Heresy I Spirituality

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Heresy I Spirituality

Magick will not free itself from occultism until we have strangled the last astrologer with the guts of the last spiritual master.

After decades of mounting anger at prevailing fashions in stupidity we present something to offend everyone in the following heresy chapters.

Never discard the negative roots of any equation; always look at the dark side of any enlightenment.


Commentary 20

Only contra-initiative absurdity commands belief. Never try to design a spirituality based on credible ideas. Start with something really idiotic. Denials of death and sex or magick often prove useful, for example. You can make yourself into a spiritual master very easily using the Goebbels’1 technique. Find a handy lie and just keep repeating it loud and long enough until people believe you.

Language alone makes religion possible. The nonsense equation 2 + 2 = 5 has the effect of a virus which will undo the entire edifice of mathematics if left uncorrected. The false linguistic equations underlying paradigms of spirituality have a similar effect on thought.

Exercise: Identify the erroneous linguistic equations which create the following ideas:—

The Supreme Being,

Higher Things,

Spiritual Values.

All plans for utopia lead straight to hell.

Rather we should plan for agreeable ongoing processes.

1 Third Reich Minister of Propaganda.