Politics VI The Illuminati

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Politics VI The Illuminati

In view of the foregoing theoretical considerations, the Illuminati changed their tactics sometime in the twentieth century, preferring to conspire against the stasis quo at all fractal levels simultaneously and to hide and generate the resources, information and occult technology used for this by dispersing it amongst many seemingly innocuous enterprises and even into enemy camps. Leaking conspiracies provide the best possible vehicles for disseminating both information and disinformation. The enhancement of the fuckup factor in any enemy conspiracy subverts it far more effectively than direct assault.

The Illuminati now structures itself amorphously, and does not react to attack, which would allow the enemy to structure the conflict. Rather it attacks in directions chosen at random and then runs away to fight another day. Many members of the Illuminati remain unknown to each other or unaware of their own membership.

Do you believe any of this?

Do you want to make it happen?

Well we live in hope. We win some and we lose some.

The evil Illuminati seem rather active in the field of religious fundamentalism at the time of writing, and democracy retreats in many areas.

Commentary 19

We Can Only Escape The Bloody And Ignorant Nightmare Of History By Exploring Alternatives Which Today Look Frighteningly Weird.

Immanentize The Eschaton

any which way you can

shun entropy

but exploit chaos to the full

We have much to do if we want a chaoist eschaton rather than an entropic one, a dreamtime fifth aeon rather than a nightmare one.

15 years on and things still look a bit grim. Religion has become more rabid; consumerism runs wild and fails to satisfy. Global ecological catastrophe threatens.

In many areas we seem to have got stuck in a mindset of ’Quantity over Quality.’ The very failure of religion and consumerism often leads to the absurdist position of ’well we obviously need MORE of it then!’ Many have become like miserable obesity cases trying to cheer themselves up with more food.

Junk food, junk religion, and junk products just leads to excessive numbers of junk people living junk lifestyles.

Science guided by the light of a Magical Panpsychic Neo-Pantheist philosophy seems like a better idea.1

1 See The Apophenion.