Hyperwarp 6D VII Against Infinity

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Hyperwarp 6D VII Against Infinity

Whenever a calculation or a line of thought leads to some quantity having an infinite value then a mistake has occurred. Either an assumed infinity has become surreptitiously multiplied in, or an inadvertent division by zero has occurred. We cannot in principle observe any infinite quantity of anything, nor can any infinite quantity of anything actually exist without every quantity of everything having an infinite value, and if infinite quantities of everything exist, then the chances of such infinities canceling to give an even remotely comprehensible universe seem infinitely remote.

We mention this because at the turn of the millennium, conventional scientific thinking seems to have adopted an irrational belief in a number of assumed infinities. When even the infallible intellects of the Vatican declare that the big bang theory broadly accords with their own transcendental theories of Cosmo-genesis and eschatology, then evil sorcerer scientists such as ourselfs instinctively seek alternative luciferic viewpoints.

Hyperwarp 6D conveniently eliminates the infinities associated with big bang and with black holes and suggests instead a universe finite and unbounded in space and time and in thermodynamic behaviour.

Commentary 58

Finite and Unbounded

If time has three dimensions rather than just one as commonly assumed, then the universe can exist as a four dimensional “hyperspherical surface” closed by curvature about the other two dimensions. Such an hyperspherical surface will have no beginning or end in our perceived four dimensional spacetime. Although the surface itself would have only a finite extent in space and time we could never find an edge or boundary to it unless we somehow look “sideways” in time, As with travel round the surface of the earth, we can never encounter the same point in spacetime twice.

If the neutrons which form in superdense cosmic objects under the influence of gravity must eventually annihilate themselves in a titanic burst of energy as H6D predicts, and if this transmutation of matter to energy occurs in reverse in deep space, even at an almost imperceptible rate, then the universe cannot get stuck forever in sterile thermodynamic modes such as black holes or diffuse gases at equilibrium.

These intuitively derived conclusions still generally stand, and we have reinforced them with a mathematical analysis which shows that the hyperspherical universe must also vorticitate.

Vorticitation corresponds to a type of ’rotation’ but in four dimensions rather than three, and at a mere 0.006 arc-seconds per century it generally passes unnoticed whilst gently preventing the universe from imploding.