Bath and Shower Care - Physical Self-Care

The Witch's Book of Self-Care: Magical Ways to Pamper, Soothe, and Care for Your Body and Spirit - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2018

Bath and Shower Care
Physical Self-Care

Hygiene is a necessity, but there’s no reason why you can’t max out the enjoyment at the same time! Self-care can include the basic level of hygiene, just as it can include the basics of eating food to survive. But turning it into an enjoyable experience and a special moment…that’s magical, and it really nourishes the soul beyond simply the body.

Add special energy to your baths and showers by making and using magical mixtures like these scrub bars, bath bombs, bath oils, and bath salts.

Shower Scrub Bars

Sugar scrubs are decadent but can get a bit goopy sitting in a jar. Why not try a sugar-scrub cube or bar instead? This blend has oils and beeswax to nourish the skin, and superfine or castor sugar to help gently slough off dead skin cells. If you don’t have superfine sugar, run regular granulated sugar through your blender or food processor to reduce the size of the granules. You can add grated lemon zest to the mixture before you add the sugar as well. Start with a teaspoon of zest; if you decide you want a stronger lemon smell, add more. Shea butter and beeswax may be found at health food stores, or ordered online.

What You Need:

♦ 21/2 tablespoons coconut oil

♦ 2 teaspoons shea butter

♦ 2 tablespoons beeswax granules

♦ Chopstick or craft stick

♦ 10 drops rose essential-oil blend (see tip)

♦ 6 drops lemon essential oil

♦ 1—2 drops red food coloring (optional)

1/2 cup superfine/castor sugar

♦ Silicone molds

♦ Waxed paper

♦ Storage container

What to Do:

1. Place the coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax in a small microwave-safe bowl or container. Microwave at high power for 30-second stretches, stirring periodically with a chopstick or craft stick as oils begin to melt. When all the oils have mostly melted, remove from the microwave and stir to complete the melting and to combine.

2. Stir in the essential oils and food coloring (if using).

3. Slowly pour in the sugar while stirring. If the mixture gets stiff, pop it in the microwave for 15—20 seconds.

4. Pour or scoop the mixture into the silicone molds and set aside to cool. Half an hour in the freezer should do it.

5. Wrap the bars individually in waxed paper, then store them in a sealed container. If your climate is hot and you find your scrub bars getting a bit mushy or melty, pop them in the fridge.

6. To use the scrub bar, warm it between your hands a bit, then gently rub it against your skin to lightly buff away dead skin cells. Follow with a warm-water rinse. Alternatively, take a bar into the shower or bath with you. (Use smaller portions for this, as the scrub bars will melt in the warm water!)


♦ Pure rose essential oil is extremely expensive. Bottles of rose essential oil usually come already diluted; using that kind is absolutely fine. You may want to adjust the amount of rose oil up or down according to your sensitivity. For extra rose power or to replace some of the essential-oil blend, you can crumble a few dried rose petals into the blend as you’re mixing it all together.

Lemon Rosemary Salt Exfoliating Scrub

Scrub bars are easier to handle to exfoliate your body in the bath, but for feet and hands, you may prefer a loose scrub. This is a bright, citrus and herbal—scented scrub that will lift your spirits while polishing away dead skin. Lemon is excellent at removing negative energy and encouraging joy, while rosemary is good for healing, protection, and improving focus.

What You Need:

♦ 1 cup salt

♦ Juice of 1 medium lemon

♦ Zest of 1 medium lemon

♦ 11/2 tablespoons olive oil

♦ 1 sprig fresh rosemary

♦ 8-ounce glass jar with lid

What to Do:

1. Mix the salt and the lemon juice. Stir in the lemon zest.

2. Stir in the olive oil and mix thoroughly. (Add more if you want your scrub to be less dry.)

3. Chop the rosemary sprig finely and add to the mixture. If you don’t want the woodier stems, strip the leaves off and discard the stems, chopping the leaves alone.

4. Store in a small jar. Allow to mellow for a day or so; stir or shake before using. Keep scrub in the fridge or another cool spot because of the fresh rosemary.

5. To use, scoop out some of the scrub and massage it gently on your skin. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.


♦ Try to use finely ground sea salt for this one. The coarser the salt, the harsher the scrub will be on your skin.

Vanilla Cookie Sugar Scrub

This scrub has a cozy, comforting smell. If you’re a fan of freshly baked cookies, this may be the scrub for you! Coconut oil has a subtle fragrance and feels luxurious on the skin. This recipe is so good it smells like dessert. (Technically it’s not, although all the scrub ingredients are safe for consumption. If you lick your fingers, I won’t tell.)

What You Need:

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

♦ 4-ounce glass jar or plastic storage container with lid

What to Do:

1. Mix all the ingredients together in a small jar.

2. To use, massage onto skin, then rinse with warm water. Pat dry.


♦ Wouldn’t this smell amazing with a pinch of ground cinnamon? Then it could be a Snickerdoodle Scrub. Or add a pinch of ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice and make a Gingerbread Scrub!

Bath Bombs: Master Recipe

These delightful little fizzies are excellent magical tools. Visualize the bubbles filling you with the energy you’ve programmed into the bath bomb, or imagine the fizziness scouring away negativity. The yield of the recipe depends on the size of your molds, but if each bath bomb is about 1/4 cup, then it should make about 18. If your mold is a bit bigger or smaller, your yield will be different. Citric acid can be found in health food stores, in wine-making shops, or ordered online.

This is the basic recipe and instructions. Following it are various magical versions you can make. Use them as inspiration and design your own!

What You Need:

♦ Small glass or plastic bowl

♦ 11/2 cups baking soda

1/4 cup Epsom salts

3/4 cup cornstarch

♦ Food coloring

♦ 1—2 teaspoons water

♦ Plastic gloves

♦ Essential oil(s) of your choice (or see recipes that follow)

3/4 cup citric acid

♦ Silicone or plastic molds (see tip)

What to Do:

1. In a glass or plastic bowl, whisk together the baking soda, Epsom salts, and cornstarch.

2. Add a couple of drops of food coloring in a color you associate with your magical goal (see following recipes) to the water. Add it a few drops at a time to the dry mixture and mix well with gloved hands. Don’t add too much water at once; your goal is to avoid activating the fizz of the baking soda. When the mixture holds its shape when you press some of it together, add between 6—8 drops of essential oil and mix well. Mix in the citric acid.

3. Firmly pack scoops of the blend into each mold. Don’t fuss too much about how pretty it looks; just press it in firmly. Allow it to set 2—3 hours, then gently pop the shapes out and let them dry out for another day. Store them in an airtight container.

4. Repeat until the base mixture has all been molded.


♦ Soap molds and large candy molds work well for this craft. Silicone muffin tins are great, too, because you can also use them to make the scrub bars in this chapter. Make sure to reserve molds used for body-care products for that use only.

Moon Magic Bath Bombs

This bath bomb is full of lunar energy to help you open yourself to intuition, serenity, and the acceptance of flow and transition. This will make roughly 4 bath bombs of approximately 1/4 cup each; adjust your number of stones if your molds use more or less than 1/4 cup each.

What You Need:

♦ 8 tablespoons baking soda

♦ 11/2 tablespoons Epsom salts

♦ 3 tablespoons cornstarch

1/41/2 teaspoon water

1/2 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest

1/2 teaspoon crumbled dried rose petals

♦ Blue or purple (or blue and red) food coloring

♦ 4 drops jasmine essential oil

♦ 4 drops lemon essential oil

♦ Silicone or plastic molds

♦ 4 small moonstones

What to Do:

1. Center and ground.

2. Follow the general instructions for the previous Bath Bombs: Master Recipe. Add the zest and petals while blending the ingredients together, saying, “Lemon, bring me joy; rose, bring me love of myself.

3. Add a few drops of the blue food coloring to the water to tint the mixture a very pale blue. If you want a pale lavender but don’t have purple, use part blue and part red.

4. Add the essential oils and say, “Jasmine, lend your serenity; lemon, bring me purification.

5. Pack 1/8 cup of the mixture into a mold, place the moonstone in the center, then pack the second 1/8 cup on top. Press down firmly. Repeat with the next three molds.

Tiger Magic Bath Bombs

This bath bomb is designed for courage and strength to help you boost your confidence. This will make roughly 4 bath bombs of approximately 1/4 cup each; adjust your number of stones if your molds use more or less than 1/4 cup each.

What You Need:

♦ 8 tablespoons baking soda

♦ 11/2 tablespoons Epsom salts

♦ 3 tablespoons cornstarch

1/41/2 teaspoon water

♦ 1 pinch ground ginger

♦ 1 pinch ground nutmeg

♦ Yellow or orange (or yellow and red) food coloring

♦ 4 drops bergamot essential oil

♦ 4 drops sandalwood essential oil

♦ Silicone or plastic molds

♦ 4 small tiger’s eye stones

What to Do:

1. Center and ground.

2. Follow the general instructions for the Bath Bombs: Master Recipe. Add the spices while blending the dry ingredients together, saying, “Ginger, bring me power; nutmeg, bring me courage.

3. Add a few drops of the food coloring to the water to tint the mixture yellow or orange. If you don’t have orange, use part yellow and part red.

4. Add the essential oils and say, “Bergamot, lend me your positivity; sandalwood, bring me grounding and confidence.

5. Pack 1/8 cup of the mixture into a mold, place a tiger’s eye stone in the center, then pack the second 1/8 cup on top. Press down firmly. Repeat with the next three molds.

Blessing Bath Bomb

If you feel like you need a bath that purifies and uplifts you, look no further. This magical bath bomb will do the trick. This will make roughly 4 bath bombs of approximately 1/4 cup each; adjust your number of stones if your molds use more or less than 1/4 cup each.

What You Need:

♦ 8 tablespoons baking soda

♦ 11/2 tablespoons Epsom salts

♦ 3 tablespoons cornstarch

1/41/2 teaspoon water

1/2 teaspoon crumbled dried rose petals

1/4 teaspoon silver biodegradable cosmetic-grade glitter (optional)

♦ 4 drops jasmine essential oil

♦ 4 drops sandalwood essential oil

♦ Silicone or plastic molds

♦ 4 small clear quartz stones

What to Do:

1. Center and ground.

2. Follow the general instructions for the Bath Bombs: Master Recipe. Add the petals while blending the dry ingredients together, saying, “Rose, bring me purification.

3. Blend the glitter, if using, into the dry mixture.

4. Add the essential oils and say, “Jasmine, uplift me; sandalwood, bless me.

5. Pack 1/8 cup of the mixture into a mold, place a clear quartz stone in the center, then pack the second 1/8 cup on top. Press down firmly. Repeat with the next three molds.


♦ Cosmetic-grade glitter is fun to add to this bath bomb. Remember, less is more (no more than 1/4 teaspoon per smaller recipe batch), and wipe down your tub after using it if you have pets! Look for biodegradable glitters.

Gentle Dreams Bath Bomb

Remove negativity and soothe your stress before bed by using this bath bomb full of lavender and lemon balm.

What You Need:

♦ 8 tablespoons baking soda

♦ 11/2 tablespoons Epsom salts

♦ 3 tablespoons cornstarch

1/41/2 teaspoon water

♦ 1 teaspoon ground dried lavender

♦ 1 teaspoon dried lemon balm

♦ Lavender (or blue and red) or blue food coloring

♦ 4 drops lavender essential oil

♦ 4 drops ylang-ylang essential oil

♦ Silicone or plastic molds

What to Do:

1. Center and ground.

2. Follow the general instructions for Bath Bombs: Master Recipe. Add herbs while blending the dry ingredients together, saying, “Lavender, bring me peace; lemon balm, bring me sleep.

3. Add a few drops of the food coloring to the water to tint the mixture pale lavender or pale blue.

4. When you add the essential oils, say, “Lavender, lend me your relaxation; ylang-ylang, bring me calm.

5. Firmly pack the blend into the molds. Allow it to set 2—3 hours, then gently pop the shapes out and let them dry out for another day. Store them in an airtight container.

Bath Oil

Bath oil is a simple, luxurious addition to your bath that is very easy to make. Here’s the basic recipe to adapt as you like, followed by specific magical recipes. Good carrier oils to choose for this project are jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, or sweet almond oil, most of which can be found at your grocery or health food store.

What You Need:

♦ Bottle with lid

♦ 1 cup carrier oil of your choice

♦ 8—10 drops of essential oil (your choice, or see following recipes)

♦ Label and pen or marker

What to Do:

1. Pour the carrier oil into the bottle. Add the essential oils. Cap the bottle and gently shake to blend the oils. Clearly label the bottle with the contents and the date the oil was blended. Allow the oil to rest at least a week, if possible, to develop before using.

2. To use, add 2—4 tablespoons to your bath and swish your hands around to help disperse the oil in the water. Be cautious as it can make the tub slippery.

Relaxing Bath Oil

This is a lovely, all-purpose blend for relaxing in the bath. It’s good before bed, or when you need to unwind after a tense day at work. Make sure the stone is small enough to fit in the bottle you intend to use.

What You Need:

♦ Rose quartz stone

♦ 1 cup carrier oil

♦ Bottle with lid

♦ 5 drops lavender essential oil

♦ 3 drops frankincense essential oil

♦ 2 drops sandalwood essential oil

♦ White candle and candleholder

♦ Matches or lighter

♦ Label and pen or marker

What to Do:

1. Cleanse the stone as per your preferred method (see Chapter 1).

2. Pour the carrier oil into the bottle. Add the essential oils. Cap the bottle and gently shake to blend the oils.

3. When the oil has been shaken, add the stone to the bottle. Place the bottle in front of the candle. Light the candle and say, “Bless this oil, that I may release tension and stress when I use it.

4. Let the candle burn down. Label the bottle.

5. Allow the oil to rest at least a week, if possible, to develop before using.

6. To use, add 2—4 tablespoons to your bath and swish your hands around to help disperse the oil in the water.

Joyful Bath Oil

This bath oil is just the thing to lift your spirits and refresh your optimism!

What You Need:

♦ Citrine stone

♦ 1 cup carrier oil

♦ Bottle with lid

♦ 5 drops lemon essential oil

♦ 3 drops frankincense essential oil

♦ 2 drops sweet orange essential oil

♦ Yellow candle and candleholder

♦ Matches or lighter

What to Do:

1. Cleanse the stone as per your preferred method (see Chapter 1).

2. Pour the carrier oil into the bottle. Add the essential oils. Cap the bottle and gently shake to blend the oils.

3. When the oil has been shaken, add the stone to the bottle. Place the bottle in front of the candle. Light the candle and say, “Bless this oil, that it may bring joy and happiness whenever I use it.

4. Let the candle burn down. Label the bottle.

5. Allow the oil to rest at least a week, if possible, to develop before using.

6. To use, add 2—4 tablespoons to your bath and swish your hands around to help disperse the oil in the water.

Bath Salts

Epsom salts are used to soothe achy muscles and can help reduce inflammation. This recipe may seem like it makes a lot, but if you use 2 cups per bath, then it goes quickly! Make sure to soak at least 15 minutes to get the benefit from the salt. This recipe makes about 5 cups; you can divide it and add different colors and scents to different bottles, if you choose.

What You Need:

♦ 3 cups coarse sea salt

♦ 11/2 cups Epsom salts

1/2 cup baking soda

♦ Medium bowl

♦ 12—16 drops essential oils

♦ Containers or jars with lids

What to Do:

1. Mix the dry ingredients in the bowl.

2. Add essential oils a few drops at a time and mix thoroughly.

3. Store the bath salts in sealed containers to keep out moisture.

4. To use, pour 1—2 cups into the bath while the water is running.

“Serenity Now” Bath Salts

Salts are great for relaxing overworked muscles. The herbs and oils in these bath salts are great for an overworked mind and spirit. Who doesn’t need some serenity after a long week? This recipe makes about 21/2 cups.

What You Need:

♦ Amethyst stone

♦ 11/2 cups coarse sea salt

3/4 cup Epsom salts

1/4 cup baking soda

♦ Medium bowl

♦ 2 tablespoons dried lavender flowers

♦ 2 tablespoons dried rose petals, crumbled

♦ 8 drops lavender essential oil

♦ 6 drops jasmine essential oil

♦ Glass jar with lid

What to Do:

1. Cleanse the amethyst according to your preferred method (see Chapter 1).

2. Mix the salts and baking soda in a medium bowl. Add the dried flowers and combine.

3. Add essential oils a few drops at a time and mix thoroughly.

4. Place the amethyst in the bottom of the jar. Pour the bath salts in on top of it and cap the jar.

5. Center and ground. Hold the jar in your hands and draw energy up from the earth to your core, then down your arms to the jar in your hands. Visualize it sparkling with energy. When you feel it has been charged adequately, stop. Put it down and allow the energy you’ve been drawing up to sink back into the earth. Shake your hands to rid them of any excess energy.

6. To use, pour 1—2 cups of bath salts into the bath while the water is running.

Milk Bath Powder

Milk has lactic acid, which works to soften the skin by encouraging dead skin cells to slough off. Cornstarch helps soothe and relieve dry, itchy skin. Magically, milk is associated with nourishment, longevity, and healing energy. Salt possesses purifying and protective energy. The optional oat flour makes the bath even silkier and soothing to the skin. This recipe makes enough for three baths.

What You Need:

♦ 11/2 cups whole-milk powder

1/2 cup Epsom salts

1/2 cup cornstarch

1/2 cup baking soda

1/2 cup oat flour (optional)

♦ Medium bowl

♦ 10 drops essential oil(s) of your choice

♦ 4-cup glass jar with lid

♦ Label and pen or marker

What to Do:

1. Stir the dry ingredients together in the bowl. Add the essential oil(s) and stir thoroughly.

2. Store in a glass jar with a lid, and label with the blend and date you made it.

3. To use, scoop out 1 cup of the powder and pour it into the bath. Swish your hand through the water to help disperse and dissolve the blend.


♦ If you’re lactose intolerant, you can use powdered goat’s milk. If you’re vegan, use soy milk, coconut milk, or rice milk; they won’t have the same physical effects that lactic acid has, but they’ll still feel luxurious, and all of them carry the magical associations of protection and health. If you can’t get your preferred milk powdered, mix the oils with the liquid milk, then add the rest of the ingredients and stir to combine. If you use a liquid milk, store the blend in the fridge and shake to blend again before you use it in the bath.

Lavender Mint Milk Bath

Lavender is soothing and good for gentle purification. Mint is another good purifier and also supports good health and success.

What You Need:

♦ 11/2 cups whole-milk powder

1/2 cup Epsom salts

1/2 cup cornstarch

1/2 cup baking soda

1/2 cup oat flour (optional)

♦ Medium bowl

♦ 10 drops essential oil(s) of your choice

♦ 1 tablespoon dried lavender flowers, roughly ground

♦ 1 tablespoon dried mint, crumbled

♦ 31/2-cup glass jar with lid

♦ Label and pen or marker

What to Do:

1. Stir the dry ingredients together in the bowl. Add the essential oil(s) and stir thoroughly.

2. Stir the lavender and mint into the blend. Hold your hands over the jar and say, “Powers of lavender and mint, bless this bath with health, peace, and purification. So may it be.

3. Store in a glass jar with a lid, and label with the blend and date you made it.

4. To use, scoop out 1 cup of the powder and pour it into the bath. Swish your hand through the water to help disperse and dissolve the blend.

Honey Milk Bath

Honey is associated with immortality, healing, happiness, beauty, and abundance. Honey is soothing and nourishing for the skin. Almonds are also associated with abundance as well as wisdom and healing. Chamomile resonates with healing and peaceful energy, and lavender is used for peace and purification. For extra luxury, gently massage honey onto your face as a mask while you soak in this Honey Milk Bath. Wash it off with warm water and a gentle circular motion after your bath.

What You Need:

♦ 11/2 cups whole-milk powder

1/2 cup Epsom salts

1/2 cup cornstarch

1/2 cup baking soda

1/2 cup oat flour (optional)

♦ Medium bowl

♦ 10 drops essential oil(s) of your choice

♦ 2 teaspoons sweet almond oil

♦ 1 teaspoon honey powder or crystals

♦ 1 teaspoon dried rose petals, ground to powder

♦ 1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers, ground to powder

♦ 4-cup glass jar with lid

♦ Label and pen or marker

What to Do:

1. Stir the dry ingredients together in the bowl. Add the essential oil(s) and stir thoroughly.

2. Stir in the almond oil, honey powder, rose petals, and lavender flowers.

3. Center and ground. Hold the jar in your hands or your hands over the bowl and say, “I call on the energy of honey, almond, rose, and lavender to bring me peace and healing. So may it be.

4. Store in a glass jar with a lid, and label with the blend and date you made it.

5. To use, scoop out 1 cup of the powder and pour it into the bath. Swish your hand through the water to help disperse and dissolve the blend.