Hyperwarp 6D I Prologue

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Hyperwarp 6D I Prologue

In which we assert that particle physics has considerable relevance to magic.

As the 21st century begins, humanity finds itself in possession of a mass of confusing and seemingly arbitrary data about particle physics. What began as a quest to discover simplicity in the structure of reality has led to an embarrassing surfeit of subatomic bits and pieces, which exist for no obvious reason. As one physicist put it when finding yet another particle, “Who ordered that!?” The familiar proton, neutron, and electron of high school physics seemed to account for most things including chemistry, but in recent decades things became a whole lot weirder, so much so that the “standard theory” circum change of millennium can only manage a phenomenological approach which simply catalogues what happens without saying much about how or why.

Hyperwarp 6D asserts that spacetime singularities spinning in 6 dimensions (the familiar 3 of space and 3, rather than just 1, of time) can give a complete account of the existence and behaviour of all fundamental particles.

We advance this hypothesis in support of our contention that three dimensional time provides a better description of reality as a whole, and allows a more coherent model for explaining and advancing magic. We shall attempt to demonstrate this in the following 6 chapters.

Commentary 52


Reality seems to work through two fundamentally different types of basic particle behaviour. Fermion (matter) particles with identical characteristics cannot occupy the same space, thus we cannot easily walk through brick walls. However any number of boson (force carrying) particles can pass through each other or occupy the same space, thus any number of people can see the same brick wall simultaneously from any number of angles. We shall address this profound mystery later on. Reality also exhibits a number of “fields” such as the electrostatic and gravitational, but in the H6D model these do not consist of particles. Firstly a consideration of fermions. Fermions come in just four basic varieties. Type 1 quarks have a unit of nuclear charge, (called the colour force) and a unit of electromagnetic (electroweak) charge. Type 2 quarks have a unit of nuclear charge and two of electromagnetic charge. Clusters of 3 quarks make up the familiar proton and neutron. Electrons have 3 units of electromagnetic charge, Neutrinos have no nuclear or electromagnetic charges, and we may, for the moment, regard them merely as bits of spin left over in nuclear reactions. So far so good, except that the proton and neutron do not seem as fundamental as we first thought. The weirdness really kicked in with the discovery that these four types of fermion all occur in three generations. Two much heavier versions of the electron called the muon and the tauon exist, and each type of quark has two much heavier relatives making three of each. Similarly three neutrinos exist, Each type of quark also has what we call one of three colours of nuclear charge. As all fermions have both particle and antiparticle manifestations, that all adds up to a rather large number. So has nature opted for a perversely baroque set of building bricks just for fun, or does some deeper principle explain her profligacy?