Hyperwarp 6D VI Heretical Predictions

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Hyperwarp 6D VI Heretical Predictions

Particles carrying C or E spins and charges can only annihilate against appropriate antiparticles. However because of the reversal of S and G spins with reversal of spatial direction, neutral particles can also annihilate against particles as well as against antiparticles.

Example: Neutrino (n), and antineutrino (a). S and G spins with respect to an s1 direction from left to right.

n> (S-1,G+1)

a> (S+1,G+1)<="" p="">

Thus neutrinos will give Z bosons against antineutrinos, but neutrinos against neutrinos (or antineutrinos against antineutrinos) will give photons.

Even more astonishingly neutrons should annihilate against neutrons, so long as the S spins match, and under appropriate conditions we should expect the reverse of this reaction to occur. You may well ask what happens to the colour spins of the quarks within the neutrons, well neutrons have no overall colour charge as they contain the colour charges called red, green, and blue, which collectively add up to zero, rather like + and — canceling.

H6D also suggests that whilst matter and antimatter particles generally have equal energy, nature may favour configurations where S spins configure anti-parallel to G spins, thus favouring left handed fermions, and hence favouring neutrinos over antineutrinos.

Commentary 57

Evidence and Controversy

1. Our star, the sun, does not seem to emit enough neutrinos to match its energy output. Do some neutrinos annihilate others before they get here?

2. Once or twice a day on average, an horrendous burst of high energy photons (gamma rays) hits our world. Fortunately the atmosphere stops nearly all of it. Such gamma bursts seem to come from events of staggering violence from beyond our galaxy. As heavy stars begin to collapse in on themselves towards the end of their lifetimes we know that the matter in them becomes compressed into a solid mass of neutrons. If at this point the neutrons start to annihilate each other then the whole thing would explode in a blizzard of gamma rays, and no black hole.

The reverse of this process could occur in deep space where the photons hurtling around may slowly form new matter particles. Such a recycling of energy to matter would only have to occur at a rate of a single particle per cubic metre of space per several million years. Perhaps we inhabit a steady state universe after all.

3. If a mechanism exists to impede the progress of light across the universe, it will not have the effect of actually slowing light from lightspeed, it will merely remove some of its energy and make the light shift to a lower frequency. Now the observed redshift of light from distant sources constitutes the main evidence that the universe exploded from a big bang. It may have another explanation. The gravity of the universe redshifts the light all on its own.

Neutron-neutron annihilation, perhaps conducted inside a radio frequency linear accelerator, offers the possibility of direct mass to energy conversion!