Consecration Ritual - Preparation for Ritual

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Consecration Ritual
Preparation for Ritual

Here is a basic spell to consecrate (make sacred) an object for ritual or other magical use. It can be used for everything from blessing salt for a purifying bath and energizing an oil, to charging a sigil and empowering your ritual tools. It is best done under a waxing or full moon.

Have the four elements represented on your altar (see the section on altars in Chapter Four), along with your incense censer. Use copal or frankincense (loose incense is best, but sticks and cones are fine).

Arrange three small white candles (tea lights are fine for this) in the center of your altar in an upward-pointing triangle. Light the candles to begin the ritual.

Stand or sit before your altar and perform the Centering Ritual.

Light your incense.

Hold your object (container of salt, mojo bag, vial of oil, sigil, ritual tool, etc.), then say,

Bless this (name of object), powers of earth (touch object to your earth symbol), water (touch water to your extended index and middle fingers and wet the object with them), fire (hold over your fire symbol), and air (hold in rising incense smoke or touch to feather); spirits of the heavens (lift toward sky) and of the underworld (lower toward altar or ground).

Then hold it in both hands in front of you. Say,

Consecrate this (name of object) so that it may serve its purpose well, for the highest good. So mote it be.

Lift the object and blow into it. Feel your personal energy, the breath of life, moving into it and awakening it. Say,


Place the object in the center of the triangle of candles. Place your palms over it. As you inhale slowly, feel and visualize energy pouring down from the cosmos and into the top of your head, then down to your heart (the center of your chest). At the same time, feel and visualize energy coming up from the earth, entering your feet, and meeting in your heart, where it mixes with the cosmic energy and glows brightly.

As you breathe in, feel the light energy pouring into your center, and as you exhale feel those energies from the heavens and the earth swirling, mingling, and glowing ever brighter.

Then, when it feels like the energy has reached a peak, inhale deeply.

As you exhale, see that powerful energy pouring out of your heart, running down your arms, through your hands, and into the consecrated object.

Let the energy flowing from your palms subside with your exhalation. Slowly bring your hands together in a prayer position over your heart. Feel and visualize the heart energy contracting, and then clap your hands three times. The third clap ends the ritual.

Shake your hands, as if flinging off water. Stomp your feet and shake your body to ground yourself.

Leave the object inside the triangle of candles for a few minutes, or longer, exiting the room if possible (and if safe to do so with candles burning). This is when it “cooks” and its energy settles into the new form. After a while, you should feel that it is ready. Extinguish the candles and place the consecrated item in a safe location on your altar (if you know it will remain unmolested by other people or pets), leave it under your pyramid, or tuck it safely away until you need it. You may want to wrap it in cloth for safekeeping. You should be the only one who touches your consecrated items—unless, of course, you’re consecrating objects for other people.

You may want to occasionally reconsecrate items as a way to recharge them. Use your intuition. If a particular object seems to have lost some of its energy, do a reconsecration and you’ll often see a noticeable improvement.