Magical Boosts to Practical Activism - Magic Beyond the Altar

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Magical Boosts to Practical Activism
Magic Beyond the Altar

Magical resistance is not limited to doing spells and rituals. Magical techniques can be applied to conventional activism in a number of ways. The following guidelines should spark your creativity.

For helping boost a candidate’s campaign, see the Candidate Boosting Spell on page 208.


Sigil magic is especially useful. If you create a sigil for a campaign, cause, or candidate, you can do the following:

• Make sigil stickers, posters, or flyers and strategically post or distribute them

• Print them on postcards and mail them en masse to targeted opponents

• Make t-shirts and wear them to protests, marches, rallies

• Turn them into signs and banners for marches

• Make bumper stickers

• Trace the sigil in magical oils on letters, flyers, return envelopes, and other material to circulate

• Have them 3D printed as necklaces

• Use it as your avatar online

• Post it on social media

Keep in mind that the beauty of sigil magic is that those who view sigils don’t need to know what they represent or mean for them to be effective. The more eyeballs, the better they work. The more mystery you create, the better the results. The Trump binding sigil, for example, spread virally through social media. Even people who didn’t know what it meant were captivated by it and intrigued by how it kept popping up in their feeds.

Other Boosts to Activism

Other possibilities include the following:

• Consecrating handouts or campaign literature before canvassing

• Invoking goddesses and gods before meetings or events

• Creating magically empowered chants or songs

• Guerrilla rituals and mock exorcisms

• Anointing fellow activists before direct actions

• Smudging outside of polling places or as a means of cleansing negative energy areas (a political opponent’s headquarters)

• Setting up shrines to victims of police shootings or to memorialize victims of street violence

• Hexing offices of polluting corporations, the alt-right and other hate groups, predatory loan companies, and corrupt news outlets (cough, Fox, cough)

• Distributing amulets and talismans to protesters

• Inscribing and dressing (anointing) candles before vigils

The more you do magic, the more possibilities you see for its use. Always look for ways to blend your magical workings with your practical activism.