Malkuth - The Sephiroth

Qabalah: Discover Powerful Tools to Explore Practical Magic and the Tree of Life (Hay House Basics) - David Wells 2017

The Sephiroth

Before you begin getting to know this Sephira, please be mindful of the pace you take these sections at. I cannot stress enough that you must not only read each chapter, ponder the information, do any exercises and then, when you’re ready, do the meditation for the Sephira, but you must also allow enough time for the energy of the Sephira to enter your life. Each one could take a month, maybe more, depending on how it comes into and affects your life, and if you rush things, you will trip yourself up.

With this in mind, let’s start with Malkuth. It may seem odd to begin with the number 10, with what could be seen as the last Sephira on the Tree of Life, but this is where your consciousness resides in your physical body, right here, right now.

It’s natural to assume that as this Sephira is the furthest away from the divine nature of Kether, it is somehow a diluted version of it, that the Sephiroth before have taken that divine energy and altered it so much that little of the original still exists. This is not true. The divine is in a blade of grass as well as in the greatest of archangels.

The Earth itself is a physical manifestation of the divine. When you put your feet on the ground, you can feel it beneath you; when you put food in your mouth, you can taste it. You know music is playing because you hear it, you know a painting is beautiful because you can see it, and when you pick a flower, you can smell its fragrance.

Next time you see someone leave litter or abuse Mother Earth in another way, consider that your anger isn’t about their lack of respect for the Earth and her resources, but their lack of respect for the divine in you as well as in Gaia, the Earth.

But let’s take it down a notch. Let’s look at the way Malkuth shows itself in your life.

As Malkuth is the last of the Sephiroth, it contains the information and energy from all the nine that have gone before. Your personality, soul and spirit will have aligned to offer you the perfect experience here on Earth. So, health, cleanliness, exercise, money, perhaps security for you and your family, that feeling of wellbeing that comes from knowing you have it all sorted… Got that already?

Some people get it quicker than others; some feel they’re never going to get everything running together and as one thing is sorted, another goes out of kilter, out of control. Perhaps that’s true, but you can control your reaction, your attitude and what steps you take towards achieving your goals.

In The Mystical Qabalah, Dion Fortune says this of Malkuth:

If we try to escape from the discipline of matter, we are not advancing heaven-wards, but suffering from arrested development. — They find in cheap idealism an escape from the rigorous demands in life. But this is not a way of advancement, but a way of retreat.

In other words — my words and I’m taking full responsibility for them:

It’s wiser to face up to life on Earth, to grow spiritually through the planet you currently inhabit, than it is to constantly try to escape. We all know that running away from issues is impossible: they will either wait for you or follow you.

You are here on Earth now. Every journey you make will start here, every one of them will end here, and you must be grounded, you must anchor your energy in Earth.

The Kingdom of Earth is a garden that needs tending and, as the gardener, it’s down to you to make sure it’s done. Help, advice, energy and even the plans are available to you from the Tree of Life, but only you can mow the lawn. You.

The elements

So, what is this garden made up of? We are all familiar with the four elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth. They are easy to identify in their densest forms as the wind blowing through your hair, a fire warming you on a cold winter’s day, water cleansing you or the Earth feeling firm beneath your bare feet. But in Malkuth these essential elements take on new meaning, new and magical life.

Here on Gaia, we see these mighty elements in all their beauty and in all their terror. Nature is mistress of the elements and nothing we can do can control her or these forces when they are unleashed. The same cannot be said for the esoteric representation of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Here we do have control, although we don’t always use it or admit to it.

Here’s a little more about each of the elements:


Fire is an ancient symbol of power and divinity. Think of humanity’s first discovery of fire and how incredible it must have been. But just how did it happen? Perhaps it was a lightning flash hitting a tree. How apt.

Ancient humans found the spark of fire in flint and in wood; they discovered how to release it and then how to use it. You too can get fired up by a project and want to release its full potential — and can you also get fired up when someone doesn’t listen to a word you say? Both are uses of the Fire inherent within you rather than the obvious one external to you.

· Astrologically, the Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

· In Tarot, Fire is represented by the suit of Wands.


Earth is what you stand on, the ground beneath your feet. The densest of the four elements, it is strong and supportive as well as dependable, and you can grow stuff in it!

When someone is described as being the ’earthy’ sort, you know that means they are lovers of nature, guardians of trees, wear natural deodorant and knit their own blankets. Or is that a stereotype? Of course it is, but you get the point: you already know exactly how the element Earth shows itself in another human being, or at least some of them. Earthy individuals could also be practical, excel in financial matters, be great cooks and know their way around healthy living.

· Astrologically, the Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

· In Tarot, Earth is represented by the suit of Disks/Pentacles.


Air is the element that lifts you up on wings of supportive and encouraging words. It can also move around you unseen, like words spoken behind your back. Someone who is too airy for their own good will be no stranger to gossip.

Air is the full force of the storm as the howling winds confront you face on. It can be seen in the talkative sort who can use this mighty power to move mountains through big ideas and the ability to express them. Air can whisper or it can howl, but either way it’s expressive, and proper use of the element of Air can change your mind or change your world.

· Astrologically, the Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

· In Tarot, Air is represented by the suit of Swords.


Water always wins. It can harness the power of fire to create steam, it can cut through rock and earth, bring a seed to life and trap bubbles of air to lift it up, so it’s no surprise that the element of Water represents love, emotions, your own subconscious, the tears of the universe and the weeping sorrow of loss. Guide it well, use it wisely and it will grow amazing things, quell storms and infuse your desires with a power so incredible nothing can resist them. Love always wins.

· Astrologically, the Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

· In Tarot, Water is represented by the suit of Cups.

Balancing the elements

I have yet to meet anyone who is one element — every one of us is all four — but the strongest one is seen first, or makes itself known first perhaps? If someone is Airy, they may be seen as talkative; Fiery, they may have a temper; Watery, and it’s the ’over-emotional’ tag; and Earthy — practical and a bit dull perhaps?

Astrologically, the elements play a large part in the building of a natal chart. It’s easy to count how many planets are in each element and often you’ll hear people mention the lack of Earth, abundance of Air and so on in their chart.

Hopefully they are mentioning it as a gift, something to work with or work on, but sometimes they use it as an excuse: ’I can’t help being angry, I have five planets in Fire!’ That isn’t an excuse. If you know it, then do something about it. Find a way to channel the creative, powerful and magnificent energy of Fire through work, sport or perhaps leadership.

Malkuth and the elements teach balance in all things, as does the Tree of Life. Finding what you need, what you desire to get a task done, isn’t as easy as dialling up more Earth or turning down the heat, but noticing if you’re overdoing one or the other will help you redress the balance, and that in turn will help you achieve your goals more quickly and with less resistance.

Ask yourself which element you think is dominant in your life. Are you Airy, Fiery, Watery or Earthy, and don’t base it purely on your astrological sign, as we know there’s much more to it than that!

I would reiterate that no matter what you find in your chart, it’s how you direct the energy, how you adapt it and use it here on Earth, that makes the difference. And how you balance it out. This can be as simple as wearing the colour of an element you wish to attract — yellow for Air, red for Fire, blue for Water and brown for Earth.

Magical representation of the elements in Malkuth

In Malkuth you will meet the kings and the archangels associated with these forces. You will also meet the elementals, the magical representation of these beings here on Earth.

The elements are represented magically through the symbolic beings known as Sylphs (Air), Salamanders (Fire), Undines (Water) and Gnomes (Earth). In reality, the elements are pure energy — isn’t everything? — but the elementals help call forward an element we require swiftly and clearly. The magical imagery of the elementals is an integral part of working with Qabalah.

Sylphs: Air

Air is represented by the Sylphs, fairy-like beings who direct the flow of Air. They move very quickly and are responsible for words, our mind and our ability to hear the elemental kingdoms and beyond. They purify the actual air we breathe, and with the metaphysical representation of Air, they purify our thoughts, or attempt to! If you felt heavy-headed, thick-headed, where would you go? For me, it would be to a beach on a windy day, as the Sylphs, the elementals of Air, bring clarity.

· The king of the Sylphs is Paralda, a cloud with piercing blue eyes of sapphire. He was one of the very first magical beings I saw with my own eyes, as he literally breathed air into me when I was extremely ill, and that illness signalled the beginning of my journey on the Tree of Life.

· The archangel of Air and the East is Raphael.

Salamanders: Fire

Fire is represented by the elemental beings called Salamanders. They appear as sparks of fire, burning bright with the power of creation. They’re in the candle flame and the raging inferno. They work with their element not only physically, but also metaphysically in purifying us in the spiritual fires of lessons learned and power wielded.

These beings take a bright idea from the Sylphs and turn into action, take a plan and make it happen. Misuse of their energy on any level is a dangerous thing; at best it could be anger and at worst it could be catastrophic, as Fire destroys as well as creates. Be careful how you use all the elements, but this one in particular.

· The king of the Salamanders is Djinn. Volcanic with dark red and coal-like eyes, he has a commanding presence.

· As does the archangel of Fire and the South, Michael.

Undines: Water

Water is represented by the elemental beings called Undines. They are the sparkle on a wave, the magic of a babbling brook, the calm of an open body of water and the ferocity of waves crashing onto a beach on a stormy day.

Water is an emotional element. Sometimes it’s seen in the gentleness of a moment of pure love, sometimes in tears when hearts break, or in the sobbing of loss or disappointment, and not just individually, but also in those moments when you grieve for humanity and the direction it’s taking.

The Undines cleanse the oceans, just as they cleanse us through our emotional responses.

· The king of the Undines is Nixsa, a giant wave of energy the colour of the ocean.

· The archangel of Water and the West is Gabriel.

Gnomes: Earth

Earth is represented by the Gnomes. Forget the fishing rods and little red hats, for these hard-working elementals aren’t anything like that! Here we meet the builders, those who bring the great plans of the mighty architect of the universe to fruition. They work tirelessly alongside their fellow elementals. The fact that we stand on solid ground, have earth that sustains life and largely have our waste products dealt with (in the face of overwhelming odds) is down to the Gnomes.

On a metaphysical level, they bring practical solutions in the areas of money, health and wellbeing. What could these be? Eat simply, eat well, buy from ethical sources, create little waste!

· The king of the Gnomes is Ghobe, a mighty Gnome who is not often seen, but whose presence can be felt.

· The archangel of Earth is Uriel of the North.

You will meet all these beings in your meditations. How they appear to you is how they appear to you; it’s their energetic imprint that’s important, rather than the images your mind puts around them. That’s also important, yes, but how do they feel to you and have you felt that way before? You’ve always walked these paths, whether you’ve known it or not. The elementals have always been around you and you have felt their presence. This is all about remembering.

In a moment, some elemental homework for you, but in the meantime, for reference:


























Exercise: Elemental homework

· Pause and consider your natural element. Do you think of yourself as airy? Earthy perhaps?

· If you have your natal chart, count the planets in Earth, Air, Fire and Water signs. Which one is truly dominant?

· What does that tell you about where you need to put more energy or look at how you spend it?


The archangel of Malkuth is Sandalphon. Legend tells us he’s one of only two archangels who were once human. The other is his brother, Metatron. Sandalphon was the Old Testament prophet Elijah and Metatron was the patriarch Enoch.

Every journey you take up the Tree of Life begins and ends with Sandalphon. He touches you on the shoulder or the head as a symbol of his protection.

He is a mighty being, vast in size, so it’s sometimes easier to feel his energy than attempt to ’see’ him. Energy is, after all, what these great beings are made of. His image is often that of a young man wearing woollen robes, a symbol of simplicity and of earthliness. He wears sandals on his feet and they can often be heard on his approach.

It’s tempting to imagine him stuck here on Earth, not able to move through the Tree, just waiting for us to turn up and pop into a Sephira or onto a path. Of course that’s nothing like the truth of it! Sandalphon is the director of all the energies of the Tree, working with everyone from Metatron to the smallest spark of Salamander Fire energy to make the vision you are creating happen. Turn to him for help, for he knows you well. He knows your karmic conditions, your contract if you like, and he knows where help is needed and will support you even if he can’t always deliver some of the changes you desire.

Why? Malkuth teaches us that whilst all this help is available, ultimately change is up to us as a collective and to each individual as part of that collective. Archangels and other helpers work with, not for us.

Vices and virtues

Each of the Sephiroth has a vice and a virtue associated with it, and the vice of Malkuth is inertia, which comes in many disguises. It’s not all about closed curtains and chocolate-fuelled box-set marathons. Sometimes it comes in the brightest of guises. It can appear in the form of complacent idealism that thinks it’s helping by sending love and light, without any further action or involvement.

This may be easier to see on a global level than a personal one, but this Tree of Life experience is your personal Tree, so where are you sending happy thoughts, hoping things will be okay and trusting that everything is as it should be when you know it’s truly not and you need to break out of the prison of inertia and do something about it?

Don’t confuse this process with keeping your vibrations positive, removing negative self-talk from your life or following a system that reminds you of your power. All are very valid. This is different. It’s about telling yourself it will all work out and doing nothing to make that happen.

The virtue of Malkuth is discrimination — your ability to prioritize, to see what’s needed first, what you can do right now and what will have to wait. This reminds you that you don’t have to do everything at once. What is the most important thing today, right here, right now? Do it, no matter what. Any little change you make is a change and it’s better than doing nothing at all.

Discrimination is also about understanding what’s really happening. When the light burns so brightly it’s all you can see, ask what’s behind it, what’s alongside it, and divert your gaze long enough to adjust to the truth — your truth.

Tarot cards

The four tens of the Tarot represent Malkuth energy and can be used to understand it better. They also represent the end. The deed is done, the task completed. If they constantly come up for you, perhaps Malkuth would be worth a visit? (See below.)

· Ten of Wands: Lord of Oppression. Sometimes an overbearing force focused on the gain of material things, but also the completion of the very same: a goal achieved.

· Ten of Cups: Lord of Satiety. Pleasure attained. Kindness, generosity and material happiness, but on occasion wastefulness.

· Ten of Swords: Lord of Ruin. Failure, disaster. Perhaps revelling in things going wrong. But also cleverness, quick-wittedness and persuasion.

· Ten of Disks: Lord of Wealth. Wealth, completion of a major project and yet maybe also a heaviness, a dullness when things are too practical.

When consolidating Malkuth, look for these cards. Their presence will add some significance to the experience of this Sephira for you.

Malkuth in life

Observe how you work on Earth. Where do you need to improve and how can you do that? The Tree of Life won’t tell you what to do (nobody can do that and neither should they); what it will do is show you what needs to be learned, what improvements can be made and what great skills you bring to the Sephira you’re working with.

In this case, take some time, observe your relationship with the planet you live on, the body you inhabit and the energies that make it so.

Visiting Malkuth

Every one of the Sephiroth has a temple or a way of working within it, a place of beauty, a place to go to begin magical journeys and a place in which to attract that particular energy into your life.

The nature of learning Qabalah without a teacher means that moving fully into temples may not be the easiest thing. So here the temple workings are kept simple. They will work at a level suitable to where you find yourself now. Each of you will have a unique way of experiencing them and bringing their energy to Earth. Remember there is no right or wrong thing to see when you visit the Sephiroth, and any prompts, symbols, feelings or insights are personal to you.


When, and only when, you feel ready to visit Malkuth, follow the advice on how to set everything up for the meditation. To help you dress your altar, here are some of the correspondences for Malkuth — things that represent it, colours, incense, etc. It’s by no means the full list, but remember you don’t have to have everything. It’s about setting the scene, not being so attached to objects, bells and smells that you couldn’t do it all in an empty room. If you can, do it!

· Keyword: Kingdom

· Number: 10

· Archangel: Sandalphon

· Order of angels: Ashim

· Planet: Earth

· Virtue: Discrimination

· Vice: Inertia, procrastination

· Gods/goddesses: Demeter, Freya, Lakshmi, Osiris, Persephone

· Colours: Brown, green, ochre, russet

· Crystals: Rock crystal, tiger’s eye

· Incense: Dittany of Crete

· Body parts: The feet, the anus

· Tarot cards: The four tens, the princesses/pages

Exercise: The Malkuth temple

Dress your altar with lilies, ivy and willow.

Don’t forget to take a Tarot card before your meditation.

When you’re settled and have performed your opening protection ritual (Qabalistic Cross, archangels), you’re ready to create the temple experience of Malkuth around you, and so too are the elementals, archangels and guides.

· Allow your usual surroundings to fade as you build a forest around you. Feel it, see it, smell it, touch it. Make it as real as you possibly can. Put your whole being into it.

· Walk along a path through the forest. If an animal comes your way, acknowledge it. This is a symbol, an aspect of yourself, or perhaps a power animal, a guide from the animal kingdom just for you. Find out what the animal represents symbolically and ask how that reflects in your life.

· Follow the path to a clearing, a well-kept place with flower borders and a beautiful lawn.

· At the far end you see a giant oak tree. It has an aura around it that sparkles in the light and it seems to vibrate in a magical way. Stop and feel that magic. It is magnificent. The Tree of Life.

· In its base is a great oak door with the symbol for Earth on it, a circle with a cross through it. It opens as you approach. Step inside.

· At first you notice the smell of damp earth and wood, then the smell of herbs fills your nostrils as you move into this space, the Temple of Malkuth.

· As you look down, you see herbs strewn across a black and white tiled floor. They release their fragrance as you walk over them.

· As your eyes become accustomed to the light, you see walls covered in oak and ahead of you a double-cubed altar with one cube of ebony and one of ivory.

· On the altar is a simple white cloth with a blue crystal bowl set upon it. In that bowl burns a flame.

· Ahead of the altar are two pillars, one of ebony on the left and one of ivory on the right, and behind them are three great doors of oak.

· On the eastern wall above those three great doors is a circular stained-glass window with the face of a man on it, symbolizing Aquarius and Air.

· To your right, in the South, there is another window with a lion rampant, symbolizing Leo and Fire.

· Behind you, in the West, is a window with a golden Sun with an eagle flying into it, symbolizing Scorpio and Water.

· And to your left, in the North, the window shows a black bull in a field of poppies, symbolizing Taurus and Earth.

· Stand in the centre of the temple and wait for Archangel Sandalphon.

· As he appears, the atmosphere changes. This humble and magnificent being comes towards you, his robe the colours of Earth — red, olive, brown — and seeming to weigh him down. The archangel of humanity is here, charged with your care.

· He smiles and welcomes you, asks you to face the eastern wall and places his hand on your shoulder or head in a blessing.

· As he steps back, he raises his hands and claps.

· From the eastern wall comes Paralda, a great billowing cloud of Air, and with him the Sylphs.

· From the southern wall comes Djinn, a wall of Fire with coal-black eyes, and with him the Salamanders.

· From the western wall comes a crashing wave of Water, Nixsa and his Undines.

· And from the northern wall comes Ghobe, his legions of Gnomes marching with order and purpose.

· All the elementals stand, waiting for their king’s signal.

· The elemental kings step aside and you truly see how much Fire, Earth, Air and Water you currently have.

· What do you see? Are you busy with Water, empty of Fire? How are you made up right now?

· The elementals begin to move towards you. Don’t be frightened. They dance around you, balancing you, helping you find to enthusiasm if Fire is lacking, to speak out if Air is in need of help, to be more practical and ordered if Earth is in need of cultivation, or perhaps to let go in a wave of Watery emotion.

· Soon they retreat, leaving you standing in the middle of the temple. Take a moment to reflect, to feel this peace and balance, to notice any ideas that are now flooding you as enthusiasm replaces apathy, solutions replace questions and you are now poised for action.

· Sandalphon appears, smiling. He embraces you and may offer you a gift, another symbol of your time here. If you do get one, remember to say thank you and find out what it means if the meaning isn’t obvious at the time.

· He guides you out of the temple. It’s okay, you can come back whenever you need to.

· As you leave the oak tree, the door closes behind you, and you, along with your animal if you’ve seen one, return to the clearing and then to the forest.

· Say farewell to your animal, let the forest fade and come back to the here and now.

Wiggle your fingers and your toes.

When you’re ready, close down the energy, write up your notes, take a Tarot card and eat and drink something. No matter how small, it’s symbolic of grounding your energy here on Earth.

How to consolidate each Sephira

When you reach the end of the lessons on each Sephira, you will consolidate your experience. Astrology will play a role here, and so too will the Tarot and your meditation. All form part of your personal experience of the Tree of Life.

When you sit down to do your consolidation, take another Tarot card. The consolidation will look like this:



To inspire you, a quote will be provided that’s relevant to the Sephira in question.

’I have a dream…’

What are your intentions for the energy you are working so hard to draw to yourself? This is your dream. It will usually stay with you throughout your journey up the Tree. You can change it if you so desire, but take some time to get it right at the beginning if you can.


A look at the relevant planet, its house and position, and what it tells you about the way the energy of the Sephira works for you.

Tarot cards

· Going into the temple: The card you chose before your meditation and what it means

· Coming out of the temple: The card you chose at the end of your meditation and what it means

· Consolidating the temple card: The card you chose when you sat down to do your consolidation and what it means

The route the cards are taking

What do the cards suggest to you? Put them all together. Find any common ground, any cards that are relevant to the Sephira you are consolidating, for example tens in Malkuth or fours in Chesed. Look at the suit, the number, the major arcana. Find any other relevant information. Then write a small paragraph on the cards, on the route they are taking.

Analysis of the temple visualization

Think about what you saw on your visit to the temple. What do the symbols mean to you? Which beings were more prominent? What did they say to you? How did you feel? All your emotional responses are important and highly relevant.

How it has manifested in your life

How has this shown itself in your life? (It will come into your life if it hasn’t yet done so.) What has it made you think more about? What can you accept now that you couldn’t before? What changes are you willing to make?

’Moving forward, I commit to…’

How will you use the lessons of this Sephira? How will you make sure you meet your goals? What will you do to make things happen?

Here’s an example:

Malkuth consolidation

’The longest journey is the journey inwards. Of him who has chosen his destiny, who has started upon his quest for the source of his being.’


’I have a dream…’

…of becoming self-employed, of living my life in accordance with my own goals, dreams and spiritual ideals.


The Part of Fortune (not a planet but it represents Earth in your chart). In the sample astrology chart it’s in Aquarius, in the first house. So I will benefit from having my independence and through showing up in the world as the unique individual that I am.

Tarot cards

· Going into the temple: Princess/Page of Cups. Dreams can come true, listen to your intuition.

· Coming out of the temple: Three of Cups. Seeds are sown for a bright harvest.

· Consolidating the temple: Ace of Swords. A new way of thinking, clear ideas.

The route the cards are taking

If I listen to my intuition, my dreams can come true. I can go sow those seeds, those ideas, and watch them flourish!

Analysis of the temple visualization

I saw the Archangel Sandalphon. He handed me an acorn, a golden acorn, and when the elemental beings visited, I saw mainly Earth. I took this to mean there is hard work ahead, but from tiny acorns mighty oaks grow!

How it has manifested in your life

Work has been hard going and I have been thinking about what it would be like to be my own boss. I know it takes time and I am being patient, but I am also making plans so that when the time is right I will be ready. I am not being inert, doing nothing about it all. Already I have heard of a premises that may be available in 10 months’ time and I am thinking about how I could be in a position to buy it and working towards that. I also feel fitter and healthier and have become more in charge of my energy by looking at what I eat and how I exercise.

’Moving forward, I commit to…’

Paying more attention to my physical needs and not allowing myself to fall into the trap of inertia.

Now it’s your turn!

Malkuth consolidation

’The longest journey is the journey inwards. Of him who has chosen his destiny, who has started upon his quest for the source of his being.’


’I have a dream…’

What is your dream? What do you want from your journey?


Where is the Part of Fortune in your chart (denoted by a circle with a cross in the centre of it)? What does that tell you?

Tarot cards

· Going into the temple: Card

· Coming out of the temple: Card

· Consolidating the temple: Card

The route the cards are taking

A short analysis of what the cards tell you.

Analysis of the temple visualization

How you felt, what you saw, what the symbols mean to you.

How it has manifested in your life

How has it presented itself in your life here on Earth? What have you noticed that you missed before? What do you want to change?

’Moving forward, I commit to…’

Make a commitment to making those changes happen.
