Hyperwarp 6D II Mysterious Fermions

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Hyperwarp 6D II Mysterious Fermions

First generation fermions make up all the stuff you see lying around on the average planet and all the stuff you can see with a telescope. To make the visible universe you only need first generation type 1 (down) quarks, type 2 (up) quarks, electrons, and some neutrinos to balance the books.

High energy cosmic rays produce muons when they hit the earth’s atmosphere, but otherwise we only observe second and third generation fermions when we start smashing particles together in the extremely violent conditions inside particle accelerators. Under such conditions we also observe antifermions, which imply the possible existence of antimatter, but astronomers conclude with good reason that the universe does not contain any significant amount of antimatter; it seems very unlikely that anti-stars, anti-planets, or anti-aliens exist.

So why does reality have these apparently superfluous and unused behaviour patterns?

Commentary 53


We assert that even first generation fermion particles cannot work in less than 3 dimensional time. Higher generation fermions have to manifest as a consequence of 3 dimensional time, but they only manifest at high energies, which we do not normally observe. Magic also has to exist as a consequence of 3 dimensional time.

Following a brief digression to bring boson (force carrying) particles within the scope of this argument, we shall proceed to demonstrate the explanatory power of three dimensional time.

Many questioned the sanity of our quest to find evidence of three dimensional time in the physical universe. However we assert that only a universe based on 3D time will exhibit the behavior of ordinary matter that we observe.

Furthermore we assert that the peculiar bits of material reality we can observe like top quarks, tau-electrons, and Z-bosons, exist for precisely the same reason that the peculiar phenomena of magic occasionally appear.

And even furthermore we assert that magic forms a natural part of material reality. We inhabit a single awesomely complex reality which includes magical phenomena. Magical phenomena do not arise from some bizarre separate ’spiritual’ reality, whatever that might mean.