Practicks II The Chaos Cyberzoo

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Practicks II The Chaos Cyberzoo

Purpose: To evoke and use magickal servitors.

Daily Observances

The Lesser Observances

1) A proclamation of intent suitably worded.

2) Carry the pentacle at all times.

3) Visualisatory evocation of servitor’s image(s) onto the pentacle, and despatch of servitors to some work of divination or enchantment twice in each twenty-four hour period.

The Greater Observances

1) All of the Lesser Observances.

2) Two further evocations, spaced equally around a twenty-four hour period.

The Extreme Observances

1) All of the Greater Observances.

2) The replacement of one of the visualisatory evocations with a full ritual evocation of the magickian’s devising, to include a spoken address to the servitor etc. etc.

Commentary 49

The magickal operation of the Pentacle or disk (as with all the other instruments) should take place over a prearranged number of continuous days, after which the magickian may inscribe the instrument with a number marking the length and intensity of the work. Thus 213 represents thirteen days of Greater Observance, 33 shows three days Extreme, and so on.

The magickian may either evoke up to a maximum of four servitors which may have only astral shapes, or commit the entire operation to the creation and use of a multipurpose Eidolon having a previously prepared material basis.