Pregnancy and Childbirth Spells: Spells to Protect Mothers and Infants - The Spells

The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells - Judika Illes 2009

Pregnancy and Childbirth Spells: Spells to Protect Mothers and Infants
The Spells

Pregnancy Spells

In general, magic spells target the threshold experiences of pregnancy: conception and delivery. (Spells for conception are contained under Fertility Spells, page 417.) The duration in between is perceived as a vulnerable holding-period, best served magically by protective amulets, talismans and protection spells requesting assistance from various benevolent spirits affiliated with pregnancy and childbirth.

Amulet: Crayfish

Not from Louisiana, this is a Central European Romany spell. Crayfish, as depicted on many Moon tarot cards, are emblematic of primal female, lunar, watery power.

Having eaten a crayfish dinner, reserve, cleanse and dry the shells. Fill a sachet with these shells to bring blessings and protection for a pregnant woman. Pin the sachet into your clothing.

Eye Spells

What parts of the body are most associated with pregnancy? Along with breasts, belly, and all points south, the eye is a consistent anatomical motif. The pregnant woman is believed exceptionally vulnerable to the Evil Eye. The further out the belly extends, the more it draws the Eye. How does the pregnant woman protect herself against the Eye? With amulets in the form of a single eye, which some scholars believe may actually be a euphemism for the vulva, bringing the matter full circle.

Yet the pregnant woman’s own eyes also create vulnerability during pregnancy: it’s believed that whatever a pregnant woman looks at (consciously or not) for significant amounts of time affects the development of the baby. Consider your immediate surroundings. Surround yourself with whatever are your own sacred images.

Eye Spell (1) Chinese

Surround yourself with images of happy, healthy, beautiful babies during pregnancy. Gaze at them in a calm, meditative manner so that their power (baraka) is absorbed through the eyes.

Eye Spell (2) Modern Egyptian

Surround yourself with images of beautiful people as well as sacred images, and people you love and admire. Again, gaze at them in a calm, meditative manner so that you absorb their power through your eyes.

Eye Spell (3) Protection

Wear images of eyes throughout pregnancy, especially as your condition becomes more visible. A single blue-eye bead may be safety-pinned to clothing, or wear it as you wish. Egyptian Eye of Horus amulets are very effective, as is any bead or crystal that resembles an eye. A geometric diamond shape fills in for a literal depiction of an eye.

Pomegranate Protection Spell

If you fear that the child in your womb has been exposed to illness, obtain a pomegranate:

Cut the pomegranate in half.

Rub one half over yourself, especially your belly. Envision any ills or pain or damage being drawn into the pomegranate.

When you’re finished, bury this half in Earth.

Eat every seed of the other half.

If you can’t get a pomegranate, an apple may be substituted although it’s not as magically powerful, nor is consuming apple seeds as easy as eating those of a pomegranate.

SATOR Square

The SATOR magic square was apparently spread through Europe and Britain by the Roman legions. It has many protective uses ranging from fire control to caring for cows, however in general this is either a gender-neutral or even a male-oriented amulet. An exception occurred in England, where Anglo-Saxon tradition favored the SATOR square as an amulet for pregnant women.

Carefully write the magic square on parchment, making sure none of the letters touch and focusing on your desire:

Place the square in a leather bag or metal case and carry it for protection during pregnancy.

Spiritual Protection Spells

From a metaphysical, spiritual point of view, pregnancy is inherently such a powerful, magically charged situation that various elements of the Spirit Realm can’t help but get involved. Malicious, hostile spirits are attracted to the pregnant woman like magnets, as it is a prime opportunity to cause trouble and heartache. Benevolent spirits, in theory at least, also hover protectively nearby, ready to fend off spiritual danger. Some spirits consider pregnancy-protection to be their primary occupation. Instead of trusting to their vigilance blindly, magic spells suggest more active methods of ensuring spiritual pregnancy protection.

Spiritual Protection Spell (1) Angels

Among the angels know to protect expectant women and newborn children are Ariel (Uriel), Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Nuriel. They are sometimes identified as a group by the acronym “ARGAMAN.” This serves as an amuletic device to transmit the power and protection of these angels.

Carefully, consciously write the acronym on paper. Consider what type of ink and paper are most appropriate.

Create two copies: one to travel with you during the day, a second to be posted on the wall near the bed so as to radiate protection while you sleep.

Post the amulet on a wall in plain sight.

Write it on a small strip of paper and carry in a locket or mojo hand.

Spiritual Protection Spell (2) Kwan Yin

Kwan Yin, Buddhist Lady of Mercy, protects anyone who cries out for her but reserves special protection for women and children. She supervises the childbirth process from attempts at conception through successful delivery. Although there are many different images of Kwan Yin and any may be effective, the votive image depicting her holding an infant is most effective for this spell.

Post Kwan Yin’s image.

Offer her oranges, pomegranates, and baby shoes, whether real ones or charms.

Express any fears or concerns to her and request assistance and protection.

Spiritual Protection Spell (3) Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene bestows blessings for a happy, successful pregnancy and smooth delivery. The roots of Mary Magdalene’s associations with pregnancy are unclear: is it because, as some believe, Mary Magdalene herself was the Holy Grail, the chalice who safely bore Christ’s child? Or is it because a Pagan Mediterranean fertility spirit has become so deeply syncretized to the biblical figure as to be inseparable? Regardless of the reason, Mary Magdalene may be petitioned for an easy pregnancy and a happy outcome. Requests may be made anytime but are believed to be most propitious on her feast day, July 22nd.

Display a votive image of Mary Magdalene. Choose whatever pleases you, however images depicting her with the moon or with a closed box are most powerful in this situation. Offer her myrrh, roses, and spikenard and request her blessings.

Tarot Welcome Spell

Lay out the four aces and the Sun card from a tarot deck to issue a welcome to the new soul existing within you, and to ease the path to emergence for both of you.

Miscarriage Spells

Spells for miscarriage attempt to avert it, prevent its recurrence, or provide for the spiritual safety and comfort of the misborn soul.

Anglo-Saxon Miscarriage Spells

These Anglo-Saxon miscarriage rituals are extremely old but the pain, emotion, and determination they reveal remains intensely modern. It’s difficult to tell whether they were originally one extremely extended magic ritual or several rituals so commonly performed in conjunction that it became impossible to disentangle them. The rituals are often combined in different orders, or they are performed in separate pieces. Adjust them to suit your circumstances.

Spell Following Miscarriage or Stillbirth

This spell for a woman involves a progression of rituals, performed over significant periods of time. Originally this was done with the participation of the community; the purpose of the spell was understood, hence the ritual selling of the stillborn child.

At the end of the ritual, the unborn child is dedicated to a deity so as to receive that deity’s blessings and protection. Pagan Anglo-Saxons chose Frigg; Christian Anglo-Saxons chose Jesus Christ. Choose either, or whoever else is most appropriate for you. There is nothing in the spell that intrinsically calls one, and only one, divinity.

This spell cannot be cast unless the stillborn or miscarried child has been buried. As with other graveyard dirt spells, there’s some ambiguity over exactly what is being dug up. Interpret however this makes sense to you.

Take a bit of dirt from the stillborn child’s grave, wrap it in black wool and ritually sell it to someone who will not become pregnant, traditionally an elderly woman. This is accompanied by a chant: “I sell it. You buy it, this black wool and the seeds of this sorrow.”

Soon after, go to the cemetery, step over the grave of a dead man three times, saying these words each time, for a repetition of three:

This is my help against hateful slow birth.

This is my help against dreadful sad birth.

This is my help against hateful misbirth.

When the woman next conceives, she steps over a living man (preferably but not necessarily the child’s father) in bed three times, saying each time, for a repetition of three:

Up I go, over you I step!

With a living child, not a dying one.

With a full-born child, not a doomed one.

Keep quiet about the pregnancy until you’re ready for Step 5. Be discreet; don’t broadcast the news.

At the first signs of quickening—the child’s first flutterings in the womb—the ritual is completed by approaching an altar publicly (once upon a time, this was done in Church) and saying, “To [Deity] I declare this child in my womb.”

Ritual to Prevent Miscarriage

Another Anglo-Saxon miscarriage spell, no less complex than the last although more quickly accomplished, may be cast independently or in conjunction with the spell above.

Milk from a solid-colored (one color) cow is required. It must be obtained directly from the cow. Take milk in the palm of your hand, drink it but don’t swallow. Hold it in your mouth. Without looking around and without swallowing, go quickly and directly to a stream and spit out the milk.

With the same hand you used for the milk, take a handful of water from the stream and swallow it.


Everywhere I carry within me this great strong one.

Strong because of this great food.

This one I want to have and keep and go home with.

Don’t look around. Don’t talk to anyone. Go to a different home from the one where you started this ritual and there, eat a meal.

Jizo’s Spell for Solace

“All rivers find their way to the sea.”

According to Japanese spiritual traditions, all rivers end in a place called the River of Souls, the home of Jizo. Jizo is the Protector of the Souls of Lost Children. These include stillbirths and miscarriages. Babies live and play happily in his abode. Jizo is a multi-faceted deity: he protects mothers and children but also serves as a psychopomp, a spirit who guides dead souls to the next realm. Miscarriages, abortions (without judgment) and stillbirths are all under his domain. Jizo comforts mothers in any of the above circumstances, too.

Write your child’s name (or the name you would have given the child, or the name in your heart for the child) on a slip of paper.

Set it on a river to float to Jizo, so that he will watch out for and take care of your baby.

Jizo’s Spell (2)

A public image of Jizo may serve in this ritual or, if this isn’t possible, obtain an image of Jizo; his images are customarily placed outside, however adapt to your needs.

Place stones or pebbles around images of Jizo, one for each prayer and petition made for the protection of the baby.

Knot Anti-Miscarriage Spells

Knot magic is used in spells regarding all aspects of reproduction: contraception, enhanced fertility, impotence, and childbirth. Knots are tied and released as needed. Childbirth rituals all over the world emphasize the untying of knots: everyone within the vicinity of the birthing woman must loosen their hair, for instance. Window curtains are un-knotted in the belief that knots stall delivery. Sometimes however this is exactly what you desire. A knot spell determines to set a safe due date.

Knot Spell (1)

At first sign of miscarriage, make a tight knot in a strong cord.

Visualize the knot as your baby.

Talk to it: “As this knot holds firm, so you hold firm in my womb. Do not loosen until [insert due date or select a date].”

Place the cord in a secure covered container or wrap it up in a baby blanket.

Keep it in a safe place. Be sure to untie the cord at the appropriate time.

Knot Spell (2)

If you are prone or vulnerable to miscarriage, incorporate protective knot magic on a consistent, regular basis until the time is safe for delivery.

Incorporate knot magic as much as possible into your life: wear your hair in braids, multiple if possible. Wear shoes with laces and clothing that ties rather than buttons. As you braid, tie, and knot, consciously focus your desire and intent, prayers and petitions.

Miscarriage Prevention Spells

The most popular form of miscarriage prevention spell involves charged stones and amulets that can radiate power constantly. For best success, amulets should always be cleansed, charged, and consecrated before their initial use and then as needed.

A “pile-up” effect is favored when using amulets. Use as many as possible: they empower each other synergistically.

Jewish tradition suggests wearing or carrying an eaglestone to enhance aspects of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth, and especially for the prevention of miscarriage. Unlike amber, rubies, and cowries, this is not something you can buy; it must be found—and if it is, it is a sacred gift. Eaglestones are ferruginous pebbles, usually found in a stream. They will be recognized because, when picked up and rattled, the presence of another smaller stone within is apparent: the baby within its mother.

Eaglestones earned their name because, according to legend, eagles gather them into their own nests to assist with conception and delivery.

Miscarriage Prevention Spell (1) Eaglestone

Attach eaglestones to the left wrist for miscarriage prevention. To ease childbirth, they should be attached to the thigh instead.

Miscarriage Prevention Spell (2) Gemstones

Lapis lazuli and rubies are the gemstones believed able to prevent miscarriage or minimize its likelihood. Wear them across the womb for maximum effectiveness, although they still have potency if worn more conventionally.

Miscarriage Prevention Spell (3) Gifts of the Sea

The ocean is the font of Earth’s fertility power. Its powers are invoked in many fertility spells but the sea also has gifts to preserve and protect pregnancy, especially regarding prevention of miscarriage.

Amber, coral, and cowrie shells protect pregnancy in general and allegedly specifically prevent miscarriage or minimize its likelihood. For strongest effect, they should be worn slung around the hips against the skin, underneath clothing.

(Although it’s now recognized that amber is fossilized tree resin, ancient people encountered amber lying on the shore where it was tossed by ocean waves. In this context, they perceived it as an oceanic product and those metaphysical, magical associations remain potent.)

Miscarriage Prevention Spell (4) Gifts of the Sea Urgent Action

Maintain substantial quantities of amber, coral, and cowries wherever you are. Beads or small pieces are fine. Cast a circle from amber, coral, and/or cowries and lie within it, either on the floor or on the bed. Place amber, coral, and/or cowries against your pregnant belly and maintain calm.

Miscarriage Prevention Spell (5) Speedy Labor Charms

Sometimes magic isn’t in what you do but in what you don’t do. It’s crucial to recognize the magical capacity of objects so that they serve your purposes, rather than counteracting your desires.

Emeralds, lodestones and charms in the shape of downward-pointing arrows all allegedly speed delivery. Do not wear or carry them until the appropriate time.

Saint Raymond Nonnatus Spell

Saint Raymond’s name Nonnatus derives from “non natus,” “not born,” because he was removed from the womb following his mother’s death during labor. He is the patron of midwives and protects unborn children.

Offer Saint Raymond a red candle. Leave a lock and key beside the candle. Lock the lock and allow the key to remain within it. Preserve the lock and key in a safe place. Do not unlock and remove the key until you are ready to give birth.

Vinca Miscarriage Spell

Vinca flowers, also known as periwinkle and sorcerer’s violet, bound around the thigh of a pregnant woman allegedly prevents miscarriage. Attach to a garter.

Post Miscarriage Cleansing Spell

This bath spell offers spiritual (rather than physical) healing as well as relief from grief. It is recommended post-miscarriage whether spontaneous or not.

Moisten baking soda with Notre Dame Water. Add this to your bath daily until you feel it’s no longer needed.

Childbirth Spells

Birth is perhaps the ultimate magical threshold, fraught with simultaneous psychic vulnerability and primal power. The birthing chamber is the equivalent of the crossroads at midnight, packed with unseen competing spirits, drawn by the opportunity for mischief or the need to prevent it. Magic spells seek to ease and assist birth. Spells prevail upon the protective powers of benevolent spirits, plot to avoid or foil malevolent spirits, ease pain, speed delivery, and provide a happy future for mother and child. The childbirth process is protected and enhanced through the use of amulets and special ritual clothing.

Animal Allies

Animal powers are critical magical allies during all facets of human reproduction, from attempted conception to actual delivery. In fact, according to myth and legend, the two creatures most associated with childbirth actually taught people the process.

Animal Ally #1: Snake

Snakes are women’s animal allies throughout the entire reproductive process, from conception through childbirth. According to legend, observing the undulations of snakes taught women how to give birth, and the snake’s unhinged jaw, capable of expanding so as to consume something larger than its own head, is a metaphor for the expanding vagina, which can similarly expand to safely deliver a child.

Snake Childbirth Spell (1) Labor Coach

In various parts of the world, a basketful of snakes is brought into the birthing room (with someone designated to supervise them) until childbirth is complete. (In remote areas of China, traditionally the husband was expected to gather them, then feed them after birth and release them.) This is for luck, to beseech the Snake Spirit’s blessings, but also because watching the snake’s undulations is supposed to magically assist the birthing woman. The snakes are, in a sense, given the opportunity to serve as labor coaches.

Emulate if this is realistic for you. Otherwise a videotape of writhing, undulating snakes may be played in the birthing-room instead. Merely decorating the birth chamber with images (statuettes, photographs, or artistic renderings) of snakes may be sufficient to benefit from the snakes’ blessings of eased, speedy childbirth.

Snake Childbirth Spell (2) Metaphoric

More metaphoric methods of accessing serpent power exist, too.

Hire belly dancers, especially snake dancers, for the birthing room to accompany, distract, and entrance the delivering woman. Enhance the ritual with frame drums, the traditional sacred instruments belonging to fertility spirits, to set childbirth’s rhythm and pace.

Snake Childbirth Spell (3) Snakeskin

Freely shed snakeskin reputedly speeds and eases childbirth. It is crucial that the snake’s old skin be shed freely because this way it transmits serpentine blessings.

Snakeskins are available to those who keep snakes as companion animals and also from zoos and animal shelters. Wrap shed snakeskin around the laboring woman’s hips or belly like a belt or magic girdle during childbirth.

Animal Ally #2: Crocodile

The secondary animal ally of pregnant and laboring women may be a surprising one: the crocodile. Because they are such fearsome creatures, which most typically strike terror into the human heart, it can be hard to conceive how frequently they are associated with erotic and reproductive magic.

Crocodiles, primordial creatures who survived the dinosaurs, are reputed to know all Earth’s secrets although they may or may not reveal them. Ancient Egyptian temple crocodiles were adorned with gold earrings and ornaments, maintained in sacred pools on the temple premises, and fed daily by the priests. When Isis, in danger and on the run, was forced to give birth silently and alone in the Nile marshes, crocodiles guarded her, rustling the leaves to camouflage the sounds of childbirth.

In a legend from Irian Jaya, crocodiles literally teach the birth process—and not merely by example. Not understanding the process of birth, men were performing crude Caesarian sections, removing the living baby with stone adzes but invariably killing the mother. Death in childbirth was a given. A giant sacred talking crocodile finally stopped one man, and explained that this wasn’t necessary. The crocodile then personally presided over this man’s wife’s delivery, appearing at the birthing room complete with doctor’s bag of beneficial herbs to explicitly explain and demonstrate safer methods.

Crocodile Spell (1) Basic

Unlike snakes, no one is suggesting that actual crocodiles be brought into the birthing room. Image magic will more than suffice.

Bring images of crocodiles into the birthing room: these can be statues, toys, nature videos, photographs, or artistic renderings. Crocodile-shaped amulets are also beneficial. Charge them with your desire prior to use.

Crocodile Spell (2) Nile Swamp Spell

Reminiscent of Isis’s travail in the Nile swamps, cast a circle of toy crocodiles around the birthing mother, with their jaws facing out away from her, toward any approaching danger. Reinforce with kyphi incense.

Crocodile Spell (3) Sobek

Images of the Egyptian crocodile deity, Sobek, are also beneficial. Sobek, whose name merely means “crocodile,” is a deity of procreative and vegetative fertility. He is either depicted as a crocodile or as a man with a crocodile’s head. Request his blessings and fearsome protection.

Place an image of Sobek so that it faces the birthing woman.

If a traditional Egyptian image is unavailable, any depiction of a fierce, dignified crocodile can be designated to represent Sobek.

If no image can be found, the hieroglyph representing “crocodile” posted on the wall should be sufficient to bestow Sobek’s blessings and warn spiritual evil-doers of his presence.

Birth Chamber Spells

Any area or space where childbirth occurs, from hospital delivery room to home bedroom, from traditional bathhouse to taxi cab, is instantly transformed into a tremendously powerful, although ephemeral, threshold of emergent life, temporarily equal in magical stature to a cross-roads, cemetery, or shrine. It is also, as is the nature of thresholds, a tremendously vulnerable space. Use protective spells to secure the birthing room and protect mother, child, and all other participants in the process.

Birth Chamber Aroma Spells

Aroma is used to create an aura of protection in the birth chamber. Aroma is created by fumigating with incense or by warming essential oils in an aroma burner.

These aromas were traditionally indicated for childbirth because of their generally relaxing, pain-relieving effects upon the mother and because of their magically beckoning, inviting influence on the child. The person in charge of maintaining the aroma should accompany lighting of incense or candles with blessings for mother and child.

Birth Chamber Aroma Spell (1) Benzoin

Burn styrax benzoin in the birth chamber: its aroma attracts angels and beckons them to stay, while more malevolent spirits dislike the fragrance and are repelled.

Birth Chamber Aroma Spell (2) Lavender

Diffuse essential oil of lavender through an aroma burner to soothe the mother’s fears, welcome the newborn, and stimulate emergence. The scent also beckons benevolent fairies.

Birth Chamber Aroma Spell (3) Mother Resin

Galbanum, known as “Mother Resin” because of its popularity in the birth room and its traditional role in healing women’s reproductive ailments, is indigenous to Mesopotamia. Grind anise seeds, galbanum resin, and myrrh with a mortar and pestle and sprinkle on to lit charcoals. Burn, wafting the fragrance as needed.

Birth Chamber Aroma Spell (4) Sage

Warm essential oils of clary sage, jasmine, and lavender in an aroma burner to welcome the baby, soothe the mother and relax all the birth assistants.

Birth Chamber Aroma Spell (5) Sandarac

Fumigate the birth chamber by burning gum sandarac, which instills fear in malevolent spirits.

Birth Chamber Protection Spell (1) Father’s Protective Spell

The father walks deasil (sunwise) seven times around the perimeter of the building where birthing occurs to provide mother and child with magical protection.

Birth Chamber Protection Spell (2) Fir Needles

Burn silver fir needles during childbirth to protect mother and child.

Birth Chamber Protection Spell (3) Pomegranates

Hang boughs of fresh pomegranate over thresholds to ease delivery, and also to prevent the entry of malicious spirits.

Birth Chamber Protection Spell (4) Roman Method

The sacred midwives of ancient Rome used brooms to sweep thresholds of birthing chambers. Sweeping drives away evil spirits.

Create a ritual broom for this spell (see Elements of Magic Spells). Ideally use a birch, fig, or pomegranate branch for the broomstick and willow for the “broom.”

Sweep all thresholds of the birthing room itself, sweeping in an outward motion. Also sweep the threshold of the main entrance to the building.

Save the broom until the birth is complete, sweeping as desired. Once the baby has been successfully delivered, the broom should be taken apart and the pieces scattered.

Birth Chamber Protection Spell (5) Umbrella Protection

The origins of the umbrella lie in magical protection spells. Place an umbrella over the bed of a laboring woman to repel evil spirits.

Birth Chamber Spirit Control

The desire to exert control over exactly which spirits have access to the birthing room and which do not figures prominently in childbirth magic.

Birth Chamber Spirit Control Spell (1) Central American/Russian

Luckily low-level malevolent demons are not overly endowed in the intelligence department and are easily fooled. Sheer cleverness foils demons as effectively as the most precious resins or the most powerful talismans. A ritual to confuse lurking demons looking to disturb childbirth emerged in both Central America and Russia, although exactly how fathers on two continents were persuaded to take part in this spell remains the biggest mystery.

The father-to-be lies above or somehow across from the laboring woman with a thread tied around either his penis or testicles.

Either the mother or the midwife jerks the thread to coincide with labor pains and cries to produce an echo effect.

The demons can’t tell where the noise is coming from and who’s crying and exactly why and so they eventually depart to look for trouble elsewhere.

Birth Chamber Spirit Control Spell (2) Chinese

Before labor is in full swing and delivery actually commences, light red candles in the birthing chamber to ward off homeless ghosts who may attempt to gain possession of the new child’s body, forcing out the rightful soul.

Maintain these red candles throughout the duration until well after birth is complete. Large candles are therefore preferable. If using smaller candles, as each burns low, light a fresh one.

Birth Chamber Spirit Control Spell (3) Jewish

Rue wards off malicious spirits as well as the Evil Eye:

Place fresh rue in a glass of spring water on a tray. (Supplement with other magical plants, if desired, but only rue is required.)

Surround the glass containing the rue with candles, as many as possible. Each participant or witness to the birth process should light at least one candle.

Keep the candles burning throughout the birth, replacing as needed. Do not allow burned out candles to remain on the tray. Candles are symbolic of the life force as well as of the protective, purifying elemental quality of fire.

Birth Chamber Spirit Control Spell (4) Yemenite Jewish

If you can never entirely get rid of malicious spirits, then at least keep them out of trouble is the rationale behind this Yemenite Jewish magic ritual.

Hide candy and other sweets beneath the bed in the birthing room, to distract always-greedy, evil spirits from the birth at hand and keep them out of mischief. If they are placed out in the open, the spirits will be suspicious; however, malevolent spirits will take pleasure from something they think they’re stealing.

Birth Chamber Spirit Control Spell (5) Circle

Draw a circle around the laboring woman with a magic sword to defy any lurking spirits.

Birth Chamber Spirit Control Spell (6) Pearlwort Spell

Place pearlwort leaves or blossoms behind the mother’s right knee to repel fairies intent on mischief during the birth.

Book of the Angel Raziel

Raziel, alleged author of the Book of Raziel, is the Angel of the Creator’s Secrets, the Angel of Magic and Mysteries. Raziel is said to hear everything that happens in the world, sort of an omniscient ear, rather than the more usual eye.

Material in the Book of Raziel, or the Sefer Raziel as it is known in Hebrew and sometimes called in English, was collected over long periods of time; some sections dating back to Talmudic times, although the book itself, in its present form was not printed until 1701 in Amsterdam.

The book was not published so that people could read it. In fact, it was assumed that most people could not read it, would not understand it, and would not even make the attempt. The publisher’s intention was to provide an amulet: possession of the book offered psychic protection.

The book kept its owner and the place where it was kept safe from misfortune and danger, including fire and robbery

The book drives away evil spirits and works as a charm to raise wise and intelligent sons. (Angels gave the Daughters of Men private lessons, instead.)

Perhaps the Book of Raziel’s most crucial role was to provide the diagram for the most famous anti-Lilith protective childbirth amulets

Since then the book has been re-issued in numerous editions and continues to be published, particularly now on microfiche, the size of a credit card. Of course in that form you genuinely can’t read it, but it’s a great amulet for a pocket, charm bag, or glove compartment of a car. The most popular use, now as previously, of the Sefer Raziel is providing protection during childbirth.

Maintain a copy of the Book of Raziel beneath a laboring woman’s pillow for the duration of childbirth.

Djinn Protection Amulet (1)

Although some djinn are benevolent, in general many, particularly the less powerful ones, are perceived as hostile to people. Pregnant women are believed especially vulnerable: the djinn stimulate miscarriage and stillbirth. The djinn also lurk in the delivery room, attracted by the blood but also by the potential for mischief. To protect against baby-killing djinn, a protective amulet is made before delivery, worn during the childbirth process, and then ritually disposed.

The mother makes an anklet from blue string.

Attach a tiny pouch containing grains of salt, harmel (Syrian rue), dried gum sandarac, and charcoal. Attach a silver coin or bead, a seashell, and a piece of red coral.

Tie the anklet around the mother’s right ankle.

Leave this on for forty days following the birth then remove it in a river (abandoning it there) with the left foot, not touching it with the hands.

Djinn Protection Amulet (2)

A slightly different ankle amulet is also recommended. For maximum effect, both may be crafted and worn simultaneously.

Follow all instructions above for wearing and then losing the protective anklet. However this spell suggests that the mother should attach harmel, rock salt, glass beads, a silver coin, and seashells directly to the blue string. Tie it just above the mother’s left ankle.

Ease Painful Labor Spells

Components of spells to ease labor may be found, handcrafted, or purchased. These methods may be used in conjunction with each other. As with all object-driven spells, remember to cleanse, charge, and consecrate as needed. The following are said to ease and alleviate the pain of childbirth. (They do not, however, make any promises regarding shortening the process, with the possible exception of Spell 3 because of the incorporation of lodestone.)

Eased Labor Spell (1) Arrow

The use of arrows transcends archery contests and hunting. Arrows also play an ancient and once prominent role in divination, spirituality and magic spells, especially those for love, protection, healing, and birth. These “medicine arrows,” to borrow a Native American term, are traditionally charged, consecrated and/or blessed before use, in the same manner as a candle or amulet. Because they may never be meant actually to fly, these arrows can be embellished with botanicals, charms, runes, and feathers or re-shaped to suit one’s magical purposes. The arrow in its quiver also replays the sexual imagery of morter and pestle, sword and sheath.

Place a medicine arrow beneath the laboring woman’s bed. Should the pain get very bad, shoot the arrow from east to west, so as to magically carry the pain away. Leave the quiver empty.

Eased Labor Spell (2) Axe

Place an axe under the childbirth bed.

Eased Labor Spell (3) Coral and Lodestone

This amuletic charm must be prepared before delivery. Create a necklace of coral beads with a lodestone suspended from it, and wear during the delivery.

Eased Labor Spell (4) Cowrie Pain Relief

Beginning earlier in pregnancy, wear cowrie shells against the skin (ideally on a belt but if this irritates you, wear elsewhere), to protect against painful labor.

Eased Labor Spell (5) Mary’s Seed

The Gulf Stream carries seeds across oceans and deposits them on the shores of the Outer Hebrides Islands. Since at least the seventeenth century, these seeds have been prized childbirth relief amulets, believed to ease childbirth and provide spiritual blessings.

Referred to in Gaelic as airne Moiré (“Mary’s kidney”) or tearna Moire (“Mary’s charm of deliverance”), these charms encompass seeds of various species, including Entada scandens, Dolichos vulgaris and Ipomaea tuberose. The crucial part is not the specific botanical species but the fact that they are gifts of the sea. Seeds with a semblance of a cross on one side are believed most powerful.

Leave the seed in its natural state or have it set in silver.

Hold it in your hands during labor to receive its transmitted blessings.

Eased Labor Spell (6) Precious Gems

The possibility of easing labor is a nice excuse for an expensive gift: wear emeralds or rubies anywhere on the body.

Eased Labor Spell (7) Raspberry Leaves

Raspberry plants are believed to possess an affinity for childbirth. Wear or carry raspberry leaves in a charm bag to speed and alleviate childbirth.

Eased Labor Spell (8) Red Thread

Wind red silk thread around the laboring woman.

Easy Speedy Delivery Potions

Various potions reputedly speed and ease labor.

Easy Speedy Delivery Potion (1) Hmong

A Hmong recommendation to ease and shorten labor:

Place a key in a pot and cover it with spring water. The key is understood as the key that unlocks the birth canal.

Boil this water.

Let it cool, with the key resting inside the pot.

Let the laboring woman drink the water.

Easy Speedy Delivery Potion (2) Morocco

The father must wash either his whole right foot or both big toes only with pure spring water. (This is ritual washing; his feet should be pretty clean to start with). This water is then given to the laboring woman to drink.

Easy Speedy Delivery Potion (3) Scandinavia

Pour ale through a holed stone into a glass. Give it to the mother to drink to ease her pains.

Easy Speedy Delivery Potion (4) Syria

Pure spring water is given to the woman to drink directly from the father’s right shoe.

Easy Speedy Delivery Spells

These spells not only allegedly ease labor pains but quicken the process, too. Because these spells are largely object-driven, remember to incorporate petition, conscious visualization and affirmation, magical cleansing, charging, and/or consecration.

Easy Speedy Delivery Spell (1) All Doors Open

To ease and speed labor:

Loosen all knots, including braids, shoelaces and any ties on clothing, in the vicinity of the birthing room.

Keep doors and windows open or at least unlocked.

Make sure small locks, such as padlocks, are opened for the duration.

Easy Speedy Delivery Spell (2) Crystal Arrow

Clear quartz crystal cut into the shape of a downward-facing arrow and worn during delivery is among the most powerful childbirth amulets.

Easy Speedy Delivery Spell (3) Lodestone

Lodestone’s very presence is said to encourage delivery. Exploit their drawing magnetic properties by gently massaging the mother’s abdomen or aura, demonstrating the suggested route of departure to the baby.

Fairy Childbirth Spells

The spirits most associated with childbirth in fairy tales are the fairies themselves, those proverbial fairy godmothers that fatefully appear either to bestow gifts and blessings on the child or else doom the infant with temperamental curses, usually because of an oversight by the child’s parent. The most famous example is, of course, Sleeping Beauty. This is not merely a story-teller’s device but a reflection of what were once common practices.

The belief that spirits presiding over childbirth can impact and determine the baby’s future is ancient. Once upon a time in Egypt the role of the fairies was played by the Seven Hathors, who may be seven aspects of the deity Hathor, her daughters or a completely separate divinity. Vestiges of the Seven Hathors appear millennia later in Muddy Waters’ blues song “Hoochie Coochie Man” with its Seven Doctors who prophesize that the singer “is born for good luck.”

In between the Seven Hathors and the Seven Doctors lie centuries of variations on this theme. Celtic folklore describes a party of three fairies, known as The White Women, present at every birth, who come to predict or bestow the baby’s fortune and fate. This connection between fate and fairies is hidden in English but apparent in Italian. Morgan le Fay’s name in Italian, for example, is Fata Morgana.

Once upon a time, fairies were invited to the birth chamber in order to bestow their blessings and influence the infant’s fate. This invitation was extended by creating an offering table. Although essentially an altar, “table” is meant literally. Fairies aren’t looking for a picturesque tableau complete with candles and incense. Instead, they expect a place setting set for a meal on an actual table, not the top of a dresser or a counter. If poverty-stricken, improvised tables or folding card-tables will do, but it needs to look like a meal will be served. Shades of Sleeping Beauty may be recognized, especially the outraged Fairy who isn’t given the same golden plate as her sisters. These traditions were particularly strong throughout France, from whence Sleeping Beauty originally derives.

Following conversion to Christianity, these practices were discouraged and forbidden. (In France consorting with Fairies was a more common witch-hunter’s charge than consorting with Satan, as elsewhere.) If one accepts that there are Fairies, then it is understandable that when people stopped this special relationship, the Fairies were disgruntled. Anyone possessing the power to bless always retains the power to curse, too. Despite threat of punishment childbirth rituals to appease the Fairies’ anger and to invoke their special blessings continued. According to Breton tradition, three guardian fairies attend the birth of each child in order to endow it with gifts and make predictions for the future. The custom of preparing a festive table in the birthing room for these fairy sisters survived in Northern Brittany right up until the nineteenth century.

How can three fairies attend every birth, one asks logically? This is not a new dilemma. The ancients decided that that was why it was imperative to set up a fabulous offering table, so that if the fairies get busy and have to choose whom to visit, they’ll choose you. Conversely, assuming that the Fairies will be easy-going and not notice the lack of a table or proper table-settings leads to Sleeping Beauty situations and irate, cursing Fairies.

Fairy Offering Table (1) Breton Style

“Nos Bonnes Meres,” “Our Good Mothers,” is the Breton euphemism for the fairies. To invoke them without reason is to invoke their anger and malice.

A table in the birthing room is spread for those fairies that always attend births.

Set the table nicely.

Offer some or all of the following: champagne, cordials, whiskey, wine, milk, berries, nuts, apples, pastry, and butter and bread.

Fairy Offering Table (2) Macedonian Style

A table set with a perpetually lit lamp is maintained in the birth chamber (this assumes home birth; transplant to any room where mother and baby stay together) for the first three days after birth.

Keep fresh bread, salt, and coins on the table.

On the third night, place a small table near the head of the baby’s bed.

On it place a mirror and a cake made by a woman whose biological parents remain alive.

Place silver coins and gemstones in a small bag and place under the baby’s pillow. These are gifts for the spirits and fairies that are coming to visit the child; the custom is reminiscent of the modern tooth fairy.

Leave a lighted lamp on the table to guide and welcome the visitors.

The next morning, if the bag remains, bury it in Earth in a spot that looks like it would be favored by fairies.

Fairy Offering Table (3) Romany Style

Eastern European Romany have both male and female birth spirits. Some spirits are present in the delivery room, while others make scheduled appearances later. The Ursitory are a party of three male spirits, while the Urme are the corresponding party of three females. Any combination may appear on the third night after birth to determine the baby’s fate. These fairies are visible only to the mother, the baby, and the drabarni, the midwife/shaman/herbalist who attends the mother and child.

Cast a circle (or double concentric circle) either on a table or on the baby’s bed, with three glasses of wine and three slices of bread or cake—one slice and one glass for each of the three expected spirits. The circle should be large enough to enclose the baby. (Various other naming and spiritual ceremonies may be held at the same time, with the baby in the center.)

Fairy Offering Table (4) Serbian Style

Oosood, a Serbian fairy, related to the vila, arrives on the seventh night following the birth to announce the baby’s destiny. She is visible only to the baby’s mother.

Have a bouquet of flowers waiting for her so as to receive a favorable destiny. In the morning, remove the bouquet and scatter the flowers over living water or amongst nettles or bushes that would seem favorable to fairies.

Fairy Offering Table (5) Spanish Style

The family gathers on the seventh day following the birth to celebrate and greet the fairies. Place a dish of honey on an offering table for those fairies that have come to bestow the baby’s fate.

Lilith Spells

Lilith, former childbirth guardian turned vampire baby killer, has a complex history, to say the least. Her earliest origins are as a Mesopotamian Wind Spirit, where she apparently served as a childbirth guardian.

Lilith may or may not appear in the Bible as Adam’s secret first wife, depending upon how one interprets some passages. According to Genesis 1:27, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created he them.” That is, allegedly Lilith was created out of dust just like Adam, although by Genesis 2:18, God is lamenting that it’s “not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him,” leading to the story of Adam’s rib and Eve. What happened in between?

Although this may be an over-simplification, Lilith had some problems with Adam’s sexual proclivities. She didn’t understand why, if they were both equally formed from dirt, he always had to be on top. Lilith abandoned Adam, fled Paradise, initiating the first divorce. Upon first leaving Eden, Lilith yearned for the presence of the “little faces,” mysterious winged baby-like angels. When she attempted to fly up amongst them, the Creator aggressively thrust her back down to Earth.

Because Lilith has anger against people, and because she has her own fertility issues that drive her to rage, she holds a bad reputation as a baby snatcher, responsible for miscarriage (especially chronic miscarriage), stillbirths, and sudden infant death syndrome alike. Yet amulets to ward off Lilith were invariably revealed by her. You will not offend or further enrage her by using them. Instead, these amulets are a form of respect. Unlike the Bible, where she is nameless, most anti-Lilith amulets demand that you post her name so that all present recognize her power.

Lilith Spell (1) Basic Amulet

The following names protect against Lilith and are traditionally displayed in the birthing room and then for a minimum of eight days following a boy’s birth, and twenty-one following a girl’s, the period of greatest danger:


The three angels Senoi, Sensenoi, and Semangelof

Zamarchad, the name of Lilith’s kingdom on the Red Sea

Write the names within circles drawn on the walls of the birth chamber and the room(s) where mother and baby sleep using chalk or charcoal. These names are effective written using any alphabet (Lilith’s multilingual), however they are allegedly most powerful when written with Hebrew letters.

Lilith Spell (2) Enhanced Amulet

Elaborate anti-Lilith amulets became an art-form: the most famous is within the Book of Raziel. It may be copied or the page removed and posted.

Another powerful amulet is Psalm 126 with the addition of the names of the three angels as above. Place a copy of this amulet in each corner of the home to protect against the dangers of pregnancy, childbirth, and infancy.

Lilith Spell (3) Iron for Mother

Iron repels Lilith. Almost every spell or talisman against Lilith that doesn’t invoke her name involves iron instead. Keep an iron knife (full-size or amulet) under one’s pillow during pregnancy as well as during childbirth.

Lilith Spell (4) Iron for Child

Place a sword (preferably magical) under the infant’s crib or lay it across the top.

Lilith Spell (5) Iron Spell

This ritual protects against Lilith as well as other baby-threatening spirits:

For forty consecutive days, immediately following delivery, the mother must keep a knife or other sharp iron implement with her constantly, on her person all day and under her pillow at night.

Every day for the forty days someone else must vigorously shake this iron implement over the heads of mother and child. (Simultaneously, if possible: the mother should hold the baby.)

Lilith Spell (6) Needle Protection

Place a needle close to the wick of a candle or oil lamp in the room where a woman who must be protected from Lilith sleeps.

Lilith Spell (7) Sacred Text

Chanting the Psalm 121 allegedly repels Lilith and provides protection against her.

Repeat as needed, particularly in moments of fear and perceived vulnerability.

Lilith Spell (8) Extra Strength

Any anti-Lilith amulet is strengthened by attaching a sprig of fresh rue, a head of garlic, and a shard from a broken mirror to it. These combined objects alone may also be sufficient to provide safety.

Lilith Spell (9) Elijah’s Extra Names

It’s reported that Lilith was once traveling down a road, when she encountered the Prophet Elijah. Elijah, a childbirth guardian himself, immediately recognized her and demanded new, improved protective methods. Lilith revealed some of her other names to him and promised not to cause harm anywhere she saw or even heard those names.

Unfortunately those names were not immediately engraved in stone. Ostensibly either thirteen or seventeen names were given to Elijah, however more variations than those numbers exist today, exacerbated perhaps by confusion caused by the traditional lack of written vowels in Semitic languages.

The following are believed to be among Lilith’s names. Chant or post any or all:

















Odam or Odem

Prtsa (customarily Partashah or Partasah)

Ptrta (customarily Patrota or Petrota)




Tlto (customarily Talto)

Magical Birthing Belt

Weave a girdle from a donkey’s tail hair. This girdle or magic belt should be the width of five fingers.

Sew the following patterns into the belt with red cotton thread: a star and the phases of the moon.

Prolonged Labor Spell (1) Eggs

A spell for prolonged labor, when it’s beginning to appear as if this baby will never voluntarily emerge.

Boil three eggs until hard cooked. Leave them in the water in the pot until the water is cool. Give the woman the cooled water to drink, while the father eats the eggs.

Prolonged Labor Spell (2) Queen of Heaven

Petition the Queen of Heaven to take her golden key and unlock the womb and birth canal.

The Queen of Heaven may be understood as Ishtar or as the Virgin Mary, depending upon personal belief.

For added inspiration, gaze at the tarot card, The Empress, while making the petition.

Sacred Midwife Spells

Because childbirth was once understood as fraught with spiritual, magical power and vulnerability and associated with women’s magical blood mysteries, only an adept was perceived as competent to preside over the birthing chamber. For millennia the position of midwife was held by consecrated priestesses of various spirits that had dominion over birth such as Hathor, Hecate, Kybele, Tanit, and Tlazolteotl. The spirits themselves were divine, sacred midwives: their priestess/midwives were their Earthly representatives.

This connection between midwifery, women’s primal magic power, and female-centered spirituality endured even after the rise of Christianity and the suppression of other faiths. However instead of associations with the Goddess, midwives were now identified with witches; in fact, the classic witch’s broomstick was once the professional emblem of Hecate’s priestess-midwives. Midwives preserved magical and shamanic traditions for centuries. Midwifery as a profession has rebounded in recent years, though not necessarily in the context of the magical arts. Sacred midwives, the spirits presiding over childbirth, remain eternally powerful, however, and may be appealed to for protection, good fortune and easy, brief, safe labor.

Sacred Midwife Spell (1) Artemis

Artemis is profoundly involved with all aspects of the childbirth process. According to myth, her very first action following her birth was as a midwife, assisting her mother deliver Apollo, her younger twin. Artemis’s role in women’s child-bearing was crucial: allegedly she personally determines which women and babies survive childbirth—not an idle threat from a spirit who was among the last Greek divinities that accepted human sacrifice.

Build her an offering table or altar during pregnancy, before delivery, to be maintained for at least one complete lunar cycle following childbirth.

Decorate it with images of the moon and animals, especially dogs, deer, and wolves, Artemis’s favorites.

Light white and silver candles in her honor.

Traditionally, Artemis accepts offerings of round cakes set with candles, the original birthday cake, and a woman’s childhood dolls, which may be maintained on her altar.

Sacred Midwife Spell (2) Boldogasszony

This Hungarian sacred midwife, protector of mother and child, has been syncretized to the Virgin Mary. She may be the Sumerian Great Mother Bau who, in turn, may be Gula, deity of healing.

Request her assistance through prayer and petition. Should you do so, offer her wine and pastry on a Tuesday following a successful birth.

Sacred Midwife Spell (3) Brigid

While other pagan spirits were demonized or turned into fairy or witch queens, Brigid, prominent Celtic spirit, transitioned to official Roman Catholic sainthood as Saint Brigid. Once an exceptionally multifaceted spirit, associated with smithcraft and women’s primal power, among Brigid’s spiritual roles was that of the sacred midwife. Vestiges persist in the legend that Brigid was the midwife who assisted at Jesus’ birth.

According to old Scottish custom, should Brigid’s magical, spiritual assistance be required at a birth, the midwife must go to the door of the birthing chamber and call out her name.

Sacred Midwife Spell (4) Carmenta

Carmenta, consort of Hermes, was born in Arcadia but moved to Italy where she emerged as a spirit of prophesy. Carmenta sings the future and the past. “Charms” are named in her honor. Carmenta provides protection for women in childbirth. Her festival, the Carmentalia, is celebrated between January 11th and January 15th. This is the best time to request her protection for any children born during the year. For maximum effect, make your request in song or rhyme form.

Sacred Midwife Spell (5) Diana

Diana may or may not be the same as Artemis, although they’ve been conflated with each other for millennia. Both are primal female deities associated with childbirth, wild nature, and the moon. Neither is quite as solitary as their myth sometimes suggests, although unlike Artemis, who is determinedly single, there is a strong sexual component in Diana’s myth. No virgin, or at least not in the modern technical sense, once upon a time Diana dwelt in a shrine in the Italian Forest of Nemi with her consort Virbius, a horned spirit. Perhaps the most widely worshipped deity of pagan Europe, Diana was profoundly involved with the process of pregnancy and childbirth.

Petition Diana for easy, successful childbirth. Light white candles and place the image of a crescent moon and a bow and arrow beside them to attract her attention. Make your request.

Sacred Midwife Spell (6) Diana’s Post-birth Spell

Following a successful childbirth, offer Diana her traditional offering: a round cake, shaped like the full moon, covered with candles.

Sacred Midwife Spell (7) Egeria

Egeria, a nymph residing in the Italian woods with Diana and Virbius, presided over springs and women in childbirth. Lover and adviser of an early king of Rome, Egeria responds to women’s pleas for assistance with all aspects of childbirth. Toss milagro charms into springs to request her assistance: the original wishing wells.

Sacred Midwife Spell (8) Egyptian

Pregnancy and childbirth figure prominently in Isis’s saga. Despite all her travails and dangerous adventures, ultimately Isis prevails, through the powers of her own magical prowess but also that of her powerful friends and allies. This theme is incorporated into a woman’s childbirth ritual:

In the midst of delivery, the laboring woman, whenever she deems appropriate, announces that she is Isis and demands that the spirits of successful childbearing come to her assistance, immediately.

Cajole them, bribe them with offerings, threaten them with wrath if they fail to arrive promptly. Percussive music and aromatic incense (kyphi, frankincense, and myrrh) summon them too.

Isis’s spirit allies include Hathor, Bes, Taweret, Heket, Khnum, Selket, Nephthys, and Renenet, as well as assorted serpent, crocodile, and scorpion spirits.

Prepare an offering table for them either during or immediately following the birth. Egyptian spirits like beer, wine, perfumes and general food offerings. Reputedly the Spirits stay to predict the baby’s fortune—or bestow it. It won’t hurt to put them in a generous, jovial mood.

Sacred Midwife Spell (9) Hathor

Over the centuries, Isis assumed many of Hathor’s roles and even some of her attributes, however the older spirit remains powerful and undiminished. Hathor is among the most ancient of all Spirits; she emanated as a force from the Creator’s eye, earning her the title “the Eye of Ra.” Hathor has dominion over the life-force and all Earth’s joys and pleasures. She rules women, love, sex, magic, reproduction, intoxication, music, dance, the cosmetic arts, perfume, divination, and more.

Hathor is the celestial midwife. The Seven Hathors greet each birth to bestow the baby’s fate and soul, although whether they are Hathor’s daughters or merely aspects of herself is not understood. Request Hathor’s assistance in the birth chamber and a favorable destiny for the new baby.

Create an offering table for Hathor: on it place a copper handmirror and a sistrum, the percussion instrument used in Hathor’s rituals. Shake it rhythmically to call her.

Offer Hathor a glass of pure spring water, some beer, myrrh, a piece of turquoise and a piece of malachite, and some kohl powder.

Place seven red ribbons on the table, one for each of the Seven Hathors.

Soon after the birth is complete, if you are satisfied with Hathor’s performance on your behalf (and if you think you’d ever like to appeal to her again) weave the ribbons together and toss them into a spring or river.

Sacred Midwife Spell (10) Hecate

Hecate rides a chariot drawn by dragons, symbolizing her dominion over the menstrual process. Other emblems include a broomstick, a flaming torch to light the way through dark passages, and a key that unlocks all doors, gates, and roads including the birth canal. Petition Hecate for safe, smooth delivery prior to going into labor. In addition midwives may always request Hecate’s assistance, guidance, and protection. The same ritual spell serves laboring women and midwives alike.

Put thirteen separated but unpeeled garlic cloves on a plate.

Cover them with honey, lavender honey if at all possible. (You can also infuse plain honey with lavender blossoms.)

Leave this at a crossroads, preferably at midnight, but at least after dark, either on the final day of any month or during the Dark Moon Phase.

Murmur your prayers and petitions and go home, without looking back.

If you hear dogs or see them, especially black dogs or lone dogs unaccompanied by people, this is very auspicious (but should not be taken as an invitation to approach a strange dog, if caution suggests otherwise.) Hecate also sometimes manifests in the form of a black cat.

Sacred Midwife Spell (11) Hecate Bath Spell

Lavender is among Hecate’s most sacred plants. Bathe in lavender water (a sponge bath is fine) just prior to childbirth to receive Hecate’s blessings.

Sacred Midwife Spell (12) Hecate Room Cleansing

This spell cleanses and purifies the birthing room and invokes Hecate’s presence.

Lavender scrub-water is required; make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over lavender, eventually straining out the botanical material. For a quick fix add lavender essential oil to hot water or substitute lavender hydrosol instead. For extreme maximum power, combine herbal infusion with hydrosol and then add several drops of essential oil. Dip a broom—not a mop—into this lavender water, and cleanse the room, especially the thresholds.

Sacred Midwife Spell (13) Saint Margaret

In Christian legend, Saint Margaret was swallowed by Satan in the form of a dragon. Her goodness or power made him spit her right out. Surviving the journey down the dragon’s gullet, she is now Matron and Protector of Women in Childbirth. Saint Margaret bridges Christianity and Pagan symbols: dragon as women’s power and birth prowess, the healing, protective power of women’s blood. There were once over two hundred churches dedicated to Saint Margaret in England alone.

Margaret is usually depicted as a beautiful young woman, dressed in a magic girdle, with a huge dragon and a cauldron.

According to legend, just before she was beheaded (allegedly after rejecting the advances of a powerful pagan official), Margaret swore that any fearful woman who called her name during childbirth would receive her blessings and assistance. No special preparation is necessary, just call out her name.

Birth Rituals

Successful delivery signals the beginning of a series of spells and rituals to welcome and protect mother and baby. A host of protective amulets evolved to provide for infants’ and children’s extreme psychic vulnerability. It is crucial to understand, however, that these amulets were created during a time when fears regarding psychic safety outweighed those for physical safety. The concept of “infant-proofing” didn’t exist and accidents surely happened. However, this was also a time when babies were rarely, if ever, supervised, infant mortality was high, and when people lived in smaller, more crowded spaces so children were constantly underfoot—and under someone’s eye.

Some amulets may not be safe for use as originally directed but must be adapted to suit personal circumstances: they presuppose that someone literally has their eyes on the baby at all times. Once upon a time, the baby was either in a cradle right by an adult, or carried on someone’s body. Children were rarely isolated. There’s no point protecting against the Evil Eye or malicious Spirits while simultaneously leaving the baby vulnerable to choking.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells

Amongst many spiritual and magical traditions, the afterbirth (placenta) and umbilical cord is believed exceptionally charged with power. These organs are allegedly able to provide protection for the baby during life just as they did in the womb. On the other hand, many metaphysical traditions believe that if placenta and umbilical cord are not disposed of correctly, the baby is left vulnerable to psychic and spiritual danger.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (1) Aymara

Cover the afterbirth with flowers. Bury it in earth together with appropriate tools (real or miniature), reflecting the parent’s desires for the child’s happy future. The Aymara are an indigenous people of Bolivia and Peru. Tools considered “appropriate” in traditional Aymara perspective include cooking tools for girls and farm tools for boys, but objects may be changed to suit any parent’s visions and desires.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (2) Cut the Cord (1)

For optimum protection and blessings, use a magical quartz crystal or turquoise ritual knife to cut the umbilical cord.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (3) Cut the Cord (2)

Place the umbilical cord and the knife used to cut it within the baby’s very first swaddling clothes.

Fold them into a packet.

Bury this packet in a safe, secret place or throw it into the river or sea lest an enemy find them and use them to cast a hex.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (4) Earth Binding

Before birth, the umbilical cord and placenta nourished the infant and bound him or her to the human mother. Once birth has accomplished physical disconnection from the actual mother, the umbilical cord and placenta may be used to plant and bind the new baby to the Earth Mother for life.

Bury the umbilical cord and/or placenta in Earth. Plant or transplant a tree directly over the spot where they are buried.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (5) Earth Burying

Bury the umbilical cord on your property, together with barley, henna powder, and salt, to protect the child from any malevolent spirits.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (6) Great Plains

According to Native American tradition from the North American Great Plains, the umbilical cord can be crafted into a powerful amulet for a baby, enhanced by the creation of a special amulet case.

Create a tiny amulet case from soft leather.

Form it in the shape of an animal—turtles or lizards are most traditional, however whatever is significant for the baby could be crafted.

Embellish the case through beading and embroidering, each bead, each stitch accompanied by a wish, prayer, or blessing for the baby.

When the case is complete, tuck or sew the dried umbilical cord within.

Have the baby wear this blessed charm or hang it from the cradle.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (7) Java

Place the afterbirth in a miniature boat decorated with fruits, flowers, and lit candles. Set this adrift at night as a gift for crocodiles.

There are two rationales for this spell, which are not mutually exclusive:

The crocodile is the sacred patron of childbirth; the boat laden with gifts is an offering expressing appreciation following successful childbirth

The afterbirth is traditionally viewed as a baby’s protective “twin.” Crocodiles may be sacred, but they’re also definitely dangerous. By sacrificing the twin, the living baby’s future safety is magically ensured

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (8) Jewish (1)

In Jewish magic tradition, the ashes from the dried, burned afterbirth are a potent component of enchantments intended to benefit the baby.

Take the time to dry the afterbirth completely and then burn it.

Mix the ashes with dried snapdragons and place within a charm bag.

Hang this bag around the baby’s neck to protect against bewitchment.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (9) Jewish (2)

Dry the afterbirth completely and then burn it.

Reserve the ashes inside a conjure bag and keep in a safe, secret place.

Should the child ever fall ill with a “wasting” disease, whether from Evil Eye, changeling, or other magical derivation, these ashes may be blended with milk and used to break the negative enchantment.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (10) Kwakiutl

Present the afterbirth to ravens to instill enhanced psychic aptitude in a child.

Afterbirth and Umbilical Cord Spells (11) Pacific Northwest Indian

Turn the umbilical cord into a bracelet for wrist or ankle for the baby to wear for a few months or until it is naturally outgrown. Bless the baby as you form any knots.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Spells

The new-born baby is greeted and welcomed to Earth with cleansing spells. These rituals provide special protection for the baby as well as offering a person’s first spiritual cleansing. Most typically these cleansings take the form of ritual magical baths, administered to the baby fairly immediately after birth.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Bath (1) Central European Romany

This bath, recommended to ward off dangerous demons attracted to the new life, may be done at birth but is also periodically repeated for infants and young children.

Place the baby within an empty tub. Pour the bath water over the child, making it run along the blade of a scythe or similar steel or iron blade. The water must make contact with the metal before reaching the child.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Bath (2) English

Dip holly leaves into spring water and sprinkle the water onto baby.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Bath (3) English/German

Place glowing coals or red-hot needles in a dish of water. Gently drizzle the water over the baby.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Bath (4) European Jewish

Dissolve a little sugar in a bowl of spring water. Dip a piece of bread into the water and use it to sprinkle water on to the baby.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Bath (5) Portuguese

Float needles in a bowl of spring water and drizzle it over the baby.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Bath (6) Scottish

Soak gold and silver rings in pure spring water. Use the water to bathe baby.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Bath (7) Swedish

Place the mother’s wedding ring and some real silver in a bowl of water, so that the baby will be blessed with wealth, security, and true love (presuming, of course, that the parents’ marriage is happy). Sprinkle this water over the baby.

Baby’s Magic Cleansing Spell

This Hungarian spell shows that spiritual cleansing may be accomplished via other mediums besides water.

Instead of cleaning the baby immediately following birth, smear the baby’s hands and face with blood from the birth. Place the baby onto Earth for strength, safety, and protection until the placenta is delivered.

Birth Trauma Spell

Perhaps you’re reading through these childbirth spells not because you’re planning or anticipating a future birth but because your own birth has proved problematic.

Birth trauma, either during delivery or immediately afterwards can cause lasting, profound soul damage, exacerbated by the inability to consciously remember or articulate the experience. Recall, or at least understanding and assimilation, may be achieved during the dream process with the assistance of Evening Primrose flower remedy (FES).

The night that one first initiates this spell, draw a warm bath just before bed.

Add between 20 and 30 drops of the flower essence remedy and soak in the bath, visualizing the spell’s desired results.

Go to sleep and dream.

This extra-strength bath is taken only once; the flower essence remedy is then continued via the manufacturer’s recommendations for internal administration, or by topical application, or baths. Any future baths should use no more than half-a-dozen drops of the remedy.

Changeling Spells

Fairy encounters similar to what Sleeping Beauty suggests may have inspired fear and guilty consciences on the part of humans, but they aren’t what earned fairies their sometimes bad reputation. For every story that involves a fairy’s curse, there’s another dozen where a fairy’s blessing saves or enriches a life. A different type of fairy/human encounter, also typically involving babies but also young children, is particularly fraught with tension; this encounter is embodied by the changeling.

The general pattern goes something like this: someone has a child who is, at worst, a normal, healthy child and, at best, a particularly beautiful, charming child. Eventually a profound change is observed in this child, characterized by one of two manifestations:

The child is observed to be pining away; vitality and all interest in everyday life fading. This is a gradual process and it is frequently unnoticed until it reaches crisis proportions. Pining, yearning, and wasting are extreme to the point where death or coma is feared. Explanation: fairies, invisible to all but the child, are luring him or her to their realm.

The child, although he or she may physically appear the same, is literally not the same child. There is someone else in that body. Sometimes the child is described as replaced by another; however, the description is usually that the original child was robust and vivacious, while the new child is described as remote, sullen, and frail. Explanation: fairies, inevitably described as “cold-hearted” in these tales, have replaced the robust human child with a frail one of their own.

What actually is being described? Although the changeling may be merely a “fairy story” it may also perhaps be understood as a metaphor for autism, which typically manifests at about the same age as changelings appear, or perhaps as a description of the still vague, mysterious, and frustrating “failure to thrive.”

Significantly, the changeling, the fairy’s substitute baby, must be well cared for or there is no hope of ever seeing one’s own vivacious child again. Despite the fact that the Fairy Mother has abandoned her child, it’s understood that she will punish anyone who harms or likewise abandons the changeling. One of the most poignant fairy tale suggestions for receiving one’s own child back is to nurture the fairy child so well that it blossoms, prompting the fairy folk to once again make the switch.

Fairy tales offer various recommendations for replacing the changeling and winning one’s own child back. These recommendations aren’t reserved for fairy tales, however. There are almost as many folkloric, traditional magical suggestions for handling the changeling situation as there are Evil Eye repelling methods.

Changeling Prevention Spell (1) Conjure Bag

From Ireland, this is a charm to scare off Fairy Folk intent on enticing a child away. This spell counteracts the wasting, pining syndrome.

Fill a charm bag with old horseshoe nails, hen manure, and salt.

Attach the bag to the wall with an old horseshoe nail. (All nails must come from used horseshoes. Their presence on the horse is what provides the needed energy and vitality.)

While hammering concentrate on the child, grounded, living, healthy, and joyful.

Changeling Prevention (2) Convulvulus

Burn convulvulus at both ends, then pinch out the flames. Hang the burned convulvulus over the cradle to ward off fairies with bad intent.

Changeling Prevention Spell (3) Forge Water

Another Irish formula to remedy any type of soul possession, but especially that caused by fairies: douse the target of possession with cooled forge water.

Changeling Prevention Spell (4) Juniper

Allegedly burning juniper consistently from the time one enters the birthing room until all danger has passed prevents the substitution of a changeling.

Changeling Prevention Spell (5) Mistletoe

Hang mistletoe over or near the cradle to prevent theft by fairies. (Warning: Misletoe is a very toxic plant that can be fatal to children.)

Changeling Prevention Spell (6) Scotland/Northumberland

Iron prevails against baby-stealing fairies. Place an iron poker across the cradle, when the baby is inside.

Changeling Prevention Spell (7) Sharp Tools

Sharp metal tools repel fairies. Use scissors, knives, or nails as amulets. Hang them near the baby or place them by the cradle, keeping the child’s physical safety in mind also, however. Presumably the miniature iron tools used ritually by devotees of the orisha Ogun would have delighted watchful parents once upon a time.

Certain botanicals provide protection against child-stealing fairies, most especially garlic, rosemary, and rowan.

Changeling Prevention Botanical Spell (1)

Create an aura of protection around your home with living plants.

Surround the home with rosemary, garlic plants, and rowan trees.

Let them grow rampant.

If this isn’t possible, bring potted rosemary and garlic plants within the home and keep them where the child sleeps and spends the most time.

Changeling Protection Botanical Spell (2)

Botanicals provide amuletic protection too. Place braids of garlic, pieces of rowan wood, and wreathes and garlands of rosemary within the home to serve as preventive, protective amulets. Post them near the child’s bed, over entrance doors and threshold areas.

Changeling Protection Botanical Spell (3)

Rosemary prevents fairies from stealing or switching infants. Create an infusion by pouring boiling water over rosemary. When the infusion cools, strain out the botanical material and use the infused liquid to rinse the child’s hair. (This may, over time, slightly darken the color of the hair.)

Changeling Prevention Botanical Spell (4)

Frequently and consistently sprinkle the child with protective magical waters such as Rose of Jericho Water or Indigo Water. Use rosemary or rowan as the asperging tool.

Changeling Replacement Spells

Prevention and protection are all well and good but what if the damage is done and instead of your own dear child, you’ve been left with the rejected changeling? Celtic fairy tales describe heroic, determined mothers battling the fairies, sometimes literally, to win back a child. According to many tales, the switch may be accomplished on only one night of the year, typically Samhain/Halloween, or during the Wild Hunt. Luckily other spells exist, to be cast as needed at any time of the year.

Changeling Replacement Spell (1) British (1)

The changeling, the abandoned fairy child, is inevitably fussy, cranky, and petulant. The best way to accomplish the switch, to get rid of the changeling and receive one’s own child back, is to make the changeling laugh. This is not as easy as it sounds.

Certain magical methods have proven successful, however it’s imperative that the baby watches the spell: break one egg in half. Empty the shell and boil water in the two halves. Repeat until the baby laughs.

Changeling Replacement Spell (2) British (2)

The goal of this spell, like the one above, is to make the child laugh, thus breaking the enchantment. The spell can’t work if the changeling isn’t watching.

Pierce the ends of an egg with a pin.

Blow the egg out of the shell.

Repeat with eleven more eggs, for a total of twelve.

Boil only the shells in a pot of water.

Changeling Replacement Spell (3) Eggshell Brewery

Make up a fire in the hearth; make sure the changeling is watching.

Line up at least one dozen empty eggshells.

Place a few grains of hops and barley in each eggshell.

When complete, burn the eggshells in the fire. A reaction should be provoked, successfully effecting the change.

Changeling Replacement Spell (4) Halloween

Certain Changeling Replacement Spells can only be accomplished on a single day of the year, most typically on Halloween. If the Fairy Host charges past you on Halloween, gather up dust from under your feet. If you throw it after them, they’ll be obliged to return any humans they’ve captured.

Changeling Replacement Spell (5) Morocco

The Moroccan version of a changeling is known as a mebeddel. The mebeddel is left by djinn in place of a human child immediately following birth, demonstrating the need for childbirth protection spells. Because this switch occurs so early, it’s difficult to catch; however clues lie in the child’s failure to thrive with no apparent cause, regardless of care, nurturing, or attention offered. If the exchange is spotted, another switch, righting the situation, may be magically effected.

Take the mebeddel to the graveyard.

Find a broken tomb. Place the mebeddel there, together with an offering for the djinn. (Muslim djinn traditionally accept oil drizzled over grain; Jewish djinn have a sweet tooth and like jam. Christian and Pagan djinn will accept a dish of cooked meat. If in doubt, offer all.)

Move away a little bit but pay attention. The baby is never actually left unsupervised or unobserved.

As soon as the baby cries, come immediately and pick up the baby. Announce aloud: “I take my own child, not the other people’s child.”

Wash the baby immediately with Holy Water or similar blessed water and go home.

“The other people” is the euphemism frequently used to describe the djinn.

Changeling Replacement Spell (6) Syria

In the Middle-East and North Africa, saints’ graves are often positioned near a source of living water. When this isn’t possible, a cistern may be strategically placed nearby instead, creating a synergy: the power of the saint plus the inherent power of sacred water. This spell avails itself of the power of this water.

A pining child, one who fails to thrive or one whose personality has drastically changed, is, as elsewhere, perceived as a fairy changeling. Carefully lower this child into the cistern (accompanied by prayer and petition, of course), where the resident saint effects the change. Draw the “true” child up in its place.

Changeling Spell Breaker

This spell targets the child who has been seduced by fairies and is wasting away with a longing to enter Fairy Land permanently. The ritual assistance of a trusted, reliable blacksmith is required.

Bring the child to a blacksmith.

Place it on the anvil.

The smith raises his hammer as if to strike hot iron but actually brings it down very gently, touching the baby or right beside the baby.

Repeat for a total of three times and then the child is believed free of the fairies’ allure.

Cradle Spells

An appeal to the Fairies in the birthing chamber is not the only way to gain favor for your baby. Sometimes you can create luck.

Cradle Spell (1) Birch

Construct a cradle from birch wood, the tree of new beginnings. This cradle will set the child off on an auspicious path.

Cradle Spell (2) Nine Woods

Gather nine distinct types of wood. Construct a cradle from these to bring luck to a new baby.

Lactation Spells

Human mother’s milk (because of course all milk is mother’s milk) is considered a particularly powerful magical substance. Today it’s understood that various immunities are transmitted through mother’s milk; once upon a time, wisdom, intelligence, and magical protection (the immunities?) were believed transmitted. The position of Pharaoh’s wet nurse, for instance, was a powerful, influential profession. Egyptian wet nurses, in general, were hired on the basis of vitality (life-force) and the magic power that they were able to transmit.

In ancient Egypt, human milk was considered crucial for more than feeding babies. Milk is considered a magical substance akin to menstrual blood, sweat or any other emanation of the body. Vestiges of an occult science that analyzed what type of milk was best for which magical purpose lingers; fairy tales requiring the hero to obtain lion’s milk or similar for a specific magic cause. In ancient Egypt, the most powerful magical milk came from women who had borne sons.

Specific crystal gemstones and botanicals allegedly increase lactation and milk supply.

Crystal gemstones will work if worn anywhere on the body or even hung over the mother’s bed, however they are most potent when worn on a chain long enough to actually make contact with the breasts.

Choose one or any combination of the following:



Quartz crystal


Lactation Spell (1) Saxifrage

Place a sprig of saxifrage in the bosom, in the manner of sixteenth-century European wet nurses, to increase milk supply. Remove the sprig after a few hours, lest too much be produced. Repeat as needed.

Lactation Spell (2) Serpentine Spell

Serpentine, the serpent stone, worn around the neck allegedly stabilizes and regulates milk supply.

Lactation Spells (3) Sulis

Suits is an ancient British spirit associated with the magic powers of healing waters. Her major shrine was at Aqua Sulis, now the modern city of Bath. The Romans identified her with Minerva and constructed that shrine in 65 CE, but Sulis’s springs were apparently visited as early as the Neolithic. The Roman shrine was built atop an earlier Celtic one. Traditionally Sulis was magically petitioned for healing and abundance (the key to lactation) by offering small votive charms, similar to modern milagros. Many have been discovered alongside the curse tablets also deposited in Sulis’s waters. Successful nursing and milk supply once meant life or death for children; votive offerings of breasts, typically carved from bronze or ivory, have been found in Sulis’s shrine, in gratitude for her assistance with the lactation process.

Modern ex-votos are most commonly formed from silver-colored metal. Wear the charm, on a necklace, as a pin or, for more privacy, pinned within one’s clothing or carried within an amulet bag. This charm is traditionally worn constantly until the child is completely weaned and then offered to Sulis by throwing into a spring or well. (Pilgrimage to Bath is also appropriate.)

Life Binding Knot Spells

These spells for infants and young children combine power materials with knot magic to create a protection spell intended to repel illness, bewitchment, and the Evil Eye. These spells should also protect against soul loss and repel a fairy’s attempt at theft.

Life Binding Knot Spell (1) India

Wrap a black thread around the child’s waist. When tying the concluding knot, focus on blessings for the baby.

Life Binding Knot Spell (2) Jewish

Wrap red thread around the child’s wrist. Focus blessings of good health, protection, and safety for the baby into every knot you tie.

Life Binding Knot Spell (3) Modern Egypt

Create a bracelet or anklet for the baby from a piece of cord.

Attach seven beads to this cord plus a tiny bag filled with salt, alum, a bit of copper, and/or silver.

Tie this around the child’s ankle or wrist, concentrating your hopes, wishes, and desires into all the knots.

Life Binding Knot Spell (4) Romany

Wrap red thread or a used violin string around the baby or child’s wrist. Focus on your hopes, wishes, blessings, and desires for the child while tying any knots.

Mother’s Magic Bath

The baby is not the only vulnerable party. The new mother is believed prone to psychic attack by the Evil Eye or by malevolent envy.

Bathe daily in salted water following childbirth for protection. Continue for at least one complete lunar month.

New Incarnation Spell

According to some traditions, the same souls reincarnate within one family, so that ancestors continually return as descendants. A Koryak ritual determines which relation is the baby’s former incarnation.

A special divining stone is required for the purpose. Find, prepare, and consecrate it.

Hang the stone on a stick.

Suspend the stick and let the stone swing like a pendulum, of its own volition.

Someone, traditionally the child’s father, calls out the names of the possibilities, all the dead relatives on both sides of the family. When the stone quickens its swinging (rather than slowing down, which is usual), or when you see a visible change in the rhythm, the identity of the soul has been discovered.

Infant Protection Spells

Nothing and no one is metaphysically perceived as more in need of magical protection than an infant or young child. Protection spells designed especially for babies fulfill this need. Consider the warnings above, however: many of these spells evolved at a time when babies were never left unattended or unobserved. Their safety precautions are of a much different standard than that of modern parents. The original spells are offered, but consider whether adaptation is required so as to provide a baby with both magical and physical safety simultaneously.

Protection Ritual

Prepare Holy Water for washing the baby.

Having cleansed the infant immediately on birth, preserve some of the water.

This may be used in the future to remove the Evil Eye by dipping a piece of coral, the house key, or a ritual key into the water, then hanging it over the baby’s crib.

Protection Spell (1) Caraway

Place caraway seeds in a charm bag. Hide the bag under a child’s mattress to protect against illness and evil.

Protection Spell (2) Chamomile

Hang bunches of chamomile over the baby’s crib for magical protection.

Protection Spell (3) Cloves

In addition to spiritual protection, this charm is believed to stimulate intelligence and attract good fortune to the baby.

Pierce cloves and string them onto red thread. Hang this on the wall overlooking the baby’s bed.

Protection Spell (4) Conjure Bag (1)

A mojo hand to protect a child from harm, this conjure bag is a spell in progress:

Place an angelica root together with chamomile and flax seed in a charm bag.

Add a coin minted in the child’s birth year, together with a small piece of silver. Traditionally the child’s initials are scratched into the metal. An initial bead or a charm with the child’s name engraved upon it may be substituted.

Collect any baby teeth and add them to the bag. It’s not necessary to have every single baby tooth; even one is sufficient.

Keep this charm bag in a safe place until the child is old enough to inherit it.

Protection Spell (5) Conjure Bag (2)

Place salt, one dozen cloves plus one clove of garlic in a red bag. Add a piece of coral and a piece of real silver. Hang this over the baby’s bed.

Protection Spell (6) Conjure Bag (3)

Add the following to a red silk or flannel bag: bread crumbs, cumin, frankincense, juniper berries, magnetic sand, salt, three pins with black heads, three pins with red heads, and three pins with yellow heads for a total of nine heads.

Add three playing cards: the queen of spades, the seven of spades, and the seven of clubs.

Add the scrapings from cleaning a horse’s hooves and one hair from a black cat. Add any other lucky charms as desired. Dress with Black Cat Oil.

The child’s parent may carry this on behalf of the child, or it may be hung over the child’s bed or kept discreetly hidden in the child’s bedroom.

Should the child ever be feared bewitched, place this bag under a heavy weight until the danger has passed.

Protection Spell (7) Coral Beads Basic

Smooth pink coral beads worn around the neck provide a child with magical protection.

Protection Spell (8) Coral Beads Romany

A Romany version of the classic child’s coral protection necklace strings pieces of red wool or cotton onto the necklace together with the beads.

Protection Spell (9) Cradle Charms

The following amulets, believed capable of providing a newborn baby with magical protection, are meant to be attached to the cradle, or else displayed near the cradle. Use one, more, or all of the following:

Antique key

Blue-eye beads

Knife used to cut the umbilical cord


Protection Spell (10) Demon Defying

Malevolent child-devouring flying spirits include Lamia, Lamashtu, and Lilith. The strigae are a genre of similar, child-devouring spirits. Strigae are believed to have originated in Germanic Northern Europe but made themselves at home in Rome by the turn of the Common Era. The poet Ovid’s magical recommendation for keeping these demons at bay?

Touch the lintels and thresholds of baby’s room with arbutus

Place a whitehorn wand at the windows

Just in case a spirit gets past these door-guards, leave an offering plate of meat, saying aloud, “Accept this instead.”

Protection Spell (11) Pig Hand

The figa, fica or the fig hand amulet has many uses in protective and fertility magic. It’s considered a particular powerful protective amulet for babies and children. It dates back to at least ancient Roman times, and depicts a tiny hand with its thumb placed between the first two fingers, the “fig” gesture. Although fig hands are made from a wide variety of materials including bone, coral, wood, and stone, fig hands crafted from jet are believed most beneficial and protective for children.

Attach a fig hand charm to red cord or a silver chain.

Have the child wear this as a necklace during the day.

Suspend it on the wall over the head of the child while sleeping.

Protection Spell (12) Fire Safety

Two people pass a new-born baby backwards and forwards three times over a fire, ideally one built from rowan wood, to provide the baby with magical safety and protection.

Protection Spell (13) Flaming Torch

This magic spell from the Hebrides welcomes the baby and also offers spiritual protection. Circle around the cradle three times a day carrying a flaming torch until the appropriate time for a more permanent, official ceremony is reached, or for as long as you feel that this is needed and beneficial.

Protection Spell (14) Holy Herbs

“Holy Herbs,” a New Orleans formulation, is used to protect children. Equal parts of seven dried herbs are blended together: catnip, ground black snake root (black cohosh root), hops, jasmine blossoms, motherwort, peppermint, and skullcap.

Grind them together into powder.

Reserve them within a tightly shut jar until needed.

Should spiritual protection ever be required make an infusion by pouring boiling water over the herbal blend. When the brew cools, strain out the solids.

Add the liquid to the child’s bathwater or sprinkle it onto the child using an asperging tool.

Sprinkle the liquid into each corner of the child’s room.

Protection Spell (15) Palo

The iroko tree, also known as the African oak or the Nigeria teak, is sacred throughout Africa. The tree’s aura of holiness survived the Middle Passage to the Western hemisphere and so it is venerated by many African Diaspora traditions, although sometimes the ceiba or silk cotton tree is used as a substitute. To protect a baby from the Evil Eye hang a piece of iroko wood over the cradle with red ribbon.

Protection Spell (16) Psalm

This magical method of protecting a child needs to be prepared before the birth so that it is ready for the child whenever it appears. The written psalm charm would once have been purchased from a scribe (and perhaps still can be), or even carefully removed from a book.

Copy Psalm 127 onto parchment. Place it within a soft leather pouch and hang it around the child’s neck immediately after birth to guard against all evil.

Protection Spell (17) Rue

Hang rue in a house with a newborn so as to offer magical and spiritual protection.

Protection Spell (18) Rue Parent Protection

The new baby isn’t the only one requiring protection. Give new parents sprigs of rue to wear immediately after the birth, to protect against the Evil Eye and ward off malevolent spirits.

Protection Spell (19) Sachet

Sew the following into a small sachet: alum, harmel (Syrian rue), salt, and witch-hazel. Hang it on the cradle or over the crib, out of reach of the baby.

Protection Spell (20) Soul Loss

To protect against soul loss (a cause of disease, see page 562), create a magical cloth baby carrier.

Decorate and/or embroider the carrier with magic symbols as well as protective soul-retaining motifs, such as pig-pens symbolizing a safe enclosure.

Carry the baby within this carrier on the mother’s back or hip.

Protection Spell (21) Threshold

If a child is born at home then this Italian spell should be cast on the night of birth; otherwise cast the spell on the baby’s first night at home. Touch the threshold with a broom, a hatchet, and a pestle to prevent the entry of jealous spirits.

Protection Spell (22) Threshold Enhanced

Follow the directions as in the spell above.

Once the threshold has been touched by each object, take the tools and manipulate them to form the shape of a cross over the threshold.

Leave them there over the threshold, to stand guard overnight.

Protection Spell (23) Unicorn Root

True unicorn root offers magical protection to mothers and their children. The botanical is extremely endangered. Grow your own supply and carry it in an amulet bag. Alternatively, hang it over the cradle.

Protection Spell (24) Yarrow

Tie yarrow to a baby’s cradle to protect from fairies, malevolent magic, and spirits.

Protection: Worst Case Scenario

According to modern Egyptian tradition, if several children in a family have previously died, a new or surviving baby may be given a protective tattoo. A small dot is tattooed in the center of the forehead and another one on the outer edge of the left ankle to safeguard the baby.

Sibling Harmony Spell

A spell to promote sibling harmony, immediately following the birth of a new baby.

Just before siblings are formally introduced for the first time, place a few grains of sugar in the new infant’s hand. Elder siblings are encouraged to lick the sugar off the baby’s hand. (Never use honey, which contains spores potentially toxic to those under one year old.)

Spells for Ailing Children

Most amulets are prophylactic: they’re meant to prevent misfortune. In the face of actual trouble, especially illness, different spells, amulets, and magical measures serve.

Spells for Ailing Children (1) Conjure Bag

Collect dust from a crossroads.

Place it inside a cloth together with a chili pepper and an iron nail.

Tie it up tight with black wool or red thread.

Replace the chili pepper as needed, burning the old one.

Blessed red lead from one of the protective Hindu deity Hanuman’s official shrines may be substituted for the crossroads dirt.

Spells for Ailing Children (2) Fumigation

This spell offers spiritual protection as well as a magical cleansing to remove any lingering malevolence. Burn alum, coriander seeds, and harmel (Syrian rue). Pass the baby gently through the smoke or hold the baby over it.

Spells for Ailing Children (3) Iron

This traditional Ashanti spell understands spirits to be a potential cause of illness. There are two things malevolent spirits usually really dislike: iron and bells.

Attach iron rings, beads, and bells to cord, tying hopes, blessings, and intentions into every knot.

Tie the cord to the child’s ankles.

This may be done as a preventive measure before any illness or trouble manifests; however, in an emergency any “visiting” negative entities may be safely drawn out and repelled while the anklet is in place.

Spells for Ailing Children (4) Maximon Safety Spell

The crossroads spirit Maximon has a prankster aspect but not when it comes to children’s safety. Invoke him to save a child, especially in matters of life and death.

Offer Maximon a yellow candle, ideally but not necessarily dressed with Maximon Oil.

Pray and petition. Maximon can be bought; offer him a pilgrimage to his shrine in Guatemala if he fulfills your wish, or something else grand and valuable.

Spells for Ailing Children (4) Padlock

In East Asia, small ornamental silver and iron padlocks serve as children’s protective amulets. Charge and consecrate the charm as desired and then place the charm onto a cord or silver chain, to be worn around the child’s neck or ankle.

Spells for Ailing Children (5) Peach Padlock

Blessed padlock charms are so vital because they combine the road-opening and life-affirming sexual symbolism of the lock and key with the inherent magic powers of the material from which the charm is crafted. Iron and silver are most typical, however a Chinese variation favors peaches, symbolically the fruit of longevity and immortality.

Carve a peach pit into the form of a padlock, focusing on blessings for the child during the crafting of the charm. Attach the completed charm to a red cord and tie it to a child’s ankle, to bind the child to life in the face of illness or threat of illness.

Stop Bed Wetting Spell

Have other methods failed? Then try this: put the child to sleep with a whole onion between his or her legs. In the morning, before sunrise, you should take this onion and throw it away at a crossroads.

Welcome Baby Spells

Welcome Spells greet the new child and offer blessings as well as requests for spiritual protection.

Welcome Spell (1) Jamaica

Babies are sometimes born with a natural blue “cross” in the spot over the nose between the eyebrows, which fades as the skin ages and grows thicker. Many traditions consider this mark to be very auspicious: a sign of spiritual protection. Blessings one is not born with, however, can also be consciously, magically bestowed. This bath is traditionally given on the ninth day following birth:

Add a little rum to bathwater.

Each member of the family throws in a bit of silver.

Real indigo is added to the water, tinting it blue.

Mark a blue cross on the baby’s forehead or in the hollow over the nose, between the eyebrows, or else on the back of the neck.

Offer blessings and prayers for the baby’s safety and happiness as you remove the child from the bath.

Welcome Spell (2) Java

This ceremony, or variations on the theme, was traditionally performed when the baby reaches approximately seven months of age or when absolutely dying to crawl, whichever comes first. Its objective: to formally introduce the new baby to Mother Earth.

Until seven months, a baby’s existence is considered tenuous. Babies are perceived as hovering in a dimension between spiritual and physical realms, gradually becoming more and more grounded. Until this point, the baby is never placed on the ground but carried in a sling on the mother’s body.

Form seven moist soft balls of clay, each in a distinct color.

Roll each clay ball against the baby’s body.

Ritually bathe the baby.

Place the baby in large bamboo (wicker) cage or basket together with grains of rice, coins, gold chains and either feathers or a live hen. (This ritual also serves divinatory purposes: whichever object the child touches first, indicates something about his or her character and destiny.)

The baby is slowly lowered to the ground.

Welcome Spell (3) Modern Egyptian

On the seventh day following birth, blend olive oil, salt, and onion juice. (Other optional ingredients include henna and kohl powder.) Dip a feather in the paste and pass it, without actually touching, over the baby’s open eyes to make them beautiful, sharp, and healthy.

Welcome Spell (4) Russian

Immediately following birth, the naked midwife carries the naked baby around the birthing chamber, chanting invocations to Ishtar, the Morning Star, beseeching blessings and protection.