Listening to The World - The Colors of Infinity: Becoming Cognizant of Bioenergy Fields

The Accidental Shaman: Journeys with Plant Teachers and Other Spirit Allies - Howard G. Charing 2017

Listening to The World
The Colors of Infinity: Becoming Cognizant of Bioenergy Fields

Earlier I discussed seeing the world in a different way to expand sensory perception. We can also practice hearing the world in a new way. Although we do not take our hearing sense for granted, we tend to use it unconsciously as a passive receiver rather than actively, as with the visual sense. Make a mindful plan to develop conscious awareness of your hearing, such as in situations where you single out one voice in a group of people. Our cognition acts as a sieve in our everyday sound-scape, so be aware when you filter out familiar background sounds. As an act of attention, listen carefully when people are talking. Sound is a vibration that your body receives, in addition to your ears, so “feel” the words you’re listening to. You can feel when words have less substance or weight, and this allows you to discern the vibrational difference between bullshit and truth. Try this out when you listen to interviews with politicians.