Heresy VII Off-White Magick

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Heresy VII Off-White Magick

The phrase Black Magician unfairly applies to anyone who has taken your lover or money by occult means. However, Self-Professed Black Magicians seem universally unable to fight, fuck, or even buy their way out of wet paper bags, despite fantasizing constantly about becoming powerful psychopaths. The high point in a career of ultimate evil — getting badly scratched whilst failing to strangle a cat, ha! ha! ha!

Those sanctimonious transcendentalists who profess themselves White Magicians never do anything unpleasant without the very best of spiritual reasons, but spend most of their careers casting ineffectual spells at imaginary evils to no effect. An averse pentagram scrawled on their doorsteps as a joke can keep one busy for several years.

Off-White magickians require no spiritual or demonic justification for their acts, and can take your lover or money without leaving you feeling bad about it.

Commentary 26

Such flippancy ill becomes Frater Stokastikos, who allied himselfs with the off-white tradition on account of its superior sense of humour.
