Anontology III Antispell 1

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Anontology III Antispell 1

Antispell One

The Ritual:—

To attack the spell of ’being’ requires cunning. Use stealth and deviousness and paper, to assault the enemy’s vulnerable extremities.



Are, am, is, was, be: out demons out!

Verily, we have a terrible capacity to believe what we do rather than to do what we believe.

Hence ritual serves to change belief much more effectively than argument.

Forced conversion has proved surprisingly effective during the history of religious strife. Make people go through the motions and soon enough they adopt the corresponding beliefs to rationalize their behavior.

Of course exactly the same thing happens to a lot of people during their upbringing.

Real religious freedom also means freedom from religion; a secular society should prohibit the indoctrination of minors.

Commentary 46

The word virus of ’being’ does not submit easily to defeat. Yet on paper, after some struggle, one may start to roll back the enemy. As it retreats you notice the enormity of the territory it once occupied. Vast areas of assumption dissolve into fresh and fluid thought. Every careless use of the words ’am’, ’are’, ’is’, ’was’, and ’be’ reveals, upon correction, a wealth of ingrained assumptions and lost information content.

The archetypal mythological gods of magick usually took credit for inventing words and writing. Language structures perception, thought and belief. Language thus creates our reality, but language can suffer from viral attack and initiate disease in our thoughts. Beware of the enormous sorcery contained in these seemingly innocuous antispells: they can render you binocular in the land of the blind.

Try also reading out all the assertions of ’being’ in anything you read. On encountering each example of ’am’ or ’is’ or ’was’, try and see what shortcuts and assertions or questionable assumptions and equivalencies the writer has made.

Most religious mystical or philosophical writings dissolve into complete idiocy or mere matters of opinion upon such an analysis, and so do most political tracts.

Quantum physics makes no sense whatever in the language of ’being’. It makes no sense to say that a quantum ’is’ a particle or ’is’ a wave.