An Updated Human Anatomy - A World of Energy

Shamanism for the Age of Science: Awakening the Energy Body - Kenneth Smith 2018

An Updated Human Anatomy
A World of Energy

The Toltec paradigm represents far more than wishful musings as the adherents established a view of extended, human anatomy applicable to everyone, as well as a schema that demonstrates how its components and systems influence perception. Energy body anatomy also provides the objective reference needed to enable hard science skills to be employed in investigations that are on empirical measurements. Bioenergetics is the bridge connecting science and shamanism as both these camps focus on exactly the same thing: energy and its relationship to life.

The energy body as a whole has four main components: uniformity, or its shape; cohesion, which reflects the overall coherence of energies within it; the assemblage point, which provides a reference to the type of cohesion; and core, the innermost area of the energy body, the cool spot of the flame, our direct connection with infinity itself.

Various dimensions of awareness reside within the energy body. The physical body is one segment of the energy body, for example. It is experienced when cohesion stabilizes in a certain way. If you move cohesion just a little you might experience a change of mood or have different thoughts. If you shift it more so, and reform cohesion to a greater extent, you might then experience other dimensions of reality or perceive the world from completely different perspectives, as during an out-of-body experience.

Cohesion results from a variety of influences. One of the primary determinants is uniformity, the container that holds together the internal energies. Each member of the human species has a similar uniformity, as do other species. This shape changes over time, which provides a useful perspective on evolution. Since a change of shape in uniformity changes cohesion, this causes new perceptions, new behaviors, and new physical attributes.

The assemblage point offers a reference for what type of cohesion has been formed. The assemblage point of a person having a strong intellectual bent will be positioned in a certain area, while this area of a nervous or unstable person will wiggle about, not being able to rest or stabilize in a specific location. A specific mental or physical disease is marked by the assemblage point being in a position corresponding to the particular disease, and health is likewise evidenced by a certain position. The assemblage point thereby indicates the pattern of cohesion.

Whether one uses a homeopathic remedy, acupuncture, Reiki, or a scientific medical technology, in terms of Toltec views, the mechanism by which the therapy works is the same: the energy of the healing modality affects the energy of the person, altering coherence. An effective treatment builds on this and changes the person’s overall cohesion, which is reflected by a movement of the assemblage point. Traditionally, a shaman learns how to shift a person’s assemblage point back to the “health” position by utilizing a range of procedures, which are based on a view of the world as being comprised of energy, sometimes using the word “spirit” in lieu of “energy.”


Figure 2.1. The Energy Body

The energy body has a definitive form but not a hardened boundary.

Given that cohesion and the assemblage point are not part of traditional medical training, a physician approaches healing from quite a different vantage point. From an energy body perspective, however, both shaman and doctor have the same effect, that of shifting the assemblage point. No matter the technique, then, the concept that all perceptions and states of being derive from the mechanics of the energy body forms a basic premise of this book. This applies to each and every person walking the earth. This knowledge alone could foster new and varied industries of research, education, and technology.