Magick IV Magickal Medicine

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Magick IV Magickal Medicine

Paradox: If homeopaths knew how homeopathy actually worked, it wouldn’t work.

Overstanding: Homeopathy works by Magick, i.e., the parapsychological effect of operator intent. Homeopaths have to believe in bogus theories to achieve real effects.


Commentary 8

The erroneous theories of homeopathy arose from the early, purely empirical, practices of immunisation, and an ignorance of Avogadro's number which quantifies the number of molecules in a given sample. An understanding of the mechanics of active and passive acquired immunity, which came much later, would have prevented the development of such theories in the first place.

Homeopathy has let magick back into medicine at the small price of demanding belief in a completely wrong theory by its practitioners.


Iatrogenic homeopathy apparently works well in black magick. The sorcerer antidotes the target with a potentization of itself. Perhaps we should not have mentioned this …

Placebo and Nocebo medicine work quite astonishingly well if you look at the literature in this expanding field.

Physician’s beliefs and intents often seem to cure in the absence of physiologically effective procedures.

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