Chokmah - The Sephiroth

Qabalah: Discover Powerful Tools to Explore Practical Magic and the Tree of Life (Hay House Basics) - David Wells 2017

The Sephiroth

Sitting opposite Binah is the divine force of Chokmah, the supernal Father, the divine masculine. In unison with Binah and Kether above this triangle, this trilogy, is in effect the Creator in whatever way you want to perceive God, Goddess, Source. Let there be light!

This high on the Tree, it becomes difficult to put it all into words. Even in the beautiful realms of unbounded meditation, it’s hard to understand. So don’t try. Just feel, sense, let the energy move around and through you and be in these worlds.

In Chokmah energy is key. This is the life-force itself. Given form in Binah, it’s that spark that ignites the power of Kether, the emanation and source that illuminates every Sephira on the Tree of Life. Ignited by Chokmah, you see it in your aura, you see it in the trees and feel it through the Earth, you are it and it is you. You receive it and transmit to it, join with it and feel it buzzing through every fibre of your being when you’re still enough to listen. It’s what you wish would come out of your fingers when you play witches and wizards, and the truth is it does.

The cattle prod of the Tree, it zaps things into action, into being, and asks you to make that choice: what plans need an extra push? What creative ideas, applied with logic, could give birth to a new way of doing things? What could take your plans in a more beneficial direction? Whatever the answer, Chokmah throws the switch to ’on’.

The keyword given to Chokmah is ’Wisdom’. A word to the wise — it’s not the same as knowledge. The modern saying explains this so well: ’Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing it won’t go well in a fruit salad.’ Wisdom that hasn’t been expressed is understanding and knowledge — both fine things, but until they are applied, made manifest in some way, they are but that. Nice that you know that, great that you understand, but let’s hear your wisdom. Having hidden away for years sometimes, it’s clear to me just how important this is. None of us should hold our knowledge and understanding to our own souls when the wisdom of sharing it could make a difference, no matter how small or how grand.

Few of us are wise all of the time: if only. It’s also something that takes lifetimes to learn. The soul grows into it and the use of the power of Chokmah shines from some and is sadly lacking in others. But knowing and understanding where it sits on the Tree of Life can put you closer to finding that wisdom in yourself when you need it most.


Ratziel is the archangel of Chokmah. He guides the creative force and is the keeper of mysteries. The Book of Ratziel is the book of stars. The symbol for Uranus and therefore Chokmah, looks like a television aerial and this perfectly describes how Ratziel transmits to those who stop to listen in meditation: he transmits the consciousness of all the ancient, wise dimensions in the inner and outer universe to us here on Earth.

The order of angels is the Auphamim, the wheels, whirling forces of creation with many eyes. The wheel, moving things along — the wheel of the seasons and the zodiac perhaps?


Uranus is assigned to Chokmah and finding him in your natal chart will bring your personal information about this energy. This planet can be disruptive but, like its Qabalistic counterpart, it can bring logical solutions that seem to come out of the blue. Wherever you find Uranus in your chart, you’re likely to find a part of your life that always seems to be in state of flux, but also a part of your life where you’re at your most creative.

The zodiac wheel itself is a symbol for Chokmah, an ever-changing theatre of inspiration, planetary movement and possibilities waiting to be uncovered, and hopefully you’ve realized that by now. Your consolidations will have shown you that.

Don’t underestimate the value of the zodiac, of astrology. The guiding principle of ’as above, so below’ is a powerful one. Astrology has been and will continue to be challenged and belittled, but so will anything that has the ability to remind you of your amazing place in the universe and how unique and empowered you are.

Vices and virtues

There is no vice in Chokmah. The virtue is devotion — devotion to the divine life-force expressed in the Tree.

Tarot cards

The four twos are the Tarot cards associated with Chokmah. They represent the balance brought about by two energies working together rather than one trying to do it all on its own. The twos remind you that in order to feel whole, the ying and the yang should be present — polarity in its purest form.

· Two of Wands: Lord of Dominion. Make your choices. Be true to your own sovereignty to have the life you want.

· Two of Cups: Lord of Love. Self-love expressed through harmonious polarization.

· Two of Swords: Lord of Peace. The mind is at peace, taking the higher ground from a place of wisdom.

· Two of Disks: Lord of Change. Things change, and so they should, as inertia is prevented by constant change. What needs to be changed?

Words to be wise

Ten little prompts:

1. Wisdom isn’t about age, it’s about experience, so plan a trip, travel, listen to the wise folks around you and listen with more than your ears.

2. A wise person has a deeper understanding of life’s experiences. Don’t get caught up in the small stuff.

3. So now that you’re not sweating the small stuff, you can see what lessons the small stuff taught you. Life has educated you.

4. Now share some of the stuff you do have.

5. Meditate. Find what works for you and be regular with your practice. Find your balancing-point.

6. Growing up doesn’t mean growing old. Climb a tree now and again.

7. Challenge the status quo. Use the experience of Chokmah to re-invent anything you see that needs to have that wisdom applied to it. Write it down.

8. Don’t compare, ever. You’re a unique spark from the Tree of Life. Shine like you know it. Make it a foundation of your life.

9. Look down the Tree and see what you have learned. Remember the road to true wisdom is to ’Know thyself’ here on Earth.

10. Take all the above and apply it to helping others.

Visiting Chokmah


· Keyword: Wisdom

· Number: Two

· Archangel: Ratziel

· Order of angels: Auphamim

· Planet: Uranus

· Virtue: Devotion

· Vice: None

· Gods/goddesses: Odin, Osiris, Pan, Shiva, Thoth, Uranus, Zeus

· Colour: Grey

· Crystals: Jade, tourmaline, turquoise

· Incense: Musk

· Body part: Left side of the face

· Tarot cards: The twos

Exercise: The Temple of Chokmah

Dress your altar to look like a night full of shining stars and the light of the universe with all its promises yet to be manifested.

Take a Tarot card before your meditation.

Perform your protection and energy work. Create your sacred and beautiful space according to your own divine creativity.

Ask your guides, Archangel Ratziel and the divine beings of Chokmah to assist you.

Use your 4-2-4-2 breathing or any technique you’re comfortable with to count yourself down into a meditative state of being.

· Allow the material world to melt away and replace it with the temple forest. See it, feel it, be in it completely.

· Once you’re in the garden, perhaps already in the clearing, see your Tree. This time it will be a piece of turquoise that breaks free from the shifting, sparkling branches of the Tree of Life.

· As it forms a sphere in front of you, walk towards it, considering what Chokmah means to you. Where does the Great Father manifest in your life?

· Project the symbol for Uranus onto the sphere, which has now turned grey, and you walk into it and through into the starry worlds of Chokmah.

· There is no temple. Chokmah appears as a straight line, a hallway to the stars and beyond.

· Consider the lessons and gifts of Chokmah and how you could use them. What’s relevant to you right here, right now?

· Walk along the path and commune with any beings of Chokmah that come your way and the Great Father all around you.

· You may catch a glimpse of the great zodiac wheel of life spinning in space. Which sign shines the brightest? What does it illuminate in your own chart?

· The archangel of Chokmah is Ratziel and you feel his presence rather than see him. What impressions do you have? Does he share any secrets from his great book of mysteries?

· Ask him for a vision of the Source, how it looks to you on your path right now, how it shows itself in your life and how you can use it.

· Commune further with Ratziel or any beings of Chokmah, and as they offer you a gift, offer them one in return in the form of how you intend to use this great vision.

· When you’re ready, follow the path back down the hallway and towards your grey sphere.

· Say your farewells, pay any further respects and walk into the grey light and back into the temple forest of Malkuth.

· Allow the forest to fade, return to your usual surroundings and close down your meditation.

Take a Tarot card, make notes and remember to eat and drink something. No matter how small, it’s symbolic of grounding your energy here on Earth.

Chokmah consolidation

’The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind ahead even more than teamwork.’


’I have a dream…’

Remind yourself of the dream you stated in Malkuth.


Look at the planet Uranus. Where do you use your ability to bring about change, sometimes sudden? Where does your wisdom sit? What is the source of your own power?

Tarot cards

· Going into the temple: Card

· Coming out of the temple: Card

· Consolidating the temple: Card

The route the cards are taking

A short analysis of what the cards tell you.

Analysis of the temple visualization

How you felt, what you saw, what the symbols mean to you.

How it has manifested in your life

How has it presented itself in your life here on Earth? What have you noticed that you missed before? What do you want to change?

’Moving forward, I commit to…’

Make a commitment to making those changes happen.
