Psybermagick Introduction

Psybermagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magic - Peter J. Carroll 2000

Psybermagick Introduction

An introduction to the Ipsissimus Thesis of Frater Stokastikos Image by ourselfs.

Abandoning conventional literary format, we present a terse and abrupt catalogue of notes, observations, provocations, spells and rituals, to challenge any aspiring magus with the wit and daring to play with them.

In celebration of our discovery of six dimensions, and out of respect for St. Aleister Crowley who pioneered the format we use here, we now adopt the conceit of spelling the art and science of the magus as MAGICK

Upgrades for this third edition of Psybermagick written during Autumn 2008, appear intermittently within the text in italicized form.

A decade of further researches has convinced us of the necessity of including the fourth (curvature) dimensions of space and time in the Hyperwarp model to resume gravity into a description of quantum-magical reality.

Plus the hyperspheres which constitute this universe and all the particles in it must vorticitate, but more of that anon…………

Commentary 1

We celebrate the beginning of a period of silence and our retirement from the roles of Magus and Pontiff of Chaos with the release of this volume.

We wandered the world for a decade and more as an ’I’ seeking the secret magick of ’being’. Then, upon the realization of the Legion of our Doing, clarity dawned. Mastery of the Temple, Wealth, Honours and Power then followed more or less effortlessly.

You do not have to sell your soul to succeed with off-white magick. You merely have to recognize the existence of your other seven.

Well, the period of silence seems to have come to an end after scarcely a decade and a half. Time enough to make and launch a second child, to get the business empire running more or less on autopilot, and to crack a few esoteric problems that had bothered us for half a lifetime.

We wrote this book as a sort of ’bye for now’; outlining the sort of research we intended to pursue in the interregnum, hence the spaces which now come in handy.

The Maybelogic Academy tempted us back into the public fray and led us to found Arcanorium College where some of the worlds finest wizards and apprentices meet to conspire against consensus reality.