Practicks III The Jihad of Chaos

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Practicks III The Jihad of Chaos

Purpose: To increase vitality and martial fervour and to attack offending forces.

Daily Observances

The Lesser Observances

1) A proclamation of Chaos Warriorhood, worded to taste.

2) Carry the magical dagger at all times.

3) Half an hour of hard physical exercise.

4) Half an hour’s practice with martial arts and/or weapons.

5) Chaobolt one enemy target.

The Greater Observances

1) All of the Lesser Observances.

2) One half hour vigil with dagger and martial meditation before dawn.

3) Chaobolt a second enemy target.

The Extreme Observances

1) All of the Greater Observances.

2) A full red magick war ritual. (This may include one or both chaoboltings.)

Commentary 50

The magickian should, if possible, prepare the magical dagger by hand. Most conveniently, take the blade of a metal file and heat it glowing on a bed of charcoal whilst fanning the embers furiously, then allow slow cooling. Grind down to the shape of a blade with a second file. Reheat to cherry red and then quench to re-temper. Fashion and fit a guard and handle. Pass the used second file to a worthy colleague.

To chaobolt a suitable anti-chaotic institution or group, prepare a suitable sigil, visualize it astrally onto the dagger, and astrally hurl the resulting missile at the target. Alternatively, hurl the dagger physically at a symbolic image of the target, with full gnosis.