Mojo Bag Wake-Up Ritual - Offensive and Defensive Magic

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Mojo Bag Wake-Up Ritual
Offensive and Defensive Magic

This ritual utilizes the Consecration Ritual (page 160) with a few additions. You will also need something to “dress” or “feed” your bag. Alcoholic beverages are traditional, especially whiskey, as are perfumes (in Hoodoo and Conjure, Florida Water and Hoyt’s Cologne are common). You can also use your saliva or consecrated Hyssop or Power Oil (see pages 143144). It is best done under a waxing or full moon.

Have the four elements represented on your altar (see the altars section in Chapter Four), along with your incense censer. Use copal or frankincense (loose incense is best, but sticks and cones are fine).

Arrange three small white candles (tea lights are fine for this) in the center of your altar in an upward-pointing triangle. Light the candles to begin the ritual.

Have the empty bag, string to tie it, and each ingredient on your altar. Have your feeding liquid or oil handy.

Stand or sit before your altar and perform the Centering Ritual (see 152).

Light your incense.

Hold each object (that you will be placing in the bag), then say,

Bless this (name of object), powers of earth (touch object to your earth symbol), water (touch water to your extended index and middle fingers and wet the object with them), fire (hold over your fire symbol), and air (hold in rising incense smoke or touch to feather); spirits of the heavens (lift toward sky) and of the underworld (lower toward altar or ground).

Then hold it in both hands in front of you and say,

Consecrate this (name of object) so that it may serve its purpose well for the highest good. So mote it be.

Lift the object and blow into it. Feel your personal energy, the breath of life, moving into it and awakening it. Say,


When all the ingredients have been consecrated, put them in the bag. Consecrate the full bag, and when you breathe life into it, say,

Awaken. Happy birthday.

You may feel a distinct change when it is enlivened. From this moment on, treat it as a sentient being, a cohort who will protect and aid you. Mark its birthday on your calendar.

Now tie it shut. You want to tie it tightly so there’s no chance it will accidentally open.

Now that it’s awake, it’s time to feed it. Apply some of the liquid to your fingertips and rub it into the bag, concentrating on the opening (or mouth). Apply more, a little bit at a time, until it feels satiated. Do not drench the bag (especially if you’re using whiskey). You can also trace sigils on it, if appropriate.

Place the bag inside the triangle of candles and let it rest for a while to bake or cook. When it’s ready, put it on (if using as a necklace) or place it in your clothing as close to your skin as possible. When you remove it at night, store it somewhere safe and private. If you have a pyramid, storing it underneath works to keep it charged longer.

Again, treat it as a private personal accessory. Don’t show it to anyone (except a special partner or spouse—and even then, don’t let him or her handle it), don’t wear it outside of your clothing, and don’t open it. Treat it with respect and honor. Wear it daily, as often as possible.

You may want to occasionally feed it, especially if it feels like it’s losing its mojo (bad joke—sorry). As your magical sensitivity increases, you will notice when a consecrated object begins to fade. At your altar, go through the previous blessing and consecration, skipping the “Awaken” bit (since it’s already awake). Feed it as before, and you’ll notice a marked change in its power.

And always feed it on its birthday. You wouldn’t want to miss that, right? Talk about hurt feelings!


Although I don’t believe in the need for the regular banishing rituals employed in many Western traditions, there may be times when it is necessary to dispel negative, lingering energies in a particular location. Perhaps you’ve been visited by someone in law enforcement (it happens to activists occasionally), and you can’t seem to dispel their aggressive energy from your home. A special city park you frequently visited may have been trashed by vandals, and you want to clean it up energetically as well as remove their litter.

You can also banish publicly, as a form of direct ritual action (as pioneered by the Yippie exorcism of the Pentagon in 1967). A particularly vile politician’s campaign headquarters, a hateful church, or a polluting corporation’s office building are all possible targets.

Always purify yourself using the techniques in the section on getting clean (page 141) before undertaking a banishing, and it is advisable to take a purifying bath afterward as well, particularly if the area you’re working in is associated with violence or extreme energies.

The key component for banishing is incense (sage, frankincense, or copal), consecrated salt water (use the Consecration Ritual on page 160).

Here is the simple but effective technique:

Walking clockwise, smudge the entire area with incense. A censer or cauldron with a handle is ideal, but you can use a shell or other flameproof container. Smudge each room if you are in a house.

Walking around the perimeter of the area (if in a home, do each room), dip your fingers in the consecrated salt water and flick it every few steps, saying as you do so:

I banish all evil influences and entities

All demons, parasites, hungry ghosts,

Curses, bindings, and malign influences

In the name of the goddesses and gods

(or insert your preferred deity or deities here)

The angels and the saints

And spirits of the ancestors, begone and do not return!

When you have completed the above, scatter pinches of salt around the area. If in a home, leave a bowl of salt out for at least twenty-four hours. Afterward, scatter it outdoors.


If you find you are targeted or threatened because of your activism (by an individual, a group, an organization, or a corporation), binding is a useful method to restrain your opponent and protect yourself. When combined with other nonmagical methods of protection, a binding spell can be a lifesaver.

Since binding spells are specific to target the individual, group, or entity, we’ll take a generic approach to spell creation. You will have to plug in the specifics and adjust to your needs. But a few components and techniques can serve as a template on which to build your own spell.

Target Image: Include personal effects (fingernails, hair, a piece of clothing or jewelry, cigarette butt, toothpick), a photo, or a signature. Use a doll or poppet if the opponent is an individual or use a printed logo, promotional material, list of members, or group photo if a group.

Binding Materials: Black thread or string can be used to literally bind the target image. You can also imprison it in a container (glass jars and bottles are common).

Ritual: The ritual can utilize your personal energy, the aid of spirits, or both. It should be very specific about the behaviors or activities to be bound.

Cleansing: When doing any form of maleficia, it is always prudent to pray to deity before the ritual and purify and cleanse yourself afterward to avoid any negative residue.

For examples of binding spells you can use to construct your own, see A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him (page 47), #MeToo (page 198), and Fuck Fascists (page 211).