Magick II Magickal Attack

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Magick II Magickal Attack

Attack by Enchantment

Defend by Evocation


Commentary 5

Remember (and use) the fact that imagined magickal attack creates far more casualties than actual magickal attack. However, do not risk trying to divine the nature of a real magickal attack, for this will increase your vulnerability to it.

For defence evoke or create a general purpose servitor/cybermorph/eidolon. Forget about such naïve procedures as erecting astral mirrors or shields: these have little other than psychological value. Attack or counterattack vigorously with properly ensigilized enchantments tailored to create highly specific effects. The bullet rather than the grenade.

Do unto others as they would do unto you, but do it first.

Such secrets we can reveal, having retired from active service after many campaigns

— Field Magus Stokastikos

Actually we seem to have taken up the baton several times since. The universe seems to fill up with fresh entropy malice and stupidity the minute you turn your back on it.

Humans fight mainly to change the behaviour of their rivals and adversaries. The best magical attack accomplishes this behaviour change directly and bypasses the intervening carnage entirely.