Hyperwarp 6D V Hyperspin Principle 10

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Hyperwarp 6D V Hyperspin Principle 10

The principle that fundamental particles must have either +3 or —3 or 0 spins with spatial axes allows only certain types of fundamental particle to exist, and these correspond to exactly the ones we can observe, but what physical meaning does it have?

Well in spatial terms no real object can have less than three dimensions and continue to exist spatially. Even an apparently two dimensional sheet of paper must actually have a finite thickness to exist in space at all. Something similar seems to apply to time.

Principle 10 also manifests in two other ways. The colour spins carry much more energy than the electroweak spins and so quarks always configure themselves to achieve an additional +3 or —3 or 0 colour spin state in baryon triplets or meson doublets. A third and somewhat weaker manifestation of the principle occurs in relation to the electroweak spin states in that only configurations with overall +3 or —3 or 0 electroweak spin states such as protons, antiprotons, and neutrons exhibit stability.

Commentary 56

Symmetry and Asymmetry

If time has the same sort of three dimensional symmetry as space, and all spins can have a positive or negative sign then how come the universe does not seem to consist of half matter and half antimatter? Furthermore, how come the universe seems to have undergone such profoundly asymmetric processes as the so called “Big Bang” and does it remain subject to such irreversible and asymmetric activities as Black Hole formation?

Well H6D does exhibit many of the symmetries of conventional theory, but as a consequence of Principle 12 it has a massive inbuilt asymmetry that gets rid of natural antimatter, black holes, and the big bang altogether.

At the time of writing nobody has observed such phenomena, although most physicists assume on purely theoretical grounds that black holes exist and that a big bang did occur.

The following chapter and its commentary contain assertions that conventional physics considers highly heretical, despite that little evidence exists to contradict them, and some data exists to support them.

As potentially testable predictions these assertions constitute possible experimental tests of the hypothesis of three dimensional time.

Consider the gauntlet thrown.