Heresy XIV Filthy Fun

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Heresy XIV Filthy Fun

Oral sex stands as an enduring monument to human ingenuity, but the given proximity of the organs of generation and excretion explains much of human psychology and philosophy.


Commentary 33

1→Hygiene Neurosis

2→Dietary Neurosis, Vegetarianism, Anorexia etc.

3→Overeating makes as poor a substitute for oral sex as smoking does for breast-feeding.

4→Who has the most fun?

a. Those who demonize sex as unpleasantly dirty.

b. Those who demonize sex as pleasantly dirty.

c. Those who go the whole pig and reintegrate excretion into their sexual pleasures.

1. Hygiene neurosis frequently leads to auto-immune diseases, don’t forget Hormesis, we need a certain amount of dirt to keep our immune guards occupied, otherwise they may stage a palace revolt.

2. A significant proportion of people in rich countries now live in neurotic fear of their own diets and all the poisons they might contain. Haven’t they got anything more important to concern themselves with?

3. Despite the hypersexualised popular culture we now ’enjoy’ people today have less actual sex than they did a generation or so ago. (Overwork and stress apparently).

4. 4b will do nicely thanks. Please don’t bathe too frequently; it removes a lot of the sensuous enjoyment.