
Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000


May as well finish on a song: —

’Onward Chaos Soldiers’

Onward, Chaos soldiers, marching off to war,

With the Star Octaris going on before.

We fight for the Aeon, and against its foe;

Forward into battle see our armies go!


Onward, Chaos soldiers, marching off to war,

With the Star Octaris going on before.

From the star Octaris see the Fundoes flee;

On then, Chaos soldiers, on to victory!

Hell’s foundations quiver at our mighty spells;

Wizards lift your voices, loud with rebel yells.


As a mighty army moves the Wizard horde;

Spells and sigils flying, Baphomet adored.

We are sub divided, multiple are we,

One in hope and Catmas, one in clarity.


What the saints established nothing I hold true.

What the saints believèd, don’t believe that too.

Everything permitted, we the faith will hold,

Theories faiths and paradigms, in destruction rolled.


Crowns and thrones may perish, aeons wax and wane,

But the church of Chaos constant will remain.

Tales of hell can never ’gainst this church prevail;

We made our own promise, and that may not fail.


Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,

Blend with ours your voices in triumphant song.

Glory, laughs and honor to the great mythos,

Through the many aeons comes almighty Chaos.


Commentary 61

A little light blasphemy set to a stirring tune to fortify those engaged with Jihad of Chaos in these’ interesting times’.

The Fifth Aeon hangs in the balance, the world situation looks pretty grim, with too many of us with too many antique ideas on a planet creaking under the strain.

Dystopia becons but we could try something else.


The star Octaris = the eight rayed star of Chaos.

Fundoes = Fundamentalists of all pursuasions.

Baphomet ~ here represents the Biosphere.

Catmas = the opposite of Dogmas.