About The Author

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

About The Author

(The Publishers Requested This)

The author values ideas above personality and thus, for example, prefers to read science fiction rather than soap opera.

The author experimented with mediocrity until the age of twenty-five and then decided that excellence offered better opportunities. The author still takes this view at forty-three, despite frequent exhaustion.1

The author chooses to maintain an antique and idiosyncratic code of chivalry, honor, and heroism in an era largely devoid of such things, just for the antinomian fun of it.

The author values uniqueness in an era of mass production and consumption, and values self-made, or at least handmade, artifacts above all others.

The author captained the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros for a decade and derived immense satisfaction from the progress made in the theory and practice of magic(k) during this period, but grew to despise the slavish imitation and treachery with which many mortals seek to advance themselves.

Commentary 59

’Only mediocrities fail to organize their time and material.’

— Wise words vouchsafed to us at age 15 by a Great Sage, but ignored for a decade. He certainly had the measure of us, and provoked us mightily with the assertion/challenge that ’You will never write, Carroll.’

(Our much revered English teacher, Old Bill Lawrence, now almost certainly deceased, thank you Sir.)

Magis Longa, Vita Brevis.


The author does not wish to burden others with the task of emulating the multiple eccentricities of his lifestyle, sexuality, dress, hairstyle, lip topiary, or manicure. We leave that to the Aleister Crowleys of this world. Thus, without photographs or style tips we arrive at


1 Now at 55 we adhere with fresh fury to this resolution.