psalm 72.

This is a spell to charm up some rain from the power doctors of the Ozark Mountains. Face the sunrise. Repeat the sixth verse of Psalm 72 three times:

May he come down like rain upon the mown grass, As showers that water the Earth.

Drought Spell (5) Saint Peter

This spell derives from Roman Catholic folk magic. As rain concerns the entire community, this is typically a group operation.

If spells, prayers and petitions for rain haven’t worked, bring a votive image to the riverside. Saint Peter is traditional, but Saint Expedite might also be a good choice.

Clearly and explicitly explain the gravity of the situation to the saint and advise him to really think about why rain is needed. Then dunk his statue in the water.

Allegedly this should result in rain within 24 hours. If not, the image is traditionally thrown into the river for good.

Drought Spell (6) Sieve (1)

Pour water on the parched ground through sieve.

Drought Spell (7) Sieve (2)

Blend water from either three or seven wells or springs. (Three or seven types of bottled spring water from distinct sources works at a pinch, too.) Conjure up rain by sprinkling this water through a sieve onto dry ground.

Dulse Wind Summoning Spell

Summon winds by throwing dulse from a height.

Heat Relief Spell

If threatened with dangerously intense heat, offer chamomile to the sun to honor and appease it, accompanied by prayer, petitions and affirmations.

Holed Stone Wind Spell

Attach a holed stone to a cord. Hold the cord at arm’s length and whirl it vigorously around your head to pacify storms and wild winds.

Knot Weather Spells

Weather magic is particularly ancient and particularly tied to knot magic. Witches were accused of binding winds into their hair; storms are thus the result of witches unbraiding their hair, thereby releasing knots. This was a constant accusation during the European witch-craze: women accused of raising storms and deliberately sinking ships.

Knot Weather Charm

First make knots in a cord to seal your intention in, then release as needed. This works most powerfully when the number three is incorporated: make three knots or, if possible, three series of three knots for a total of nine knots, or even three series of nine knots for total of twenty-seven knots.

Untie one knot (or series) to summon up a breeze

Untie two knots (or series) for a strong wind

Untie three knots (or series) for a gale force wind

Storm Protection Spell

To protect your roof from rain and storms make a rope with twenty-one knots in it and place it under the eaves of the house. Sometimes this is believed to actually restrict rain flow. When you need rain, loosen one knot.

Make it Rain! Spells

Make It Rain Spell: Heath Fire

Burn heather and fern together outdoors to stimulate rain.

Make It Rain Spell: Henbane (1)

Allegedly throwing henbane into water brings rain.

Make it Rain Spell: Henbane (2)

Burning henbane is meant to stimulate rainfall. Unfortunately henbane’s fumes are toxic so the actual logistics of this spell are problematic.

Make It Rain Spell: Rice

Toss raw rice into the air to stimulate rain. (That’s why they do it after the wedding!)

Rain Charm Spell Bell

A spell from the Bari people from the Sudan Nile, who know something about the need for rain: fill a bell with water and sprinkle Earth with it.

Rain Charm Spell Cats (1)

When rain is desired, place a terracotta bowl on your head.

Leave it for a few moments and then put it on the ground.

Fill it with water and give your cat a bath.

This allegedly produces heavy rains, although this may be confused with the heavy splashing made by the cat in its attempt to flee the bath.

Rain Charm Spell Cats (2)

This magical recommendation from Java takes the Malay spell above and ups the ante.

Place the terracotta bowl on your head for a few minutes.

Place it on the ground, fill it with water and bathe two cats, a male and a female, to stimulate rain.

Rain Charm Spell Frogs

Frogs are believed to control the watery element.

Erect and maintain an altar to the Lord of Soil.

Place five frogs on the altar. (Placing them in a terrarium, dish or tank may be best way to induce them to stay.)

Their happy croaking encourages rain.

Rain Charm Spell Frogs (2)

Create little images of frogs. Place the frogs on hilltops and raised ground and charge each one with its mission of calling in the rain.

Rain Charm Spell Palm Sunday

This spell derives from Italy. Hang palm branches blessed on Palm Sunday from trees to stimulate rain.

Rain Charm Spell Santeria

Cast this spell under a palm tree, sacred to Chango, Lord of Thunder. In colder climates, substitute a cedar. Soak twelve cotton wicks in olive oil. Light them, and invoke Chango, his mother Yemaya, or of them both. Ask Chango to send the rain. Ask Yemaya to encourage Chango’s cooperation.

Make it Stop! Spells

Mother Goose

Mother Goose’s rhymes evoke old magical charms. Just look at images of Mother Goose, riding through the sky wearing her peaked witch’s hat. Obviously this is a woman who knows her magic spells! Rehabilitate these spells; rescue them from the nursery.

Venture outside in the rain and sing Mother Goose’s anti-rain charm:

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again some other day!

(This can be very hard for adults to do seriously; enlist the aid of children. Encourage them to spontaneously dance as well. Children possess the purity of heart necessary to transform cliché back to its powerful ritual roots.)

Rain Charm Women’s Spell

In the secret language of fertility magic, both human and agricultural, rain is synonymous with semen, hence the traditional machismo and promiscuity of storm gods. Because myth and legend have become relegated to children’s tales, euphemisms are used to obscure reality. Male storm spirits like Baal, Zeus, Chango, Susunowo, or Thor are inevitably described as “thunder gods.” Not that the thunder isn’t impressive but it’s that fertilizing rain that provides the magic, rain that must be applied in just the proper amounts and with just the right touch to keep the Earth Mother happy, satisfied and flourishing.

This old Slavic spell intends to pacify a rainstorm by making this magical point.

For this spell you need a premenstrual virgin girl or a child, although a young girl on the cusp of womanhood is considered most powerful. She must be the daughter of a woman who is post-menopausal.

Get rid of all the men. They cannot participate or witness this ritual but must be sent off somewhere.

The girl must undress completely.

Then she is clothed and ornamented with fresh flowers, as many as possible. (If no real flowers are possible, go with paper, jewelry, or beads or paint her with henna/body paint flowers.)

Go outside, all of you. She should whirl and dance while calling out to the Water Spirits. In the meantime, other women toss water over her.

Have a party. This is supposed to be fun. Laughter helps. If the girl doesn’t want to do it, forget about it—the spell won’t work. A crying, nagging, sullen child defeats the purpose.

Allegedly the rain should lessen quickly.

Rain Charm Men’s Spell

This spell is the counterpart of the spell above—yang to the Women’s Spell’s yin. This men’s magic ritual allegedly stimulates a storm.

Three men climb into trees. One creates thunder by drumming with a hammer on a kettle (think of Thor, Chango, Zeus, or Baal with their hammers and storms): one rubs sticks together or otherwise creates sparks (lightning); the third sprinkles water with a branch.

Stop the Rain Spell (1)

It’s recommended that women expose their genitals to a storm to quiet it. (Note, not men: exposing male genitalia is interpreted as a challenge and we never want to challenge nature when it really matters: an even more destructive storm may result.)

Stop the Rain Spell (2)

Too much rain?

Draw and cut out a figure of a woman holding a broom in her hand.

If the rain becomes dangerously excessive, hang the figure under the eaves and pray for it to dry up.

Appeal to the figure for assistance. This woman will use her broom to sweep away clouds and rain so that the sun can appear.

Stop the Rain Spell (3)

A spell to relieve storms, especially lightning. Obtain and preserve the palm leaves distributed in a Roman Catholic Church on Palm Sunday. Palm leaves are sacred to Change who, in the Santeria tradition, is syncretized to Saint Barbara. To relieve a storm, burn these leaves while petitioning Chango and/or Saint Barbara to pacify the storm.

Stop the Rain Spell (4)

Place a harrow perpendicularly in a crossroads to encourage excessive rain to stop.

Stop a Storm Spell

Hold a powerful, charged magic mirror before a sleeping man’s face during a storm to ease hail and lightning.

Storm Protection Spells

Acorn Lightning Protection

Carry an acorn to protect from storms and lightning, especially when venturing outdoors.

Lightning Protection: Marjoram

Marjoram invokes Thor’s blessings. Keep it in and around your home to ward off lightning.

Lightning Protection: Mistletoe

In Sweden mistletoe is known as “thunderbroom.” Place it over thresholds, and hang it from the wall to protect a home from lightning.

Lightning Safety Spell: Nettles

Carry stinging nettles in a conjure bag to magically prevent yourself being struck by lightning.

Mari, Queen of Storms

The most prominent Basque deity, a matron of witches, Mari lives in caves that spiral to the center of Earth. Who needs broomsticks? Mari travels through the sky in the form of a fire bolt. This shape-shifting spirit’s attributes include a golden comb and a fiery sickle. Her husband Maju, or Sugaar, is a snake who lives in the depths of the sea. When the two meet, violent storms with thunder, lightning, and hail are produced.

Mari may be petitioned to stop a storm: place a sickle on the ground. Offer her an image of one of her sacred creatures—a black goat or a white ram—then burn it. Beg Mari for mercy.

Midsummer’s Storm Relief Spell

Retrieve singed, scorched wreaths from Midsummer’s bonfires. In cases of future storms, place the wreath in the fire and burn it to soothe and pacify the storm.

Mother Holle’s Storm Relief Spell

When Mother Holle shakes out her featherbeds, it snows. Rain falls from her laundry rinse water.

The twelve days between December 25th and January 6th are sacred to Mother Holle, as is the Winter Solstice. Should storms occur during this period or immediately preceding (she may be involved in preparations), burn candles for Mother Holle in an immaculately clean room. Incorporate cleaning into your ritual. Surround the candle(s) with images of rabbits and ask Mother Holle to make the precipitation stop.

Mugwort Lightning Prevention

Keep mugwort within the home—preferably a living plant—to prevent lightning from striking.

Mugwort Storm Dispersal

According to Polish custom, burn mugwort in the fireplace when there is a storm. The smoke carried up the chimney and entering the atmosphere allegedly disperses thunderclouds.

Storm Protection Spell (1)

Avert lightning by sticking a knife into a loaf of bread, impaling it. Spin them both around for as long as the storm lasts.

Storm Protection Spell (2) Devil’s Plight

Hang the plants Saint John’s Wort and Devil’s Flight on doors or in corners to protect against storms, lightning, and evil in general.

Storm Protection Spell (3) Thor’s Beard

Place the plant Sempervivum tectorum in a pot. This plant is also known as Thor’s Beard. Keep it on the roof to protect a house from lightning.

Storm Personal Protection Spell

If you can’t do anything about the storm, you can still attempt to protect yourself:

Carry hawthorn sprigs as protective talismans.

Do not cut them from the tree without making a generous offering to the fairies that are extremely protective of this relative of roses.

Instead gather dropped sprigs, twigs, and leaves.

Wind Raising Spell

Allegedly during childbirth and for a brief period afterwards a woman has the power to raise winds. Go outside and take a mouthful of air. Return inside and expel it out in the manner that you wish the wind to blow (slow, gentle, fast, hard).