The Working of the Graal Cup - Secret Practices

Rune Might: The Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians - Edred Thorsson 2018

The Working of the Graal Cup
Secret Practices

The magical theme of the Graal, or Grail, is very strong in the German runemagical traditions of the early part of this century. Those traditions took their magicallore concerning the Graal from Wagner’s modern mythos, from the medieval traditions of the epic Parzivâl by Wolfram von Eschenbach, and from the magicallore surrounding the Graal developed by Lanzvon Liebenfels and other occultists.

For the working presented here, we are again indebted to S. A. Kummer, who outlined it in his short work Rune-Magic. For Kummer, the MAN-rune is a powerful tool for interacting with the upper zones, or with the divine realms. In this working the MAN-rune exercise is expanded into a new quality of experience in which the runer is flooded with waves from the upper zones and gains direct communication with the Graal itself.

To begin with, perform the MAN-rune exercise for at least twenty minutes in preparation (see chapter 7). Remember, to begin this exercise you must first spend some time in the I-rune posture doing some deep-breathing exercises. Then lift the arms to form the MAN-rune posture, with the arms out at a 45-degree angle. The palms are face up and slightly cupped. Next sing or hum the mmmmmm sound, letting the tone rise and fall in a sirenlike fashion. If your arms become tired, let them rest for a while in the I-rune posture but keep the mmmmmm sound in force. During this phase, concentrate fully on the direct reception of currents of energy from the upper zones, which enter through the back of your head and through both palms. These three streams converge in the center of your chest, in the region of the thymus gland, where they stimulate the spleen and the sympathetic nerves and circulate about the solar plexus. From there they will at first flow out through the legs into the ground. Some of the energy will, however, also stream from the region of the solar plexus directly into the aura (or personal energy field surrounding the runer) through the navel.

This exercise should be repeated until you can comfortably do it for thirty minutes. At the conclusion of the MAN-rune exercise, always take a few deep breaths while visualizing the excess of accumulated force being drained off, or grounded, into the earth. You may find it helpful to shift almost all your weight onto your right foot while doing this.

Again, the working of the Graal Cup is only to be undertaken after you have been doing the MAN-rune exercise for at least twenty minutes. This is to ensure that your energy system is sufficiently loaded with Od-magnetic force and that the flow of force through the head and arms is strong enough.

After the MAN-waves are flowing, take up the M-rune posture again, as shown in the figure below, with the head tilted back, eyes gazing upward into the All, and the right foot only lightly resting on the ground. The effect of this is to block significant outflow of the streaming force into the ground so that it accumulates, thus intensifying the levels of energy available to the centers in the middle of the body. A network of energy very similar to a cup or funnel shape will develop around your body while doing this exercise. (To some extent, this will also be found in doing the regular form of the MAN-rune.)

Sing the mmmmmm sound while activating this network and increasing the outflow of backed-up energies through the navel. You can expect to have some prickling sensations around the navel during this phase of the working as the cup or chalice effect becomes stronger and stronger.

Manifestation of the Graal Cup

Now begin to sing ooooommmm while visualizing rings of force emanating from the mouth and enveloping the entire body. As the feeling of the chalice effect becomes very strong, you can invoke the particular powers or qualities toward which you are questing. Kummer used the following:

Fa-tor, I call to Thee,

With All-power, stream through me,

The Graal in me awake,

Threefold in love oaths to Tyr I take!

Next, the Graal can be intensified even further by turning in a counterclockwise direction, still keeping all the weight on the left foot, while rhythmically singing the formulas. It is in this phase that direct counsel, or knowledge, can be expected.

In conclusion, careful attention should be paid to draining the gathered forces. To do this, place the right foot firmly on the ground and allow the excess energies to flow out into the ground. There should also follow a period of at least ten minutes of quiet rest, in which time flashes of insight and inspiration often come.