Heresy XII The Antichrist

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Heresy XII The Antichrist

A vile abomination lurks in obscene luxury at Rome. Heir to an empire built on industrialized slaughter and bureaucracy without culture. Self-preservation at any price. The empire created a faith when its war machine failed, then hitched itself to any bloody imperialism to extend its power.

The Lords of Albion fought it for three centuries, and weakened but did not break it. Now, in desperation, it sends out its celibate minions to make the masses breed a Pyrrhic victory by sheer numbers. Self-preservation at any price.


Commentary 31

The Pauline Church originated from the publicity work of a grotesque misogynist fanatic who never met the obscure Jewish religious figure upon whose myth he founded a cult. At the Council of Nicaea, some centuries later, a desperate Roman emperor had the doctrines of the now diverse cults completely rewritten, redesigned and institutionalized, as an instrument of the state. After the collapse of the military and political wings of the empire, the religious arm began work on an empire of faith and fear.

The papacy has never hesitated to compromise its principles, or to burn and torture its opponents, or to ally itself with any bloody military adventure, recently including fascism, if it thought it could profit thereby. Its vast network of confessor-inquisitor-informers allowed it to survive as history’s most grim and enduring conspiracy.

Like any organism that has successfully degenerated into a parasite, it now exists only to perpetuate itself at its host’s expense. The cost so far? A hundred million killed, and history two centuries behind where it might have advanced to.

Since we wrote the above, a worldwide pedophilia scandal has engulfed the Catholic Church. Fear has probably kept the lid on this ghastly secret for centuries.

The Vatican continues to oppose humane measures to arrest the spread of HIV and excessive population growth.

Well why should they, it provides a good living for wicked old men, as with most religions.