
Shamanism for the Age of Science: Awakening the Energy Body - Kenneth Smith 2018


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About the Author

Kenneth Smith, writing under the name Ken Eagle Feather, has published several books on Toltec philosophy, including On the Toltec Path and Toltec Dreaming. After his apprenticeship to Toltec seer Juan Matus, he served on the staff of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, part of the Edgar Cayce legacy, and the staff of The Monroe Institute, founded by sound and consciousness researcher Robert Monroe. Leaving a career in the book industry as the vice president of sales and marketing of a publishing company in order to study scientific perspectives and technologies of healing, Smith serves as the communications director of Beech Tree Labs, Inc., a discovery and early-stage development biopharmaceutical company, and as the executive director of Beech Tree’s sister company, The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery, a nonprofit organization focused on bridging biochemistry and biophysics. He lives in Richmond, Virginia.