Shamanism Made Easy: Awaken and Develop the Shamanic Force Within - Christa Mackinnon 2018
Introduction: Travelling back home
The World of Shamanism
Traditional shamanism: a worldwide phenomenon
Contemporary shamanism: a living practice
The shamanic consciousness and world-view
Altering our perception: a question of brain activity
What we access when we alter our state
The shamanic view of the world
Shamanic territories
The four levels of human perception
Awakening The Shamanic Force Within
Bringing the shamanic dimension into your daily life
Bringing the shamanic dimension into your daily life
Working with spirit: calling the spirit forces
A sense of the sacred: create an altar and clear your space
Find a daily ritual to connect with spirit
Embodying energy in matter: power objects
Connect with your spirit allies: power animals of the lower world
Connect with your spirit allies: upper-world teachers and guides
Psycho-spiritual work between the worlds
Transformative journeys: retrieving, releasing, healing, developing
How to integrate your journeys
The power and beauty of ceremony and ritual
Traditional ceremonies and rituals
How to create your own ceremonies
Dancing with spirit
Contemporary adaptations: dance yourself awake and free
The medicine wheel
The powers of the four directions
The human aspects of the wheel
Spirit, soul and the sacred in nature
An Earth-based traditional cosmology
The starving of our sacred Earth souls
Contemporary shamanic nature work and tools
Reconnect with the sacred in nature and your own nature
The Wider Web of Life
Creation stories: the power of formation myths
Expand your sense of self: find your own creation myth
Widen your circle: connect with ancestors and descendants
Death as part of life: the gifts we receive when facing death
Working with death in shamanism
Sacred medicine plants
The sacred plants: ibogaine, San Pedro, peyote, mushrooms and ayahuasca
A word of caution and encouragement
Shamanic work in the dreamworld
Intentional dreams and lucid dreams