A Handbook of Saxon Sorcery & Magic: Wyrdworking, Rune Craft, Divination & Wortcunning - Alaric Albertsson 2017

A Handbook of Saxon Sorcery & Magic: Wyrdworking, Rune Craft, Divination & Wortcunning - Alaric Albertsson 2017


Getting Started

The Nature of Magic

Tools of the Trade

The Alchemy of Magic

Runes and Rúncræft

The Futhorc: The Runes of England

Runes of Leaf and Root

Animal Runes

Earthly Runes

Runes Within the Hall

Runes Beyond the Hall


More Magic Techniques

Galdor: The Power of Speech

Wortcunning: Herbs and Their Lore

Wiglung: The Arts of Divination

Blood to Blood: Health Magic

Heart to Heart: Love Magic

Rags to Riches: Prosperity Magic

Conclusion: The Druid and the Witch


The Runes — Their Names, Meanings, and Phonetic Values

Wyrdstones — Their Names and Meanings

How to Write with Runes

