Runic Mudras - Secret Practices

Rune Might: The Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians - Edred Thorsson 2018

Runic Mudras
Secret Practices

We have certain indications that manual signs of some kind must have been known in the ancient Germanic magical traditions. These indications include the use of the widely splayed hand and the fig sign (holding the thumb between the clenched index and middle fingers) as signs to ward off evil influences. But it was left to the German rune magicians to redevelop a full set of systematic magical hand gestures or postures (analogous to the mudras used in Indian yoga) for the runic tradition. The idea was first put forward by S. A. Kummer in his little book Rune-Magic (Runen-Magie, 1933) and was furthered by Karl Spiesberger in his Runenmagie (1955).

Besides the rather sparse folkloristic indications of the traditional use of hand-signs for magical purposes, there are strong hints in Old Norse literature of both the magical importance of the hands in general and the idea that magical powers can be sent from, or contained in, them. The most ancient and striking of these references are found in the “Sigrdrífumál” (stanzas 3, 8, and 10) in the Poetic Edda, where we read about the “healing hands” (more literally, the hands of a physician) and about how runes are to be scratched on the backs of the hands, on the fingernails, and on the palms. Such references are naturally only the very tip of a great iceberg of lore lying below the surface of what has survived of the ancient magical runic technology.

In general it can be said that the runic hand postures can be used in exactly the same kinds of ways that the body postures, or asanas, are used. Their advantage, of course, is that they can be more easily and discreetly performed. Therefore regular practice and actual use in critical magical situations is easier and more convenient. Any ritual or working that can be carried out with asanas can be done with mudras as well. Whereas the full body postures make use of the various centers throughout the body, the hand-signs must be more fully charged with the magical imagination of the runer, as he or she is only working with the two centers in the hands. The hands can, however, be brought into proximity with the other centers of the body to help increase the effectiveness of the mudra. To increase the intensity of the hand-signs with energy from bodily centers, the runer can use the Indian system of chakras, the Neoplatonic system that survives in the kabbalistic tradition, or the old Germanic system.

In the practice of healing, which is more fully discussed in chapter 13, the runic mudra to be used in healing a certain part of the body can be brought into direct contact with that region, or that region can be placed between two hands performing the corresponding magical sign. As some of the oldest traditional references mentioned above would indicate, the runes can be used in magical conjunction with the hand centers without the specific use of runic hand-signs. The runer can draw or paint a specific rune on the palm, nails, or back of the hand and strongly visualize the rune in a sphere of energy glowing around the hand. This can then be used to infuse an object with that particular runic force. There is also an important indication in traditional literature of the use of such practices in the charging of talismanic objects. The mudras, like the asanas, act as aids to concentration in the generation of rune might. After sufficient practice has been gained, it will soon be found that this force can be generated through a variety of means.

Practice of Runic Mudras

Before beginning the practice of any runic hand-signs, prepare yourself with a few deep breaths in the I-rune posture. Engage the general streams of runic forces from above and below through the agency of the I-rune force. If possible, the runic hand-sign should be made at eye level, directly in front of the face, at a distance of about one foot away from the head. This places the hand center in a triangle with the pineal gland and the throat center, allowing the runic center to be charged with the might of the magical voice and breath and to be perceived with the magical eye as well as with the physical ones.

While the rune-sign is being produced, sing the corresponding runic mantras or songs while strongly visualizing the runic shape along the lines of the hand imitating the runic form. It is suggested that the runer use the runic hand-signs to run through the twelve runes indicated in Kummer’s runic curriculum outlined in chapter 7. Otherwise any of the exercises you learn can be experimented with by making use of rune-signs, or even carvings, rather than postures.

The Eighteen Runic Mudras of the Armanic Futhork

In performing these runic hand-signs the runer should let experimentation be his or her guide. Try the gestures as shown, but also experiment with using the reverse polarity of some of the runes by employing the hand opposite from the one shown. Each runic hand-sign must be practiced until some sense of actual engagement with the corresponding runic force is perceived. You should aim for being able to practice the runic hand-sign for at least ten minutes at a high level of concentration. This is best done through a regimen of practicing for three minutes, resting for a short time, then repeating the exercise for another three minutes, resting again, and finally intensely practicing for another three minutes. After this initial time of practice, it will be found that it becomes progressively easier to call upon the manifestation of the runic forces through these or any other means.

FA Sound Formula: ffffffffff, fa—fe—fi—fo—fu

Thoughts are to be focused on the generation of pure fire-produced power and love for the Fa-tor (“father”) of all the worlds.

FA runic hand-sign

UR Sound Formula: uuuuuuuuu, uuuuurrrr

Thoughts are to be focused on the assimilation of primal power and knowledge and on increasing magnetic forces.

UR runic hand-sign

THORN Sound Formula: thththththth, tha—the—thi—tho—thu (Kummer also suggests da—de—di—do—du, because German does not have the “th” sound anymore.)

Thoughts are to be focused on receiving solar energy, circulating it throughout the whole body, and putting it at the disposal of the magical will.

THORN runic hand-sign

OS Sound Formula: oooooo, ooooozzzz

Thoughts should not be directed or focused on anything in particular here except the reception of spiritual blessings.

OS runic hand-sign

RIT Sound Formula: rrrrrrrrr, ra—re—ri—ro—ru

Thoughts are to be focused on the reception of higher counsel, on an innate sense of rightness, and on a perception of cosmic rhythm.

RIT runic hand-sign

KA Sound Formula: ka—ke—ki—ko—ku

Thoughts are to be centered on inner balance and on spiritual abilities and creativeness.

KA runic hand-sign

HAGAL Sound Formula: hhhhhhhhh, ha—he—hi—ho—hu

Thoughts are to be focused on universal love, the will to highest attainment, and the interconnectedness of the cosmos.

HAGAL runic hand-sign

NOT Sound Formula: nnnnnnnnn, na—ne—ni—no—nu

Thoughts are to be concentrated on learning what one needs for development.

NOT runic hand-sign

IS Sound Formula: iiiiiiiii, iiiiizzzz

Thoughts are to be focused on concentrating magical forces for the development of the self and on drawing these forces to yourself and holding them there.

IS runic hand-sign

AR Sound Formula: aaaaaaaaa, aaaaarrrr

Thoughts are to be directed toward the influx of the rejuvenating, renewing aspects of the solar power.

AR runic hand-sign

SIG Sound Formula: ssssiiiig, sa—se—si—so—su

Thoughts are focused on victory over your own weaknesses and faults. Ancient inherited memories are also stimulated by this exercise.

SIG runic hand-sign

TYR Sound Formula: tyyyyrrrr, ta—te—ti—to—tu

In the tradition of the Younger Futhark this rune could also be used for the d sound. Attention should be directed to learning of former lives and of previous manifestations of your self.

TYR runic hand-sign

BAR Sound Formula: baaaarrr, ba—be—bi—bo—bu

In the tradition of the Younger Futhark this rune could also be used for the p sound. Attention should be directed toward perceiving a birth, or a coming into being, of the personal spirit.

BAR runic hand-sign

LAF Sound Formula: lllllllll, lllaaafff, la—le—li—lo—lu

Thoughts are to be focused on gaining enlightenment of the self.

LAF runic hand-sign

MAN Sound Formula: mmmmmmmmm, mmmaaannnn, ma—me—mi—mo—mu

This sign can ward off every danger. In the exercise, you should concentrate on the influx and outflow of electromagnetic rune might, which begins to awaken the power of divine magic.

MAN runic hand-sign

YR Sound Formula: yyyyyyrrrrr

This rune was generally avoided by Kummer in his explanations as he considered it to be “demonic,” which meant that he often had erotic ideas in mind. The work of Karl Spiesberger fills in this gap—he suggests that the mudra be used to liberate the magician from instinctive compulsions through conscious control of the self.

YR runic hand-sign

EH Sound Formula: eeeeeeeeee

Thoughts are to be focused on spiritual love and a bonding between your self and the world soul.

EH runic hand-sign

GIBOR Sound Formula: ga—ge—gi—go—gu

Thoughts are to be concentrated on the universal bond between all things. The mind is harmoniously linked with the All in full clarity and peace.

GIBOR runic hand-sign

In his descriptions of these runic mudras, S. A. Kummer often refers to phenomena of sight and smell that should accompany the successful performance of these hand-signs. The research branches of the Rune-Gild would be interested in hearing any reports of such phenomena from those who are undertaking this curriculum.